I wish everyone would quit mucking around with nature and let the earth do its OWN thing. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Stop this insanity!

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Yes. The earth is remarkably self-healing. CO2 UP? (just like when volcanoes explode) Plants thrive and make more oxygen until equilibrium is achieved again. Heat UP? (like when exiting an ice age cycle) Average humidity up creating more clouds that convert/release the energy as electricity and provide rain based evaporative cooling. Meanwhile, if you pin them down, the global warming crowd claims humidity is actually the single most abundant greenhouse gas and source of global warming (and what is really going on is our CO2 production is raising the temps which raises the humidity which causes the warming, lol)...completely ignoring the energy conversion/discharge and evaporative cooling properties.

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Tree food bad, must save planet.

Could there be a more absurd message? This is what they are saying, just said differently, but it is what they are saying and it is nuts.

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Even if it saves the polar bears from their extinction which is not happening?

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Yes, the polar bears are fine.

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Polar bears are fine, it’s the humans I worry most about. It’s like polar bears just roll with whatever nature throws at them, mankind has always done the same...until people figured out how to convince government schmucks to spend the people’s taxes to enrich themselves while telling the children your parents are causing the planet to die and so will you. Bad parents!

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What is done by the 'controllers' is irrelevant - to the planet temp, at least. It's not irrelevant to the residents' welfare and freedom, of course. One huge influence I NEVER hear about is the sun, and it may be the single largest influence of our climate. Sun activity has certainly changed the global climate in the past, and will in the future.

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I did mountains of research on anadromous fish, i.e. salmon, sreelhead, bull trout. ..Here’s a taste…”they” destroyed our salmon/anadromous sea-run rainbow trout populations.


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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not to mention that geo-engineering sometimes uses aluminum nano-particles, which might have ... I'm just guessing here ... an unfortunate impact on human health. Especially since we're not evolved to get rid of aluminum nanoparticles, since they don't exist in nature.

Do they end up in the brain, as with the aluminum from vaccines?

Geo-engineering. Safe & Effective. So effective we all negotiated a treaty back in 1978 to outlaw weather weapons: ENMOD. Not so sure about the "safe" part though.


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Check your underarm deodorant. Have some aluminum. Thank them very little. Ed

Edit - And Good Gawsh, processed foods. We have a stellar butcher, cheese shop and vegetable store. I bought a ham from the butcher which I will smoke and vacuum seal along with some tenderloin beef jerky. 🏴‍☠️

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

We need to get these idiots out of power. Bill Gates for example gave his stupid dumb talk on Ted Talk before showing his equation

CO2 = P x S x E x C as CO2 is the Total Global Production

People assume he is smart so they are not critically thinking during his talk sometimes and if they did they would realize that he left something out in his equation:

The amount of CO2 that is used by plant population for photosynthesis!

Why is he buying up so much farmland? Probably to get rid of plant life.

This is why these people need to be out of power so that we can do what actually works which is have more farms like White Oaks Pastures that actually run carbon negative and eat up all the excess CO2

Plus they can feed a lot of people which good quality food. This type of thinking would make people healthier as well as be good for the planet.

So people like Bill Gates and WHO don't care about the planet or human beings. They are narcissists that only care about themselves. We can't let evil win which is who they are. We can't trust them as they have no compassion or integrity. We need to get them out of power and actually put people in power who actually care about human beings and the planet. Doing this will create a better future

The tyranny always is the worst in the areas that have the least freedom. Psychologically people always do best when their individual liberties are protected.

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Have been learning about Gates ever since he dealt an ultimate death blow to IBMs OS2. He has been focused on forcing peoples to yield to his solutions. Destroying the competition by any means necessary. We have heard he and his father favor population control. We've noted his 'charitable' operations end up being very profitable for him.

All reasons for us to be suspicious of him and his like-minded elites. IMO we would be wise to encourage our State and Federal officials to take pay attention and action (and to justify their (in?)actions, as regards this lot. Not even cloe to a trust but verify situation.

