Aug 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good complex post on the complexities we face going forward. If we have a fair election in the US and the Republicans win it will be really fascinating to watch the fall out. The propaganda spewed out by the mass media, governments. corporations, and institutions around the planet is super resource intensive to maintain. I trust it will eventually fall as a result, and with the force of, it's own lies and twisted rhetoric. We will hopefully see a return to constitutional democracy with a vengeance and a government by we the people as intended. There will be a great deal of housecleaning to be accomplished.

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Perfectly said!

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I think the hopes you expressed, probably shared by most here, assume that elected officials are actually in charge of governing. I'm not so confident about that. We've talked before in this space about how deep state actors survive across election cycles. And it seems pretty clear that politicians put the wishes of their deep state donors far above the wishes of the electorate. I'm guessing you might agree that citizen action needs to extend far beyond just elections -- even ones that are fair.

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From the hands of planetary ogres like the World Economic Forum & Bilderberg the government servants take their orders. Yes, I think we the people have already been too tolerant. I know what our revolutionary ancestors would recommend.

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Those donors get a hell of a return on their investment ummm donations. Donations buy access. I've noted a lot of access with $2-5k. Even $1k.

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I've often considered crowd sourcing a campaign for congressmen and senators. Kind of like a super pac for the little guys down here. Surely 80 million Trump voters could give $1 WOW, that might actually get us a seat. Like a libertarian union.... I know cognitive dissonance... But with Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins in there (RINOS) it has been leaked that with these 2 senators the senate has enough to overturn the supreme court Roe v. Wade and codify it into national law. So, we have to get average normal people in there and I see a way we might be able to make a small dent here. I surely would welcome feedback on the crowd sourcing idea?

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“Housecleaning”is too kind of a word KW Norton. 🫣😉

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Ummm, , KW, our nation is a Constitutional Republic. NOT a "constitutional democracy".

Article. IV., Section. 4. of our Constitution sez: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence".

One can find NO Articles, Sections or passages in the US Constitution that contains the word (democracy) - or Democracy. The Founders were wise to the pitfalls of ALL past "democracies" - one being NONE lasted for more than 250 years before being transformed into MOBocracies - which is pretty much what "We" the people are 'living' with now, circa 2022 AD

Anyone who watches the shenanigans performed (in) the House and Senate - via C-SPAN 1 (House) & C-SPAN 2 (Senate), will conclude that the majority of BOTH so-called "Democrats"

and so-called "Republicans have NEVER EVEN READ the US Constitution they all SWEAR to "Uphold". Hence, we ARE being INVADED - actually for DECADES via our Southern Border; and MOB violence goes UNCHECKED by the US so-called "Justice" Department.

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I am aware of this - it is a turn of phrase.

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You forgot “representative” lol 🙂 No one is perfect

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Yes, well if I were writing a post not a comment on this subject there would be a few more descriptive terms on American government. See previous posts for more if interested.

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McCarthy has to go. At the America First Policy Institute "summit" meeting late last month in D.C. while waiting for Trump's appearance n1ast weekend he was talking some nice sounding platitudes about what he is gonna make happen when the Rs get the House back and so forth. He was starting to get that glow in his eyes thinking about being Speaker again. The hell they will if he has any say about i! McCarthy has no intention of bucking the Uniparty machine. He didn't get needed things done when the Rs had the whole congress. Thank you, God for Devin Nunes, and Kash Patel. I found myself yelling at Newt's crap - he was yelling establishment motts and applauding McCarthy. IT WAS DISGUSTING. Newt totally dropped his mask for a couple minutes there - oh man did he ever reveal his dark loyalties. That America First Institute is one of those "Think Tank" operations where they get nonprofit status to pa themselves well for putting out noise but not much else. I want to see where they get their funding. Their job will be to infiltrate and undermine the Trump admin AGAIN when it comes back (if we still have a country in 2024/2025 that is). I HATE those anti-Trumpers riding on We The People's energy and sweat. Peter Navarro has their number and they HATE him and hate us even more.

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Many decades ago - when he was an unknown 'back bencher', Gingrich actually WAS pro America, however once he became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, he apparently sold his soul to the Devil - and now uses glib platitudes as hollow sound bites.

Few 'representatives' (VERY few) have the intellectual honesty and moral fortitude to withstand the absolute corruption money, power and prestige that engulfs DC, aka the Democrat Cesspool.

