What bugs me is the discontinuity. Look at the election map and there is,very little blue. Yet....when conservative AGs like Paxton take the fed to task,at best maybe 1/2 if the states follow suit. Usually far less. And the bloody House is 1/2 democrat. Those blue/purple states are where some serious thought needs to be spent, perhaps by…
What bugs me is the discontinuity. Look at the election map and there is,very little blue. Yet....when conservative AGs like Paxton take the fed to task,at best maybe 1/2 if the states follow suit. Usually far less. And the bloody House is 1/2 democrat. Those blue/purple states are where some serious thought needs to be spent, perhaps by paying close attention to what is being taught in their schools
Yeah, your point is a good one regarding other state AG's not following suit. . . just one more indication of more RINO's. It would seem an association of Repub. AG's of some sort should be pressuring the RINO's to FALL in line, present a united front. Same goes, of course, for those in Congress.
The election map showing all the counties is astounding and the country looks almost entirely red except for the usual west and east coast areas. But what it also reveals is how the population (of Democrats) is highly concentrated in those blue areas.
I could be wrong but I think the Democrats are sneaky smarter than the conservatives in political matters. Here’s what I saw in the Kentucky race for Governor. There were 4 republican incumbents. During their debate, one was clearly the better man and one was clearly the worst. Guess which one got nominated to run against the Democrat Beshear? Right! The one no one would actually vote for. How did that happen? Democrats switched party affiliation for the governors race. Then in the actual election voted for that woke nut case who kept us all masked and locked down and made ivermectin illegal and delicensed doctors who gave it. What we need are more tools to prevent perversion of the democratic process that encourages the cream to rise to the top. And I have no brilliant ideas of how to do that!!! Actually I do have one but I would not know how to implement it. Just this: money drives political popularity (usually- you have to be a genuine pile of horse patoot to lose when your donors spent 2 billion on you!) So it’s the guy with the biggest war chest that usually gets elected. Level THAT playing field, remove donors entirely (make it a tax category where everyone running gets exactly the same amount) and you might get a better result. Maybe make all rallies and all debates require ALL runners to show up and defend their policies. Like I said … I don’t know the answer but brighter minds should consider how to UNgame the system.
Agree about money. Too much involved. Have argued for some time that outlawing out of state money would have many benefits. Have GOP censure party switchers and do not certify dems running as reps?
What bugs me is the discontinuity. Look at the election map and there is,very little blue. Yet....when conservative AGs like Paxton take the fed to task,at best maybe 1/2 if the states follow suit. Usually far less. And the bloody House is 1/2 democrat. Those blue/purple states are where some serious thought needs to be spent, perhaps by paying close attention to what is being taught in their schools
Yeah, your point is a good one regarding other state AG's not following suit. . . just one more indication of more RINO's. It would seem an association of Repub. AG's of some sort should be pressuring the RINO's to FALL in line, present a united front. Same goes, of course, for those in Congress.
The election map showing all the counties is astounding and the country looks almost entirely red except for the usual west and east coast areas. But what it also reveals is how the population (of Democrats) is highly concentrated in those blue areas.
I could be wrong but I think the Democrats are sneaky smarter than the conservatives in political matters. Here’s what I saw in the Kentucky race for Governor. There were 4 republican incumbents. During their debate, one was clearly the better man and one was clearly the worst. Guess which one got nominated to run against the Democrat Beshear? Right! The one no one would actually vote for. How did that happen? Democrats switched party affiliation for the governors race. Then in the actual election voted for that woke nut case who kept us all masked and locked down and made ivermectin illegal and delicensed doctors who gave it. What we need are more tools to prevent perversion of the democratic process that encourages the cream to rise to the top. And I have no brilliant ideas of how to do that!!! Actually I do have one but I would not know how to implement it. Just this: money drives political popularity (usually- you have to be a genuine pile of horse patoot to lose when your donors spent 2 billion on you!) So it’s the guy with the biggest war chest that usually gets elected. Level THAT playing field, remove donors entirely (make it a tax category where everyone running gets exactly the same amount) and you might get a better result. Maybe make all rallies and all debates require ALL runners to show up and defend their policies. Like I said … I don’t know the answer but brighter minds should consider how to UNgame the system.
Agree about money. Too much involved. Have argued for some time that outlawing out of state money would have many benefits. Have GOP censure party switchers and do not certify dems running as reps?