Fantastic! There is hope and people like you, Jill and Slim are shaping a future I want my kids to live in. It’s time we take back control of our food production, decentralize, and support our local communities - by building relationships. This is one of the most important issues, bar none, at present. Even if the world economy goes belly up, we will need sustenance for our survival. Let’s put Bill Gates in checkmate and put an end to his maniacal belief that he can play god with our lives and the lives of our children. In fact this month some states will being to allow for the injection of mRna vaccines into cattle. There are many cattlemen who support this. Look for those who DON’T.

Thank you for the Beef Initiative. The time is now.

God bless you all.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There are immediate benefits to eliminating what I call factory foods from the diet. I was diagnosed with the alarming sounding but completely useless term of COPD by my doctor. My new 'GP' (the original had retired) told me that it was obviously rapid onset COPD and recommended some Johnny-come-lately drug/pill/cure, which I ignored.

I realized however, that the coughing was somehow related to my eating habits. When I ate processed foods, especially sugary crap, the coughing began within minutes and would not abate for hours after consuming junk food.

So I began limiting my consumption, and what do you know, the coughing abated. If I want to be cough free I eat a nice fat steak, and other made-from-scratch side dishes. The coughing stopped entirely. One egg, 2 bacon, one slice of organic (so it claims) whole grain bread, at breakfast. It also got rid of my indigestion, which for me was like having boiling grease at the base of my throat. Don't have problems with either of them now.

A doctor gets a visit from his drug rep and is suddenly an expert on the "cure", without a clue what the hell the cause of the illness is.

Heed your body, it is the litmus paper for all your ills. And call on the Great Physician for maladies. A GP is great for broken bones, stitching a person back up, but when it comes to ills with deeply embedded pathologies, I turn to a different source of healing.

God has healed me twice after I simply told Him I couldn't trust 'physicians' anymore and that I needed his help.

The last time He helped me was after a prayer for my right leg. Clogged with blood clots so complete that the leg had gone necrotic (it was disgusting to look at, and I wouldn't have been able to look at it if it hadn't been MY leg...) I realized I needed to take action...

The local hospital, a covid outpost, still insisted on masks and fully jabbed status to be able to get service, so it was doubtful, at my age, that I would ever walk out of there again.

So late at night as I sat and for the first time looking long and hard at the leg, crossed up over the left leg, I realized that I was likely to lose it in the next few days. Or more likely, my life.

I'd read II Chron16-12-14 (not for the first time, but a revelation at the most recent reading) and had begun asking God to heal me. It had worked the first time I asked, to be healed in my left hand that had a months long painful 'trigger' finger in the 'ring finger' and now had begun to afflict the tendons in the thumb, rendering the hand unable to grip and useless.

As a cabinet maker, I NEED both hands to work. I asked for HIs help and He healed the hand in hours, whereas the ring finger is still a bit stiff but the thumb as robust as when I was a young man. So, explaining my problem to God, I asked if He could 'help me out here', and the next morning the leg was back to normal. The skin shows the proximity to loss, mottled and sickly colored, but the leg works fine, the painful clots gone. Even the left leg, which had a painful clot just beside the knee was free of the problem.

So I say with great faith, to ask God, knowing He wants to hear from you, longs to remind you of His affection for you by healing you and freeing you from all your maladies. Maladies that are the result of relying on the Acquisition Minded Billionaire Industrial Complex (AMBIC) and return to the simple complexity of home, hearth, and neighbors.

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Doug; I love your experience with what I call "The Divine Force". I too have had powerful healings by asking for assistance with my own situations. Trust and faith do wonders in this way.

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The Great Physician, Doug ?! .. Aaa - men !!

Faith ... a little goes a long way.

One thing I have been taught is the power of the tongue. When we recant our various maladies verbally, we grant license to the Enemy ( the Prince of the Air ) to use our spoken words against us.

Another was to ponder/envision what you will do when you are healed, like what you did w/ your hands, Doug ( no "if" or " maybe" ) --- because the price was paid @ Calvary.