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I fear that once having control of congress again the RINOS we haven't ousted will be back to same old same old gumming up the works with committee chairmanships, seniority, perks and working the system, parliamentary points of order and the establishment machine. I was disgusted with McCarthy and Newt yakking off the cuff at the America First Policy Institute gathering in Washington last week just prior to Trump taking the stage. McCarthy was throwing out how he would do all these investigation committees and pass bills he had drafted up and ready from back in 2016 before everything went to shite in 2018, etc. etc. He was starting to get visibly intoxicated on himself imagining he might get Trump's endorsement again as Speaker when he has ZERO track record of doing anything different or productive when we did have the House and Senate! Newt? Newt was clapping flattering and loudly fawning and all on board with reinstalling the establishment that got us where we are now.

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we need non-politicians to run for office and crowdsource their ONE TERM in office. Then we need to reach a majority and declare Constitution again.

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Dream on.

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God bless Governor DeSantis.

ESG is destroying the economies of many countries. See what is happening in Sri Lanka and in Ghana. It's going to happen in more and more countries.

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...and that is the goal of the totalitarians. Praying more people wake up and see it. Once you do it will not be unseen which is why they are in warp speed.

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Mattias Desmet's book, "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" is a must read.

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I just read it. Everybody should!

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I'm glad you read it. I just started "The Closing of the American Mind," by Allan Bloom. I started with the Introduction and I was astonished at how spot on his analysis was. I hadn't looked to see when this book was published and was surprised to see he wrote it in 1987. I am reading it slowly because each sentence is laden with meaning. I find I am having to go back, re-read and then think about it.

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Yes. That is their goal. It is absolutely horrifying.

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The Netherlands, Canada and a major fertilizer provider are moving in that direction. With Biden and all the land in the US owned by Bill Gates and the CCP we have every reason to fear the US will join the maddened crowd.

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Everyone should order this book, “Transcend Fear” written by DeSantis’s excellent surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Ladipo. What a brilliant, common-sense young man. Wow. I am blown away. Just saw him interviewed. He’s the real deal.


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I agree he is excellent. I will put his book on my list.

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As I look back over my last 70+ years, I finally realize the my government and the biased media has "ALWAYS" lied to me and every other American. Power, greed and corruption has been the motivation.

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at 82, I sadly agree!

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I am about your age, @Sonny, and I have come to the same realization.

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Good Morning Dr. Malone: I am wondering if you have any comments on these 2 pieces. One is Dr. Mike Yeadon PHD ( 17 yrs with Pfizer ) https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/doctors-and-scientists-with-brian-hooker-phd/yiwm3xNHmE and the other is Toby Rogers


Both of these pieces 'hit a nerve ' and ' made sense ' to me. I know how busy you are so do not feel obligated. One rabbit hole at a time. Thanks always for all you do.

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Thank you for providing these links. You have definitely done what Mike Yeadon encouraged us all to do. I doubt Dr. Malone would take issue with much of what Yeadon says, and even if he did, I don't think Dr. Malone's views would significantly affect the validity of the steps Yeadon recommends we take--especially the part about "buying yourself time to think.". So, I would be more interested in hearing Dr. Malone's take on he second article, dealing with encphaphaltis. Those of us who can think critically, but don't have medical backgrounds, would really benefit from hearing what Dr. Malone and other scientists think. You might also approach Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (DarkHorse podcasts) for a thoughtful opinion or referral to someone who may be knowledgeable. Thanks again for posting these links--you definitely got me thinking.

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank You Dr. Malone, that was the best news today. Ron DeSantis is a great governor. I thank God everyday for being in the free state of Florida. He has always acted on the offense. I wish more Republicans would. The establishment Republicans are famous for saying "When we retake the house and the Senate" and once in office they do absolutely nothing. I am researching every candidate running in Florida.

I will vote for conservative but I am fed up with the RINO's. We have a senate Republican running for the Commissioner of Agriculture, and of course one would think anything is better than Nikki Freid. But alas, I do not want any candidate that is selling us out to the WEF. You can tell who they are, they are the ones talking about how they will investigate Hunter Biden. Look, I would love to see him and the Big Guy sitting in Prison but I know from 30 years experience that the Republicans and the Democrats never keep their promises.

Besides that, we have bigger problems to address...like what we all just went through for almost 3 years with the plandemic scam of the century. How Big Pharma is running our country and how many of these politicians sold us out to Big Pharma, the WEF, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Will the next election make a difference? I don't know. The Supreme court ruling against the EPA opened the door for these three letter agencies to finally get sued, let's see if it happens. By the way, I watched "Uninformed Consent" yesterday and it was astounding. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for speaking out and not being afraid to tell the truth. My God be with you always.

