Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If "Stacey Abrams" wins country wide, uh by vote counters not votes, I am shutting down my business and do my best to live offgrid, a process not event, reason is I cant morally feed this beast. Hope millions join me.

Shut it down is our choice, not theirs. The Elitist Psychopaths have no skills and 100 percent rely on us. We must not feed them.

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Stacey Abrams - like Joe Biden, Susan Rice, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Anthony Blinken, Jerome Powell, Janet Yellen, George Soros, Amy Klobuchar, Hillary Clinton, Susan Collins,Jack Reed, Diane Feinstein, Mark R. Warner, Sheldon Whitehouse, Dan Sullivan, Lamar Alexander, Bill Clinton, Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper, Brian Williams, Fareed Zakaria, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Brokaw, Andrea Mitchell, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopolis, Judy Woodruff

are all members of the insidious "Council on Foreign Relations".

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You forgot to include Barack Hussein Obama. Do you want to amend your list?

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Oh, he was the illegal they let stay in Martha Vineyard because he had that fake birth certificate, right?

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Absolutely, correct.

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Obama is not listed - though that doesn't mean he is not a card carrying CFR member. He sez he is a "citizen of the world" - and THAT is the basic MO of the CFR.

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The Council Of Foreign Relations has gained a virtual lock-hold on the U.S. government, regardless of which party is in office. No other organization comes close to boasting the kind of clout that the CFR members have held: eight presidents of the U.S.; seven vice presidents; 17 secretaries of state; 20 secretaries of war/defense; 18 secretaries of the Treasury; 15 directors of the CIA. And it has gone throughout the Cabinets, in seriatim — through Democrat and Republican administrations — with hundreds of deputy secretaries, assistant secretaries, etc.



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The CFR Group on the Biden Team

Kamala Harris, Vice President (CFR through family; Harvard; DLA Piper; Uber through family)

Antony Blinken, Secretary of State (CFR member; Harvard and Columbia; WestExec)

Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury (CFR member; Yale and Harvard; Brookings)

Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense (CFR member; WestExec; Raytheon)

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, UN Ambassador (CFR member; Albright Stonebridge)

Cecilia Rouse, Council of Economic Advisors (CFR director; Princeton; Rowe Price)

Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security (CFR member; Wilmer Hale)

Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor (CFR author; Yale and ORon Klain, Chief of Staff (CFR through family; Harvard; O’Melvxford; Carnegie)eny and Meyers)

John Kerry, Special Envoy for Climate (CFR member; Yale)

Susan Rice, Chief of Domestic Council (CFR member; Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford)

William J. Burns, Director of Central Intelligence (CFR member; Oxford; Carnegie)

Kurt M. Campbell, Indo-Pacific Tsar (CFR member; Harvard and Oxford; Asia Group)

Thomas Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture (CFR member; Dairy Export Council)

Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce (CFR member; Oxford; Point Judith Capital)

Eric S. Lander, Director of Office of Science and Technology (CFR member; Harvard)

Jeffery Zients, Counselor to the President (CFR member; Cranemere)

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Way to go, John! (twice!) ALL the members of this so-called "Non-Governmental Organization" - the "Council on Foreign Relations" MUST be completely EXPOSED and REMOVED from ANY US federal government employment in ALL agencies, bureau's and departments - INCLUDING the Legislative, Executive (and) Judicial branches; further, if ever a miracle happens and fresh, patriotic Americans control the House, Senate and the Executive, an iron-clad Amendment to the Constitution that OUTLAWS ANY member of ANY so-called "NGO" ( ESPECIALLY the CFR ) to EVER hold public office of ANY kind in the federal government MUST become the law of the land (IF) We the people are EVER to become sovereign once again as our Founders provided for "FREE" American citizens. SCREW becoming a "citizen of the world' - Another Leftist LIE, because IF the international Left DOES kill the American dream, "we" will all be SUBJECTS once again.

