Yes, I did give to GoFundMe, then GiveSendGo. They can ruin me and have my debt, sure. They can push me out of my job which gives the former Canadian government (I do not consider them my government anymore--they have abandoned me and Canada itself in my estimation) tens of thousands a year in taxes. I have never been afraid of this nonsense because there is no point in being afraid. They are running on fumes now and it's almost over! Honk honk!
I am American citizen... we say "taxation with out representation".
"The phrase taxation without representation describes a populace that is required to pay taxes to a government authority without having any say in that government’s policies. The term has its origin in a slogan of the American colonials against their British rulers: “Taxation without representation is tyranny.”1
Woke up yesterday and heard about the hack. Figured they got my name twice since I gave twice, and then woke up today and thought, meh, screw that. So, I gave again today. Take my name and shove it, you nazi turds. You're on the wrong side of history.
I am imagining this?.... have we allowed a group of socialist-Fascist far Left elites (aka infantilized adults who are also very likely to be psychopaths) to infiltrate, degrade and refashion our educational institutions, media, and healthcare system into mass formation psychosis induction centers? Were we all asleep at the wheel as they infiltrated and remade these institutions into government/big tech lapdog propagandists? Is another holocaust coming?
Scant few have understood the “vax” passport agenda. Ignorance related to unprecedented, coordinated censorship, but also the innate lack of curiosity, questioning, intuitiveness. Is there a low IQ pandemic, too? The vax cards were the segue to QR code’s, to blockchain, to digital currency, to the final control…social credit system. It was quite interesting how many truckers are aware of this…but it goes unspoken. Mandates are the psyop of compliance…get to a certain percentage and the odds of freedom/liberty as we want secured, are low. Look what’s being done to Mike Lindell in the US. It’s the beginning, with fanatical leftists believing this is mere ideological sin. Wait until they discover they, too, are useful idiots.
Btw, Obama’s Trans Pacific Trade Partnership was the attempt to subvert the US Constitution & install fascism. It was Donald Trump that brought this deception mainstream, and why he was so hated by the globalists.
Dr. Malone, thank you for expanding the covid subject to the full agenda…
Liberals don’t think. They feel. Sounds trite but their driveling ideological messiness sure does suggest a primitive reflex (reflux?) to anyone challenging the liberal erasure of behavioral boundaries.
“Liberals” penchant for allowing their feelings to override thinking and angst to override rationality has been exploited successfully by former (and future) “Young Global Leaders” to implement the WEF agenda of corporate and state power over the masses. They are like the spores of a poisonous plant strangling the planet.
Agreed! I"m a lifelong liberal progressive, and have been proud to be so. Right wingers have NOT been saints, far from it. BUT I don't recognize any of this as being part of my party, or what was my party. I'm from the 60s and 70s. We used to stand for freedom of speech, right to dissent, right to protest, our bodies, our choices. I don't know what the hell happened or when. This is SHOCKING. and the left wingers thinking it is okay just stupefies me. I m not very political. I've always been for human rights. I don't know when the left wing quit standing for that and became pro totalitarianism and big corporations. The Republican party has devolved in its identity and representation too. It's not what it was. Well, I'm with the above comment. Bottom line and above all party arguments, I'm for truth, human rights, and freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and certainly again coercive measures to inject unknown experiment gene vaccines.
In my opinion #TDS or trumph derangement syndrome is what happened to most democrats or so called lefties. They still think trumph was/is a Putin puppet!
Castello, the brilliance of the truckers has been consistency in the “us” vs. “them.” The Canadian owned media continues to make it a vaxxed v. unvaxxed narrative. Across the US, it’s the far left in blue states, districts, school boards that demand compliance. Apologies for lumping all liberals together, there certainly are many who “get it” but far from enough to create a unified chorus to stop the mandates, demand the data release, demand these MRNA’s be stopped. Parents of masked kids have been leading the fight…
Yes! It is hard to believe how many "lefties" have lost their minds and follow fauci, biden and crew to give up so many freedoms. Hopefully something will nudge them to sanity soon!
