Thanks for this and I agree with your solutions. That said, there is an obvious - to me - need to fully gut the system we have. I don't think there is any fixing the current ones. When the dust fully settles on this horrifying chapter on our planet, there will be a full re-orientation and rethinking on what is health and who has a say about it. Big Pharma took over our health system more than 100 years ago and with it we lost wisdom of natural medicines. There will be a re-kindling of that kind of knowledge, a needed assertion of personal responsibility and fierce skepticism of 'experts' and an intolerance of any money-incentivized institution peddling solutions. It will be a loooong time before humans trust governments and medical institutions.
Well said! I learned more than a decade ago, because of a rare health emergency, how ignorant and dysfunctional the whole western health care system was. Best thing that ever happened to me! It opened my eyes that I am 100% responsible for my own health. I started altering my lifestyle/diet, and am happy to say neither my husband or I have been to a doctor in years. People think we are way younger than we are (we also moved to a ranch), are fitter/leaner/happier than ever... we are the same size as we were in college, and are not on one pharmaceutical. I maintain the whole pandemic would have never happened had it not been for the culture of our Western style medicine. The silver lining may be that many more people wake up and take responsibility for their own health.
That's wonderful to hear. And I agree - more people will wake up, but what a price we've had to pay. I believe there is a parallel reality already emerging. The old world is collapsing and good! What you've described is part of the new reality emerging. (Go around the old one.) Good for you both! Health and blessings to you.
Good for you! I’m “English” but live in Amish country in NE Indiana. Neither this nor the Eastern Amish communities suffered from Covid. Why? No televisions. It is a common joke, but they prospered mightily in the last two years while the rest of us endured.
A friend of mine loves to retell this story: He went for a physical and the doctor told him it was amazing that he was so healthy. The doctor was familiar with my friend's father and brother (who both had a large variety of medical diagnoses). My friend explained his surprisingly good health by responding, "I don't go to doctors."
Since I had an almost identical experience, I'm going to guess the "borderline result" was cholesterol and the prescription was a statin, and the horrible side effect was abdominal pain or GI distress?
I took it for precisely two days and threw it in the garbage. I guess I won't be going back to a doctor until I'm an old woman and get some hereditary heart problem.
The Rockefeller Institute was the driving force to produce our allopathic medicine model today that negates the concept of prevention and reversal of disease states via lifestyle changes and etc.
I am a 72-yr-old man that has suffered from airborne allergies all my life. I took allergy shots from three different doctors for ten years. I've had sinus surgery. I've taken every anti-histamine I ever heard of. I finally got relief from a homeopathic product sold by On a really bad day, I might chew up a couple tasty tablets made from quail eggs called AllQlear.
True homeopathic medicine contains no detectable active ingredients. They are all diluted out. A process called succussion is what supposedly gives homeopathic medicine its efficacy. Therefore AllQlear is not true homeopathic medicine.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that AllQlear is a homeopathic product. It simply does what allopathic medicine does not do. On the other hand, MucusClear, the product I use that's sold by is a homeopathic product.
It’s not magic. It’s energy medicine. We do the same thing as energy healers by matching the “sick” energy and then taking it up to more healthful levels. Homeopathy succussion processes imprint the vibrations of chemicals onto the universal solvent molecules the mother tincture is made of and then diluted over and over again energetically until chemistry is no longer part of the picture. Then you can work with the energized and imprinted universal solvents to bring the body’s cells back into alignment. It’s not magic. Magic implies we don’t know what is happening and is some arcane something involving spells and magic wands and eyes of newt. Not that eyes of newt don’t have their place but they aren’t needed to make a homeopathic solution. The word “science” means the study of life so homeopathy is as much science as anything else. It’s principals seem odd to folks but that doesn’t make it non-scientific. Just a different branch that’s all.
My wife and I traveled to the Swiss Alps about 15 years ago. It was amazing to see that all the drug stores had row after row of affordable homeopathic medicines in stock. I defy anyone to say that Americans are smarter or healthier than the Swiss.
I would agree with that. By and large they have embraced the whole concept of good nutrition and personal responsibility regarding lifestyle that contributes to good health.
