In my mind, the fact that James O’Keefe has been pushed out of Project Veritas tells me he was truly onto something. Hopefully he can find other like minded people out there who recognize this and can work with to finish what he started. He doesn't seem like the type to give up.

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Individuals who stand out will continue to sacrifice themselves. It will be for naught UNLESS the effect is to recruit more and more people to a sense of outrage over what's going on. The only power for democratic change that remains to We the People is the power of superior numbers, acting together by the hundreds of thousands in the streets, participating in massive sustained demonstrations of nonviolent civil disobedience, displaying solidarity until the perpetrators have been deposed. Although some will still stand out and suffer greater consequences even then, there IS relative safety in numbers. The main message is that if WEF worldwide control and CBDC actually come about (and these are already getting dangerously close), it's game over. Period. Job #1 for all of us is to open peoples' eyes to what's going on. Job #1 is for each of us to be recruiters as well.

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Thank you so much I was able to watch all of James O’Keefe‘s address to his employees. Thanks to you! Pfizer Pfizer Pfizer must have gotten and infiltrated into veritas somehow. The truth was right from the source. Many things I had read that weren’t true that he straightened out. Thank you so much again.

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Thanks so much for letting me know that posting that link was a value to you! 😁 I’m just so proud of him as a human being after having watch that all the way through. It just makes me so proud to know that humans that are so honest and honorable and strong exist.

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WHOA! Just watched the entire 44 min. Spellbound!

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O'Keefe has had a bullseye on his back for years.

He first caught my attention with his expose about some labor union thugs who engaged in all kinds of dirty tricks. The one I remember was finding some mentally ill person who they would manipulate and provoke into starting fights at meetings. They did this multiple times, with different people.

What really blew the story out of the water is the top perpetrator had visited the White House while Obama was president. The guy didn't visit some mid-level flunkie working in the Whitehouse, he visited THE RESIDENCE. It couldn't be denied, it was in the visitor logs. I think he had bragged to friends about being congratulated personally by Obama for all the great work he was doing.

Back then, when I was a lot more naive, I paid $ to subscibe to WaPo. They wrote a story about it, and framed it as something that just could not have happened. I didn't believe them, but I'm sure the Kool-Aid drinkers did.

I don't know if Pfizer had anything to do with O'Keefe being deposed. What I do know is, Pfizer's reach should not at all be underestimated.

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03/01/23: He'll get there, but 2023 for O'Keefe will continue to throw very very serious roadblocks at him. And as for " Once the decision is made to oust the guy ...the unthinkable happens: the hardest working, most innovative, and most effective person at the top is out. [And] The board gets to keep the money." For those of us who were born yesterday who see this as a new trend, here's your update: These infamous maneuvers are best known as "Bust Outs," practiced for the past 100 years by none other than the American Mafia.

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James O’Keefe is an extremely brave man. I will pray for him and his family. Our world is filled with evil .

James is one of God’s good men.

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Indeed. Our world could certainly use more men like O'Keefe, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange Dr. Malone, etc. They are a threat to the established power structures and their false narratives.

Our world could also use more open-mindedness and objective critical thinking among the populace, something we have lost in our collective fear and/or need to remain in the tribe in good standing. Far too many of the sheep simply bleat "Conspiracy theory!" and choose to ignore uncomfortable truths. And that is how evil wins.

In the meantime, P.V. as we knew it is finished. I give it 90 days at most before they close the shop. O'Keefe *is* P.V. and it will be nothing without him. I only hope he starts again with a new organization as Dr. Malone suspects. We need more sunlight to outshine the gaslight.

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I honestly don’t think the imposters who are now in control of PV care if it continues in its same MO or purpose. I think it’s been captured by Pfizer--or whoever actually controls even Pfizer--and what remains of PV will either be exploited to further defame James and to somehow “undo” what James accomplished, or it will just be allowed to fade away into obscurity. James has to sue the dickens out of everybody involved, or restart, yet again, under a new banner.

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Absent convincing evidence of wrong-doing on his part, the conspiracy theorist would assume by default that it was Deep State actions that influenced the Board by some combination of bribery and threats to oust O'Keefe. That alone might have been their desired result. But a reasonable secondary consequence would be that it would destroy Project Veritas's credibility and lead to its decline or completely put it out of business.

Even if I've read the situation wrong (entirely possible; not all shadows are predators waiting to eat me) the burden of proof is on PV to show their action was justified. Otherwise the organization has proven itself rotten and it should die regardless.

Or perhaps not; there are an endless number of non-profits and other organizations that have either been "captured" or simply mutated over a long period of time, to where they are merely a shell of their former selves that long ago forgot their original mission. Their present incarnation is primarily to provide pretend jobs for well-connected people, and to gratefully receive money from deluded donors.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

George Orwell said it a long time ago and it rings as true today as ever "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"

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If that is so, then JO is absolutely Revolting! 😁

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Anyone who donated to Project Veritas recently should demand that their contribution be returned as it was solicited fraudulently.

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If only that were possible. Donations to non-profits are sort of a "no-backsies" play. PV's evil board will likely distribute the remaining funds to themselves as they close the doors and go get a cookie from pfascist pfizer.

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Makes sense. I would still call, force them to expend time and resources. “The process is the punishment.”

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Remember when people contributed to the truckers fund and Go F Me kept the contributions for other causes? Serious care must be exercised when donating.

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100%. Personally I think your name winds up on an “enemies list”. I’m certain mine has. Imagine, trying to help the working class and winding up a target for persecution! Upside down world.

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023

See my post here re: MC/Visa debit card purchased with cash.

It's like a burner credit card. 👍🏼

It's the only way I donate to any causes online now.