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Said it before....he is a raging sociopath

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Uhhh…Can you protect my computer before you try and protect me from your other…(You know what I want to say; but, won’t). Ed

Sociopath vs. Psychopath?

Edit - I have worked with two sociopaths…one learned the “hard” way, the other was smart enough to listen.

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OS/2 -- more than half an operating system. I remember it well.

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Gates has no clue that his displays of supposed intellectual prowess are as hideous and sadly hilarious as the sounds coming from the mouth of Florence Foster Jenkins, a rich lady who thought she could sing opera but really couldn't, and did it anyway because she was rich...

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I really don't like to wish that people would kick the bucket but Bill Gates, ya and a few others. Because hopefully most of the megalomaniacal plans will end there and not a next generation of mega rich and powerful psychopaths in line to pick up where they left off.

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Soros has already spawned one

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Actually more than one, but he seems to only trust the one. Worse yet he isn't the only evil that's reproducing replacement evils.

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Gates got close to Epstein to take advantage of his using the eggs of girls with desirable DNA to create the next generation of themselves. Epstein was a huge donar to this scientific endeavor. Perhaps Soros was doing the same thing. It seems Musk has many children and may have an eye for the 'right' DNA.

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Yes. In fact I've been reading reports of the elites financing studies to enable artificially developed eggs/sperm to fertilize and create new humans. A push for super beings to carry on and further their legacies.

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True That. Ed

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The fish are taking umbrage with that statement....ha, ha

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Spencer, a fine post, except CO2 is not excess. Also we are producing plenty of food, or certainly capable of. It is politics of power that starve people. Yes, the planet is greening, and on a time lag as CO2 increases, so does plant life and the amount of CO2 in biolife, including the oceans.

Yet we really have nothing to worry about...https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-greening-of-the-globe/comment/21423302

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The American Indian respected Mother Earth and learned how to live on the land and thanked Mother Earth for being the giver of life. Modern man believes he has the right to improve on Mother Nature with technology and not only distort the Earth, but to manipulate the blue print of life with RNA injections. It will not end well if we keep going down this road.

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For those of us old enough to remember, it's not nice to fool Mother Nature. Nor is it wise to fool /with/ her.

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And even if you try to, there will never be over population on Earth because Mother Nature does not allow it. Through plagues, long periods of drought combined with heat, and extended periods of extreme cold; hundreds of thousands if not millions die along with the animals. There are written records dating back 2,000 years that note the devastation although the temperature was not measurable. I have seen some of these records on line a couple of years ago but my searches now all end with recent msm news. Here is one link I save from last year.


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We do not have a climate crisis period. We have a Government facism international rule the world Blackbeards crisis. CO2 is tremendousely net beneficial.https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-greening-of-the-globe/comment/21423302

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We have had a climate crisis for decades but it only exists the minds of the sickos and those they have infected with their hoax.

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Shelly, you may find the linked article an effective red pill. Always free, not a news feed.

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023


15 hr ago

And even if you try to, there will never be over population on Earth because Mother Nature does not allow it"

I respectfully disagree !

We currently have an overpopulation that mother earth has not yet culled:

The elites.

Once she rids the world of this pestilence, we're good to go.


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Or to fool Father Time for those tech mogol freakazoids.

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DR. Malone..Do you believe there is a future for RNA that is NOT harmful?

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(Crickets chirping)

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Did you think 3 years ago you would become an expert scientist in so many fields? I didn't

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Rewilding is actually not a bad thing on a smaller scale to include an unmanaged area in over-manicured lawns and parks or sub prime land. If you let even a small 10 or 20 foot area go wild you will be surprised with the wildlife that it attracts. I loosely managed a poor soil rocky 100 acres by letting some areas go and combined it WITH Controlled Burns every 4 years and sold it to a hunter for a large gain. It easily had double the deer and turkey over surrounding areas. Alas, burning is frowned upon by everyone from greenies to your average Joe driving by programmed by Smokey Bear to be alarmed by smoke. Smokey Bear and his anti fire message have done more harm than most people understand.