My guess is Dr. Malone doesn’t support this point of view. Sounds more like superstition than science to me. I do think there are things which can be understood that are somewhat beyond the capabilities of external observation - so I wouldn’t entirely doubt a medicine person who performs “magic” - but I don’t think such knowledge can be taught academically, with people getting degrees because they memorized the textbook “facts.”
Actually you can get degrees in both homeopathy and energy medicine. It’s all based on some quantum physics and a bit of chemistry with regard to homeopathy although not much of that. Alternative medicine is a more wholesome form of medicine than is the current system and it’s end game is curative and preventative vs the never ending monetary bottom line. Cancer, for example, is curable without the toxins but better still it’s preventable if we made that prevention a priority. There is nothing about alternative medicine that isn’t understandable through the lens of science. It’s just that we can also add the spiritual realms into the process and when we do, we deepen the healing and lessen toxic and harmful effects. Gentleness and non-toxic is often perceived as ineffective and that is truly a shame. And incorrect. Dr Malone has a lot of new paradigms to take on and work through right now. As do most of the medical practitioners who have looked on alternative medicine unfavorably. Fortunately, those of us already skilled in these forms of medicine do not require his/their approval or permission to carry on with what we know how to do. Nor do we need to wait for everyone to catch up. It will happen on its own and hopefully the integration of all the “sciences” will provide us with something more glorious in the end.
That's the problem right there. Basing everything on the "laws of science" only means those 'laws of science' can be manipulated through 'research' for a certain outcome. How many medicines have been touted as a game changer and approved by the FDA, only to later be found a kill pill? And now, looking a VAERS which is at the max 1% of the actual vaccine injuries, there's million of deaths caused by this vaccine and they are literally pushing for more. The laws of magic? The laws of "ENERGY" and proper use of energy for healing has been systematically destroyed for a purpose, and that is to make money. There's things we can't see, yet we know they are real and that they exist yet 'science' has yet to explain them. You can't 'see' malevolence, yet you feel the impact and see direct outcomes from it. The proof lies in taking certain molecules and arranging them in a way that you get a certain chemical change in the body for a proposed certain outcome, removal of a headache, for example. You don't 'see' the chemical structure, you just see the effects, headache stopped. But when you take ibuprophen for that headache, you lose half your kidney function because it's hard for your body to process but you won't see that until your kidney stops to function or get so low functioning you're on dialysis. Didn't see THAT coming, did ya? A major part of human evolution has been stolen from us. The true reason we are here, self knowledge and knowledge of the unseen and instead turned into subservient robots. Why do you think that one of the greatest people of 'scientific' knowledge, the knowledge of the 'unseen' was defunded and ridiculed, to humanities detriment, to make you question and disbelieve in your own power for GOOD? “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” Nikola Tesla
Well, fortunately those of us who do practice energy medicine and understand the “unseen” a little bit are not quite so harsh in our perspectives. Even God can be studied and questioned and should be. I don’t disbelieve any of my abilities nor do I believe those are diminished by a concurrent ability to understand the sciences as you seem to want to define them. I have seen many wonderful things in my time as an energy healer as well as an herbalist. And science has studied these things although most don’t know about those studies. Science is the study of life. Life is an ongoing, complex, ever changing expression of ourselves and the Creator. We don’t understand the purpose of it but in the meantime, learning to work with what we discover and learning to do so in an ethical and moral and loving way is what a true healer is all about. Now go sit and meditate a bit under a tree. It will do your heart some goodness.
Very condescending, just what I'd expect from someone who's fluffball world was just deflated. I don't need it. You don't know me or what I have experienced. Again, I'll point out that literally millions have been injured or killed in the name of science. And you state ambiguously 'science is the study of 'life.' Really? Are you sure it doesn't include the study of death? You must not care for the article either, because of the truth it points out that 'evidence based medicine' has been hijacked and corrupted for the benefit of a few while the 'studies' you speak of are suppressed to your own detriment and that of others, if they even exist. I don't need you to explain 'life' to me, I've been dead 3 times during this 3rd density expression and what I know from those experiences is truth is the greatest healer of all, even if it shakes your fragile sensitivities by the way it's expressed. Now go smoke some herb, herbalist, it'll do your consciousness some goodness.