Good rememberance on the TransPacific plan to circumvent the primacy of the US constitution. Before that Nader and Buchanan fought another international treaty with the same argument for USA sovereignty.
“There are just laws and there are unjust laws. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”
I’ve broken my detox from Twitter to retweet your comment and will be posting this piece by Dr Malone in response to others responding to Trudeau’s tweet.
Haha, aww, I appreciate the sacrifice you’re making! I totally relate. I normally only publish notices about my articles and immediately skedaddle. I still avoid spending any time there beyond what is needed to pester Justin ;-)
So shocked by how this is playing out (and thanks to Dr Malone also for helping a few more pieces of the puzzle fit into place) I felt it a duty to do my bit and share the load.
Trudeau clearly has not read Machiavelli. According to Machiavelli in the Discourses, taking people's money is the surefire way to start a civil war. Machiavelli states that the one thing that really pisses people off is to take their money.
I am so disconcerted by that move because it would seem that it may initially quell things, but good grief. You may force people to fight to feed their families. I am unsure whether Trudeau is galactically stupid or we have become that weak. I guess time will tell.
Trudeau is a member of the modern day version of the gentry class. Machiavelli clearly states at least four times in the discourses that the gentry class is completely inimical to civil life (his words, not mine) and that all functional societies (e.g. the Germanic States of the Holy Roman Empire) simply kill them (again, his words, not mine).
While working out at the gym a couple of days ago, I realized that all modern industrial civilizations are created and maintained by the working and middle classes. Both the U.S. and Canada are examples of countries that were created and developed by the working and middle classes. Yet we have political classes comprised of individuals of neither working or middle class backgrounds. Perhaps we should think more about this.
do Canadians elect "leaders" or "representatives" ... I suspect most have been programmed perceive their elected representatives as "leaders" -- disempowering themselves in the process
Better to read The Art of War-- why try to understand them--they have been clear and have telegraphed their moves (if some among us chose to read them). Better to see how to react.
Excellent report. Very important. But the reason for suppressing treatments is not unknown, as Dr Malone generously suggests. It's a necessary condition for issuing emergency use authorizations for the vaccines. This disaster is all about selling vax, and the benefits for fauch and other advocates.
I was disturbed to learn that, too. I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt given her record of integrity since then, but I will remain on alert for signs of compromise.
Below is repurposed from another comment I wrote when I first learned about this:
Tulsi held the Young Global Leaders title early in her career. She was considered a rising star until she blew the whistle on the DNC/Hillary’s nefarious shenanigans in 2016 and stepped down from the DNC, subsequently to be unpersoned and smeared by them in the 2020 election cycle. She’s been calling out censorship, hypocrisy, and corruption ever since.
That’s how I see her too. Black and white, all or nothing thinking is a hazard. It would be nice if we could get past these ancient political labels too.
I was also sad to learn this. Then these cliches came to mind: "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" or "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good."
But then consider this. What better way to ensure that you'll maintain control of such a complex web than to control both (or all) sides. Plant antagonists who publicly oppose your "evil villains," a marvelous Trojan horse of sorts. I know the term "controlled opposition" is nothing new but seems plausible here. After 5 years of indoctrination (which likely continues beyond graduation), I certainly think it's possible to assign their graduates a role to play and train them to do so. A true evil mastermind wouldn't just mold easily observed villains; multiple baddie gradients along the spectrum would best maximize success? It's like the Swiss cheese model in healthcare, except here layers upon layers of control prevent loss of power (instead of patient harm). I really hate the red pill...;)
Schwab is giving himself credit for anyone who has been through their schools and has name recognition as a success in their field, regardless of the individual's alignment.
Just because they are on the list doesn’t necessarily mean they bought into the agenda. She probably just wanted to observe and network. I’ve listened to her for years, and she’s more than fine.
It seems that the next step in social crediting will be mandating electric cars, less cars, and less of everything that requires hydrocarbons to operate/maintain, including smaller houses, smaller food portions, less travel etc.