The CFR members 1st and foremost are One-World-Order zealots (that) totally IGNORE the oaths they all SWEAR - to UPHOLD the US Constitution "From Enemies From WITHIN and Without"; and blithely continue on with their subversion of our NATIONAL and INDIVIDUAL sovereignty - in the name of absolute egalitarianism;"social-justice"; equity; inclusion; diversity and (unbelievably) "environmental-justice". And make NO mistake, the CFR is behind the scenes

the entity doing its damdest to see that America will NEVER BE GREAT AGAIN, but rather 'leveled down' to be NO better than ANY other nation subsumed into TRANSNATIONAL 'government'.

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Add these sites to your files: If you try to goggle "bibliotecapleyades.net" you may be given a goose chase.

British-based secret society called The Round Table.

These include the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Club of Rome.

See illustration:



The "Black Nobility" are/were the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, Italy, who in the 12th century held the privileged trading rights (monopolies).

The first of three crusades, from 1063 to 1123, established the power of the Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class.



The British-based secret society


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Nice list! Was that by memory?

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No - straight from the CFR members roster.

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Jeesus looks like a list of who we wish was not born

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Seems to me that some on that list are NOT deep-thinkers; YET, it is even more difficult to think of Stacey Abrams as a member.

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022

Stacey Y. Abrams, She is on the list.....A member of the CFR...she is only require to follow her matching orders and do what she is told....


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I don't doubt her participation. I doubted her intelectual capability based on nothing but her public interactions. .. and perhaps my profound dislike for her and all she stands for.

Thank you.

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If the intent is to literally destroy the nation, is it not better to place people lacking capability in positions of great importance?

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i've been on my way there for over 20 years, on my final stages of off grid now.

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They will not allow it, as long as they have law enforcement and infiltrators. Ruby Ridge/ Waco, two glaring examples.

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“I can’t morally feed this beast.” A realization we all must come to. To continue as a cog in this machine is to be complicit in what it is doing.

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Re: feed the beast. Use only cash, checks, or money orders. As we are a debt driven society, absence of fees and usury will starve the beast.

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I love your second paragraph. So true.

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deletedSep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022
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Thank you, Deb... even after triple re reads, typo's happen.

Nevertheless, "Stacey" is one of "them".

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Stacey is a professional Marxist, cant remember the name of the group, but she is pure evil.

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes I have seen this movie before. From the referral source on the Mike Wallace interview I learned that Brave New World is better than 1984. In any event I agree with another post/response to Dr. Malone's feed today that Dr. Malone is a very good teacher. I have taught at the undergraduate and post graduate level and I am intense about learning more as I go on in life. I believe that Dr. Malone is a believer in this life philosophy too. Just think we have daily access to him through this medium. What a joy!

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Read his Brave New World Revisited, for his own book on the science on which he based Brave New World. Absolutely eerie to read in these times; far too familiar. The chapter on Brainwashing is not to be missed. Both books can be read here for free:


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Thank you for the information.

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Thank you for the suggestion! I never read "Revisited", and will buy it and do so soon.

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


The question of the hour is “HOW?” can we stop this train wreck and preserve our humanity?

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Read this:


Would you support a ban on the genetic modification of humans?

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Yes. But like “gain of function” these bastards don’t obey the laws or follow the rules AND they control and own too much of the infrastructure of modern society. They can put the screws to us (as they have been doing for the past 3 years….and will continue) and force many to comply or starve.

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Cloning was banned and has been removed from the discourse, even if it continues in black ops. Imagine a global poll with a billion people answering and saying no to genetic modification of humans. It is not an issue that can be censored or cancelled.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Yes, but is it too late? Wired had an article on "Covid virgins" and how difficult it is to find truly uninfected and unjabbed. So much Rx today is from CRISPR, monoclonal, biologics, etc that edit genes combined with mRNA jabs that are showing gene transference to next generation, so tragic 😥

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That's all water under the bridge. After the covid op, there is no doubt that these technologies have been and will be used for malicious purposes. Saying no to genetic modification, even at this late stage, will stop the agenda in its tracks and give humanity breathing room to assess what to do.

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I want to ban the genetic modification of human, animal and vegetable life. Return to permaculture farming and local distribution on closed barter/distributed ledger trade. Sound money and sound food .