What happens after a homeopathic cure? Nothing. Cured is not defined for treatments by homeopathy. As a result, no cure claim can be proven. But... Wait... No cure claim can be disproven either in the theory and practice of EBM.
Abramson in his book details how since most research is commercially funded, the corporations maintain control of all the data and spin it accordingly. Not even peer reviewers have access to the data. So peer review is just a review of the corporate spin. Most drug development is based on what will generate the highest profits, especially with new drugs that aren't any better than the old (going off patent) drugs being replaced. A lot of published research thus isn't really reviewed and is nothing more than a marketing tool that's being passed off as evidence based medicine. The journals make a lot of their revenues from selling reprints of articles purchased by the corporations developing the drugs. Lancet for example made 41% of its revenues from resale of reprints. So "evidence based medicine" is just a marketing racket for pharma, and many of the scientific journals.
Abramson gives a lot of examples...though he takes a hands off approach to vaccines and covid vaccines in particular....I assume more so that he didn't want to be labeled an anti-vaxxer more than anything else.
Yes, I've read RFK's book but it's not as specific or detailed on this topic. Plus Abramson hasn't been marginalized like Bobby since Abramson is a medical doctor and professor at has been an expert witness on many high profile pharma fraud court cases. Here's a really good interview with Abramson: Abramson was also on Rogan's podcast, but that interview wasn't as good as the one I just shared.
Agreed! As a holistic physician I first encourage patients to "own their shit"-- take responsibility for their health-- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Its empowering for patients. The shift you talk about is very welcome however It wish it didn't/isn't taking people down with the current system collapse in ethics, practice or regulation.
I couldn't even finish the article before commenting. When corporations use the government to stifle competition, accumulating vast sums of money, which is only possible with the help of government decree/force, and using this as a means to control the markets, instead of competing, it can no longer be described as a free market economy. Free market capitalism is a better catch phrase as it is as opposed to the free market economy. But drilling down to the core its fascism Mussolini style.
Exactly right the government should not be influenced by profiteering, it has to have the best interests of its citizens as its core or it has no reason to exist. Since the politicians have been captured by the fascists I think the government will collapse soon as there is no reason for it to exist. All of the government employees will also "own nothing and be happy" under global elite rules.
But hey, just what I think doesn't mean I'm right. I am encouraged by the rising of up of those who have been educated at the universities including those employed in government.
And there's always the Second Amendment!
I am reading an old book right now Law of Mentalism having a chapter Diseases Its Cause and Cure. First sentence: Health is the normal and natural condition of the physical body.
Taken in the context of modern lifestyle's ruining of this condition, including the consumption of agribusiness fascist nutrition less what passes as food, no wonder people are grasping at whatever fraudulently passes as a cure.
There are two main corruptors of humanity, the insatiable desire for money and power. “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” When you remove the moral compass from a nation, it drifts, untethered, from truth, compassion and accountability. We are not only adrift, Dr. Malone, but sinking with a millstone around our neck. There is one way back, and it lies in what we all believe about the source of moral law and where LOVE comes from. Peace.
I used to manage large numbers of people. For the most part, things went well - I saw my role more as a facilitator to help others achieve their goals. But one (rare) personality type was always a problem. There are some people who simply want to control others. I think that's a little different than a quest for power, which could be seen as a tool to get what you want. But I found these people who needed to dominate others would suck the life force out of a team and all creativity would disappear.
I'm from a small southern state. Healthcare, as I knew it while in the profession, is nonexistent. I ask my dr. a direct question to watch him skirt around the answer. At this point, the inflammation in my body has escalated the health problems I deal with. I know I won't stand a chance of getting a treatment drug if I get covid. What does one do? Where do I find a dr. that specializes in professional, quality, caring help for my health? I need two surgeries that no one wants to do. I thank you for speaking out for We The People Dr. Robert Malone. We need more like you. Honest, good people with America and Americans at heart. please note that I can not vouch for them personally but I have seen interviews with Dr. Ben Marble and been in a meeting with another physician who also works there. See if their world view aligns with yours.