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Brilliant!! One sticky wicket -- will check your posts about what to do about email address (required at donation web sites). I received death threats at my e-mail that I provided to one charity organization, when it got hacked. We are dealing with a highly organized, proactive and evil enemy.

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023

Suggestion 1: go to mail.com and set up any email address you like using their free option.

The site will be dogged in trying to get you to upgrade to their paid option, but the free option works fine. You can also forward that email to another email if you like -- but I don't recommend it, as you might accidentally reply from the wrong email address.

Suggestion 2: for anyone who publishes on substack, do NOT list your home address in your substack account. If you do, your home address shows up at the bottom of any substack that is emailed to subscribers. 😱

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023

Yes, true. Let's all never use Go F Me again.

Plus, I try to keep a MC/Visa in my wallet that I bought with cash (at most retail stores) so I can donate or use it online without being easily tracked. Or canceled.

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James O'Keefe was what made Project Veritas.

Project Veritas is just a name and James will move on.

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O'Keefe's former organization will henceforth be known as "Project Pferitas"

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Do any of us have to read this? Pfizer and the government. This is the story. Cancel culture at its most corrupt. He did nothing wrong. And they had to smear him and cancel him because he exposed them. And I don’t even think it was Pfizer. Bc Pfizer has been hiding behind the government from the get go. No. Pal ease. No. Just no. This isn’t small mined. I mean yes. Lemmings. But more. Death threats and worse you know who shut up those who did not comply. You think those working at PV were all too small minded. Or the board. No. Not generally. This. This is something way bigger. So tell that story if you dare.

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Don’t call it “Cancel culture’ call it what it is - plain and simple censorship.

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Cancel is just about all that is left. All the rest off loaded to china along with our industry and its associated work ethic?

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Actually, these actions are all part of what is correctly called "Cancel Culture." Cancel Culture ***is*** precisely the use of censorship in various ways in order to eliminate those who speak out and work against the prevailing politics / policies / values (or lack thereof) of the predominant culture.

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I'm sure the unwarranted FBI Raid on his home was less devastating and heartbreaking to Mr. O'Keefe than the backstabbing betrayal of his own board. It is the common reward of the untalented, envious sycophants to destroy that which they were entrusted to promote, preserve, and protect,

"Homo Homini Lupus Est..." (Man is a Wolf to his Fellow Men)

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow! I wanted to hit the "Like" button 10 times and add at least 10 "Thumbs Up". I like to go where truth is told. That's why I read your essays as soon as I get notification that you've posted one.

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I agree. Every Dr Malone essay is very informative and makes me feel like I actually am smarter after reading them. And, I will importantly add that I think he could only be doing this because his other half is as good or possibly better than him.

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James is very smart and Brave. I trust he will go on to a higher calling. Note: PV is worth millions - however,

It was clearly comprised. Promptly, we wrote to PV ‘Please return our last donation, January and realize there IS NO

Project Veritas without JAMES.

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Wander how much longer Judicial Watch will be with us? They are in the process of taking on the Secret Service for covering up Hunter's violation of fed. gun ownership crime.

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My son stopped by last night and I told him about O'Keefe and he had him confused with Tom Fitton. He asked, will Fitton be next? I am going to watch that closely because I have been an automatic monthly donor for 15 years. JW uses legal means to uncover corruption on all levels regardless of party affiliation; especially good at going after state voter rolls.

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Powerful people pulling strings. Troubling world we live in.

Did the same thing to Glen G.

Blackmail, threats, or untold riches promised. Very troubling.


Watch the whole damn thing. The end of his statement is ducking incredible!!! He will not give up.


“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.

“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ditto to Dr Malone’s and Jeffrey Tucker’s comments. I’ve experienced the same as James in a much smaller way and yes, it’s all about recognition for the board. When a successful leader reaches success the board all of a sudden think they should have the recognition and lime light. This is a mystery of human nature and sad. We need the entrepreneurs and movers.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Further brings into question the attacks doing the same thing to Dr. Simone Gold. The leftists never seem to have a problem finding people who will dedicate themselves to infiltration and destruction.

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I’m sorry Dr. Malone. I did not even see it was you who posted. Literally. I know you know. So. Tell that story. And maybe you did because I didn’t read. But the headline should read that the government and big pharma has done it again. They have silenced and slandered the truth teller. You of all people know. So tell it like it is.

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I watched the video with James, He knows, why now, one can tell by his speech and he knows who is involved. Funny, but not two of the guys on the Board are good friends and supporting, involved with Ron Desantis. a rhino for sure. Ron praised one of the so-called lawyers, he IS what Sundance has written about. Many from the Treehouse, who I read and support have called, asked for their donation back as it was under false pretenses, were told their credit card will be credited in 2-3 days. James is a good, honest, brave man. I pray Psalm 91 over him and his family. God Bless and keep him safe.

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I agree on Janes. But not DeSantis. DeSantis is a Christian deserving of Proverbs 91 also. I don’t know what he may have said of Veritas situation. But if DeSantis is a Rhino. Wow. Better tell the rhinos. They may be full on donkeys now.

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"Funny, but not two of the guys on the Board are good friends..." is unclear. Is the word "not" in the sentence by mistake? Thanks.

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The company slogan is attached to the brick wall of the Project Veritas office: "Be Brave. Do Something."

O'Keefe was brave .... he did something. What he did was make a lot of powerful people and organizations very uncomfortable. We now see what happened to him because he lived this motto.

Contrast this with the mainstream press's "coverage" of the Pfizer expose'. The MSM did nothing with the story. They didn't follow up on any of the allegations and they didn't even run an article about the expose. They actually censored and ignored the story. They did "nothing" ... and were cowards.

It's so clear that the Powers that Be want to make an example of O'Keefe ... just like the Powers that Be have made an example of Julian Assange.

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