Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The issue runs deeper than vaccines, masks and mandates. It's about leftist globalism. We are to do as we are told without asking questions.

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There is what looks like leftist globalism and there is what looks like right-wing globalism. But there really isn't any left or right - it's part of the illusion that separates and debilitates people and keeps them from identifying and holding accountable an elite that has pulled off a fascist dictatorship by keeping the supposed "left" and the "right" at each other's throats, rather than hanging theirs in the public square for crimes against humanity. And this stuff goes way way back, centuries even.

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Where have you seen right wing globalism? I can't think of any. Seems to be more consistent with socialism. But you're right that labels are not useful and often misleading. We should focus on the crimes, not the tribes.

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Examples of globalism that are arguably right-wing are international royalty and the attached families, and international corporatism as well. There's a matter of definition, but I'd argue that a good start is that right-wing policies are those that favor elites and their interests, in contrast to left-wing policies that are associated with mass movements. As Robert above mentions, these are not necessarily exclusive. Both are opposed to nationalism and culture, and use ideology over pragmatism for mass manipulation.

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If you mean the brit royal family, they haven't been responsible for their empire for more than a century. The remnants of their dwindling empire are supervised by non royals who alternate left or far left. But their original "globalism" was more about expanding their own empire with colonialism than with cooperative globalism. The collaborations between right wing tyrants and moneyed elites is good reason to not try to twist labels into the mix.

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In a word, neoliberalism.

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Glad you want to concentrate on the crimes rather than the tribes Neoliberalism started during the ReaganBush I years. They wanted to undermine and get rid of the unions, and they were the ones promoting free trade a la Ricardo. Up until after 9/11 anti-globalism was a 'lefty' thing. Ask an older person about this. He or she will remember. Alex Jones coopted a lot of the anti-globalist, anti-gmo, etc rhetoric and made it a right-wing thing. On many issues the 'left' and right traded places. The elite has always been able to buy politicians and create illusions in the masses. A lot of people on the left detest Chomsky and others for their pronouncements on 9/11, vaccination, and other things. Smart people can overcome their gatekeeper programming and THINK FOR THEMSELVES which is what the good Dr. has stuck his neck out to do. Politics is garbage. It gives us nothing but division. It weakens us as sovereign human beings.

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Politics and the tribalism it supports, are fundamental aspects of human nature. They don't weaken us, they ARE us. Some people are weak. Inherently, and depend more on the tribe than others, and often use politics to accomplish things they can't by themselves. Tribes also make great accomplishments. When they fail, it's because the people in the tribe fail. Competent tribes produce competent people.

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You are right, but unfortunately, the people you are dealing with are members of your tribe. They just see the world in a different way. And maybe, just maybe, they even want to accomplish the same things you do. We are all blind to some things. And we are all learning.

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Many just don't want to learn. Seeing the world differently based on evidence is fine. Disagreement based on peer pressure from ignorant people is more common. Some can be redeemed. Many can't.

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There is a left and a right when you are discussing ideas. There are definitely leftist ideas. It’s hard to know who is controlling what. You are right about that. But it is very clear that Marxism is on the ascent in the US.

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All the isms -- Marxism, communism, fascism, environmentalism, etc -- mutate like viruses. Labels are increasingly meaningless, serving as distractions to keep us off balance. They can mask and inject themselves with anything they want. If they want me to do the same, my only label is "no." Focus on the antics, not semantics.

The tyranny will subside as we approach November, in a futile effort to avoid electoral disaster, and the new governments will establish new standards of behavior.

And I expect Canada will get a new government before the US. All but a noisy, frantic minority recognize the fraud.

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“Focus on the antics, not semantics”

That is bumper sticker-worthy!

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It is fascism, not communism. But it is coming from Democrats which turns the parties on their heads.

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You hit the nail on the head. Communist and Marxist are just labels at this point. Even people that identify as Marxist or Communist know that the Marx's analysis was quite accurate, but his solutions are mostly worthless and will not and could not ever be implemented. My feeling is bantering these terms about just muddies the water and creates divisions. What is palpable is the FASCISM, which is a merging of state and corporate power. No one can deny that this is happening, and that it is being promoted and facilitated by mainstream political parties around the world, including the "social democrats" and "socialists" of Europe.