If you want reform to be more than a dream you need to remove Tony Fauci from anything to do with any “health agency “. To be honest, I see these reforms having as much chance of working as Trump had in draining the swamp.
I don’t have confidence that my doctor will do the best for me. I had COVID and asked him for hydroxychloroquine and he said he’d have to “go up the chain of command”. I asked him what that meant and he said, “it will take a while to approve that”. All the while I’m suffering from COVID. Fortunately, I followed the “Fareed and Tyson protocol without my doctor. A very sad time we are living when your doctor sides with the government over your health. I’m looking for a new doc.
I heard you can buy it in other countries (Mexico) without a prescription. The citizens of Mexico must be more responsible and intelligent for their government to trust them with such a dangreous medication.
I have stated several times that I feel the same way about my doctor who is on par with yours. I became proactive and found 2 sources of both ivermectin and HCQ. Nice to be able to get it and to have a backup.
Then her doctor should never have been a doctor in the first place. I will leave it at that but I could really get nasty about these worthless and harmful doctors.
Robert, you have correctly identified the problems, but as highly intelligent as you are, it is naive to believe this alphabet soup of government regulatory agencies could possibly be reformed. The only solution is complete abolishment. The market demand for transparent data can be filled by new independent companies specializing in clinical trials. Why not start your own?
Joe Rogan interviewed Dr Osterholm not long after you, in part to quell the controversy. I was listening to that again (I haven't been able to finish it it infuriates me so), as Dr Osterholm is also local to me in Minnesota. His interview is already not aging well.
In one short passage he unwittingly lays out the plan. Extolling the fact that there are 5! double blind trials on Ivermectin in the works, one begins to wonder after 2 years what is taking so long, when the gene therapies were released after three months of study we still can't audit. Then he talks about all the new drugs coming on line, what a great new age it is for new drugs. Then he segways into how hard Covid was on minorities, and the inherent inequities in health care. Then he says, paraphrasing, we need to be sure minorities have access to vaccines and "they can get their drugs."
Which is the whole point. It is not about making a robust citizenry empowered economically or physically. It is about propping up eternal profits for Pharma, and drug dependence among the people.
The same issue you describe permeates agriculture. At the Univ of Minnesota, where Dr Osterholm resides, the school has become a kind of research arm of big Chemical, and by extension, consolidation of land and wealth and the ruination of soil and water.
"The only question is… is our government up to the job?" Answer: As long as the gatekeepers of our medical conscious are like the individual in the photograph at the beginning of your beautifully written article (Dr. Strangelove- i.e. Fauci), then the answer is a resounding NO!
The problem started even earlier. In the 70’s Congress was on the verge of defunding the CDC, about the same time Fauci arrived. They purposely brought back the microbes as a propaganda tool to save the CDC, and vaccines for everything soon followed.
Thanks for this and I agree with your solutions. That said, there is an obvious - to me - need to fully gut the system we have. I don't think there is any fixing the current ones. When the dust fully settles on this horrifying chapter on our planet, there will be a full re-orientation and rethinking on what is health and who has a say about it. Big Pharma took over our health system more than 100 years ago and with it we lost wisdom of natural medicines. There will be a re-kindling of that kind of knowledge, a needed assertion of personal responsibility and fierce skepticism of 'experts' and an intolerance of any money-incentivized institution peddling solutions. It will be a loooong time before humans trust governments and medical institutions.
Well said! I learned more than a decade ago, because of a rare health emergency, how ignorant and dysfunctional the whole western health care system was. Best thing that ever happened to me! It opened my eyes that I am 100% responsible for my own health. I started altering my lifestyle/diet, and am happy to say neither my husband or I have been to a doctor in years. People think we are way younger than we are (we also moved to a ranch), are fitter/leaner/happier than ever... we are the same size as we were in college, and are not on one pharmaceutical. I maintain the whole pandemic would have never happened had it not been for the culture of our Western style medicine. The silver lining may be that many more people wake up and take responsibility for their own health.
