Is there not ONE reporter in MSM that is aware of this? I'd like to see just one of these prominent reporters go off on their own and do a piece uncovering all of this. They might just get a Pulitzer Prize. Is there not just one that has the courage? I always tell you this, Dr. Malone - God bless you for your courageous fight to tell the truth. I am in awe of you and pray that one day, I will be blessed enough to shake your hand.

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All the MSM companies are controlled by the same people, and large stockholders dictate to them what they can and cant do. Furthermore Biden's admin paid all MSM companies billions of dollars to only say "good things" about the vaccines. Absolute corruption

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NPR had a segment this morning on how those with kids who are not eligible for vaccination are scared. They cherry pick all the stories and shut down comments when they run counter to their narrative. All the money is in the direction of burying the truth.

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Since WNYC and SHU are doing fund raising this week I sent them this email, which I believe does some good, at least it puts a fly in their noggins of why people will not give them free money:

Dear NPR;

We used to trust you for objective grass roots journalism. Not any more. Your reporting during the covid pandemic has been completely one sided. Your programming sounds like it is coming out of government talking points constantly.

You've had zero coverage of vaccine adverse events which are now well over a million recorded in the VAERS system. Just one link for you to read by an anonymous doctor afraid of being fired if he came out publicly: Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines I Have Come Across (substack.com) Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch and Alex Berenson offer tough minded articles that are timely and honest.

You are heavily funded by conflicted corporate interests. When I want objective journalism I will turn on WBAI with the little money they do get actually tries to offer objective grass roots news. I will see what Glenn Greenwald and Chris Hedges are saying about the war as your coverage is biased by government talking points. You don't have tough alternative voices on your program, just placid non-controversial people.

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While we are burying our people.

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During one of their fund drives, they had on of their journalist who told her story that she used to work for AP but much preferred working at NPR because she could interpret news from AP and present it to NPR listeners in a way that was more meaningful and relevant....I stopped listening to them a long time ago. I'll make my own interpretations thank you!!

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And they are taxpayer funded. I responded to the Austin PBS fund drive with “I am already paying, and YOU should be non-partisan.”

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I know! And when I send articles to friends and family from "conservative" sites, they stick their noses up at them because of all the unsavory ads and I try to point out they have to do that since they don't get government handouts! So not fair!

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Commercial radio and TV are a wasteland, occasionally they feature the other side or controversial issues but not in depth.

Actually PBS gets very little from the government, they used to have superb journalism. But when the higher bidders who contribute to them are pushing a particular story line, they will quash the truth.

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They absolutely are - that's why I said, "go off on their own"

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Alex Berenson did, and he was threatened, discredited and canceled.

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Most people don't even know who Alex is (I stopped subscribing to him for the way he's tried to discredit Dr. Malone). How about Robin Roberts of ABC who is watched by millions every morning. She's getting close to retirement age. What does she have to lose? Maybe everything to gain.

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I canceled subscription to Berenson for same reason. Even someone with the most rudimentary background in science could have deciphered the flaws is the study he presented on ivermectin.

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I canceled my subscription too. He has a thin skin and is ego driven. I wonder what he will do when COVID is a thing of the past? I feel sorry for him because some people are harmed by fame and fortune. Quick fame and fortune require a depth of character, and a solid grounding in faith not many have. It can be crushing. In the past year we have learned of those who have the depth of character to stand the sudden spotlight of fame. Dr. Malone is one. Dr. McCullough, Dr. Kheriaty, Dr. Batachariya, Dr. Kory, and my governor Ron DeSantis. They have withstood the ridicule, and media barrage and have stood strong. Some such as Dr. Kheriaty and Dr. Kory have taken large financial hits when they lost their positions due to their stand on COVID policies.

I didn't know any of these people before last year and they have all become personal heroes to me right up there beside Justice Clarence Thomas.

Alex Berenson has not been able to handle the fame. It has diminished him and that is sad because he is obviously bright and hard working.

Then again to be fair and honest, I don't think I have the strength of character to be tested and God help me, I hope I never am.

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Beautifully said and I agree

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I applaude your honesty

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That's true, I will say that. He might be getting paid to discredit.

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like Hill

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Me to got me upset.

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Do they ever retire? Don't they just get more face lifts and Botox? Andrea Mitchell looks like death warmed over as an example.

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Glaringly apparent. Harvesters of human organs too boot.

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Seniority apparently is the top criteria for promotions in government and in the fascist media.

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I still subscribe, but I gave him a ton of shit about it. It was kind of funny there was this whole little war on his Substack. He still has good info, you should re-subscribe. Most of us chalked it up to envy/jealousy. He's still young and trying to make his name. No one is perfect, and Alex is still doing good reporting. He has his own take on things and it's important to look at different angles.

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I have a look at it.

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

Ivory Hecker who was with FOX news in Houston, Texas & left after she saw how they were editing the interviews with a Houston doctor well known for treating numerous Covid patients, and omitting how he cured them with drugs like Ivermectin. https://youtu.be/-WYZwaNKd_A

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Love Ivory Hecker. That young woman has a great big pair of balls. Beautiful and BRAVE!!!! She has the courage of her convictions.