As He said, no father would give his child a scorpion or stone in lieu of bread or fish ; He knows our needs --- receive in Faith.

This is a distillation of lessons that various friends spent over 7 years, weekly, to help see my health restored --- for naught --- until --- IT CLICKED !!

So, 25 yrs, after a femoral popliteal revascularization to reverse the necrotic tissue caused by Buerger's Disease, lymphedema, and as many as 30 venous stasis ulcers, my health is restored. No more weekly Wound Care visits, no litany of rx's ... Praise the Lord -- He loves us SO !!

Bonus : the Holy Spirit told me " this is not for you" when I prayed about the Jab . OK, Lord .

Maybe 18 months later, I read ( most likely here ) that inflammation in the endothelia is being reported. My bypass was necessitated by arterial clotting in my legs. The mRNA Vax may have left our cat and 3 dogs chauffeur-less.

Congrats on your Healing, Doug !!

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Haha. Dogs have masters, cats have 'staff'.

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You confirm what I stated in my comment!

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Just helping a neighbor, neighbor.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks so much. I am suggesting you investigate Tower Gardens as part of the solution for growing food slavery issues. My family grows organic veggies in our house and have for ten years. Please become aware of Vertical Aeroponic Tower gardens as used by NASA and displayed at Epcot. Judy.towergarden.com

Peace and love to you all


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🎯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Thank you Judith HP

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We have to help each other

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Have you ever seen anything like this before. We are smitten

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I LOVE my TowerGarden! I've had it for years.

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Its wonderful and simple ..I am meeting lovely people also in the company.. What are you growing?

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I have been reading about this.

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Glad to hear it. The site is simple and clear but call me if you are questioning Judy 641 226 0648.

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Where did you read about Tower Gardens?

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On line. I have been looking at plans for a greenhouse at it popped up

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Thank you so much for validating what my husband and I struggle with every day in working hard to eat consciously. I even educate my local food coop about getting more foods organic! This is a long, complicated road that few are willing to walk yet, but little by little you and others like you (Zach Bush M.D.)will make a difference.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I grew up on an Angus beef ranch, so this hits so close to my heart..thank you

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I want to eat lean meat with ample protein from animals. Not crickets, locust, or "solient green" produced by b. gates.

Nor do I wish to "own nothing" that I have worked all my life for!

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I've come to believe that we the people must apply focused, forceful, high priority resistance against the adoption of CBDC. If implemented it will put an end to financial freedom. There is no more important reason for rebellion at the moment. When financial freedom goes, so goes individual freedom. We can then be forced to eat whatever they want us to eat. We can be forced to watch as our life savings are simply deducted from that one account at the central bank.

CBDC logically leads to a banking system consisting of one central bank at the Fed, complete centralized control of financial transactions, and therefore central planning of the economy. To me that sounds a lot like the system run by the USSR. It sounds like communism. Nobody wants that!

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Nobody wants that but the Gov. We need to have a diverse 'currency' system that people can use outside of the fed's control. I think bitcoin and the like are an example.

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If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Improvements, yes. Replacement NO!

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Get back to me this time next year. Thanks.

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Start by planting a garden.

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Sadly folks actually believe it is that simple. Live where triple digit temps normal in summer which are killers of veggies and we are routinely hit with water restrictions because developers are being allowed to develop central Texas into a state of permanent drought. Big fines.

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Plenty of designs that will work to grow plenty of food. Like normal, most people use any excuse possible to not try.

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His comment reflects his situation, not yours Rick. I'm not yet 81 like Nash is, but I am physically affected by high heat and humidity so gardening has negative health effects on me. Not sure how many more years I will be able to do it.

Rolling a dense mess over the garden area to shade the veggies from the sun helps but they still require much water.

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Pit gardens, shade cloth, total shade late afternoon, huge rainwater collection tanks, drip irrigation, plant annual & perennial choices & timing, among other design elements. Some plants need shade cloth and great care and some don't. I could explain how & why and I'm not even practiced in the Texas climate, and it actually might not need all of it for extremes are not prolonged overtime, and I can at least make a decent start towards experimenting, but he won't care. His life is over as it were.