That's wonderful to hear. And I agree - more people will wake up, but what a price we've had to pay. I believe there is a parallel reality already emerging. The old world is collapsing and good! What you've described is part of the new reality emerging. (Go around the old one.) Good for you both! Health and blessings to you.
Good for you! I’m “English” but live in Amish country in NE Indiana. Neither this nor the Eastern Amish communities suffered from Covid. Why? No televisions. It is a common joke, but they prospered mightily in the last two years while the rest of us endured.
And our western style eating habits.
🥰 Beautiful words.
A friend of mine loves to retell this story: He went for a physical and the doctor told him it was amazing that he was so healthy. The doctor was familiar with my friend's father and brother (who both had a large variety of medical diagnoses). My friend explained his surprisingly good health by responding, "I don't go to doctors."
Your post sums up perfectly how the medical industry works. We are just money to them nothing more
Haha! Classic! It's crazytown out there I tellya!
Since I had an almost identical experience, I'm going to guess the "borderline result" was cholesterol and the prescription was a statin, and the horrible side effect was abdominal pain or GI distress?
Statins always cause an uptick in my liver enzymes. PCPand crack cocaine are safer than those poisons.
I took it for precisely two days and threw it in the garbage. I guess I won't be going back to a doctor until I'm an old woman and get some hereditary heart problem.
Why even go then? I am an old woman, very healthy, and don't intend to jeopardize my health by going to a doctor!
Prior to the American Civil War, there were more colleges teaching homeopathic medicine than those teaching allopathic medicine. We can thank the AMA.
The Rockefeller Institute was the driving force to produce our allopathic medicine model today that negates the concept of prevention and reversal of disease states via lifestyle changes and etc.
Exactly. The controlled the AMA from the start. Some groups do such long term thinking most people couldn't even imagine.
And funded/created the "Public Health" (sic) system (funding added to by Bill Gates) in the 1930s
Yes so true! It was the same here in Canada. We also had a homeopathic hospital here in Toronto.
I am a 72-yr-old man that has suffered from airborne allergies all my life. I took allergy shots from three different doctors for ten years. I've had sinus surgery. I've taken every anti-histamine I ever heard of. I finally got relief from a homeopathic product sold by On a really bad day, I might chew up a couple tasty tablets made from quail eggs called AllQlear.
True homeopathic medicine contains no detectable active ingredients. They are all diluted out. A process called succussion is what supposedly gives homeopathic medicine its efficacy. Therefore AllQlear is not true homeopathic medicine.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that AllQlear is a homeopathic product. It simply does what allopathic medicine does not do. On the other hand, MucusClear, the product I use that's sold by is a homeopathic product.
Homeopathic medicine is based upon the laws of magic, specifically the Law of Similars, not science. Do the research.
It’s not magic. It’s energy medicine. We do the same thing as energy healers by matching the “sick” energy and then taking it up to more healthful levels. Homeopathy succussion processes imprint the vibrations of chemicals onto the universal solvent molecules the mother tincture is made of and then diluted over and over again energetically until chemistry is no longer part of the picture. Then you can work with the energized and imprinted universal solvents to bring the body’s cells back into alignment. It’s not magic. Magic implies we don’t know what is happening and is some arcane something involving spells and magic wands and eyes of newt. Not that eyes of newt don’t have their place but they aren’t needed to make a homeopathic solution. The word “science” means the study of life so homeopathy is as much science as anything else. It’s principals seem odd to folks but that doesn’t make it non-scientific. Just a different branch that’s all.
My wife and I traveled to the Swiss Alps about 15 years ago. It was amazing to see that all the drug stores had row after row of affordable homeopathic medicines in stock. I defy anyone to say that Americans are smarter or healthier than the Swiss.
I would agree with that. By and large they have embraced the whole concept of good nutrition and personal responsibility regarding lifestyle that contributes to good health.
My guess is Dr. Malone doesn’t support this point of view. Sounds more like superstition than science to me. I do think there are things which can be understood that are somewhat beyond the capabilities of external observation - so I wouldn’t entirely doubt a medicine person who performs “magic” - but I don’t think such knowledge can be taught academically, with people getting degrees because they memorized the textbook “facts.”