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“62,400 repetitions make one truth.” A few months ago I was rummaging through a box of old books and Brave New World just so happened to be sitting on top. It’s been decades since I read it so I decided to give it a go. I could not put the book down until I was done - I was utterly captivated by the eerie foreshadowing of so many things we are seeing and experiencing now. Looking forward to watching this interview.

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Not surprising. These English elites were die-hard socialists. Huxley wrote about what he hoped the socialist new world holds for us whereas Orwell wrote a broken-hearted screed about what the nasty Russians did to his precious dream of communism, the ultimate end-point for socialism

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The interview is fabulous, and we are now beyond even what Huxley imagined for us. His predictions for how centralized powers would use technology to control us has been far surpassed.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very interesting...

PROPHESY? “One day, democrats will restrict your freedoms, restrict your history, and restrict your safety. All in the name of professional victims that don’t understand the consequences of their ignorance. Ronald Reagan, 1987.

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That is great -

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George Orwell's (real) name is Eric Arthur Blair... and he WAS a Communist - and as such knew 'liquidation' would be his fate unless he wrote under an assumed name - to expose the truth of the absolute tyranny and horror of everyday 'living' for the proletariat in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (writing the 3 volumes of his 6 years in the "GULAG ARCHIPELAGO" managed by sheer strength of his character to outlive what was certain death via slave labor to also expose the absolute depravity of Socialism and Communism. Solzhenitsyn by the way, was a product of V.I.Lenin's

dictum: "Give Me Four Years to Teach the Children and the Seed I Have Planted Will Never Be Rooted Out". Solzhenitsyn was a Russian Artillery Officer at the front lines fighting the National Socialists aka the Nazi's - when he was arrested and put in prison for writing a letter to a friend criticizing Stalin's handling of the war effort.

And what Huxley pointed out during the Wallace interview regarding the night and day difference between the life of luxury of Communist "party members" and the peons (proletariat) the 'workers' is still evident in totalitarian regimes today, in which a MINORITY oppress the MAJORITY via out and out terror. Exactly as V.I. Lenin stated was the modus operandi of the Russian Communists to control the Russian people. Anyone who has read Karl Marx & Frederich Engels Communist Manifesto knows of Marx outright HATRED of what he called the "bourgeois " - the MIDDLE CLASS - and called for its permanent destruction with his utopian wet-dream consisting of the (few) RULERS and the multitude of the RULED which he called the proletariat.

Anyone notice that during the "mostly peaceful" protests not long ago that while NO big box business were harmed, it was the Mom & Pop middle class businesses' - including those owned by black and other minorities were looted, torched and destroyed and murders committed by the BLM and ANTIFA street thugs - with NO action WHATSOEVER by the so-called "Justice" department! Just coincidence of course,

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022

Also noticed during the interview, Mike Wallace, ever the propogandist, advocating for Soviet-style dictatorship. In the last 3-4 minutes, talking about how economically powerful and advanced the Soviet Union was. We now know, that wasn't true at all. Us not knowing then is why the collapse of the Soviet Union was such a surprise to the geniuses in our intelligence organizations.

My own add to the discussion is, Wallace tried to make a distinction between the right kind of people holding the power provided by technological advances, versus the wrong kind of people. There are no right and wrong kind of people. There are only people with unchecked power and those whose power is limited. Be assured, those trying to assume total control over our lives fool themselves into truly believing they are doing it for the greater good. And the most freedom-loving politician out there would quickly become just like 'em if given unchecked power.

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"Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." -- C.S. Lewis

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RIGHT you are! Mike Wallace was a mealy mounthed rat as IS his son Chris!

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Very nice summary. Cheers.

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Incredible information Dr.M. I just re-read 1984 and this interview is quite on point. You keep us so informed and for that I Thank you.


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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes - Huxley’s “warning” was a playbook. An elite for the elite. He wasn’t warning. He was cheerleading.


He also spread LSD around.

Check the 1931 novel St Peter’s Snow for the real deal about LSD


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LSD wasn’t synthesized until 1938. It’s psychedelic properties weren’t discovered until several years later.