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Smokey was against wild fires, not controlled burns. (Like many native Americans used to do)

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Yes - we did that and got the same results as you.

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Follow the money. I certainly will not be the first person to point out that there is way too much redundancy in the USG. Take the climate fraud. I bet grants are handed out by nasa, epa, noaa and maybe even fda. Shut this spigot by culling redundant granting and watch how fast the planet will suddenly heal itself.

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Money, Power, Control...sez it all.

Does anyone recall - PRIOR to his "elevation" to the Oval Office - Barry Soterio, aka Barrack Hussein Obama, exclaim on TV, that (QUOTE) "Under My plan, electricity prices will necessarily skyrocket". !!??

This year, Obama's henchman - JOE BIDEN, has allocated $44.9 BILLION dollars for "climate control"; the global take is $632 Billion; and the "estimate" is that by 2030 (where have we heard THAT number before?),$90 TRILLION dollars will be needed (and no doubt ) vanish into the black hole of "fighting climate change".

If the "plan" of the elites to decouple humanity from all carbon based energy resources is fully implemented and the masses become reliant on so-called "green" electrical energy to power everything, unless "they" can also make the SUN shine at night; and the wind blow 24/7/365 EVERY year, there WILL be MASSIVE (global) blackouts of electrical grids which WILL paralyze ALL commerce and result (in) MASSIVE loss of life.

An all "electrically" powered civilization on earth may produce the ultimate MOUSE TRAP.

Can THAT be the ultimate plan for depopulating planet earth?

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If right now, everyone in America lost electicity for a year, I think you would see a mass culling of the inept, while old farts, like me, would be perfectly fine.

These new generations of "humans" would perish almost immediately, once they realized their cell phones couldn't take selfies of their own asses in the mirror anymore.

I could easily go back to the stone age period of my childhood, where we played stickball with an old broom handle and a used tennis ball, threw a football around, or went down to the local fishing hole, and caught a few perch.

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Biden stepped into office January 2021 with a Hillary list of to do items from 2017. One of those items in support of his "30x30 Pledge" the House approved under Nag Nancy in February 2021, called The Protecting America’s Wilderness and Public Lands Act, approved by a vote of 227 'Ds' to 200 'Rs'. The Senate looked at it a few times and shelved it.

The Act creates another 1.49 million aces of federal wilderness, including more than 1,000 river miles, and withdraw 1.2 million acres from new oil and mining claims. The bill permanently sets aside more than one million acres in Colorado; 821,000 acres in California; 132,000 acres in Washington, and more than one million acres in Arizona.

Here is Biden's 30x30 pledge: to conserve 30% of U.S. land—an area twice the size of Texas—and 30% of coastal seas by 2030.

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Being that Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are just (ordinary) members of the CFR, stands to reason they BOTH are just 'following orders' from the (36) members of the Board of Directors (of) the Council on Foreign Relations. I recall via CSPAN TV (some years back when she was secretary of state under Obama), seeing Hillary in the room with the CFR "wallpaper", where Hillary stated she "Traveled to New York for orders from the CFR" (and after that) also seeing Biden in the SAME ROOM - setting next to Richard Haass (the CFR President) - when Biden was VP to Obama - and bragging about how he ( Joe Biden) was on the phone with the (then) president of Ukraine - saying he (Biden) would NOT sign off on a Billion Dollar Loan Guarantee - unless the president of Ukraine would FIRE the Ukraine equivalent of an Attorney General who was INVESTIGATING the HUNTER BIDEN/BURISMA Oil cartel shenanigans - and Bidden allowed ( the then president of Ukraine) "about 6 hours for that to happen - or NO U.S. CASH" (and, then) Biden quips, "well - son of a bitch, he (the Ukraine prosecutor) "WAS fired"!

THAT BLATANT ACT of coercion on a foreign government entity by Biden to take the heat off of Hunter - and his involvement with an international money laundering scheme was and IS TOTALLY ignored by the so-called "justice" department and the FAKE NEWS media. Trump was IMPEACHED by the Liberals, Progressives, Socialists and Communist (so-called "Democrats" and some so-called "Republicans') - that infest the House and Senate - for merely 'talking on the phone to a later Ukrainian president about reviving that investigation.