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You don't get a Pulitzer for publishing truth that hurts powerful people. You get a Pulitzer for exactly not doing that.


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Love Lara Logan - very enlightening to say the least. Thank you for sharing that link.

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me too

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Maybe at some point we will get a moment like "The Fugitive" in the last scene where one expert exposes the other expert doctor.

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It would never get printed. Corporations own the media and they don't employ journalists, only writers. Look at that Forbes Editor who was fired for writing about Fauci.


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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, with all due respect, the time to have stopped this was before it started. The orginal trial results screamed STOP! But the FDA and CDC colluded to hide that data until it was recently revealed.

Second, the Lancet reviewers are not letting the CDC "get away" with anything. THEY'RE COMPLICIT! Don't forget the paper that miraculously got past what is supposed to be a rigorous review process and smashed HCQ as an early treatment game changer. No Sir! This is not turning a blind eye. It is willful. It is criminal. It is accessory after the fact and It's a cover up! And they're doing it because to do anything else would be an admission of guilt!

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Yes. There is no limit to what they will do to hide their crimes.

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The Lancet, like most medical journals, derive their main revenue from adversing of pharamceutical companies. The whole model stinks from head to toe

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I think the paper you mention was on Hydroxychloroquine . Dosis' were far too low and it was used far too late

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The other paper I was thinking about was written by Dr. Andrew Hill who works at liverpool university and whos said university received 40 million dollars from Unitiad just 6 days prior to Andrew Hill scuttling Ivermectin for a new wing or something..... oh and guess who's on the board... Billy Gates😉.

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Yes of course your right. Thank you. I posted in the emotional heat of the moment. Thank you for pointing out out. I'll make the correction.

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Lancet, NEJOM and the rest will not publish bombshell papers, just whitewashed pre-ordained conclusions that get written first by "peer-reviewed" scientists after skimming the data so as to advance their careers. Conclusion: "We have the typically expected, statistically spread out, adverse events but nothing alarming or inviting more serious investigations. The jury is still out and it may take years to evaluate all the data and if there is too much, it may get mis-interpreted. Our tireless civil servants deserve all due credit for their years of sacrificial service, we all owe them a debt of gratitude. Nothing can repay their 100 plus hour weeks during the pandemic."

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If I read your reply correctly I'm afraid I'd have to disagree with your conclusions. I believe the system is irredeemably corrupt. I suggest you read RFK Jr.'s latest book if you haven't already. In the interest of time you could skip to the last chapter. As well you could watch the interview if a whistle blower by The High Wire which was re-aired on the Steve Deace program which air's on The Blaze but can also be found on Rumble. Here's the link to that episode.

Skip to the 48:58 minute mark for the interview.



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Thank you so much for all your great work Dr. Malone! When reading about all these adverse effects or side effects I also think of you being vaccinated as so many others based on this fraudulent mass media reporting. I hope you are well and you keep healthy!! Lots of love and blessings from Austria 🇦🇹🙏❤️

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Sen Johnson has sent 7 or 8 requests to CDC director wolnsky to respond to questions and received silence to date! I guess she is to busy studying 60 minutes propaganda!

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Remember that this is the same Lancet that also published the fraudulent HCQ study that successfully put a squash on its use for early treatment before it was unceremoniously retracted.

For more about the Lancet see Chapter 19. Top Medical Journals Sell their Souls in COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey.

They probably chose 6 months to eliminate the reports of death from COVID-19 after vaccination and/or it minimized the rates of adverse events and/or death.

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Food for thought Dr. Malone… but one thing that isn’t talked about enough is the damage done to our most vulnerable… the mental anguish and fear that now permeates society. Fear of removing masks … fear of walking this earth with our herd. Fear of reaching out to each other in love and acceptance.

Every child that played in the street with ours… is on antidepressants.. every single damn one and it breaks my heart to see what this senseless manipulation of society has done.

God bless you Dr. Malone…and thank you for following the truth.

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War has been declared upon our children and upon life itself. Species Homo sapiens is the problem. Species Homo sapiens must be eliminated.

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So it would seem David… but who thought this through?? Who will till the soil.. when the surfs are gone…and who will carry the load? Who will shoe your pretty little foot.. when we are dead and gone.

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The European gentry barely survived the Great Mortality of 1346 to 1353. It actually helped increase the economic leverage of the lower class. The global elites better have their AI's ready for rollout if they plan to annihilate half of the world's population.

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Famine and pestilence my friend… will shake your world to the cornerstones of it foundation… it will cause you to doubt your firmly held beliefs and your whole way of life… and then… you acquiesce to any other doctrine or demand that offers you food… health … and security. We will willingly become our own AI with a wee chip in our arm.

Put up some food and circle the wagons.

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I live in a retirement community, and the fear many residents still experience is both sad and ridiculous.