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm sure in another post I'll criticize something you say, but regardless of that - your research and writings are a godsend in these insane times :)

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Thank you for your kind words - the nice thing about opinions is that everyone has a unique one and that everyone has their own truth. That doesn't mean I can't listen and learn from you and vice-versa.

That is why I love these comments so much.

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It seems to me that you can do away with anything that is for the greater good as a false premise

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Th-th-th-th-th- That's all, Folks. (Imitating Porky Pig)

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I jumped over to the link in the first paragraph, an article at Town Hall, and absolutely LOVE the author's suggestion for media access when the GOP retakes the White House. He says "No more White House press briefings. Record a video of administration talking points and post it on the web so any citizen can see it unfiltered. If the press has questions, they can email them in and maybe it gets an answer, maybe not. We have zero obligation to provide them a daily filmed forum for trying to make our conservative administration look bad". The only thing better would be making Peter Doocy the Press Secretary.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m all for defunding NPR and PBS until they strictly abide by their saying that they are representing all sides of America and NOT just the blue side. Independents enjoy the more traditional news cast where two on the left explain their views, then two on the right, and maybe one straddling the middle. Then assume in a democracy the reader or viewer can chew on a more educated or balanced decision. Journalism needs to be challenged to bring its citizens the truth. If not it’s just propaganda, lies, or lala land fiction. Freedom isn’t freedom if half the picture is missing (much like science isn’t science if it’s not up for some debate). No more funding for these orgs unless the scales are balanced and transparent. Maybe with this old fashion purview of news, we will have more unity and compromise? Right now “My way or the highway ain’t working.”

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Pritzker homopedo "trans" family started planning the "transgender" up a scheme to expand their medical cash cow businesses by creating a market in a population that does not consume much in medical services nor daily pharmaceuticals - ages 3-20. They started it up on the early 2000s and they have succeeded. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/billionaire-family-pushing-synthetic-sex-identities-ssi-pritzkers

These people are certifiable functional psychopaths. Their gender dysphoria marketing ties nicely into the Neo-Maoist Marxist Overthrow levers as a bonus.

I read an article a few days ago that was titled "The World Is Run By Pedophiles" and yeah it is.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I read these words and think who voted them in? No one did. Do you think the SCOTUS rulings on these specialty groups might help get rid of this scum? Do you have De Santis ear? If so tell him to get the red states governors to pull together to fight for freedom. There are more red states than blue. State by state we should fight them.

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county by county and sheriff by sheriff

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Seems the entire idea is to destroy the United States Constitution and establish a partnership between Government, Finance and Industry…

…allowing Worldwide food shortages and poverty, as well as what I feel is mass murder, to nudge or “lean into” Green

This removal from the Citizen Government guaranteed through a “Representative Republic” and a Democratic voting process…

Executive Orders masquerading as “mandates” that would NEVER pass honest voting…legislation that is obviously unconstitutional, produced only to stall recent SCOTUS rulings…

Destructive policies and treaties with the purpose of transferring American Citizen authority…

This ain’t done without a Ruling Intelligence State, Departments of Injustice and Oligarch financing…

Prophetic signs…

…they ARE forcing sides (the longer we let them the deeper the hole to get out)

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Isn’t there a name for this…


Fascism maybe…

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Thank you, as always, for shedding Light on the Darkness.

Why am I not surprised that ESG ultimately originated in the U.N.?

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Check your 401(k)s and 403(b)s and dump ESG investments!

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I did just that over these last two months.

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Yes, Kurt Schlichter is the King of Snark. I never say the name Brian Stelter without adding "who is a potato" because of Kurt! I used to read more at Townhall, but I'm cynical enough already and don't need to add more fuel to that fire. Kurt's writing always cracked me up though.

ESG - propaganda on steroids in so many ways. I really hope DeSantis doesn't run for president in 2024 because Florida seems like the last bastion of sanity and I don't know what would happen to it if he left. Plus, totally purging the Deep State (like Trump should have done - was he naive or stupid?) is not a job for only one warrior. I like DeSantis too much to see him taken out and he's got a young family that needs him.

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Wonderful to come across a Schlichter fan...Been one for years. Long Live Sarcasm, wit and a sense of humor as some of the greatest companions always with us contributing towards joy and short-term survival of life on Earth.

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