Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Pfizer & Moderna are looking to get their Covid vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule. This will give them never ending immunity from liability, because *eventually* the EUA’s will expire. I think this could be the reason for a return to the Covid narrative.

PLEASE, we must fight this every step of the way! THIS is the hill we die on for our kids and our kids’ kids! Please follow Toby Rogers on Substack for more information on how to take action. Our kids and future generations are counting on us to stop this craziness! 🙏🏻

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Do the Russians and Chinese lie? Hell yeah.

Anyone who thinks our own government hasn't been lying to us for AT LEAST the last two years doesn't have a clue.

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Right but our government has been lying to us for way more than 2 years. The one good thing about Covid is that it woke a lot of people up as the lies became obvious to so many of us.

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There is no immunity for malfeasance

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I wish that were the case. Once they get it on the childhood schedule, the US government forever takes on the liability. Our tax dollars have paid millions to vaccine injured families.

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Dreadful. What’s the point? In 3 ish months the protectiveness is gone! How can they justify this insanity! God save us from the corrupt immoral perversion!

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Sure, only let's not "lean" left or right. Is that possible? Moms for Liberty is unified on their charter and so far has avoided internalizing politics.

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After all the studies & evidence that’s come out it’s just unbelievable that they are still pushing for this - you can’t explain it any other way than absolute evil greediness, because by now they absolutely have to know the risks & the lack of benefit!!!

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We are talking about rich sociopaths like Bill Gates and Klaus Slob

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Hold on! It comes down to personal choice. I chose not to get the shot and my entire family (down to my 14 yo grandson who was allowed to make his own choice!) took it and excoriated me because I'm grandma and "should" have taken it. I guess being an old hippie has paid off. I don't trust gov't agencies, never have, never will. And for goodness sake, turn off the TV and read Malone, Greenwald, FLCCC,......basically any entity that is now considered "mis" or "dis" information because even if you don't agree with everything it gives you the opportunity to think critically. Here's a thought: I don't agree with the "disease" theory pushed by AA and all "rehab" programs. Drinking and using drugs to alter one's state of consciousness is also personal choice. In the end, our own actions have consequences (unless you're Jussie Smollet or a multi-convicted felon in NYC... thanks Democrats).

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Toby Rogers' Substack is uTobian and he has a list of names, addresses, email and Twitter handles as well as talking points you can cut and paste into your messages. *Time to step up advocates and child advocates.* These individuals need to be deluged with demands they not approve this Pfizer EUA.

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You sure are waxing Shakespearean today, Dr. Malone! Thank you for this astute analysis.

I’m glad you linked to the essential Greenwald article. Tulsi’s courageous truth-telling paired with the ferocity with which she’s being attacked strengthens my belief that she has defected from the WEF. She is being character-assassinated as she poses such a threat for fearlessly embracing reason, logic, diplomacy, and open dialogue while resisting tyrannical overreach and clumsy warmongering. I still want to hear her disavow the WEF, but this episode is another compelling point in her favor.

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I've been a Tulsi Gabbard fan since we were involved in the illegal invasion of Syria (with U.S. paid, trained and armed mercenaries). She was against this behavior and eloquent in her critique. On the other hand, since I trust few politicians, and she was WEF 'educated,' I maintain a concern that she could be used as a third party pawn to throw an election. It's happened before.

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Tulsi is saying the right things now but she will be running for president in 2024. Don’t forget that she was the last democratic candidate to throw in the towel in the last election and was saying how people loved her when she polled at around 1%. I like what she says now but I am very wary of her. Also, her father, Mike Gabbard, switched from republican to democrat years ago. I can say a lot more about him but I don’t want to take up a lot of space. This is not to say I don’t think he’s an okay guy.

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Right. They have done a great job placing their graduates into positions of power.

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Me too, I want Tulsi to disavow the WEF. That would be music to my ears

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Exactly. I plan to ask her about that in my letter to her if I can ever find time to write it amidst my hundreds of other todo’s.

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I would like her not only to denounce the YGL, but to explain what she was taught and to explain what she got out of it. A denouncement would not be enough, ALL POLITICIANS LIE.

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Yes, I would like to hear Tulsi explain her association with the WEF too. I have attended conferences and meetings over the years without being unduly influenced. Often I didn't know thoroughly in advance about the organization or its goals. We can't always know everything. A young up and comer can become mesmerized by the high powered people associated with the organization.

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I think she's not part of their cabal. But I don't really know.