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check the link. fascinating story. The Albert Hoffman tale needs an addendum.

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Well, the abstract does seem interesting but it's behind a $47 paywall.

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022

You might be interested in "The Immortality Key". I had heard Jordan Peterson interview the author, Brian Muraresku. I will finish it (audio book) on my drive back to soCal from Sedona. Very interesting and seemingly well researched. Also awfully long!

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thank you!

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it's a good novel. I got it from the library. LSD. Curiouser and curiouser. It has definite links to the ancient mystery cults...but something has changed, besides the chemistry.

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I’ll find a better link

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

WALLACE: Why? Is it necessary for a productive society?

HUXLEY: Yes, I should say it is. I mean, a genuinely productive society. I mean you could produce plenty of goods without much freedom, but I think the whole sort of creative life of man is ultimately impossible without a considerable measure of individual freedom, of initiative, creation, all these things which we value, and I think value properly, are impossible without a large measure of freedom.

Freedom. That’s the hill I’m willing to die on. God give me the strength and the courage. Thanks again Robert and Jill for my continued education.

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Once again I am intrigued and appalled. These ties from the past into the now, show the ability of some to view the future which is now!!

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they don't foresee the future they create it.

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Did Carl Sagan similarly create the future when he saw the future as described in his 1995 book “Demon-Haunted World; Science as a Candle in the Dark”?

“I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), the lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.”

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Looks like Science was the dagger of death in the dark.

Harari, "Science is no longer about truth, Science is now about power."

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I think I would prefer to say:

Science is about truth,

Politics is about power,

Politics + Science = Politics.

I'd hate to throw the good science out with the bad.

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No argument, just pointing out that Harari, a spokesman for the WEF that runs our nation has said Science is no longer truth.

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Carl Sagan was in the club alright. The vaxx and all the madness surrounding this pandemic is because the elite are testing on us. It's a global phase 3clinical trial but with no informed consent or even a package insert of ingredients in the box with the vials. The elite are using us to investigate how to build in immortality for them and total enslaved control for us. I wish I didn't know this. But God has seen fit that I will face this time against all forms of tyranny.

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Thebigresetmovie.com is pretty good at stitching things together....

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One world government would be great from my perspective as long as I am in charge. This is not as silly as it sounds. This is the type of fantasy the Left lives by. They fondly imagine they can control global climate. How? By implementing totalitarian rules. They fondly imagine they can control disease globally. How? By implementing totalitarian controls. The answer is always the same because the mindset is that of the dictator. They think they are God.

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022

The Useless Fools think they are the ones. They are always the ones first killed. The Irony.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Prophetic extremely prophetic. I watched the whole interview. At 76 I have lived through and can see the fruition of Huxley’s prophecy. One of the main points I get out of his different topics is that democracy starts local. It is imperative that you know who you are voting for locally …town, county and state. I’ve always avoided going to the local campaign get-togethers but Huxley brought home just how important it is. These are the people to become our state senators congressmen and governors. We really need to do our homework first!

Thank you Dr. Malone…. once again you are a hero for the people.

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I’ll be 76 yo in a few days and I remember this interview on 60 minutes then. My public school education was exceptional I have come to believe. We read brave New World, 1984 and the animal farm. My father worked in the department of defense countering the Soviet threat at that time. I began my study of communism at a very early age and interviewed many North Vietnamese soldiers who had defected to our side-->>I learned of communist propaganda up close, as I was a Psyops officer with three major combat units in ‘69-‘70. Huxley correctly stated the power of propaganda & control, accelerated by technology that no one had experienced in his day (like the internet and the ability to locate someone’s position precisely via satellite gps & cell phone). Fatherless and broken families, rejection of God, profitable drug trades and poor quality early education isolates the individual, making him or her susceptible to government controls and manipulation.

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Times have changed, now 60 minutes is run by commies.

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow. Dr. Malone is an amazing educator.

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Thank you for this! Aldous is one of the most influential people in my development of mind and spirit.

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a great and incredibly timely read.

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