Aug 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great round-up Robert and Jill - I wish I had the energy that you have to put out all these great substack articles. I asked you Jill, on Saturday night "what keeps you and Robert going" You said, "passion". Thank you both for having that passion. I believe God is protecting you because of your passion. I know what you are both sacrificing. All of us that love you are grateful.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well said! Robert and Jill are tireless warriors and truth tellers! We are all so grateful for you both! May God continue to protect and bless you both!!! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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Aug 8, 2022ยทedited Aug 8, 2022

After a lifetime of atheism followed by agnosticism, I must confess that in these dark times, I fervently hope that there is a God who is protecting these heroes (Malone, Kory, and McCullough).

I subscribe on Substack to the first two certainly because I want to learn from these great teachers. But my bigger reason is I want to participate in the funding of their new "careers". $5/month isn't much. But ($5/month * the wisdom of the crowd) can fund a new career.

I've been waiting for McCullough to start a Substack page just so I can give him my regular $5. When Dr Malone put the link to McCullough's book in this article, I think I clicked on it within 2-3 nanoseconds and bought the book.

Yeah, I want to read what McCullough has to say. But what I really want is to pay my tithe to that awesome dude.

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I pray that you will make the next step, realizing that there is definitely a Creator God and that He loves you. Please read the first chapter of the book of John in the Bible. Through this crazy time I have held on to the fact that God determines the number of my days, not a person or a disease. "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." I, too, am so appreciative for all the heroes we've come to love. I buy all their books in order to pay back in a small way. Dr. McCullough's book is a good one to recommend to those who are still blind. It is a short, easy read which explains very well what has happened. Take care.

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Peter, it is said that there are no atheists in foxholes. Welcome to the foxhole and the Great Awakening. Letโ€™s all keep praying for these warriors and for our country. God bless.

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Thank you Peter for this comment. I hope you find the faith that I have that there is indeed a God. He has been so very present in my life. Especially lately in this evil that I am trying to find the courage to fight -like our brave docs, the Malones, Kory (also Marik) and McCullough and so very many others.

I too will order McCulloughโ€™s book. I also pre-ordered Dr. Maloneโ€™s.

I will pray for you Peter.

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Is there any way to pre order Dr. Malones book without going through Amazon? I hate that corp

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Yes. Barnes and Noble is taking pre-orders. I didnโ€™t realize this until I went to their website. I hate Amazon too, so I will cancel my my order with them.


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"...hope that there is a God..."

beautiful statement, thanks for sharing

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yeah there's a John 6:44 drawing going on

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What I really want is to pay my tithe to that awesome dude.


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Thank you for what you have verbalized.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excited to see Lies My Gov't Told Me on order at 3 out of 104 libraries in our system. Even if we buy this book, please everyone put holds on Dr. Malone's book through your library card which will help educate and awaken because New Books are always displayed prominently for at least a month, usually by the checkout desk and everyone peruses the New sections. Place holds for each member in your family which will also increase the holds placed and it's the number of holds that prompts a library to order the book for their collection. Your tax dollars already pay for this, so let's all put holds on Dr. Malone's book, Kennedy's Real Fauci and Leake and McCullough's The Courage to Face Covid books, this is a great way to reach our communities.

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Great idea. I will do this today.

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Great idea. My library does not have Lies My Gov't Told Me, but it does have The courage to face COVID-19 : preventing hospitalization .... I placed a hold. It is checked out and will be available 9/1. I also placed a hold on The Real Anthony Fauci, by RFK Jr. I've already read it, but figure I'll pick it up have it checked out for a day or two and return it. Certainly no more fraudulent than a Twitter bot.

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You can request your library purchase Lies My Govt Told Me, a little known fact not highly publicized. There's usually a short form or you can call them. Circulation numbers are important so the more Circ numbers for these Truth Warriors the better!

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Yes, I found the form to request a purchase and did so. One of the few tools we have to fight the censorship.

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Just did the same at my library.

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Excellent suggestion. Thank you.

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Aug 8, 2022ยทedited Aug 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For the morning news from MDEdge - a propaganda arm of the Medical Industrial Complex:


So... Spike proteins damage heart muscle? Who would have ever suspected. Of course, the article goes on to support the incoming round of "new and improved" vaxxx... TPTB will be pushing mandates again by next month (especially on the children) - watch for it!

And, this:


MONEYpox is the proper name for the new plandemic.

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A well connected aged man in my local society decided to discuss this injection over a restaurant breakfast counter, knowing I refuse all injections, when I told him once the synthetic spike gets into the heart muscle the heart can't regenerate and only scars I was nice and told him then you'll have heart problems. His complexion switched to beat red and he ended the fun what he thought was at my expense.

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Sad. You can't make people listen most of the time. At least 2/3s of the population are lost to the Psychopathy's propaganda ministry.