My congressman, Dan Crenshaw, has also been listed as a WEF Global Leader in a website that has been deleted. He has publicly said the election wasn't stolen (it's impossible for anyone to know that), and he argued with a young woman who asked him about his flippant reference to Jesus as not really different from cartoon superheroes. "Don't you dare ask me about my faith", he said. Dan, you're a politician running for office. We can ask you about anything we want.

Crenshaw just won his primary with 75% of the vote.

I do think people are waking up. But it's a slow process. Can't yet tell if they'll figure things out before it's too late.

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Agreed. And Crenshaw has revealed himself to be a posturing pawn, I feel.

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For those who are interested, we had a pretty extensive exchange about Tulsi in the comments at my Letter to Ron DeSantis:


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I do like what she has to say, she is very smooth. I just can't trust anymore.

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It’s always wise to retain a degree of skepticism.

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Go with your gut.

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Thank you.

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Great exchange about Tulsi! Thanks for posting the link.

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Thanks, Lynn! Glad you enjoyed it.

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This excerpt from her kickass CPAC speech is well worth a watch:


This is the full speech:


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There's no denying Gabbard has star qualities and says all the right things to appease members of both parties. That's why we like her. However, because of this, she's also the perfect WEF tool if they want to muck up an election with a third candidate. It would be an easy way to get another 'surprise win.' I'm not saying she is a WEF tool but she did go to WEF graduate school... It's up to her to explain this. Politics can be a dirty game.

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I recognize that possibility, but that’s exactly what HRC claimed Tulsi would do in the 2020 election, and she didn’t—at a time when it would have been pivotal to do so if that was what she was there for. Glenn Greenwald addresses this in his article.

Plus, they wouldn’t be dragging her through the mud like they have been since 2016 if she wasn’t a threat to the hegemony.

I agree she needs to address her WEF connections and disavow them publicly regardless.

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She ate Kamala's lunch in the debates; they had to get rid of her.

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I’m sure they change the script to suit their needs.

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She is not to be trusted.

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We have to ask the question whether Fauci and those in his realm are doing what auto mechanics have done since autos existed - sabotage the car in a plausibly deniable way so the customer has to come back for repairs in a few months. Its a natural question to ask when we know the "vaccines" don't really do much, deaths are higher in the post vaccine era, and here we are according to Fauci "not done with this yet" i.e. more proof the "vaccines" don't really do anything. Are they about to release a new variant that Pfizer's jab #4 is designed for in a hail Mary attempt to regain credibility? Enquiring minds want to know.

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your comments struck a nerve on auto repair. It made me remember when I was traveling, year's ago now, and to kill some time, I went to the local AMMCO Transmission Repair to have the automatic transmission fluid and filter changed. The owner showed me metal on the magnetic pick up plug and tried to convince I needed to rebuild the transmission. I knew that was normal and refused. When I came back to pick up the car, it was still on the heist, it refused to even go into gear. A different mechanic put it back up on the heist and dropped off the transmission pan to recheck the new filter......the filter was blocked off completely from fine beach sand in the pan. The shop owner was no where to be found. He cleaned out the pan and replaced the filter again. As you pointed out the world is full of crooks.

Want to know about the biggest crook.

mRNA is the New Microsoft 2 - by The Aging Viking


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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

I had a similar bad experience with AAMCO some years back. My husband's car needed new mufflers. They put it up on the hydraulic stand about 7 feet in the air. Then several men surrounded me and tried to convince me the car needed massive work. They wanted hundreds of dollars for the repairs they said I needed. I told them to put the car down and let me leave or I was going to call the police. They put the car down and I drove away. I went to a welding shop and they replaced the two mufflers for $40 each.

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Hustlers are out there, even in the medical/dental fields.

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RemovedMar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022
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I had bad experiences at 2 different tire companies where I live. My son recommended Discount Tire. I have used them ever since. They are honest, decent, clean. They have insurance available for their tires so for $20 on a new tire I am protected for the entire life of the tire. This has helped tremendously because I have had nails in the tires and once the sidewall blew out. I learned this is not uncommon in Florida in the summer heat. At least 3 tires on my van have been replaced over the past 2-3 years for only the cost of the insurance to replace them. I also go in every 2-3 months for a free air pressure check. Discount Tire is the best.

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And the manufacturers of all goods creating “built in obsolescence.”

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The COVID shots were NEVER about stopping infection or blunting severity of symptoms. They certainly weren't about safety.

The entire "Pandemic" is a scripted FRAUD.

Fauci et al are genocidal psychopaths.