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What has actually happened is more like "Oligarchs of the world unite!", right and/or left. Marx strangely missed what actually happened: workers indeed acted, but the capitalists also reacted. I say strange because subverting the workers' political unification was a predicatble Hegelian antithesis. Marx seems to have convinced himself that the Hegelian process would just magically stop, along with history. Instead, elites have used propaganda to amplify primitive tribal emotionalism in the masses to hysterical levels, and degraded communication, to suppress the critical thinking required for truly democratic cultural and civilizational progress. Globalist/oligarchs did this even to Marxism itself, when they turned it into into Critical Theory. The neat trick is that intellectual political development is being suppressed fairly effectively, while still maintaining the narrower thinking required for purely technical advances, like electronic toys and cars (e.g., Google). Even here, some argue that scientific development in the wider sense has been crippled by injection of political emotionalism into what used to be the scientific process. Where are the Stoics when you need them?

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An amazing analysis, Cassandra! Thank you!

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A perfect explanation: (Poor visual quality [𝐼'𝑣𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 - 𝑎𝑛𝑦 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑝 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑏𝑒 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑], but it makes no difference.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SVB2aH71_4&feature=youtu.be

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Great video, and it is a compelling explanation.

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Here's a transcription of the narration:


The author tried to find the source, but was unsuccessful.

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Thanks for the effort. The vids still up were all about the same quality.

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There's a Uniparty in DC. Look what the Republicans have NOT done as opposed to what they SHOULD be doing. Same with moderate Dems. Bi-partisan means there's a shit storm a-brewin. They all serve the same master and it sure ain't us.

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Yeah, I’m not thrilled with the Republican Party, but it’s the Dems who are completely controlled by the leftists.

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The Democrats are not a left-wing party. They are a corporatist party, just like the Republicans. Some of them may differ a bit in their pandering to certain segments of society, and the social issues. One thing hopefully Americans will one day understand.. ALL, VIRTUALLY ALL of their supposedly "left"and "right" leaders are warmongers and servile to the military-industrial-prison-educational-pharmaceutical-corporate complex. There are few exceptions to this, and if you look back about 20 years ago you will see some suspicious deaths, redistricting, and electoral malfeasance that give you a little idea why. The good ones removed or marginalized one way or another. Giving into divisive interpretations only worsens the situation the world is in.

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Yeah, I have my complaints about the Republican Party, so I don’t completely disagree with you. But the Dems are a lot worse. They are the ones who are pushing the socialism on us. The Republicans go along to get along. That makes them ALMOST as bad as the Dems. That’s just my view though.

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Yes, our tendency to feel that the enemy of our enemy is our friend can be used to advantage by those so inclined. Especially when true friends are kept in short supply by the means you mention.

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Yes exactly

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As an older person who has been following this for several years, I'm shocked to learn that there are people that think that globalism is a "lefty" thing. The movement to resist globalism started on the Left all around the world. https://booksandideas.net/A-Brief-History-of-the-Alter.html - so why can't we drop all the political rhetoric and recognize that humans, regardless of political stripe, have a common enemy which is the elite.. and those people could care less about political parties. They only care about power and profit, and of course getting rid of a good number of the rest of us.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree Dr. Malone, It is crucial that children be able to read facial expressions.

Masks are changing their psyches.

Lately, I've heard of children drawing pictures without noses or mouths.

This is abuse. I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor of almost 20 years. I wish everyone would watch this video on Youtube called Still Face Experiment.

It's famous and has millions of views. https://youtu.be/apzXGEbZht0

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Time for parents to be The System!!!

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mattias Desmet has done some great work on Mass Formation Psychosis. Another psychologist, Rene Girard, has also done some great work on the practice of scapegoating which many politicians and beaurocrats are relying on heavily now to try to control the distorted narrative. This is at the very root of Mass Formation we are experiencing today. Be sure to read Scapegoating, Chapter 12 of his book "I See Satan Fall Like Lightning" or check out his April 2021 interview "Kaplan Interview, Part I: Girard, Scapegoating, and the Antidote to Annihilation" at https://www.wordonfire.org/articles/fellows/kaplan-interview-part-i-girard-scapegoating-and-the-antidote-to-annihilation/

If you want a crystal clear example of scapegoating, you need only look to "woke" Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who publicly labeled the unvaxxed as "racists" and "misogynists" and has charged them with being anti-science - this from a former drama teacher with no other political credentials than being the son of a former Canadian PM! Yet, his vaccine policies and lockdowns are among the most tyrannical and economically destructive in the world, along with nations like Australia, New Zealand and Austria.