The level of absolute corruption WITHIN the U.S. government TOP to BOTTOM makes Washington D.C. STINK like an overflowing CESSPOOL!

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It has been that way for quite awhile. Communist Party USA installed Biden in the Senate in the early 1970. Pres Ford was complicit and every pres after Reagan but Trump. Now, the Dept of State was corrupted in the 1920s, the CIA by the late 50s, and the FBI just in time to nail Nixon.

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The CFR 'officially' began in 1921.

Nixon and his secretary of state - Henry Kissinger- were (Kissinger still is) CFR members.

Don't forget, it was Nixon & Kissinger sent by the CFR to cut a deal with Mao to "open China"

which all but destroyed U.S. heavy and light industry (read jobs and workers) ..and made the Communists rich and powerful.

The so-called "intellects" at the CFR thought by showering the Communists with US technology, intellectual property, and massive transfer of (American) wealth, that the Maoist/Marxist Communist Chinese would become 'more like us'. THEY have NOT changed and We are becoming more like THEM!

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Add in the influence of the international cabal Bildebergs, which at least recently was and we can see how thoroughly corrupt it all is.

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Hussein was a family name. His father left before he was a year old. He saw him once as a teen. I read that his father's immediate family practiced Christianity. Definitely Barack Obama was raised by his mother's parents. His Mother was a woman who cared about the lives of women in poor countries. He made mistakes, however, he inherited a huge mess from George Bush.

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Mistakes, the divider in chief hated the USA, as does his wife. He is still deeply involved in the current administration, and JB is a scapegoat for their planned destruction.

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Tonight: Glenn explores the shady history of climate hysteria, which unlike climate change, ACTUALLY grows more severe by the day.


[he also has a youtube channel where his Wed/Fri 40 minute shows also air and they are free obviously. It starts at 8:30 central on YT or 8:00 on his Blaze TV.

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There are a lot of proposed solutions to global warming/climate disruption. Geoengineering is by far the one that could have serious unintended consequences. But there are already ways that we can work with Nature's processes to achieve the same thing. Carbon farming is one. Consider the utility of industrial hemp. It grows on poor soil, is fast growing, and absorbs 5X the CO2 that trees and other plants do. And hemp has untapped potential for producing a wide range of products--paper, fiber for clothing, fuel and many, many other applications. And, a word on rewilding. The premise isn't about sacrificing productive farmland. It's about restoring habitat for wildlife--in urban parks, on College campuses, and in ecosystems that have experienced substantial alteration due to a decline in certain animal species--for example the beaver. Beavers play a crucial role in managing the hydrology of an area, creating habitat for other species by damming rivers and streams. The field of agroecology also incorporates some of these principles, designing farms that incorporate micro-ecosystems of plants that attract bees and other beneficial insects; agroforestry is another method of farming using existing forests as productive ecosystems for grazing livestock and growing forest-appropriate crops for human use. The point of my saying all of this is that there are many useful strategies for dealing with the complexities of integrating human activity with existing ecosystems and fostering both human and ecosystem health. Further, that these concepts and strategies might be advocated by parties that have other, nefarious intentions, for top down control is unfortunate, but we must not let the value and validity of these strategies be coopted and perverted.

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There are lots of ways to nibble around the edges of climate change, but no major ways. Returning to more natural methods of farming, including dropping the ubiquitous glyphosate resistant crops would be a good start - then we get natural pollinators and a myriad of other organisms.

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CO2 is NOT a problem, and the disasters are not happening. Please read


Not a news feed, always free.

