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Presumed so. Thank you and I feel sad you actually have to say it out loud.

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Yes, thank you. We don't want to be an echo chamber here, but a line should be drawn. Kind of reminds me of an early song by Bjork, "Human Behavior". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0mRIhK9seg

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"The best protection is to screen people arriving into the USA and to stop the flow of millions of illegal aliens. To not allow the chaos that is occurring at our borders. The airlines working with the government, must no longer be allowed to fly illegal aliens coming from the border, to all areas in the USA."

Health is only one component of this huge threat. We are at WAR, suffering as many causalities from drugs, diseases, and crime as we did in WW II or Vietnam. This is a huge threat.

Donald J Trump


Dec 28th 2023



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Jan 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Let's not forget about drug-resistant tuberculosis. You could easily be sitting next to an infected illegal alien on any mode of public transportation. I have been saying this since the beginning of this debacle. Those in favor of open borders will finally start complaining when they or someone in their family is either infected by an illegal alien or assaulted by one. Then they will be singing a different tune.

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That's what brought attention to the suffering of people caught in the dust bowl storms - there was finally a terrible dust storm that made its way all the way to Capitol Hill and so the hell it caused people could no longer be ignored. So, I think you're right.

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On planes or in possibly classrooms? If gov didn’t force shots/health checks at the border, they may make the same. exceptions when undocumented kids enter public schools.

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That is true. However, the problem began when we allowed this administration to break our own immigration laws. That will unfortunately create a cascade effect, when these same illegal immigrants utilize public transportation & enter our schools. The damage has already taken place with the porous border. The rest of us should not have to pay the price by needing to seek exemptions from unwanted medical procedures or interventions. The government has created a nightmare for the citizens of this country.

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Thank you for writing about this. Several years ago I tried to discuss this topic in a political forum, and was called a racist by the self appointed morality police. Stupid is stupid, and this is just about the most ridiculous stance that a body could possibly take, (that it is racist to be concerned about disease from the open border). I even had these same types tell me that common sense was crap! Seems many have forgotten what they once knew and are trying to make others just as mindless.

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It is not raciist to protect against entry of infectious diseases. However, throughout history the ethical goal to protect became corrupt and lead to scapegoating, racism and quarantines that were inadequate.

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Human nature leaves no side of the coin unturned.

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Been harping about this for years. The southern border ahas long been a portal for diseases . When in A F in San Antonio in the 60s was hearing the schools were seeing diphtheria cases. Guess in whom. And ever since this surge began was already hearing about measles, polio and T.B. making comebacks. Could only get worse…and it has.

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Visited it in 2019 in AZ. Cesspool. The TX cattle alley is a disgusting eye opener too.

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I’ve just watched a short video of Dr. Denis Rancourt insisting the all cause excess mortality is due to the government response to covid and the vaccines and that there was no pandemic or excess mortality without these actions. https://twitter.com/denisrancourt/status/1740872581987635278 I’ve just seen a talk by Dr. Yeadon insisting that the vaccines were designed to cause harm. And now we are confronted with actions at the border by the government which will obviously cause great harm and disease - which will result in MORE actions from the government which if past is prologue, will cause even greater harm.

At what point do we conclude they’re intending to subdue and/or kill us?

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That point should have been obvious years ago. 0bama/Biden are leading the way for the 'Great reset'. Remember back in 2008 when 0bama screamed out that 'hope and CHANGE' nonsense? This is the CHANGE he was talking about.

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I think Dr. Yeadon is a very sincere person. I don't have enough knowledge to back up my current belief (so I may change it), but I think we cannot prove the shots were deliberately disseminated to harm. However, I think the virus was designed as a bioweapon, why else was it tweaked to become more harmful? Allowing infected people to enter at the border is not the protocols followed to gain legality once inside. The government should invest in proper medical screening with the same vigor given to shutting down the country for a virus with low mortality rates.

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Yes, he does seem sincere. This is his video where he presents his credentials and his opinion on the shots. https://rumble.com/v3zq2jj-mike-yeadon-address-to-parliamentary-special-meeting-4122023.html It was to be played at parliament (?) but couldn’t due to sound issues. I don’t see why things can’t be simply debated in the public sphere rather than sabotaged.

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I watched it. There are two things I am considering. One is yes Pfizer knew it was harmful, but did they release the shot with designs to kill, or to make money. Two, did the government really understand the true dangers, Pfizer was invested in covering their tracks, and when noticed minimized them. So, I still am unsure killing was the intention by pharma, I am inclined to believe it was greed that trumped concern for the fallout.

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I agree. Proving intent is above my pay grade. But for me, when things don’t add up, I head for the exits. Not a very noble characteristic, but I’m probably still here because of it. I’d probably find peace if I weren’t so dang curious.

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It appears the optics of having illegals leaving Tucson on domestic flights is pretty bad, so the program is shifting to chartering flights. This further obscures the extent and destinations of the illegals.