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"Like many others who were formerly associated with the “left” but have been transformed by the events of the last two years, Mr. Greenwald is rapidly becoming a constitutional conservative. As am I, just for the record." Best lines in the piece; they give me hope.

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We need to address digital IDs. They want to link the vaccines with our phones, ESG scores, climate change. Say no to the vaccines. The boosters and digital id s. And sr Malone please comment

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More importantly, say “no” to sharing ANY medical information with anyone outside of a trusted doctor.

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If you find a doctor to trust? You had better go out and buy all the Lotto tickets you can.

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Nope, it’s easier and cheaper than Lotto.

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Papa dementia just authorized armed drones for the lost cause based on the clown's fresh congressional performance. They won't stop until all of Europe is an ash heap for their build back better agenda. The depopulation program needs multiple fronts not just injectable clot shots.


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I think "The Real Anthony Fauci" needs to be required reading. For everyone. That's all I will say.

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and then Dr. Malone's new book, of course ;)

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

Having said that, it's a "thick" book--very academic in its layout. So, it's not a walk in the park. Be prepared to not zip right through it. :)

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

Dishonesty related to the war likely includes the denials of the existing biolabs, but it doesn’t end there. Why does the American government and media have so much concern for Ukrainians while displaying no concern whatsoever for other people around the world who are also suffering tragic circumstances? The U.S., for example, left the people of Afghanistan to the mercy of the Taliban even though it is America that is directly responsible for their plight. The answer to this question demonstrates that while most Americans have genuine concern for the people of Ukraine, the American government has different reasons for their support for resistance against Putin. Here's the story:


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That's where Biden and others have billions of dollars invested

Have to protect Ukraine, ya know.

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I put out my first Substack today on Victoria Nuland is Dolores Umbridge. Here's a quote you might like:

Saying that the US is responsible for the horror in Ukraine is NOT the same as saying that Ukranians are responsible for the horror inflicted on them, or that what’s happening isn’t horrible.

I’m saying that Victoria Nuland and Joe Biden are responsible for the horrors in Ukraine.

Victoria Nuland and Hilary Clinton are responsible for the horrors in Syria and Libya.

Victoria Nuland and Dick Cheney are responsible for the horrors in Iraq and Afghanistan.


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Looks like I need to educate myself on Victoria Nuland!

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I know. Isn't it crazy that this one person has been at the scene of the crimes against humanity for 20 years and I only heard her name a few days ago? I've been thinking that Nuland is the Fauci of foreign policy. She shows that administrations come and go but the corruption remains the same. I think that's a lesson that we're learning to generalize, with the good Dr. Malone leading the way.

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same here. SO many players, so little time. No. Wait. I'll MAKE time :)

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

While Russian-Ukrainian war is ongoing, let's take a look at the composition of the Ukrainian government:

Here is why Zelesky keeps asking for aid. 

Just how many passports does this Clown Zelesky have?

Pandora Papers Reveal Offshore Holdings of Ukrainian President and his Inner Circle..............

President Zelensky of Ukraine in hot water over $35 million Florida mansion and unexplained $1.2 billion in cash in offshore Costa Rican bank account


Ukrainian-president-and-his-inner-circle ZELENSKY SELLS A VILLA IN ITALY FOR 4.5 MILLION EUROS – MEDIA


A number of the members of the Presidential Administration Zelenskyy appointed were former colleagues from his former production company, Kvartal 95.



So what is the ultimate goal of so many people with American and Western European nationalities infiltrating Ukraine?

The core decision-making inner circle of Ukrainian President Zelensky is actually based on his circle of friends when he was an actor.

1. The Chief of Staff of the Presidential Palace, Andre Yemark, is a comedy producer;

2. The head of the Presidential Administration, Andre Bodin, is a lawyer in the entertainment industry;

3. The president's chief policy adviser, Sergey Sheffey, is a comedy writer;

4. Ivan Bakanov, deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Supreme Intelligence Service, is the boss of a comedy film company;

5. Senior adviser to the Ukrainian National Defense Committee, Sergei Sivoko, is also a comedian and is Zelensky's partner in acting.

If you just look at their resume, you can't tell whether it is a film and television company or a country's decision-making body.


Why has Ukraine completely ignored the geopolitical relations of major powers over the years? It seems that homeland security and national development have nothing to do with these politicians-because it really doesn't matter, they are basically not Ukrainians.

Because Ukraine recognizes dual nationality, 80% of senior government officials are American, and 90% of the wealth and people of the rich are in London or Switzerland.