..."In their exhaustive reports on all aspects of CAGW concerns, they, like the Petition Project and the Web site CO2 science, reference thousands of peer review reports and open face studies. A synoptic review of these studies indicate that CO2 is strongly net beneficial, and that those benefits (globally increased bio-mass plant and crop growth, increased crop drought and heat resistance, increased crop cold and frost resistance, expanded growing zones) are increasing on a linear basis as atmospheric CO2 concentration increases, and that the purported harms, increased droughts floods, Sea Level rise, extreme weather, acidic oceans, etc... are greatly reduced from the projections and mostly or entirely fail to appear at all. Where is the Climate Emergency?

There is thus far no global increase in typhoons or hurricanes as measured by ACE - accumulated cyclonic energy. There is no global increase in droughts, floods, tornadoes, or rate of Sea Level rise based on Geo-stable tide gauges and historic records of S.L. rise since the earth emerged from the Little Ice Age. Based on that time frame sea level rise has been 1.4 mm per year, and has not accelerated. Arctic Sea ice has not trended down for 16 years and is not historically low. Indeed, within the current climate epoch, it is very high.

The purported harmful effects of CO2 exhibit a logarithmic decline as CO2 concentration increases. Each CO2 doubling is expected to produce the same initial warming; thus 100 ppm to 200 ppm, increases warming a theoretical amount, and 200 ppm has to double to 400 ppm to have the same effect as the prior 100 ppm increase, and so on - then 400 ppm CO2 concentration must double to 800 ppm to again have the same effect as the initial 100 ppm increase.

While the harms fail to manifest, the benefits increase linearly to concentration levels well above anything likely to occur. These benefits are massive. Currently every crop on the planet grows 12% to 20% more food (conservative estimate) then it would if the atmospheric CO2 level suddenly dropped from 410 PPM to pre-industrial 280 PPM. (280 PPM CO2 is near starvation levels. If CO2 concentration had moved 125 PPM in the opposite direction to only 155 PPM concentration, almost everybody on the planet would starve, and almost all bio-life would cease.) Also, this CO2 caused increased production of bio-life, delivers another stupendous benefit, in that zero increase in water or land acreage is required. Additionally CO2 makes crops more drought, heat, and frost resistant - geographically expanding growing zones and growing seasons!"

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023

CO2 is a scapegoat, a fabricated lie to fool the mindless dolts

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It also is causing ocean acidification and coral bleaching (oyster farmers in the Pacific Northwest are seeing the softening of oyster shells in their crop as a result of acidification and this has negatively impacted their harvests); and the thermohaline ocean conveyor flow that maintains a temperate Europe is slowing down and showing signs of dysregulation. Scientists are also observing the migration of plant and animal species northward as they respond to the warming of their native ecosystems--in particular, we are seeing ticks moving into previously uninhabited areas with a dearth of apex predators to hoover them up. This is problematic since many carry such illnesses as Lyme disease and various co-infections. As a result, 250 million people worldwide suffer from some sort of tick-borne illness. Don't take my word for it. Read Mary Beth Pfeiffer's Lyme: The First Epidemic of Climate Change. I can't begin to follow your convoluted calculations, but I believe in applying Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is often the most likely. But I acknowledge that the many feedback loops that maintain the stability of the world's ecosystems are being disrupted, which has to have an impact of local and regional climate fluctuations. (An interesting factoid: every year, winds blow across the Sahara, carrying mineral rich sands and cross the Atlantic to the Amazon, where they deposit their payload. The greening of the Sahara--if that were possible--would severely disrupt this important symbiosis.) Finally, crop production is a complex process of interactions with soil nutrients, among other inputs, which in itself can potentially mediate CO2 production. Simply harping on CO2 is to miss the point. It is one input among many that sustains the natural world.

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Most of your concerns regarding CO2, and acid oceans, are simply wrong. Yet you need to look deep into the published literature to understand.

In the "Global Warming" post I provide links to several sites that give Peer reviewed reports on all the CAGW fears, including the "Acid Oceans", and it is my hope that folk would read alternative sides of an issue before jumping to conclusions. That is why the links are there and it will save endless back and forth on each and every concern, if we can challenge our selves to explore the issues from every angle.