Understand that when people get invited to drink the Kool-aid, not all of them drink. Some (Like I imagine Putin did) are curious to see what the other side is trying to pull off. Information. Perhaps Ms Gabbard and Mr. Musk (among others????) did just that.
Yeah that one is weird. I once spent about 20 minutes reading through the WEF's Young Global leaders catalogue. Made mental notes on who to flag in world politics. Dan Crenshaw and Elon Musk are in there too.
There are several on the Schwab Young Leaders list that were double agents I suspect. Putin comes to mind. He got far better "leadership" training in the KGB. Putin strikes me as a "Russia First" guy as he should be. Maybe Tulsi is a humanity first advocate...maybe even America First
Good points. I agree re: Tulsi, especially considering her military service. How many of the WEFers actually put their life on the line like that? Crenshaw comes to mind, but he has proven to be a disappointment.
I don't think Boris meant that Dr Malone was minimizing it? I took him as responding to liberal/leftists being all in, look at the attempt to overthrow a duly seated President, then our country
But -- Saagar Enjeti of the otherwise promising Breaking Point shamefully just did it. And the entire "establishment" media is completely silent on the crime of the century in which it participated.
My apology for not being clear enough and have confused you.
PS: But apparently -- we are not yet hating China enough......
Dr. Malone, thank you for bringing this up! This is so much NOT a conspiracy theory!! And I would like to offer my signature articles on the topic of the Great Reset and 4IR. :) Some people have found them helpful in the past.
Dr Shiva ( believes Trump is part of the “not so obvious establishment.” Dr Shiva has been dispensing red pills on a variety of topics such govt outsourcing censorship, system wide election fraud and small but significant things like the long friendship between Ivanka and Chelsea Clinton. However, I find it hard to imagine Trump exists to sell us out to globalists.
I do really like Dr Shiva’s goal of working people, like all of us here, uniting to preserve or regain our rights. 1A, medical freedom, the right to not get canceled by our banks etc.
Good question. As of now I believe he isn't, only because they did so many illegal things to keep him out (spying on him) and did self-destructive things like show the press really is the enemy of the people. I guess time will tell.
Another thing is that Elon Musk so far seems to hold them in contempt for example by calling Trudeau/GofundMe professional thieves. Maybe some WEG attendees saw it was evil but you are right we must be cautious.
I have long surmised that having all this money and international connections, Trump knew it, knew it well, tried to stop it, but didn't tell us all as campaign issues because it would have sounded crazy at the time. I think you'll see either he or DeSantis bringing this stuff up.
Well, he was for opening things up. He was for 15 days to get hospitals ready. So am sure he wouldn't have shut things down long. He was already opening things up.
Not sure about “with Trump” but I read recently that Tom Cotton was a young leader. I suspect that graduating does not mean that a person is necessarily indoctrinated.
The RINO faction does, but beg to differ on the many whose focus has been our constitution, the people who want to fundamentally CONSERVE America, not change its foundation. Too bad the Democrat party of my youth has morphed into Woke.
I would say there are (generous lady that I am) a handful who have some honor for the constitution. There are some that I thought were in camp constitution, but no. Now they have a gig on the radio or TV and use the copy of the constitution they used to wave around at speeches all rolled up on the bathroom waiting to be used as they see fit. It is NOT just RINOS. It is the vast majority of those money grubbing, self serving weasels up there. People are rotting in jail, people are being forced to vaccinate and they have not done their job in protecting 1A, the rights given to man by GOD to not be jabbed... Just today Mike Lee was on the radio touting some BSy bill he is sponsoring to stop fed mandates for vaccines. UH - where has he been for the last year? He can just go stuff it. You have people like McCullough, Malone, all the docs at FLCCC and more out there risking it all - ACTUAL RISK - to protect people. These people we elected couldn't protect broccoli from being eaten by a picky child anymore than they could protect our most sacred founding document. It protects US against THEM. That is why. WEASELS.