Actually you can get degrees in both homeopathy and energy medicine. It’s all based on some quantum physics and a bit of chemistry with regard to homeopathy although not much of that. Alternative medicine is a more wholesome form of medicine than is the current system and it’s end game is curative and preventative vs the never ending monetary bottom line. Cancer, for example, is curable without the toxins but better still it’s preventable if we made that prevention a priority. There is nothing about alternative medicine that isn’t understandable through the lens of science. It’s just that we can also add the spiritual realms into the process and when we do, we deepen the healing and lessen toxic and harmful effects. Gentleness and non-toxic is often perceived as ineffective and that is truly a shame. And incorrect. Dr Malone has a lot of new paradigms to take on and work through right now. As do most of the medical practitioners who have looked on alternative medicine unfavorably. Fortunately, those of us already skilled in these forms of medicine do not require his/their approval or permission to carry on with what we know how to do. Nor do we need to wait for everyone to catch up. It will happen on its own and hopefully the integration of all the “sciences” will provide us with something more glorious in the end.
That's the problem right there. Basing everything on the "laws of science" only means those 'laws of science' can be manipulated through 'research' for a certain outcome. How many medicines have been touted as a game changer and approved by the FDA, only to later be found a kill pill? And now, looking a VAERS which is at the max 1% of the actual vaccine injuries, there's million of deaths caused by this vaccine and they are literally pushing for more. The laws of magic? The laws of "ENERGY" and proper use of energy for healing has been systematically destroyed for a purpose, and that is to make money. There's things we can't see, yet we know they are real and that they exist yet 'science' has yet to explain them. You can't 'see' malevolence, yet you feel the impact and see direct outcomes from it. The proof lies in taking certain molecules and arranging them in a way that you get a certain chemical change in the body for a proposed certain outcome, removal of a headache, for example. You don't 'see' the chemical structure, you just see the effects, headache stopped. But when you take ibuprophen for that headache, you lose half your kidney function because it's hard for your body to process but you won't see that until your kidney stops to function or get so low functioning you're on dialysis. Didn't see THAT coming, did ya? A major part of human evolution has been stolen from us. The true reason we are here, self knowledge and knowledge of the unseen and instead turned into subservient robots. Why do you think that one of the greatest people of 'scientific' knowledge, the knowledge of the 'unseen' was defunded and ridiculed, to humanities detriment, to make you question and disbelieve in your own power for GOOD? “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” Nikola Tesla
Well, fortunately those of us who do practice energy medicine and understand the “unseen” a little bit are not quite so harsh in our perspectives. Even God can be studied and questioned and should be. I don’t disbelieve any of my abilities nor do I believe those are diminished by a concurrent ability to understand the sciences as you seem to want to define them. I have seen many wonderful things in my time as an energy healer as well as an herbalist. And science has studied these things although most don’t know about those studies. Science is the study of life. Life is an ongoing, complex, ever changing expression of ourselves and the Creator. We don’t understand the purpose of it but in the meantime, learning to work with what we discover and learning to do so in an ethical and moral and loving way is what a true healer is all about. Now go sit and meditate a bit under a tree. It will do your heart some goodness.
Very condescending, just what I'd expect from someone who's fluffball world was just deflated. I don't need it. You don't know me or what I have experienced. Again, I'll point out that literally millions have been injured or killed in the name of science. And you state ambiguously 'science is the study of 'life.' Really? Are you sure it doesn't include the study of death? You must not care for the article either, because of the truth it points out that 'evidence based medicine' has been hijacked and corrupted for the benefit of a few while the 'studies' you speak of are suppressed to your own detriment and that of others, if they even exist. I don't need you to explain 'life' to me, I've been dead 3 times during this 3rd density expression and what I know from those experiences is truth is the greatest healer of all, even if it shakes your fragile sensitivities by the way it's expressed. Now go smoke some herb, herbalist, it'll do your consciousness some goodness.
What happens after a homeopathic cure? Nothing. Cured is not defined for treatments by homeopathy. As a result, no cure claim can be proven. But... Wait... No cure claim can be disproven either in the theory and practice of EBM.