Like all despots before him and there are many, Trudeau epitomizes the coward and a weakling who will do anything to stay in power, as evidenced by his calling an election in the depths of the covid crisis (and after spending many millions of taxpayer dollars only to lose even more seats of his fragile minority government.)

I am heartened by the growing resistance around the world especially the outpouring of support for the Canadian Truckers Convoy of Freedom, a group of many thousands that Trudeau has labeled as an isolated "fringe." I have some news for your Justine, this fringe will see you out of office and it will happen sooner than later. In the meantime, the real science evidence is growing to demonstrate just how corrupt the political pro vax narrative that is still being pushed no matter what the cost in lives lost due to these toxic treatments, especially to our children!

There is a special place in hell for all scapegoating politicians and their corporate and bureaucratic enablers who will be remembered for the many crimes that have committed!

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Next we need to bring up Dr. Fauci on charges in the USA. There is now a wealth of evidence that he did his best to marginalize and stigmatize the doctors who were coming forward to challenge his mandates. Some of these doctors lost their jobs, had their licenses threatened and had their public voices silenced on platforms such as Twitter and YouTube. It also appears he authorized and used taxpayer money to fund gain of function research in China. His advocacy of vaccinating children and young adults is dangerous. Healthy children should not be given these COVID vaccines. There is plenty of data now to suggest they are harmful to children.

My grandchildren will most definitely NOT be taking them. I have had discussions with my son and daughter in law and have been sharing all the factual information I have read and seen.

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We wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for (Dr.) Fauci. He is the father of this. We blame China but China couldn’t have done this without Fauci. https://dreddymd.com/2021/05/19/chinese-military-pentagon-virus-research-biological-weapons/

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China had known sloppy practices for the Wuhan Lab. The gain of function research going on there was authorized and paid for by Dr. Fauci. Yes, we can blame Dr. Fauci for his stupidity, incompetence and duplicity as well as China for their casual and sloppy practices in this lab.

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Stupidity,incompetence & duplicity doesn’t come close to covering the evil that Fauci has perpetuated on this planet, not just with Covid but going back to HIV. The man is a one man murder machine. He has no soul. He makes Mengele look like a novice.

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

No, he doesn't make Mengele look like a novice. It would widen your knowledge to listen to the Holocaust survivors about their experiences at Auschwitz and with Dr. Mengele, particularly his twin experiements. No, Fauci isn't in that league. However, his duplicitous statements and actions, and his deep financial interests and compromised status, his pronouncements and orders certainly led to hundreds of thousands of deaths. However, he was not alone. I live in Florida and my governor, Ron DeSantis, early on using the best real data he could find and common sense, protected the elderly while allowing the rest of the people to live freely. We did have 2 months of lockdowns with phased openings but that was at a time when there was little practical knowledge about the virus. In Florida we have had nearly 2 full years of freedom. It's wonderful and liberating.

Governors such as Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Witmer, Murphy of NJ, Gavin Newsome, the governors of Oregon and Washington, etc. were as complicit as Fauci. They also lied about the numbers in their states and hid the data. Check out the reporting Charlie LeDuff has done on Gretchen Witmer.

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Those Governors were accessories to the crimes. I live in California so I am very familiar with Newsom. He is a wretched excuse for a Governor & human being. As are the others. I am also VERY familiar with Mengele. I grew up next door to a survivor of his. The experiments Fauci has done through the years on humans are comparable & even more so because he has done them on more people. It’s just not as well documented, YET. Fauci & Co. are responsible for millions of deaths & the ripple effects of the myriad of consequences of his demented pronouncements over the last two years. HE

WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY, I believe as the worst mass murderer on record. And he continues…..