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Is this true as far as the spike protein's eventual damage to the heart? It ends up keeping the heart from true healing and forms scar tissue? Can you point to the published evidence for this finding? BTW, I am unvaxxed and follow the FLCCC protocol. I am no friend to the campaign of "vaccinations". Thanks.

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Yes. Mainstream sources are now reporting the damage the spike proteins do to heart muscle (among other targets). Interestingly, infection with the virus itself does not appear to cause the same type of damage. There is a difference between the "natural" spike proteins in the "virus" as compared with the "spike proteins" in the vaxxx. The vaxxx programs cells within the body to PRODUCE these modified spike proteins (have a pseudouridine in place of uridine in the "natural" "virus"). We are dealing with bioweapons - created...

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Aug 8, 2022ยทedited Aug 8, 2022

First we were assured that this marvel of modern technological effort was so well designed that the protein (after injection) would migrate to an anchor region of the cell's lipid envelope where it would present to the immune system in order to initiate an immune response. That was quickly revealed to be false by data coming out of Japan. There were probably other sources of data as well but most likely quashed as disinformation. Promises made as to the effectiveness as well as the safety of these injections coming from sources that have a vested interest in seeing this treatment widely accepted for profit are no better than listening to a snake oil salesman of yesteryear who will have moved on to the next town of suckers and thus will remain out of immediate reach of those wronged.

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No, just something I read like this: https://truthundercover.com/proof-spike-protein-affects-heart-and-brain/ . I am not any type of expert, have no credentials, nor have any intimate knowledge of this injection event, why I read this particular blog, I am simply using the a similar technique to thwart the propaganda people are using against my position. If no one bothers me I wouldn't bother, why should I care if they volunteer for an experiment anyway?.

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I understand your position and agree with it completely. Thanks for the link. Challenging and putting forth an opposing view for consideration is what has made America stand out in the world. Have a great week ahead.

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Let me further clarify, since I have no credentials its not my position to advise, this guy deserved to consider an idea opposed to his.

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Iโ€™m just wondering when healthcare workers will be mandated to get the Moneypox vax toโ€ฆyou knowโ€ฆsave grandma!

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I am certain this is coming - watch for it - NYC and SF first...

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Yes I agree!

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If Grandma is hanging out at gay orgies๐Ÿคช

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It surely damaged my brothers heart muscle. He now takes medication and lives day to day not knowing his future! He took the initial two and didnโ€™t get the boosters. He will be the FIRST to tell anyone it was the vax! It truly breaks my heart.

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Sad. Refer him to the FLCCC site for treatment protocols:


Never give up hope.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy Monday, everyone! The weirdness just keeps on cominโ€™!

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for mentioning Dr. Peter McCullough. His contribution has been extraordinary, sacrificial, and he too has been very brave. His clinical contribution, and endless knowledge of the relevant literature to assist us get to the truth has been very helpful and inspiring. We appreciate you all in the frontline immensely.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

McCullough's book is an easy and good read. Purchasing the book additionally helps support his defense from the criminal elements in the American Board of Internal Medicine(ABIM) and others that wish to rescind his board certification, and ruin him as punishment for the useful, seminal, outstanding work he has done , all of which refutes the false narrative re: SARS2. His excellent paper with Jessica Rose on myocarditis was pulled inappropriately by Elsevier from their journal, and I believe he is pursuing that legally as well. The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is suing the ABIM; this is essential to stop these boards that are led by woke, groupthink- oriented MDs. The NEJM recently had an editorial from one of the ABIM board members boasting of their ability to use their kangaroo court to revoke board certifications, and hurt doctors, thus specifically to override state legislatures that have now outlawed state medical boards from de-licensing physicians for using safe effective drugs such as Ivermectin and HCQ. The AAPS link for donations to this worthy cause is : https://aapsonline.org/lawsuit-to-stop-retaliation-by-medical-specialty-boards-filed-by-aaps/ The AAPS is a great organization. Hit pieces by the Atlantic magazine only confirm how good they are;


In other 'news roundup' this weeks NEJM decries the critical shortage of iodinated contrast material (due to Red Chinese domination of the production), and suggests we all just stop getting unneeded and useless contrast studies for our patients, and "reform" medical care with such things as telemedicine; nothing about maybe producing our own contrast. Another top of the contents article in this weeks NEJM is "Understanding Covid Vaccine Efficacy Over Time" by I. Kohane. It basically admits that USA electronic med records are inadequate to the task at hand, and subtly promotes high end surveillance and mandatory individual medical record data release to CDC and other corrupted politicized administrative entities that obviously have interests of patients as a secondary matter, even at best.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Changing the world one chorizo at a time? Or perhaps it is one lemonade coffee at a time. To change Starbucks we would have to stage a coffee revolution with alternative mixes. I can think of a few that might really shake them up, lol.

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Lol, Starbucks has always been bitter swillโ€ฆnot sure how any additive could improve it!