Nice long post. You are right on with your assessments. The definition of fascism is one that occurred to me quite a few years ago when studying WW2. It is a completely accurate definition. Interestingly I noticed the various online “expert” sites jacking around with the definition starting several years ago. Keep fighting. The idea of blockchain money sounds good for freedom but I think the Davos crowd will find a way to rig it. Look into the “America Competes” legislation and the incursions into our ability to keep and especially move animals ( more to come). Completely shutting down the means of production is a big part of this.
Blockchain can be used for both ill. good or mediocre. Good point, our movement of our own capital is hemmed in more and more - animals, personal property etc. Trump cutting the admin laws and regs is important; we have to cut down state regs too. My supposedly Red state has become a corporatocracy, our Governor, legislature is captured, and the administrative state increasingly set against the citizens, eroding constitutional freedoms both rapidly and expensively.
Perhaps this is not well known, but the European Feudal Lords didn't want the peasants to eat meat in any significant amount, because the more meat they ate the less docile they became. This is recorded historical fact
It seems the cartoon villain looking Klaus Schwab has spent a career decorating and dressing up fascism. Historically irony must be lost on this particular German fascist.
Also look how evil BlackRock and it's CEO Fink are. They are buying up middle class real estate across the country, and raising the price of homes. It's great for people who already own, but it's hell if you are trying to buy. They want to wipe out the middle class through inflation, taxation and other marxist policies. Fink is connected to the World Economic Forum, who wants to turn us into a nation of renters. Without small business and real estate, the middle class has no real wealth. We need to fight for our middle class NOW.
Yes, I did give to GoFundMe, then GiveSendGo. They can ruin me and have my debt, sure. They can push me out of my job which gives the former Canadian government (I do not consider them my government anymore--they have abandoned me and Canada itself in my estimation) tens of thousands a year in taxes. I have never been afraid of this nonsense because there is no point in being afraid. They are running on fumes now and it's almost over! Honk honk!
Agreed-- time for all of us Canadians to not pay our taxes-- what gov't? we don't have a govt
I am American citizen... we say "taxation with out representation".
"The phrase taxation without representation describes a populace that is required to pay taxes to a government authority without having any say in that government’s policies. The term has its origin in a slogan of the American colonials against their British rulers: “Taxation without representation is tyranny.”1
Woke up yesterday and heard about the hack. Figured they got my name twice since I gave twice, and then woke up today and thought, meh, screw that. So, I gave again today. Take my name and shove it, you nazi turds. You're on the wrong side of history.
“They are NOT coming for ME, they are coming for YOU, I’m just in their way!!!”
~President Donald J. Trump 2019
So true!
I am imagining this?.... have we allowed a group of socialist-Fascist far Left elites (aka infantilized adults who are also very likely to be psychopaths) to infiltrate, degrade and refashion our educational institutions, media, and healthcare system into mass formation psychosis induction centers? Were we all asleep at the wheel as they infiltrated and remade these institutions into government/big tech lapdog propagandists? Is another holocaust coming?
The short answer...yes.
Scant few have understood the “vax” passport agenda. Ignorance related to unprecedented, coordinated censorship, but also the innate lack of curiosity, questioning, intuitiveness. Is there a low IQ pandemic, too? The vax cards were the segue to QR code’s, to blockchain, to digital currency, to the final control…social credit system. It was quite interesting how many truckers are aware of this…but it goes unspoken. Mandates are the psyop of compliance…get to a certain percentage and the odds of freedom/liberty as we want secured, are low. Look what’s being done to Mike Lindell in the US. It’s the beginning, with fanatical leftists believing this is mere ideological sin. Wait until they discover they, too, are useful idiots.
Btw, Obama’s Trans Pacific Trade Partnership was the attempt to subvert the US Constitution & install fascism. It was Donald Trump that brought this deception mainstream, and why he was so hated by the globalists.
Dr. Malone, thank you for expanding the covid subject to the full agenda…
Bravo. Again.
Thanks LL4 for elucidating this confounding question of why liberals are all in on this deal. Can’t they see what is in store for them?