I just returned from the city for my wife's surgery evaluation. It's so infuriating, seeing women and our nation's own homeless freezing on the street, while illegal military age, single, males being flown to room and board accommodations. Yea, I realize much of our homeless are drug and psych problems (caused or enabled drugs of open borders), but we need to take care of own first

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That is the cry in Europe also, where refugees are housed while locals can't find shelter. The whole world has changed, and Europe is experiencing a tidal influx that their infrastructure cannot handle.

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The spread of diseases once eliminated in America is just one of the numerous reasons our government wants the country flooded with illegal aliens. Those who would destroy us all don't give a rat's ass about anything or anyone except absolute power by any means necessary.

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Jan 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My 12 year old grandson actually went trick or treating a couple years ago during covid as a "plague doctor." He made the beaked mask and the whole get up. (I was so embarassed when he went to the neighbors.)

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I like that kid

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Good for him, he’s got a wicked sense of humor!

I hope you have red pilled neighbors, not blue pilled ones!

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Emergencies are good for government, as it leads to more funding and more powers. So we now have a government dedicated to creating emergency conditions and preparing horrible legislation to pass as soon as the inevitable disaster events happen.

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Problem, Reaction, Solution

PRS refers to a concept where a problem is intentionally created or amplified to elicit a specific emotional reaction from the public, leading to the presentation of a pre-planned solution that may serve ulterior motives

Agenda driven, govt agency fulfilled, unsuspecting public.

Works quite effectively

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Jan 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My father died from the complications of what was determined to be West Nile, he lived outside of Brainerd Mn. across from a large swampy area. We are already in trouble here, this is an alarm that needs to be sounded! Good god, what next?

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So sorry for your father DD. As far as what’s next it seems to me whatever their torturous desire is, I guess people just don’t care!!

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Skeeters/ticks/hornets/wasps/sand fleas and gnats. Seems it's always the teeny tiny things we must avoid, including the hypo-spike micro lab GOF, as public enemy #1.

He was a true Minn outdoorsman if he lived anywhere near Brainerd. Rest in peace.

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Thank you for this important information. I can only think that Biden intends to take our country down in as many ways as possible. How is it possible to explain this border policy when there are so many threats to a stable country when the borders are left wide open--and those coming across are even being welcomed and funded?

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I don’t know what Biden wants or thinks (not much); his handlers (BHO, Soros, etc.) certainly want to bring the country down. Traitors all. Guillotine is too good for them, firing squad, hangman’s noose, the rack, drowning with a millstone, old sparky.

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Consider this article in AND Magazine this week:

I Guess We Know Now What $31 Million Buys - Joe Makes It Even Easier For Chinese To Enter. By SAM FADDIS. JAN 4, 2024: https://andmagazine.substack.com/p/i-guess-we-know-now-what-31-million

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It’s hard to fathom this government putting there own citizen populations at such a risk as this. What will happen to the politician when tens of thousands of American citizens become sick and die because a political parties want to stay in power? Do they not see the hatred of them that will occur when your brother, sister, parent or child dies due to their treason? Does the complicit politician realize the threat to them? I don’t think this will end well for the politicians responsible for the mass killing of fellow citizens by way of horrible disease. Maybe the deep sleep America has fallen into will keep us silent still. J.Goodrich

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'It’s hard to fathom this government putting there own citizen populations at such a risk as this."

Not really, when a government despises so many of its citizens. Question is, what are those citizens going to do about it?

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That’s what I’m wondering and waiting for Bruce. Are we to believe 51 percent of the country wanting 4 more years of this. Imagine what will happen Biden as a lame duck??

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Our former Governor Martin OMalley (recently appointed at HHS) smilingly assured us the "New Americans" would be a huge asset. Perhaps, experienced with diseased conditions, but glad to be catered to by the US and would be more numerous and more forgiving than the citizenry?

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Look only to South Africa to see our future under their watch. Google Julius Malema.

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A long while ago Obama was supporting a politician down in Africa someplace. The pol lost. Then there were gangs that arose and made life miserable. Ended up with the winner and loser sharing power. Stopped being reported on. Struck me that shades of those tactics seem to have been/are reflected here.

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Jean when I see “The Border” on the news I shut it off. I honestly am and feel helpless, which I know is probably what they want. I cant help it that’s how I feel, there’s nothing I can do.

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I got very involved during the period when it was a matter of Arizona v the US Gov. Stuck with it a while. Supported a local Senator who was stopping local related opposition. OMalley removed him from the committee he was on thereby getting the legislation he (OM) wanted passed. I've dwindled down mostly to just being irritated at this point, tho I still keep my antenna up just in case.

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I have said this before, I will say it again.

"Man is the most INVASIVE, NON-NATIVE life form to exist on Planet Earth. !!

And there is a possibility this was by design from the beginning from it's creator.

The greatest intellect test ever created. Can these folks actually get along, long enough to see the wonders and beauty of creation? Or love more to destroy it!

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The Dumbing Of America was the perfect poisoning for all the Minds of America. it's silent.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. This Admin is on mind bend total destruct. No Denying.

The fruited plains and purple mountain majesty is under foreign siege.


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The problem is: many people who have relatives, children, spouses etc who have died as a result of the virus or the lethal jab simply refuse to believe the real cause! Or even the possibility of the real cause! The possibility! Think about it, people.

