Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mr Bridgen is a rare hero politician.

"His free speech sin was expressing opinions predicated on evidence-based, peer reviewed papers about the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and the adverse events associated with it"

That is it, he gave REAL evidence a voice. There are millions of sincere souls that only ever hear NPR, the BBC, the legacy media. All their corrupt COVID skills were honed with Global Warming. If you can red pill a sincere statist friend on one subject, you can open them to a host of issues. This overview of the science and politics of Global Warming has been VERY successful with academics and liberal friends I know that are sheltered by the corrupt. Consider to share it...


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As an example of how the same people pushing COVID policy learned their skills with COVID policy from Global Warming, please substitute "COVID" for "CAGW" from this sample within the post...

"Beyond political power objectives, the disparate factors which influence many to accept CAGW are well studied social phenomena such as; personal wealth, and Institutional wealth. Researchers in many fields know that funding is available for their department if they can attach theoretical CAGW harm to a paper. (There is hundreds of billions of dollars a year available for research and industry) As often quoted Upton Sinclair said “'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Other known and studied bias factors are peer pressure, social and professional shadow-banning, confirmation bias, noble cause corruption, misuse of the precautionary principle, and effective propaganda of repeated and false warnings of doom by many CAGW proponents.

“The terrible truths of these experiments in human compliance and propensity to be beastly stand testament to the nature of the problem.”

milgram showed us how people will harm people if pressured by authority

asch showed us that people will ignore their own senses and perceptions when pressured by peer group

stanford showed us how easily humans can be egged into abuse of power”

As the world grows ever smaller via human technology, human systems and corporations grow ever more global. It is logical therefore that systems of human corruption can and would also became more pervasive and global in scale. The merge of One world Government and international business is not to be trusted. These people endlessly proclaim how they are doing this for the good of the world.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good, will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven, yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very “kindness” stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease, is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

– C.S. Lewis

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The real oddity was it seems no one cared enough to listen nor offer their identity support.

He had the Great Hall of Justice ringing with a speech of most clarity in history. Yet crickets?

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That was the House of Commons was it not? I counted maybe 10 people hearing his speech out of 650? Did they purposely boycott it?

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Yes looks right. I referred to it as a great hall of justice, as just one of many places where depositions and oral argument is possible. Seemed like only five . One the magistrate. one a note steno recorder secretary. A few others perhaps interested in taking notes for the media. My apology.

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Thanks for the link and the info.

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Many good points in Bridgen's speech. One that particularly struck me was that the original mRNA vaccines were based on the Alpha Corona virus which is not a significant threat any longer. The vaccines had decreasing effect until Omicron whereupon the vaccine had negative efficacy. Why should people be injected with a vaccine shown not to work on the virus in circulation (let alone the severe adverse effects). Its like using a flu vaccine that was designed for the flu virus of 3 years ago, it generally doesn't work.

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our practice is inundated with problems that are temporally and directly related to covid mRNA products. I do not consider them a vaccine in any sense of the word. This is a true abomination. Paxlovid is equally as ineffective except for the side effects of dysgeusia, relapse of infection, and interference with other medications. Pfizer has been fined more than any drug company on the planet and for good reason. Just think, they’ve only been caught for the egregious screwups. The medical establishment that plays ball with these rogue companies are just as at fault for the misinformation, malinformation, and deception that they have thrust upon the unsuspecting and trusting population. History will hopefully look unkindly at what they have done.

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Thank you Dr Malone for supporting Andrew Bridgen MP and the freedom of speech debate in the UK. I think Mr Bridgen has shown his true character by changing his position based on the evidence. This is particularly difficult for an MP as there is enormous pressure to follow the party line but some issues are more important than politics and this is one of them.

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Dr. M... Proud of you and thankful for your voice. Hopefully, this trip to the UK will lead to the removal of the ruling junta led by the odious Mr. Sunak - war-monger, globalist, anti-Human narcissist.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Courage is rare but cowardice is on full display by the empty seats. The lack of respect of the Deputy Speaker chatting with another person throughout the presentation is a clear signla that anything Mr. Bridgen says will be ignored. The same nonsense is not visible in our Congress since they HIDE the fact that nobody is listening during important presentations. The level of corruption, incompitence and evil is truly global and I'm shocked at the lack of concern from the what appears to be the majority who are being driven to the cliff by the greedy and narcissistic Triumverate of Media, Bureaucrats and Spies with our politicians being the useful idiots. Thank you Dr. Malone for your tireless efforts to shine the light on what's happening.

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United we stand, Divide we fall! They use every derogatory scenario that they can to defame the truth tellers. It is a well funded propaganda machine that has many forms and is controlling how we learn and think. We are in a battle to maintain our individual independence from a global police state. Any differences in medical viewpoints among the truth tellers should not be a tool to divide. mRNA injections must be stopped now! Our children are at GREAT RISK!