During the 2008 Olympics, the pro-American Georgian President Saakashvili, who was ordered to attack by Putin, was defeated and overthrown and transformed himself into the governor of Odessa Oblast, Ukraine.

The female health minister of Ukraine is the most typical example. She was born in the United States. Before 2013, she was an American general doctor. She went to Ukraine in 2013, naturalized in Ukraine in 2015, and was promoted to Deputy Minister of Health in 2016. In 2019, Zelensky defied all opposition and was appointed health minister.

The three ministers appointed by Ukraine's parliament in November 2014 are all foreigners:

The Secretary of the Treasury is American;

The Minister of Health is Georgian;

The Minister of Economy is Lithuanian;

The former president of Georgia was the governor of Odessa;

The last president, Petro Poroshenko, was said to be a CIA informant.

As for the grassroots troops, many frontline commanders are American and have joined Ukraine in recent years.

In terms of quantitative statistics, the indicators are like this: Ukraine

1) 80% of senior officials hold U.S. citizenship (dual citizenship is legal).


2) 90% of the wealth of the rich are in Europe and the United States.

3) Zelensky, just how many passports does he have? He also has a mansion and huge assets in the United States.


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Good article, Dr. Malone. We love you.

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Indeed Glenn Greenwalds’ article was amazing and poignant. I was so glad he defined “Constitutional Treason” and made sure to clarify that political dissent and opinion is NOT constitutional treason.

Anyone else find it odd that Zelinsky had a Video prepared to show Congress?

I’m trying to think if that is what I would do if I were in a war. Make a video, look clean shaven, well feed, and appear to be in pretty good demeanor. Odd and as I said before, my brain seeks out oddity’s, inconsistent behavior and differences.

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

I found it just as odd as I found the fact that he played the role of president in his own show, and even used the same name of the show for his political party name when he ran for president. I can’t help but feel he is just “playing his part” in all of this!

Wikipedia: Zelenskyy grew up in Kryvyi Rih, a Russian-speaking region in southeastern Ukraine.[3] Prior to his acting career, Zelenskyy obtained a degree in law from the Kyiv National Economic University. He then pursued comedy and created the production company Kvartal 95, which produces films, cartoons, and TV shows including Servant of the People, in which Zelenskyy played the role of president of Ukraine. The series aired from 2015 to 2019 and was immensely popular. A political party bearing the same name as the television show was created in March 2018 by employees of Kvartal 95.

Zelenskyy announced his candidacy for the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election on the evening of 31 December 2018, alongside the New Year's Eve address of President Petro Poroshenko

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I knew he was a joke, but didn’t know about the TV shows and film making. 🤔

It got me thinking, America can make the same horror film showing the tent people, the shacks, the poverty, the illness, the strife, the summer of 2020 cities burning to the ground and soon the collapse of our financial system and real estate sector.

It’s horrible what the citizens of Ukraine are enduring. It is Zelinsky’s fault because If Zelinsky wants the war, killing and destruction to end he needs to WORK IT OUT WITH HIS BUDDY PUTIN!!!

It’s Not our war.

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

Zelenskyy, the Juan Guido of Ukraine.

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Pfizer has already been charged with Racketeering. I did not know this until I listened to Joe Rogan podcast #1756 with John Abramson. Apparently civil RICO does not incur any jail time. The things you can learn from Joe Rogan podcasts, amirite?

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Yep, and Moderna’s mRNA jab was their only vaccine to make it to market!

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Looking at the English data, 18-39 yr olds that were double jabbed have seen massive jumps in mortality rates over the year, when compared with the unvaccinated. Even in January, they were over 4 times more likely to die from non-Covid causes.

In this age group, even if it were shown that the jabs prevented Covid-19 deaths, I think the data shows it caused more non-Covid deaths.

And I agree, Ukraine is dying down a bit so back to Covid and fourth shots.


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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another great piece.

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The Allopathic Medicine Model relies on healing from without! Not from within! Profitable Drugs/Injections dominate this scenario and accounts for why the US annual expenditure on drugs/injections are 1/2 TRILLION dollars per year. Prevention and treatment of disease states by lifestyle changes is ignored. AMA and Institutional medicine ignore the role BIG Agra plays in the perpetuation of and development of disease states because of the chemicals incorporated into the food supply. Consequently, in the US we have over 50% of the population diagnosed with disease states. Adding mRNA injections to the vast list of many unnecessary vaccinations being given to our children just compounds the problem.

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Thanks Dr. Malone. I watched the DeSantis panel today. It was fantastic. Welcome to constitutional Conservatism. Don't fear. The water is warm. . . smile.

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