To your health, Tracy
If you haven't read Dr. John Abramson's new book, Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It, I highly recommend doing so....ASAP.
Abramson in his book details how since most research is commercially funded, the corporations maintain control of all the data and spin it accordingly. Not even peer reviewers have access to the data. So peer review is just a review of the corporate spin. Most drug development is based on what will generate the highest profits, especially with new drugs that aren't any better than the old (going off patent) drugs being replaced. A lot of published research thus isn't really reviewed and is nothing more than a marketing tool that's being passed off as evidence based medicine. The journals make a lot of their revenues from selling reprints of articles purchased by the corporations developing the drugs. Lancet for example made 41% of its revenues from resale of reprints. So "evidence based medicine" is just a marketing racket for pharma, and many of the scientific journals.
Abramson gives a lot of examples...though he takes a hands off approach to vaccines and covid vaccines in particular....I assume more so that he didn't want to be labeled an anti-vaxxer more than anything else.
Thanks. RFK's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" is quite good on the subject of pharma take over too.
Yes, I've read RFK's book but it's not as specific or detailed on this topic. Plus Abramson hasn't been marginalized like Bobby since Abramson is a medical doctor and professor at has been an expert witness on many high profile pharma fraud court cases. Here's a really good interview with Abramson: Abramson was also on Rogan's podcast, but that interview wasn't as good as the one I just shared.
Agreed! As a holistic physician I first encourage patients to "own their shit"-- take responsibility for their health-- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Its empowering for patients. The shift you talk about is very welcome however It wish it didn't/isn't taking people down with the current system collapse in ethics, practice or regulation.
Me too.
Well said.
I couldn't even finish the article before commenting. When corporations use the government to stifle competition, accumulating vast sums of money, which is only possible with the help of government decree/force, and using this as a means to control the markets, instead of competing, it can no longer be described as a free market economy. Free market capitalism is a better catch phrase as it is as opposed to the free market economy. But drilling down to the core its fascism Mussolini style.
Exactly right the government should not be influenced by profiteering, it has to have the best interests of its citizens as its core or it has no reason to exist. Since the politicians have been captured by the fascists I think the government will collapse soon as there is no reason for it to exist. All of the government employees will also "own nothing and be happy" under global elite rules.
But hey, just what I think doesn't mean I'm right. I am encouraged by the rising of up of those who have been educated at the universities including those employed in government.
And there's always the Second Amendment!
I am reading an old book right now Law of Mentalism having a chapter Diseases Its Cause and Cure. First sentence: Health is the normal and natural condition of the physical body.
Taken in the context of modern lifestyle's ruining of this condition, including the consumption of agribusiness fascist nutrition less what passes as food, no wonder people are grasping at whatever fraudulently passes as a cure.
Article is on point assigning blame.
There are two main corruptors of humanity, the insatiable desire for money and power. “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” When you remove the moral compass from a nation, it drifts, untethered, from truth, compassion and accountability. We are not only adrift, Dr. Malone, but sinking with a millstone around our neck. There is one way back, and it lies in what we all believe about the source of moral law and where LOVE comes from. Peace.
I used to manage large numbers of people. For the most part, things went well - I saw my role more as a facilitator to help others achieve their goals. But one (rare) personality type was always a problem. There are some people who simply want to control others. I think that's a little different than a quest for power, which could be seen as a tool to get what you want. But I found these people who needed to dominate others would suck the life force out of a team and all creativity would disappear.
I hear you, but I think the quest for 'control over others' is absolutely about power.
Yep! There is always the dissenter looking for attention!
I would say the main corruptor is our hallucinatory sense of separation from the world around us, as Alan Watts so eloquently pointed out.
I'm from a small southern state. Healthcare, as I knew it while in the profession, is nonexistent. I ask my dr. a direct question to watch him skirt around the answer. At this point, the inflammation in my body has escalated the health problems I deal with. I know I won't stand a chance of getting a treatment drug if I get covid. What does one do? Where do I find a dr. that specializes in professional, quality, caring help for my health? I need two surgeries that no one wants to do. I thank you for speaking out for We The People Dr. Robert Malone. We need more like you. Honest, good people with America and Americans at heart. please note that I can not vouch for them personally but I have seen interviews with Dr. Ben Marble and been in a meeting with another physician who also works there. See if their world view aligns with yours.
