11 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

With so many people still cancelled for their correct instincts and knowledge of COVID and treatments, our relationship with government and healthcare is permanently changed.

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Well said.

And the significance of this can't be overstated; there is no "unseeing" this.

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I love this and his voice as he recites this is mesmerizing. I admire him as he joined you and the other dissenting voices to fight against this travesty against all humans.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you to and Dr Jill and people like John Bowe who stand up for truth. Sending you love and prayer and strength to carry on.

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John Bowe speaks the truth and has been marginalized. I cry for him. I cry for all who still believe that the CDC is working on behalf of American citizens for their health benefit. Until they put a health initiative out on how to maintain a strong immune system as the number one defense, they support the dysfunctional "vaccine" industry. Go here to read their current recommendations, in spite of the publishing of the "The Pfizer Papers"! The great harm bestowed on millions of those injected with RNA can no longer be ignored.

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Saw an Attkisson report about the various jab formulations having 55 unlisted components including 11 heavy metals among them being arsenic and cadmium. Not so good for human consumption you think?

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11 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bless John Bowe. That said, our plandemic experience has caused me donation and subscription fatigue. So many brave, well intended and worthy souls have surfaced apart from our whoring mass media and the current hydra we call Government. I do what I can when I can for all of you.

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That degree of donation & subscription fatigue may well have been part of the plan. It must have been known, or at least anticipated, that there would be many truth-tellers & whistleblowers after such an assault on humanity, that would need our emotional, mental, physical, & financial support. My guess is that those who planned & carried out this travesty, were hoping to drain as many as possible of these resources.

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Possibly. It is ever so frustrating to not be able to blindly trust what I read and hear, but I prefer that skepticism to naivety.

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Well said.

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LUKE 12:2-3

“NOTHING is covered up that will not be REVEALED or HIDDEN that WILL not be KNOWN.

THEREFORE, whatever you have said in the DARK shall be heard in the LIGHT, and what you have whispered in PRIVATE rooms shall be PROCLAIMED on the HOUSE TOPS.”

The truth 🙌 will WIN 🏆!


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As I read your reply Ana, I still stumble on the word "fight". In hospice training we were cautioned about "fighting" cancer. That doesn't imply passiveness, just a different vibration than fighting. I have often heard that what you resist, persists. Perhaps there is another word for your enthusiasm?

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D D, I can understand and appreciate that you're coming from a specific training that you received.

I hope that you can also appreciate the training that I have received. Part of the many training classes that I've received have been in the studies of languages.

The word FIGHT can be used as a NOUN, a TRANSITIVE VERB, and an INTRANSITIVE VERB.

Your reference is assuming that I'm using the word as a TRANSITIVE VERB and I used it as an INTRANSITIVE VERB.

A TRANSITIVE VERB transfers its action to an object.


It stands alone!

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

John may have sacrificed more than most, but his contributions equal that and more. If he hadn't spoken out on all that he has, and his career carried on it's normal trajectory, he may not have been so inspired to accomplish all that he has! This is true for many who find themselves on a path that they never would have imagined. This is the way of 'the road less traveled".

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At the heart a spiritual deception,,,,,,“And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

‭‭II Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭

Need serious National Repentance or God will use a bigger 2X4 that will REALLY hurt

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Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem by John Bowe. I am to this day mystified since I am surrounded by many who accept what they are told by mainstream and do not question anything. I consider myself blessed as there was a divine intervention for me personally that led me to you and others.....no accidents or coincidences. The only conclusion I can come to, is that there is also an ingredient in the shot that hinders an area of the brain that makes them compliant and adverse to believe anything they are told by authority even when it doesn't make sense. Also, discovering the truth, especially for those personally injured or losing loved ones, will face a betrayal that they may NEVER come back from. It's surreal on all levels and I can't believe it's still going on. PRAYERS! God always wins and Truth prevails. Let's hope that someday there will be accountability to all those evil and that we will celebrate a world we could only imagine that is benevolent and free.

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So grateful for all who fight the fight no matter the cost. I wish each and every one of you truly understood just how grateful we are. Prayers for all continue, God bless you all. 🙏🏼

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Thank you for making me aware of this hero! I can't help but contrast him with my pastor, who yesterday vaguely mentioned the celebration of sin in our culture and mentioned the election, but could not bring himself to give any advice on voting. I'm not saying he should mention candidates, but he could point out policies which are so clearly against biblical values. Meanwhile, we have members who signed a covenant not to support abortion, but vote for abortion up to birth, mutilation of children, and trafficking of children at the Southern border. As he danced around the issues, I wrote on my sermon outline: He just couldn't do it. 😥

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There is an Episcopal Church not too far from me that has very good music and a few weeks ago I thought maybe I'd go and attend a service for the music. I looked on their website and they still post that people were expected to be vaccinated unless they could not be vaccinated. My email correspondence with the head pastor did not lead to any changes, so needless to say I did not go!

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I should have contrasted this experience with one of a church just north of Los Angeles in Ventura County where the pastor refused to close down and I believe he was actually jailed for some time. That church hosted Dr Peter Mccullough, John Leake, Dr Joe Ladapo now the Surgeon General of Florida and others, all whom I heard in person! Ventura finally removed all charges against him and his church has grown by many many hundreds!

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It is so sad! Our pastor is a faithful expositor of the Bible and I know without a doubt that God brought him to this church. My husband and I helped start this church 34 years ago, with a different pastor at that time. God has blessed. My husband doesn't agree with my assessment of the lack of teaching on political issues or the vaccination issue. As of this weekend, two of our pastors have been so severely vaccine injured that one resigned yesterday and the other works part-time now. I would have loved for our church to screen Eric Metaxas' Letter to the American Church, but I knew leadership would not agree, so I never mentioned it.

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That is so sad.

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9 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

You have a good teaching pastor.

In our new city, the culture is overlooked. Megan Basham’s book

“Shepard’s for Sale” is an excellent journalistically written book.

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Yes, and many of the pastors she mentions are in my area: J.D. Greear, Danny Akin, etc. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, also mentioned, is mere miles from my home and our pastor teaches there part-time.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Stunning poetry and recitation! It speaks so much truth.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You stinker, you didn't tell us it was your birthday! Happy Birthday anyhow.

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Thank you-

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I cracked up when I read your response, so much unspoken energy. I get it.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone… THiS Poem was so emotional.

It felt like an introduction to horror show. Then, it occurred to me that we, our world went through this nightmare.

I will save this well documented stack. Thank you. May our nation be in for far better leadership.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In the middle of packing and moving house (again), I just had to pause and listen to this. Stunning. The words are still rebounding in my brain as I relive the sudden dystopian reality we found ourselves in that turned too many people into Covidian cult members who lost the ability to think for themselves. 'The Fog' sums up perfectly this very frightening turn of events where millions upon millions of people are largely unaware they are lost in an impenetrable fog unlikely to lift anytime soon.

Thank you so much, Robert Malone, for being an intelligent voice of reason and good old common sense to help steer those, who might otherwise have wandered into this 'fog', into the light of awareness.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A brave man who should be supported. Heartfelt thanks for his work, insightful poem with great video by Jill.

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The degree of cancelling MUSt be exposed!!…there has been so much prior organizing of this malicious and despicable process of destroying anyone who is both unvac’d and an out spoken person for liberty and freedom of speech. This entire scam-demic was well greased to suppress and oppress…even to silence the medical folks who saw the benefit of HCQ and ivermectin on their patients…they were forced into suppression by hospital and the Medical Boards . I could not imagine such destruction of freedom of speech by the Medical Boards which continue to this date….they still have not apologized or changed their behavior…such behavior requires purging.

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