The thing about older folks if they had an income they can afford to do it all. Most won't, they would rather go on vacation.

A garden is vacation compared to what's about to occur!

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Not an expert says it. You know nothing about the climate here, rules on water restriction, my finances and physical condition etc. but just pontificate away. Shee!!!

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If I lived next door I would have you come help or come help you. Has to be someone around there, maybe a permaculture person.

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And a related link to top lawyer, Tom Renz, active in fighting against mandatory injection of mRna in cattle:


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Great commentary. Thank you, Texas Slim and Dr. Malone!

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Can you provide a link that we can purchase Beef from ranchers who produce clean beef? And who can we trust with poultry? It would be extremely beneficial. I live in Tennessee.

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You can go to The Beef Initiative website (https://beefinitiative.com), click on the Producers tab and then put in your state to find farms/ranches.

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I believe that the epidemic of gluten intolerance stems from the GMOs in our food. As I said in an previous post, my grandson has Addison’s disease which he was diagnosed when he was 14. He can not tolerate gluten. But he can tolerate my baked goods made with organic flour. I also have a wheat grinder and use it to make bread with the non GMO wheat. We purchase organic seed for our garden and use chicken poop for fertilizer. I believe most of the seed that is GMO seed cannot produce a crop if you use the seeds from the GMO food. You can gleen the seeds from your garden food.

I was raised on a farm. When I was a little girl we produced our own seeds from the previous years crop. We had wheat and potato seed we produce . Now you have to buy certified seed. You can’t produce your own seed. I remember dad hiring ladies to come in and slice the potatoes for seed. There was a hole in wood with hooks underneath the hole to hold a gunny sack. The was a knife sticking out of the wood by the hole. The ladies would slice the potatoes as some of you might know You have to have an eye on the potato to produce potato seed. The potatoes would fall into the gunny sack below. The ladies would fill the sack then tie it off and hook up another gunny sack. This was how we produced our own seed. Now you have to buy government certified seed. The government controls everything.

Grow a garden using natural fertilizer. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. There is nothing better than eating fresh food from your garden. If you live in an apartment use pots. Learn to can. Go to your local coop where people come and sell their fresh produce.

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I read years ago that wheat was grown in many areas of the nation using a large variety of seeds. Because it was mainly produced in the upper Midwest one particular seed was modified to resist disease and abnormal weather. Now the only wheat used in the US for food production is Durham. And yes, it does not produce seeds that will grow. A study of the different wheat types decades ago showed varying nutritional content and properties. Same we are missing that diversity.

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Right on!

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Let us know if Alberta Canada reps show up !

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What it's time to do is END Bill Gates life. Let's start with that eh?

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"If a man strikes you on one cheek turn to Him the other." God knows exactly what to do with Bill Gates, a man who became powerful because WE allowed him to. If you are that vehicle of retribution, so be it.

But we gave him all money he has, as we slavishly fawned over the shiny bright crap he sold, and now we are reaping the harvest for our ambivalence about the world around us.

He is a member of the Acquisition Minded Billionaire Industrial Complex (AMBIC), and the sooner ALL his ilk are off the earth, the better for us all.

If there were a cancer on the planet it is those who own everything and are tired of sharing it with the 99% that were content with what God gave them.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

We? I didn't help him to do anything. I know JFK was shot by globalists I know the fed was created by the richest family's on the planet on no Forbes list. I know 911 was a sham. The world wars were set ups. Corona and the like. I didn't allow anything. Fallen men have. It's that same argument anyway. God will take care of pedophiles too but unless they're dealt with here and now how many more children will suffer? Furthermore my understanding is different.

It's not about revenge its about humility, courage and fear of God.

I have a family to protect and he's going after them.

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My feeling is that if you don't think you are part of the problem, you're part of the problem...

I am part of the global collective of humanity that looked the other way while evil flourished. Have I been decrying the globalist agenda, chemtrails, "universal healthcare", out-of-control-government, gmo's, et al for a dozen years or more? Yes, absolutely!

But that does not absolve me from collective guilt.