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CIDID is aware of the fact that some illegals have an active case of malaria and are entering the USA. They are working on a program to contain the spread. The dichotomy is that the US healthcare system is short staffed and strained because of the Covid, and now they are layering another set of disease states beyond malaria on the medical professionals and these diseases are not indigenous to the USA.

Dr. Malone. Can you explain the motivation of some researchers proclaiming that they have never proved that a virus exists? If so, then the mRNA injections have NO value. That means virology is a fraud? Confusing to say the least.

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4Author

No serious researcher would say that there are no viruses. No peer reviewed papers writing that.

The other group like this, are the "flat earthers" - seriously, these people are not serious scientists.

IMO - more attention seeking alternate media jocks. Think the National Enquirer.

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“attention seeking alternative media jocks”

What an apt description of so many out there!!

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Yeah, like White House pressers.

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Imagine the amounts of tax payer dollars spent on White House DIS-INFO?

Must be a trillion by now.......

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How about: “There are no viruses capable of causing a deadly, global pandemic”. I hear this more often than the ‘No such thing as a virus’ claim. This claim is most often caveated with risks to vulnerable cohorts(elderly, immune compromised), factors already baked into mortality tables worldwide for endemic and seasonal disease.

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Thank you!

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Can't wait for em to add ATOMIC Particles to that same Flat Earth/Fake moon landing.

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Many nurses had nothing to do for weeks during the so called covid crisis. Ken McCarthy's book is very enlightening 'What the Nurses Saw.' Yes, it did get crazy in some hospitals, but due to nutty and dangerous protocols.

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So… why are they saying we are short 100,000 nurses in the ISA?

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You mean USA, but I get your question.

The reason is that the hospitals fired all the nurses that wouldn’t take the experimental clot shots, even those that already had COVID and recovered. And then there were the ones, the ethical ones that couldn’t abide what they were being forced to do, and then there are the vaccine injured ones who aren’t able to go back to work.

Add those all together, and you get a big hole in your workforce.

The people in charge and those implementing the policies were a combination of stupid, incompetent, malign, corrupt, unethical, spineless, greedy, compromised, coerced, uninformed, misinformed, thoughtless,cowed, cowardly individuals, who should not be in healthcare ever again and certainly not in positions of power or authority. Some should be executed, some in prison for the rest of their lives, some in jail for a long time and some just employed sweeping streets or hauling garbage or doing yards work.

I think we all can sort out who’s who for those alternatives

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Ah, one of the rare treasures on earth, an ethical doctor speaks the truth.

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Roger; hauling garbage, sweeping streets and doing yard work is valuable and necessary for our sanitation, beauty and health.

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That is surely true, and I would only reserve that option for those are not so complicit and guilty of crimes against humanity (e.g., someone who was not in a personal or family position to resist the illegal, unethical demands of the democidal regime. Hard to screw up those jobs without it being obvious quickly and correctable before permanent damage can be done.

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You are an MD, were you able to convince any other doctors that what they did was abominable? I mean so many medical workers participated in the atrocities of Nazi Germany, the pattern repeated. Is it that most people live in Weakland because they abandon their consciences?

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But when it's -10* .....procrastination is somewhat permitted. Hahaha

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You forgot to add the new and improved, handy and dandy, legal IMO.

Just an important reminder from our greater Substack informed writer/readers. God bless 2024 and all your Families on board! RMS

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Sorry Roger. there were some past conversations about offering details when writing essay. One such substack reminded us to invoke the rule post as (In my opinion).

There was nothing wrong or tainted in your assessments. I think my quip refers to involving the latest theater over the Plagiarisms raising legal question of" In My Opinion" was left out the writings. Therefore Liable in a court.

It was my attempt @ some humor or wit. I was distracted by the dog wanting to play keep away. True. Though never eaten any ones homework. Not Yet anyway. My apology.

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

At close to the end of the day for commenting, I am somewhat disappointed at the lack of comments and "likes". This could very likely be the perfect storm for the ongoing and diverse tactics of the diabolical planners of "destruction thru corruption". This is an area of health that affects all, no political leanings necessary for infection.

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your absolutely right. We have to check for diseases at the border. My son went on a mission for our church to Bolivia. Before he went to Bolivia he had to get a yellow fever vaccine. We were told he had to get it and keep his yellow fever vaccination with him to show when he came back into the USA . If he didn’t have it he wouldn’t be allowed to enter the USA. To just allow the refugees to just come into America without a medical check up is wrong.

Back in about 1910 my grandma’s sister came to America from Wales. She had tuberculosis . She was not allowed to come off of Ellis Island until she had a letter from the governor of Utah to come into his state. She had to have family there that would take care of her.

What has changed? Open borders. So wrong. I’m glad I live in the northern states. To cold for the mosquitos to live.

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My grandfather also came through Ellis Island and had to submit a health certificate. Remember when we wouldn't let Djokevich come in to the country for a tennis match, but untested, unvaccinated illegals were already pouring in?

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Yes something is rotten in Denmark

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