Thank you, I will look in to this site.
Try these doctors:
Thank you, I will check them out.
If you want reform to be more than a dream you need to remove Tony Fauci from anything to do with any “health agency “. To be honest, I see these reforms having as much chance of working as Trump had in draining the swamp.
I really do miss Peter Sellers.
I don’t have confidence that my doctor will do the best for me. I had COVID and asked him for hydroxychloroquine and he said he’d have to “go up the chain of command”. I asked him what that meant and he said, “it will take a while to approve that”. All the while I’m suffering from COVID. Fortunately, I followed the “Fareed and Tyson protocol without my doctor. A very sad time we are living when your doctor sides with the government over your health. I’m looking for a new doc.
I heard you can buy it in other countries (Mexico) without a prescription. The citizens of Mexico must be more responsible and intelligent for their government to trust them with such a dangreous medication.
The absence of nuance is killing comedy.
I have stated several times that I feel the same way about my doctor who is on par with yours. I became proactive and found 2 sources of both ivermectin and HCQ. Nice to be able to get it and to have a backup.
The government can take away your doctor's license and job and put him in jail.
You have none of that power. You don't even directly pay his salary.
He's not beholden to you and has no reason to care about you at all, including your health or your continued living.
Then her doctor should never have been a doctor in the first place. I will leave it at that but I could really get nasty about these worthless and harmful doctors.
Another bullseye ! There is no evidenced based medicine when the evidence is fraudulent. Exposing, prosecuting and penalizing fraud is the solution.
Regarding your suggestions for reform: From your fingertips to the ears of anyone who can and will help implement them. Anyone?
I'm buying more ammo just in case no one shows up.
Robert, you have correctly identified the problems, but as highly intelligent as you are, it is naive to believe this alphabet soup of government regulatory agencies could possibly be reformed. The only solution is complete abolishment. The market demand for transparent data can be filled by new independent companies specializing in clinical trials. Why not start your own?
I used to write, these days, all science is government science.
I see I should have written, these days, all science is government and big pharma science.
I'm not sure we can fix this problem. As the saying goes:
"When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators."
P. J. O'Rourke
The Great P.J. O'Rourke thanks for sharing
Joe Rogan interviewed Dr Osterholm not long after you, in part to quell the controversy. I was listening to that again (I haven't been able to finish it it infuriates me so), as Dr Osterholm is also local to me in Minnesota. His interview is already not aging well.
In one short passage he unwittingly lays out the plan. Extolling the fact that there are 5! double blind trials on Ivermectin in the works, one begins to wonder after 2 years what is taking so long, when the gene therapies were released after three months of study we still can't audit. Then he talks about all the new drugs coming on line, what a great new age it is for new drugs. Then he segways into how hard Covid was on minorities, and the inherent inequities in health care. Then he says, paraphrasing, we need to be sure minorities have access to vaccines and "they can get their drugs."
Which is the whole point. It is not about making a robust citizenry empowered economically or physically. It is about propping up eternal profits for Pharma, and drug dependence among the people.
The same issue you describe permeates agriculture. At the Univ of Minnesota, where Dr Osterholm resides, the school has become a kind of research arm of big Chemical, and by extension, consolidation of land and wealth and the ruination of soil and water.
In my opinion, only we, the masses, can cure ourselves. To rely on a God whose existence is questionable is to evade our own responsibility.
"The only question is… is our government up to the job?" Answer: As long as the gatekeepers of our medical conscious are like the individual in the photograph at the beginning of your beautifully written article (Dr. Strangelove- i.e. Fauci), then the answer is a resounding NO!
The problem started even earlier. In the 70’s Congress was on the verge of defunding the CDC, about the same time Fauci arrived. They purposely brought back the microbes as a propaganda tool to save the CDC, and vaccines for everything soon followed.
and Fauci’s train of thought. Fauci…..
Great Summary!
exactly.. spot on sir