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Hello Mary… it’s that nameless fear we have of monsters under the bed…we can’t see them… but we just know they’re there. British Columbia has just dropped the mandates….last province to do so and over 50%…. say… they'll keep wearing the mask… it is now.. a security blanket.

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This to me just reads as pure corruption, of all involved. The CDC/FDA and the Lancet are all complicit and coordinated in their misinformation campaign and all people working in positions that allowed this crime should be in jail. Sickening that they are doing this

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It took nearly 200 years for The Lancet to build its reputation, and they destroyed it in a couple of years

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is great! It gives me points to make when folks happily quote the headlines. I’m wondering about the Jan-June 2021 timeline. Shouldn’t we be looking at the whole rollout period? Not only to include children but because of suspected batch differences and numbers of folks vaccinated, overall. There weren’t as many vaccinated in their time range as have been to-date. So the first 6 months percentages doesn’t represent the true percentages of adverse effects over the whole population shot up to-date. I wonder if those numbers would look different.

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for your ethical and moral spine. There are so few who are willing to stand up for TRUTH. We stand with you and are fighting with you for Truth in every way we can. May God grant us success and justice in our quest.

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Cannot thank you enough, Dr Malone. God Bless.

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone you've done it again. A Slam Dunk. Will there ever come a time of reckoning for those who are intentionally putting out false information? Lies harm; truth heals.

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Why does the CDC say “nothing to see here” …?

Because the TRUTH IS UNBEARABLE, UNBELIEVABLE, UNFATHOMABLE and CRIMINAL because you can’t get “UN”vaccinated.

EVEN time is not on your side as the synthetic spike remains intact in the body. Time is just a ticking bomb waiting for a persons DNA toggle switch to go on and then develop a side effect.

I think the vaxxed people don’t want to know the truth. If they read and believe the real factual data, they will be forced to believe they have been mislead, lied to and given a harmful and possible deadly substance they never needed. They have been scammed by megalomaniac scammers.

Some things, especially this, is incomprehensible to the human mind to accept. So much so that Biden thought it was easier to put blame on the “unvaccinated” for the illness.

Biden, the MSM and the like, thought It’s easier to pit person against person, so as to deflect the blame, reality, the unbearable, the irreversible TRUTH that the vaccinated were given a shelf life or an expiration date.

Yet, and perhaps we have HOPE that if our brilliant scientists, burn the candle at both ends, to hypothesize, experiment, test and repeat to ultimately UNDO what has been done, perhaps, maybe, there is some bright light that will shed hope to the vaxxed.

Sadly, However it will require the vaxxed, to roll up their sleeves and be lab rats once again, to find the cure.

Hypotheses: If a disease is made in a lab, can it be cured in a lab?

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Wishful thinking. Your body's genetics have changed and plenty of organs and had been irreversibly affected, irreversible very often meaning death. All case mortality between ages 18 to 60 have been reported by life insurance companies from 20% to 56%!. And since pharma's indemnity is based on non fraudulent data, Moderna and Phizer will eventually go bancrupt.

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"And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." Genesis 1:31 KJV. We are "very good." It is for this reason that as you say, this evil "is incomprehensible to the human mind to accept."

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No. Biology adapts becoming stronger.

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Everything from the garbage media should be ignored. They lie about everything.

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Don‘t even look into any garbage media. Read books, go to your trusted journalists/bloggers etc. You need your peace to stay woke (in the literal sense. i.e. awake)

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"synthetic mRNA hangs around in the lymph node germinal centers for at least 60 days "

Just wanted to point out they stopped counting after 60 days. It could hang around much longer. It seems the Lancet study parameters are framed to give the result the CDC's authors want. How often is this happening with supposedly objective scientific studies?

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It just like natural immunity only lasts for 2 months as well

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Most UK citizens are completely unaware of what is happening.Boris quickly dropped everything before the s#*t hit the fan.

My get niece who is a GP ( MD) just(12.March)got her 6 year old daughter vaccinated 😳🤯with a lovely child’s certificate proudly displayed on Facebook.

She would die for her child …. If a doctor here in UK has no clue what is going on what hope is there ….😢

I have just sent Childrens Health défense vidéo ilink,with you Dr Malone.I hope she takes note before the 2 nd one…

Sadly, I think it will just be several more people who aren’t going to talk to me again…..

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Helen: search your friends on the other side of the fence. Your loss of friends will dwarf by comparison with friends you will gain. You have gained one already, albeit virtual only


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many people are simply scared to state their believes and you will be astonished about the number! Maybe even the neighbor who you would never speak to, may be on your side. I have long decided that people who are shunning you for your way of thinking are not worth it being your friend.

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Thank you Ed 😊

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You are welcome. The only persons that matter are your family. I am really worried about my children as they seam to go with the mainstream on the subject of covid

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once again my expectations have been achieved - with the unfortunate result that America's greatest asset - our children- continue to be abused by the health system we all thought WAS the greatest in the world! Thank you Dr Malone for continuing to unveil the evil that lurks amongst the citizens of the USA.

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