Useful idiots must be a renewable resource.
Liberals don’t think. They feel. Sounds trite but their driveling ideological messiness sure does suggest a primitive reflex (reflux?) to anyone challenging the liberal erasure of behavioral boundaries.
“Liberals” penchant for allowing their feelings to override thinking and angst to override rationality has been exploited successfully by former (and future) “Young Global Leaders” to implement the WEF agenda of corporate and state power over the masses. They are like the spores of a poisonous plant strangling the planet.
Many "liberals" like Rogan, me and millions of us are not blind to this manipulation! "It is not about right vs left, it is about right vs wrong." We are on the same side! It is rich vs poor, divide and conquer.
Agreed! I"m a lifelong liberal progressive, and have been proud to be so. Right wingers have NOT been saints, far from it. BUT I don't recognize any of this as being part of my party, or what was my party. I'm from the 60s and 70s. We used to stand for freedom of speech, right to dissent, right to protest, our bodies, our choices. I don't know what the hell happened or when. This is SHOCKING. and the left wingers thinking it is okay just stupefies me. I m not very political. I've always been for human rights. I don't know when the left wing quit standing for that and became pro totalitarianism and big corporations. The Republican party has devolved in its identity and representation too. It's not what it was. Well, I'm with the above comment. Bottom line and above all party arguments, I'm for truth, human rights, and freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and certainly again coercive measures to inject unknown experiment gene vaccines.
In my opinion #TDS or trumph derangement syndrome is what happened to most democrats or so called lefties. They still think trumph was/is a Putin puppet!
Interesting. That must explain it. I love Dore. maybe he should reun.
Castello, the brilliance of the truckers has been consistency in the “us” vs. “them.” The Canadian owned media continues to make it a vaxxed v. unvaxxed narrative. Across the US, it’s the far left in blue states, districts, school boards that demand compliance. Apologies for lumping all liberals together, there certainly are many who “get it” but far from enough to create a unified chorus to stop the mandates, demand the data release, demand these MRNA’s be stopped. Parents of masked kids have been leading the fight…
Yes! It is hard to believe how many "lefties" have lost their minds and follow fauci, biden and crew to give up so many freedoms. Hopefully something will nudge them to sanity soon!
God Bless the Working Class.
Good rememberance on the TransPacific plan to circumvent the primacy of the US constitution. Before that Nader and Buchanan fought another international treaty with the same argument for USA sovereignty.
For those still on Twitter, feel free to join me in holding Justin accountable for his tyranny.
On his tweet from a few hours ago (, for example, I posted the following:
“There are just laws and there are unjust laws. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”
—MLK Jr. (
“You had the opportunity to choose between diplomacy and despotism, democracy and dictatorship. History will not forget which direction you have chosen, Justin.” (
“The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes.”
—Thomas Paine (
“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.”
—Thomas Jefferson (
For my other replies to his previous tweets about the escalating totalitarianism, see:
I just retweeted your post.
In the USAF we learned about lawful and unlawful orders. I am confident many in the CAF (Canadian Armed Forces) will well remember this concept.
Thank you so much, Howard, and that is my hope as well!
In the U.S. we are a nation of laws NOT mandates. Our police are supposed to be law enforcement officers NOT mandate enforcement officers.
Supposed to be-- just like here in Canada-- be forewarned💗
I’ve broken my detox from Twitter to retweet your comment and will be posting this piece by Dr Malone in response to others responding to Trudeau’s tweet.
Haha, aww, I appreciate the sacrifice you’re making! I totally relate. I normally only publish notices about my articles and immediately skedaddle. I still avoid spending any time there beyond what is needed to pester Justin ;-)
So shocked by how this is playing out (and thanks to Dr Malone also for helping a few more pieces of the puzzle fit into place) I felt it a duty to do my bit and share the load.
I will try your approach in future visits! :-)
Trudeau clearly has not read Machiavelli. According to Machiavelli in the Discourses, taking people's money is the surefire way to start a civil war. Machiavelli states that the one thing that really pisses people off is to take their money.