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it is even worse on the actual knowledge front for Fauci once he gets in front of a jury -- he was doing the GOF research at a facility in the US, on a military base, until the auditors found it to be "too dangerous" -- at which point Fauci moved the research to Wuhan with the help of corporate sponsors.

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exporting the GOF research is also likely illegal under US Customs regulations regarding `munitions`

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I agree. If we had a true justice system Dr. Fauci would be in a heap of trouble. Unfortunately this man has lived a privileged life, has become wealthy and powerful although he has caused incalculable damage, and will eventually have a cushiony retirement. There is little fairness in this life so I am going to put my faith in God's eventual justice.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Abuse of our children must stop. The gateway behavior for child abuse is abuse of innocent animals. "Dr." Fauci is well versed in both. His latest cruel "experiment".:


Just got back from the supermarket and even though masking is optional here, it is about 90% mask-holes now, sporting their new N95 models, with their masked kids in tow.

Yes, Dr. M, mass formation madness is now the gateway for child abuse. Your story about the poor monkeys brought me to tears. My God, what have we done to each other and when will it end?

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank God I am in Florida. I support the truckers in Canada yearning to be free. For real news coverage go to Rebel News.

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It's We the People, not We the Sheeple. So infuriating. What happened to Critical Thinking? Thank you Dr. Malone for all that you do!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you! I feel as though I’m screaming into the wind at the ocean when I write nearly daily letters to my “elected officials.”

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The very same thing is true in Canada, I'm sure. I'm a life long left leaning voter who never ever thought I would vote Conservative, but today is a new day. I'm not alone. Many of my left of centre educated white female friends feel the same way. We have been through hell and back, and will not be voting liberal or NDP for a very long time. For a real time example of how to commit political suicide, check out Justin Trudeau.

The damage that has been caused to public health, to medicine, and to trust in government more generally is staggering. We are not the same people as when this all started. I've no idea how this will play out yet, but curious to watch it unfold.

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I am another one. After many years of volunteering, donating and voting for NDP candidates I voted Conservative in the Sept 2021 election. Turns out the wuss Tory leader lied about freedom from mandates and supported Trudeau. He is now in Feb. on the edge of being tossed by his party. Karma is a bitch. The worm has turned.

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Left of center educated white females have been the problem for decades.

I should know. I am/was one of them.

At least we are finally waking up to see how we allowed ourselves to be manipulated all this time.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the courage you have to draw the line. No more madness, we must not be silent anymore. I’m a NP in nursing homes and am ashamed of those in the medical field that are turning a blind eye to the raw data and reality that Big Pharma, Big Tech, MSM and Big Academia have become the totalitarian system we all thought America was free from. I received the first round (2 doses) of Pfizer Dec 2020, but now realize there are major risks associated with these vaccines.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amen! I agree, it won’t stop until we try and convict them.

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Agreed! Let’s get that ball rolling! And let the individual and/or class action lawsuits against corporations and states for mandating the Covid vaccination, begin!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The democrats are creating an army of new republicans and independent families"

I'm really glad you added independent because I think that's been the most important part all along. A new awareness in the public that was very much needed, as hard as this all is. We've seen the effects all this has on adults, so I really hope the damage isn't too bad for the kids. Our education system needs serious help and the people pushing all this shit need to be held accountable.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This was excellent. I’ve passed it on. In spite of the swing, it’s amazing how many people are hanging on for dear life to the mandates and the shots. Not to mention the masks for chikdren. Seeing a child in a mask makes me ill. It’s just wrong.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a clarion voice you are for all of us who are fighting tyranny. Thank you.

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Exactly! And along with this damage, unintended consequences will happen.


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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This might be the issue that changes the vax, vax, vas ideology. On the path to a million deaths which was not enough to overcome Big Pharma, Inc. The ability to protect your child from potential permanent damage is a principled stand. This "pandemic" permanently harmed the agencies so there will be much more resistance to universal childhood vaccines in the future.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, I can’t help but wonder if that abuse may have started with putting these animals in a cage. The mother sure was in a position that was out of her control. Can only speculate how these creatures feel about captivity and how they may act out. I know I haven’t been my cheerful self since being put in this position with covid… our lives are much like that poor restricted mom.

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