Going to the linked CO2 web site we find this, which will give you a few hours of reading... http://www.co2science.org/data/acidification/acidification.php

"The most striking feature of Figure 11 is the great preponderance of data located in positive territory, which suggests that, on the whole, marine organisms likely will not be harmed to any significant degree by the expected decline in oceanic pH. If anything, in fact, the results suggest that the world's marine life may actually slightly benefit from the pH decline, which latter possibility is further borne out by the scatter plot of all the experimental data pertaining to all life characteristic categories over the same pH decline range, as shown below in Figure 12." (There is much more to be found.)

The ocean conveyer built theory is easily disputed by historical sea levels within the last 5000 years being up to two meters higher then today. (And the Northern climates were fine, as warm or warmer then today.)

The Sahara was far greener in the past, and Amazon was yet extremely rich in bio-life. BTW, the error margins for the ocean currents are quite large, and the causes of shift very complicated. (real life is like that, yet CO2 is the only hammer in the Statist tool kit.)

What "convoluted calculations" are you refering to? Everything I state is from the peer review literature and national and international data bases. Please spend some time, a minimum of several hours on each subject in the provided links, reading the published literature effectively refuting the vast majority of concerns, and exonerating CO2 from liability for real concerns.

Within this link,https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

you will find this link on "Wheres the Emergency"


Until you have spent several hundred hours (at a minimum) reading both sides, you cannot reach a balance persepctive. I have read both sides, watched amd read countles debates from experts, and have zero agenda or profit from any corporation.

So please consider reading the post. Also my estimate of the CO2 caused increase in crop growth is based on thousands of studies that include all of the disparate factors affecting plant growth and soil conditions, etc... and still I am giving a conservative estimate on the CO2 benefits.

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The glaciers are still, melting, depriving countries of fresh, potable water, oyster shells are still deforming, diminishing harvests, and tick populations are still marching northward, seriously impacting global health. The ecology of this planet rests on set of nested, complex ecosystem interactions. Reducing consideration of these impacts on complex systems to a simple binary of CO2 vs no CO2 will not get us to the truth of the facts on the ground. I am more than willing to consider a nuanced discussion of the relative impacts of CO2 on the climate but I refuse to simplify what is an inherently complex phenomenon (notwithstanding what I said about Occam's Razor which, on reflection, is probably not a useful analytic in this situation.)

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Clearly you read exactly zero of the links showing your "harm" assertions wrong.

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Please stop sending these convoluted responses. I am happy to look at the links, but it seems you have a fixation on being right without engaging in meaningful, nuanced dialogue.

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Cloud seeding = science's answer to a rain dance.

Have we reached peak climate alarmism insanity yet? I'm growing tired of waiting.

Meanwhile, the bad kitty has an interesting exposé on yet another underhanded way the lies are being perpetuated: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-cold-facts-about-heat-deaths

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Historically warmer temperature have been good for earth and its inhabitants, not implying that the increased CO2 concentration had much to do with the modest temperature increase. Watch the Richard Lindzen, Steven Koonin and Judith Curry interviews with Jordan Peterson. These are the experts that got cancelled for not playing ball by the New Science Rules.

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Add Bjørn Lomborg, Patrick Moore, Freeman Dyson, Craig Idso, Denis Rancourt.

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Yes, for sure these are good resources. Freeman Dyson is a particular good reference, his credentials, accomplishments and reputation as an elite scientist is well recognized. When people of his intellect speak we should listen.

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Red pill a friend on climate change, and you open their mind to a host of subjects.

".....There are literally thousands of peer reviewed studies that are skeptical of C.A.G.W. They are published by renown scientists like...