I am so disconcerted by that move because it would seem that it may initially quell things, but good grief. You may force people to fight to feed their families. I am unsure whether Trudeau is galactically stupid or we have become that weak. I guess time will tell.
Trudeau is a member of the modern day version of the gentry class. Machiavelli clearly states at least four times in the discourses that the gentry class is completely inimical to civil life (his words, not mine) and that all functional societies (e.g. the Germanic States of the Holy Roman Empire) simply kill them (again, his words, not mine).
While working out at the gym a couple of days ago, I realized that all modern industrial civilizations are created and maintained by the working and middle classes. Both the U.S. and Canada are examples of countries that were created and developed by the working and middle classes. Yet we have political classes comprised of individuals of neither working or middle class backgrounds. Perhaps we should think more about this.
do Canadians elect "leaders" or "representatives" ... I suspect most have been programmed perceive their elected representatives as "leaders" -- disempowering themselves in the process
Yawn-- you mean like everyone else in the world? 🙄
I like how you think, especially when you are working out at the gym!
You are assuming some good intention on Trudeaus part. Please understand he has not been running things for a long time. Schwab and his minions do.
I think he hasn't read anything. Schwab has though. Understand taking peoples money IS the point of the Great Reset.
Given the nature of the times we live in now, its time for me to dig up my copy of The Discourses and re-read it.
Better to read The Art of War-- why try to understand them--they have been clear and have telegraphed their moves (if some among us chose to read them). Better to see how to react.
I think Machiavelli is more appropriate here. I tend to be a peaceful individual. However, I might read the Art of War later.
Exactly. He's a spineless puppet.
Excellent report. Very important. But the reason for suppressing treatments is not unknown, as Dr Malone generously suggests. It's a necessary condition for issuing emergency use authorizations for the vaccines. This disaster is all about selling vax, and the benefits for fauch and other advocates.
Agreed. But that is not ALL it is about.
Very sad to see Tulsi Gabbard as an acolyte of Klaus Schwab.
Next time she is on with Tucker he should ask her about this.
Hopefully she did it to infiltrate and write an expose?
In my dreams??
I was disturbed to learn that, too. I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt given her record of integrity since then, but I will remain on alert for signs of compromise.
Below is repurposed from another comment I wrote when I first learned about this:
Tulsi held the Young Global Leaders title early in her career. She was considered a rising star until she blew the whistle on the DNC/Hillary’s nefarious shenanigans in 2016 and stepped down from the DNC, subsequently to be unpersoned and smeared by them in the 2020 election cycle. She’s been calling out censorship, hypocrisy, and corruption ever since.
That’s how I see her too. Black and white, all or nothing thinking is a hazard. It would be nice if we could get past these ancient political labels too.
Exactly-- just because you were interested in drinking the Kool-aid, doesn't mean you did. (ie threw away any cognitive abilities)
I was also sad to learn this. Then these cliches came to mind: "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" or "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good."
But then consider this. What better way to ensure that you'll maintain control of such a complex web than to control both (or all) sides. Plant antagonists who publicly oppose your "evil villains," a marvelous Trojan horse of sorts. I know the term "controlled opposition" is nothing new but seems plausible here. After 5 years of indoctrination (which likely continues beyond graduation), I certainly think it's possible to assign their graduates a role to play and train them to do so. A true evil mastermind wouldn't just mold easily observed villains; multiple baddie gradients along the spectrum would best maximize success? It's like the Swiss cheese model in healthcare, except here layers upon layers of control prevent loss of power (instead of patient harm). I really hate the red pill...;)
I considered that possibility, but I think she’s speaking too many truths too loudly and is a threat to their long-term hegemony. Here’s the latest:
Was also surprised to see Maria Bartiroma on the list.
Schwab is giving himself credit for anyone who has been through their schools and has name recognition as a success in their field, regardless of the individual's alignment.
Good point
Just because they are on the list doesn’t necessarily mean they bought into the agenda. She probably just wanted to observe and network. I’ve listened to her for years, and she’s more than fine.