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And everywhere you look in this scam, you find the ubiquitous Gates - funding Pharma, funding the bodies that authorize Pharma, funding the MSM, conniving with the WEF to remove dairy food products to replace with fake meat and bugs, becoming the biggest owner of agricultural land in the USA, the biggest single contributor to the WHO and if that's not enough, pushing the climate scam as well. He is buying up the entire country. How can this one individual's power be tolerated in what so many continue to euphemistically call "a democracy"?

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Proving he is criminally liable is tough when he and the other puppet masters use middleman and stand ins to implement their criminal goals!

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Thank you for this highly informative post. I have wondered for along time about the similarity among the UK, Canada, Australia and NZ in the intractable medical tyranny the citizens labor under while there is a push to make US just like them, slowed only by our Constitution, dented as it is by the Biden administration. I saw Trudeau’s oath of office video clip, swearing fealty to the Queen with UK handlers standing nearby. And then again, draconian measures among the Commonwealth countries were premised on OUR catastrophic hospital casualties driven by STANDARD of CARE under the PREP ACT (remdisivir, ventilation, starvation, dehydration, organ failure and death). Did we exterminate 1M Americans with hospital protocols and shots to gratify international financial and political interests? Is it not fair to call death on this scale an American HOLOCAUST, not to deny the contributions other countries have made to the sacrifice to those interests? Is the UK with their insurance and banking industries so entangled with US business the seat of all of it? I’m asking. How does it all fit together? I’m a citizen who left my job to avoid the shots ... some of my colleagues died who stayed on. Gov’t policies that kill citizens by intent or by criminal malfeasance are about as Constitutional as Jim Jones and his Kool Aid. We don’t need a second opinion from Alan Dershowitz.

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Excellent Edward.

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deletedFeb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023
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Take a look at this Brownstone article by Debbie Lerman in which she says this: The dozens of new genetic vaccine products for everything from the flu to various cancers to AIDS currently under development by Moderna and BioNTech attest to the importance of the foundational Covid vaccine “success.”


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Thank you and Jill for standing up for Andrew Bridgen, Robert. I shared his electrifying speech in my letter to Ron Johnson (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com), and I am working on upcoming piece about the weaponization of “anti-semite” to silence dissidents. I will be addressing Andrew’s case in there as well as those of other heroic individuals who have been subjected to this smear tactic, including Neil Oliver (the Guardian’s feeble attempt at this is 7-degrees-from-Hitler stupid) and, if you can believe it, Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav.

Yesterday, I met with activists from Germany, Holland, and the UK, including Jews for Justice Founder Andrew Barr, a UK journalist who has written pieces on Andrew and Neil for The Daily Sceptic. We will be coordinating on a series of articles related to this.

Andrew Barr was going to try and reach out to Andrew Bridgen for this effort. If you would be able to connect me with him, I would be grateful, Robert. Please drop me an email if so.

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Thank you both again for your consistent tireless fight for the rights of free people to stay free. You don’t know how much I appreciate what you do for all of us. We have all paid a price in taxation and some in public service. Many families have paid in blood and the lives of loved ones. When you find a politician, doctor, citizen willing to put their life on the line to make safe the general public you have found a real hero. I do consider a man’s livelihood his life, for if you take a man’s livelihood you take his ability to feed his family and survive. You my friend are a real hero. J.Goodrich

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Amazing how empty parliament was when he talked.

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Curioser and curiouser!

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Thank you, Dr. Malone, for keeping us up to date since none of this is ever reported accurately in media.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What an excellent summary of all that has transpired with regards to the Covid-19 debacle! May the Lord bless Mr. Bridgen and all his fellow truth warriors!

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As Richard Smith stated that something has been wrong in UK medicine for a long time, is also true in the US and likely other countries.

When I had a very bad reaction to Paxil 25 years ago I could get no help even when I was having horrendous physical reactions and the loss of my mental integrity.

Over the next five years I started my own deep digs and was horrified to find the connection between the news and the pharmaceutical industry.

I found one person to be both on the board of Eli Lily and the New York Times. That seemed creepy to me.

But that’s the tip of the iceberg and was the beginning of my layman’s investigative journey.

I say to myself now, “well, you are no longer alone as these wonderful professionals with integrity are seeing the truth or as I call it, having their Paxil moment”.

Love to all vaccine injured and their loved ones.

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We can ascribe this lemming-like behavior and shrieking censorship to lunacy and stupidity - or to something much darker and more organized. After a while, stupid and crazy doesn't explain the coordinated destructiveness, venality and totalitarianism of our useless government and its minions, including the media toadies who carry their water.

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"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech." - Benjamin Franklin

Fascism is alive and growing like wildfire on the planet. Europe, the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have descended into tyranny and fascism. Hundreds of political leaders with integrity like Mr. Bridgen have fallen to the globalist cabal.

Love all your interviews. And you’re a true hero in today’s world, getting the truth out as much truth as possible.

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