Dr. Tim Ball (Climatology), Dr. Patrick Michaels (Ecological Climatology), Dr. Judith Curry (Geophysical Sciences), Dr. John Christy (Atmospheric Sciences), Dr Kary Mullis, (Nobel Laureate in chemistry) Dr. Roy Spencer (Meteorology), Dr. Sallie Baliunas (Astrophysics), Dr. Willie Soon (Aerospace Engineering), Dr. William Happer (Physics), Dr. Richard Lindzen (Physics and Applied Mathematics), Dr. Don Easterbrook (Geology), and Dr. Jennifer Marohasy (Biology). Freeman Dyson ( physicist and mathematician, called "The smartest man alive" by the New York times) Dr. Bjorn Lomborg ( Environmentalist - One of TIME Magazine's 100 most influential people in the world ) Kiminori Itoh ( Ph.D. in Industrial Chemistry ) Ivar Giaever ( Nobel prize Physics) Will Happer (highly-respected physicist out of Princeton) Ian Plimer (Australian geologist, professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne) Nir J Shaviv ( Israeli‐American physics professor at the Racah Institute of Physics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Craig Idso ( M.S. in Agronomy from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Ph.D. in Geography from Arizona State University) MJ Blatt ( Former Professor of and head of the Department of Geology and Geophysics. University of Kashmir India) Siegfried Fred Singer (Austrian-born American physicist and emeritus professor of environmental science at the University of Virginia.) Jim Steel (Biology and Environmentalist Professor SFSU) The above is just a small sample of the thousands of highly respected PHD scientist, skeptical of CAGW."

Always free, not a news feed...https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Red pill a friend on CC, and you open their mind to a host of subjects..\Always free, not a news feed...https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Here is the reality, the water contains huge amounts of CO2, as it heats up it releases the CO2. One follows the other. As it cools it will follow that CO2 starts to lower. CO2 increasing doesn't lead to warming. CO2 decreasing doesn't lead to cooling. The insanity of humans controlling either is bad science. Plant more trees, if you want to grab more carbon. Solar and wind inputs are as destructive to the environment because you keep cutting down the trees.

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I lived in Washington state. If it’s a tree, it needs to be logged. Ed

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why yes Dorothy, love it.

Great to have you back on Warroom this morning, Bannon misses alot when he doesn't keep up with you.

I've linked this greening in past substacks, and it should be re-emphasized one of the big reasons, esp for arid greening, is that plants will tighten the openings in their stomata with higher CO2 levels, cuts evapotransportation. Hence, they don't require the water they used previously.

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I have a great interview on global warming with William Happer by the staff of TheBestSchools.org. It's a file saved on hard drive, but cannot find the link for the interview. Searched often, but never comes up. If someone more internet savvy can locate it, I'd appreciate it. I have it updated 9-19-2022. Starts with his bio, "William Happer is the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics, Emeritus, in the Department of Physics at Princeton University. A long-time member of JASON, a group of scientists which provides independent advice to the U.S. government on matters relating to science, technology, and national security, Happer served as Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science from 1991–1993."

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Yes... "While the harms fail to manifest, the benefits increase linearly to concentration levels well above anything likely to occur. These benefits are massive. Currently every crop on the planet grows 12% to 20% more food (conservative estimate) then it would if the atmospheric CO2 level suddenly dropped from 410 PPM to pre-industrial 280 PPM. (280 PPM CO2 is near starvation levels. If CO2 concentration had moved 125 PPM in the opposite direction to only 155 PPM concentration, almost everybody on the planet would starve, and almost all bio-life would cease.) Also, this CO2 caused increased production of bio-life, delivers another stupendous benefit, in that zero increase in water or land acreage is required. Additionally CO2 makes crops more drought, heat, and frost resistant - geographically expanding growing zones and growing seasons!"

Always free, not a news feed


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The way elites and their enablers are going about this has dire potential consequences for all of us, and your final comment sums it up perfectly:

Our “intelligence community” and their corporate partners have a very long history of completely overlooking the possibility of unintended consequences (“blowback”) in their chronic rush to implement shiny new technologic solutions to complex problems.

As Johnathan Haidt discusses in his book The Righteous Mind, the Left Wing brain is missing two and often three of the 6 core Moralities which makes it physically impossible for them to perceive first, second or third order consequences. They simply can't see any potential problems.

They are also unable to understand proportionality, Sanctity or Authority, which is why they treat illegal immigrants better than legal immigrants and treat criminals better than victims. It's also why they allow confused kids who are often same-sex attracted, autistic, abused or otherwise in need of genuine help to be given dangerous drugs and often butchered by profit hungry doctors in the name of "gender affirming care".