Me too — I don’t see her as a belonging to this stealth crew.
Yeah, that can't be right, either, I don't think.
I agree. I’ve asked her about this several times and no response.
Maybe that explains why she is a big believer in climate alarmism (a necessary aspect to The Great Reset).
It seems that the next step in social crediting will be mandating electric cars, less cars, and less of everything that requires hydrocarbons to operate/maintain, including smaller houses, smaller food portions, less travel etc.
I will never buy an electric car. What you describe can’t be done if we don’t comply. And I like steak, too.
She doesn't sound like one of them to me.
Agree! She was almost canned from the network for engaging in “conspiracy” subject matter.
Understand that when people get invited to drink the Kool-aid, not all of them drink. Some (Like I imagine Putin did) are curious to see what the other side is trying to pull off. Information. Perhaps Ms Gabbard and Mr. Musk (among others????) did just that.
Yeah that one is weird. I once spent about 20 minutes reading through the WEF's Young Global leaders catalogue. Made mental notes on who to flag in world politics. Dan Crenshaw and Elon Musk are in there too.
There are several on the Schwab Young Leaders list that were double agents I suspect. Putin comes to mind. He got far better "leadership" training in the KGB. Putin strikes me as a "Russia First" guy as he should be. Maybe Tulsi is a humanity first advocate...maybe even America First
Good points. I agree re: Tulsi, especially considering her military service. How many of the WEFers actually put their life on the line like that? Crenshaw comes to mind, but he has proven to be a disappointment.
It is completely wrong and cowardly to minimize Russia-gate hoax that Obama-Hillary-Biden-Jake Sullivan inflicted on us and that is still going on.
The current "imminent" attack on Ukraine they are hyperventilating daily is an attempt of DISTRACTING us from their crime of a century.
Watergate (a break-in to install microphone in DNC office) pales in comparison....
Did Dr. Malone minimize the Russia hoax? Maybe I missed it.
I don't think Boris meant that Dr Malone was minimizing it? I took him as responding to liberal/leftists being all in, look at the attempt to overthrow a duly seated President, then our country
Thank you "Potatodots" -- I should have worded it better and have been more clear...
Of course not.
But -- Saagar Enjeti of the otherwise promising Breaking Point shamefully just did it. And the entire "establishment" media is completely silent on the crime of the century in which it participated.
My apology for not being clear enough and have confused you.
PS: But apparently -- we are not yet hating China enough......
Dr. Malone, thank you for bringing this up! This is so much NOT a conspiracy theory!! And I would like to offer my signature articles on the topic of the Great Reset and 4IR. :) Some people have found them helpful in the past.
WEF honored Ivanka Trump as young global leader in 2015. Is the Republican party compromised with Trump?
We expect to have Libertarian candidates on all US state ballots this year.
I'm a libertarian but always worry about diluting the vote.
What does that mean?
An excellent question.
Dr Shiva ( believes Trump is part of the “not so obvious establishment.” Dr Shiva has been dispensing red pills on a variety of topics such govt outsourcing censorship, system wide election fraud and small but significant things like the long friendship between Ivanka and Chelsea Clinton. However, I find it hard to imagine Trump exists to sell us out to globalists.
I do really like Dr Shiva’s goal of working people, like all of us here, uniting to preserve or regain our rights. 1A, medical freedom, the right to not get canceled by our banks etc.
Truth - Freedom - Health
It's a big club, with plenty of room for various cliques and factions.
Good question. As of now I believe he isn't, only because they did so many illegal things to keep him out (spying on him) and did self-destructive things like show the press really is the enemy of the people. I guess time will tell.
Another thing is that Elon Musk so far seems to hold them in contempt for example by calling Trudeau/GofundMe professional thieves. Maybe some WEG attendees saw it was evil but you are right we must be cautious.
I have long surmised that having all this money and international connections, Trump knew it, knew it well, tried to stop it, but didn't tell us all as campaign issues because it would have sounded crazy at the time. I think you'll see either he or DeSantis bringing this stuff up.