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Agreed. I have only been to them at airports & avoid their products. Knowing how to make good coffee is an art and a science. This is well beyond the Corporatocracy.

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Thank you Drs. Malone for writing and posting week after week. Your dedication to the cause is outstanding. Can you give us future meetings /speaking engagements in advance. Saw you both speak in Columbus, Ohio and would love to attend others. ๐ŸŒž

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I will try -

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for including the announcement of Dr. McCullough's new book and Dr. Kory's protocol for the injured. I am a member of Dr. Kory's weekly group and was honored to be in Dr. McCullough's esteemed group of scientists and physicians until Google banned (blocked) me as I was posting Dr. McCullough's material on social media! The scar remains, which may seem superficial to most but I cherished my interactions, relationships and deep learning within the group.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That was quite silly. I remember reading the headline about the new planet. LOL Since Iโ€™m not a coffee drinker I can only image how nasty that coffee lemonade tasted.

It takes courage to fight against the narrative. I donโ€™t think the citizens of the world can ever thank you, the warriors of truth , enough for all the tireless sacrifice you have made for the health of the world. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Post pictures from Ireland. I have always wanted to go there.

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Happy emoji Monday everyone.

Great silliness ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ summary, Dr. Malone .

Thank you for saving us from making lemonade coffee โ˜•๏ธ out of lemons ๐Ÿ‹

I wonder ๐Ÿ˜™whether Twitter will ban ๐Ÿ›‘ร‰tienne Klein for spreading stellar ๐Ÿ”ญ โ˜„๏ธchorizo ๐ŸŒญmisinformation.๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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You are truly amazing. Up out of CPAC and right off to Ireland to Welcome more Good Doctors and Scientists to your fold. Watched and listened to your, Dr Urso and Dr Coles speeches (at 5:30 EDT) twice. Great intro review and well received. Power to you all heroes! Sounds like a full day of top messaging.

Then you've added this for our morning fare! Was able to attend your Tues presentations. So pleased for the exceptional opportunity! Have read Dr McCullough's book His experiences essentially mirror your own. It is frightening and infuriating that hero's like yourselves have had to endure such vicious attacks intended to kill both you and your entirely valid messages.

My thoughts, heart and committed support for you, your Doctor Jill and your fine compatriots in your mission to build your forces and better take on our enemies. With great gratitude! Safe ventures!

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Aug 8, 2022ยทedited Aug 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the writeup sir. For that matter Dr. Malone, THANK YOU

I've been reading your stuff and following up on the covidian technical details for several years now. The first thoughts of clarity I had were 1) how can a vaccine be administered without knowing the dose of the key material produced, 2) why choose such an incredibly narrow epitopic bandwidth, and 3) hole-sizes in masks doesn't make any sense for the application. Then frankly you and others showed a whole lot of truths that just got more surreal by the day, and helped me out of the pit of mental covidian slavery. I humbly thank you for that.


I love the progression of today's posts:

chorizo - untestable info, reliant on the info holders to come clean: not so funny power play by those in control, innocent only because they later told the truth, but also exposes how easy it is for them to mess with the masses. "ha ha we have data and we'll roll it out to you as we choose for our own pleasure but only after deeply observing your reactions"

lemonade - testable lateral info flow, proven to be false at least to the tester mentioned

big short - the test IS the actual point, heisenbergish in that the very testing changes the parameter being measured, which is the point to capitalize on (investments are the empirical testing which drives outcome)

covid - ongoing testimony :) of all 3 above

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Here's an idea. Can you imagine how many votes a fellow might get if he said: "I will create a bill promising compensation for the vaccine-injured" - assuming the injury or death was on the Pfizer list of side effects from their clinical trial, and it happened within 2 weeks of vaccination?

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Aug 8, 2022ยทedited Aug 8, 2022

Trump promised to rehire those fired from the military, with back pay, if he is reelected. Itโ€™s a start. What are DEMOCRATS doing, other than causing misery, death, poverty and division?

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In Uvalde, during the mass shooting, 376 LEOs showed up to congratulate the brave kids protecting the LEOโ€™s careers and pensions - without ever acting on behalf of the kids. Worse, a mom and an LEO with a kid inside the school were stopped from trying to rescue. The Covid-Cartel death toll is still being reckoned. But they thank the jab-takers for doing no harm to their wallets.

Did the Covid-Cartel go full Uvalde or did the Uvalde LEOs go full Covid-Cartel?

โ€œIโ€™m from the Gubmint and Iโ€™m here to helpโ€

Help who? says I. People? Your tribe? Or Evil?

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So much gratitude, Dr. Malone, for you and Dr. Jill Malone, for your courage, integrity and all those precious gifts! You and Dr. Jill are LIGHT in our very dark world today! Thank you! I have been following your writing and daily newsโ€ฆ.love those visuals tooโ€ฆfor some time! Thank you for your honesty, and good humour! Prayers for your peace and safety always!

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