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BG wants all of us off the planet ! ... except ...

" Yeah, she's 16 ? OK, I'll keep her ..."

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Gates provided a tool, a useful one. We bought it. The feds made Gates divest his monopoly but he thrived anyway. If Gates and his ilk go somewhere I’d rather it be under than off than off the earth. Evil will always exist – just don’t take part in it.

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How do you not take part in chemicals, gmo food, and now mrna food???

This is when God returns. When free will to avoid is not possible.

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Yes and amen, but I also agree with Shelly that we put our minds, our money, and our courage where it is needed most. I buy local, buy 'organic', get from the source as best I can (grower). We will all have so much to talk about when God reveals Himself to the world! I can't wait.

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Keep up the good work of spreading all kinds of truths and you, too, will be standing next to my other "hero's"; Del Bigtree, Robert Kennedy Jr, Dr. Paul Thomas and Dr. Mercola. I think the Big Food Industry may be easier to influence and tell the truth about than the Pharma/Vaccine Conglomerate. And when people get educated about food, their choices are simpler to implement.

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your favorite experts are mine too..

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This expose of the food industry is long overdue! Even when one looks for "clean" food, it is difficult to find and expensive. Growing your own food is an alternative but finding clean meat and dairy is a real challenge.

How about a livestream for the multitude of us who cannot get to Virginia on short notice or are otherwise unable to make it. Even a rebroadcast after the fact would reach many more people. Most people are oblivious to the truth of the food supply and even less know about the degradation of nutrition and toxicity in our food. With all the nefarious issues coming to light these days, it's difficult to choose an issue to combat! Food has to be near the top of the list for us all!

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I was OK with this analysis until I read this: "The link between GMOs and obesity is easily observed by looking at the obesity rates in the US versus countries that do not use GMOs." The assumption is that there are no confounding variables, e.g., between the US and France in the case cited as an example. I have trouble believing that. I do believe our food supply is compromised, but this lack of rigor casts an unfortunate bit of shade on the analysis in my opinion.

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Correlation does not equal causation - so this kind of statement is always tricky.

The majority of his writing is spot on. So I can give him a little slack on that one point.

It is always tricky with guest authors - it is their experience, their opinion, their knowledge base - not mine. But I am always glad to have a diversity of opinion here. I think it helps the dialogue and discussion.

If I were writing this, I would have provided a link to back up such a claim.

But I am a scientist and so, that is me.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There are scientists doing the work and studies. What is being found is that "seed oils" like canola, soybean, cottenseed contain high levels of Linoleic acid, ( besides GMO's) and that this excessive acid may be the cause of inflammation, which is the precursor to most diseases. Most EVERYTHING has these seed oils: baked goods, crackers, dressings, and the list goes on forever. The population is drowning in this harmful ingredient.

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This GMO bad--period--really bugs me. Improved crop sizes are improving food availability in Africa I have read. How can this be bad? Given the fact word is leaking out just how badly published studies are being done and reviewed, cannot believe an article anymore just because it tells you something you want to hear. The word "study" has become badly tainted.

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Talking about edibles here is a good one: In an attempt to kill two birds with one stone, scientists believe they have found a way to convert plastics into edible protein powders, thus being able to curb food shortages and inflation while trying to reduce the pollution problem. The process works by using microbes that completely breakdown the plastics completely, and “in the end, all we are left with are microbial cells, and those cells are made up of a lot of the same things we eat,” Techtmann added.Bacterial cells are about half protein, so they have all the nutrients that we would really need in order to be used as a food.

Once dried-out the powders look identical to brown sugar, the head scientist explained, which he says takes roughly about a day to fully breakdown.

The end product will purportedly be used for MREs (meals ready to eat) and other food items at store shelves, though this vision is still probably a few years off.


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Sounds yummy. Recall that Jack in the Box had plastic shakes back in the 70 s

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Thanks Dr. Nash. Food has been "genetically modified" for quite a long time. It is just back in the day it was done with grafting and the like as opposed to actually modifying gene sequences. So why is modern genetic modification necessarily bad? I have yet to be convinced.

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