I think Trump has gotten an evolving education in how thorough, incestuous and entrenched the corruption networks are.
At least Trump tried. He spoke of coronavirus as a "flu" etc. But it was him, who shut down international flights.
Well, he was for opening things up. He was for 15 days to get hospitals ready. So am sure he wouldn't have shut things down long. He was already opening things up.
Not sure about “with Trump” but I read recently that Tom Cotton was a young leader. I suspect that graduating does not mean that a person is necessarily indoctrinated.
If Ivanka becomes a Republican president, yes. But to be clear the R party is compromised. what do they even stand for anymore? Oh yeah. themselves.
The RINO faction does, but beg to differ on the many whose focus has been our constitution, the people who want to fundamentally CONSERVE America, not change its foundation. Too bad the Democrat party of my youth has morphed into Woke.
I would say there are (generous lady that I am) a handful who have some honor for the constitution. There are some that I thought were in camp constitution, but no. Now they have a gig on the radio or TV and use the copy of the constitution they used to wave around at speeches all rolled up on the bathroom waiting to be used as they see fit. It is NOT just RINOS. It is the vast majority of those money grubbing, self serving weasels up there. People are rotting in jail, people are being forced to vaccinate and they have not done their job in protecting 1A, the rights given to man by GOD to not be jabbed... Just today Mike Lee was on the radio touting some BSy bill he is sponsoring to stop fed mandates for vaccines. UH - where has he been for the last year? He can just go stuff it. You have people like McCullough, Malone, all the docs at FLCCC and more out there risking it all - ACTUAL RISK - to protect people. These people we elected couldn't protect broccoli from being eaten by a picky child anymore than they could protect our most sacred founding document. It protects US against THEM. That is why. WEASELS.
I think we have gone off on a tangent, so I will simply agree with the premise “follow the money.” We have more in common that we do to divide us.
Nice long post. You are right on with your assessments. The definition of fascism is one that occurred to me quite a few years ago when studying WW2. It is a completely accurate definition. Interestingly I noticed the various online “expert” sites jacking around with the definition starting several years ago. Keep fighting. The idea of blockchain money sounds good for freedom but I think the Davos crowd will find a way to rig it. Look into the “America Competes” legislation and the incursions into our ability to keep and especially move animals ( more to come). Completely shutting down the means of production is a big part of this.
Blockchain can be used for both ill. good or mediocre. Good point, our movement of our own capital is hemmed in more and more - animals, personal property etc. Trump cutting the admin laws and regs is important; we have to cut down state regs too. My supposedly Red state has become a corporatocracy, our Governor, legislature is captured, and the administrative state increasingly set against the citizens, eroding constitutional freedoms both rapidly and expensively.
Perhaps this is not well known, but the European Feudal Lords didn't want the peasants to eat meat in any significant amount, because the more meat they ate the less docile they became. This is recorded historical fact
I'm going to have to make changes... praying for you and all of us, Dr. Malone. God is good.
I would like to have a list of all those who have attended WEF's global leadership courses.
Working on it
Thanks for another great article Dr Malone.
It seems the cartoon villain looking Klaus Schwab has spent a career decorating and dressing up fascism. Historically irony must be lost on this particular German fascist.
In my “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (, I linked to a fascinating exposé on Schwab titled “Schwab Family Values”:
When you are a psychopath I am not sure these are things you think about
It seems most of the GOP is on the side of WEF except maybe for Rand Paul and Ron Johnson. They are less than dependable too.
Because they have been compromised by The Deep State spying apparatus. Honey pots etc.
Also look how evil BlackRock and it's CEO Fink are. They are buying up middle class real estate across the country, and raising the price of homes. It's great for people who already own, but it's hell if you are trying to buy. They want to wipe out the middle class through inflation, taxation and other marxist policies. Fink is connected to the World Economic Forum, who wants to turn us into a nation of renters. Without small business and real estate, the middle class has no real wealth. We need to fight for our middle class NOW.