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"physically impossible for them to perceive ..." or letting consequences be damned in favor of self and cabal/clique/party/ideology/globalism/etc.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

Yes it works in their favour. I imagine some of the leaders know what they are doing and just whip the useful idiots up into a frenzy to do their bidding without them being able to see the negative consequences that are obvious to Conservatives who have a fully wired brains and can see all 6 moralities.

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Kids that probably were confused by them in the first place

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Gosh, who could have guessed that if you give the perfect food to the life form that "eats" it, the life form will thrive?

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Glad to read this! I've written a couple articles about climate change and how its actually "Anti-Human!"

This is a much needed post! Once we start to question the "science" behind all these initiatives, we start to see the real reason behind them. I've written about "scientism" as well and we all saw what it did for the past three years.

Here are few posts I've written on "seeing behind the initiative." I recommend the one on Elon Musk and SpaceX first because he's behind a lot of these initiatives, even though they're not going to succeed:




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7 upvotes for a flat earth advocate ?

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Haha! David, I used to say the same thing until I looked into Flat Earth myself.

One of the biggest things I realized is that, we've been taught the earth is round since we were little, we wouldn't know what a flat earth looked like if it stared us in the face.

You should check out my article, how a flat earth appears round. Breaks it all down!


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Sorry, absolutely zero there that is remotely convincing, and it ignores literally millions of factual observations, countering exactly zero of them. Instead of meandering links, please write one or two paragraphs that support the absurd idea you are presenting.

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Sure! Question before we start so I at least have some background and context:

1) have you ever looked into the possibility of a stationary earth from a serious perspective?

2) do you believe that NASA went to the moon in the 60s?

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1. Yes, your links

2. Yes

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Perfect! So I'd recommend really looking into the story as to "how" we went to the moon, because it simply doesn't add up.

For example, I write about "Dinosaurs" and everyone believes them, but if you ask physicists, they'll tell you there's no way dinosaurs existed because they'd simply be too large (its called the square-cube's law which states land living things can only be so large)


So once you know this, you realize that there's no way dinosaurs can exist. Staying with if we went to the moon, there are a number of things to consider:

1) hollywood directors worked very closely with nasa at this time

2) russia had more time in space than we did and they mentioned it was impossible to go to the moon

3) the US was spending billions and needed a way to justify it

I write about this because, one of the main reasons we believe in globe earth is because of what NASA tells us but we have to realize that nasa lies and they've told one of the biggest lies ever, which is, we went to the moon.

even though our technology has increased, we "don't have the technology to go back anymore." this quote is very similar to "safe and effective."

before i go any further, i want to hear your thoughts on what i've just mentioned so far

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Let the natural processes of our planet and its ecosystems unfold without unnecessary human interference. Climate variation remains a complex phenomenon that, to date, exceeds complete human understanding. There is a valid concern that governmental interventions, which now encompass scientific decisions, may not always lead to the desired outcomes and could potentially cause unintended harm. Throughout history, life on Earth has shown its remarkable ability to adapt to changing conditions, as observed in the field of Biology of Populations, presenting both challenges and opportunities for various life forms. Natural selection will continue to play a significant role in shaping the course of life on Earth.

It is crucial to be cautious about introducing artificial interventions to manipulate the planet and its climate, as these actions carry inherent risks due to human involvement. Human beings are flawed, and it is evident that some leaders may prioritize financial gain and power over the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants. Engaging in actions beyond their understanding could lead to serious consequences.

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Yes. Unintended consequences happening as we speak. I personally feel (baed upon emotion and oveservation) that if humans immmediately stopped all geoengineering processes (SAI, HAARP, etc) our planet would heal itself.

Thats just my .02

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Very well put. There are very old and insightful testaments that contain your wisdom. What man does to improve the quality of human life is blessed. And all that man needs to do so has been provided. Be fruitful and multiply . . .

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