May 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dare to be a Daniel. Dare to stand alone. Dare to have a purpose true, and dare to make it known. Thank you Robert Malone for exposing the truth and having the courage to make it know in the face of the 1984 "controlled information" we're up against today.

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Daring to stand alone is needed in today's society, but beyond materialism and the interior of Plato's cave, we find that we are not alone. George Stanciu writes about his mid-life conversion away from materialism in his book The Great Transformation.

"In mid-life, I had left materialism behind as a pernicious myth of the Dark Ages of Science. To call nous a product of unconscious thought as Poincaré and other scientists had was to beat the same old drum — the brain alone explains all interior life, although now we know with certainty that neuronal activity by itself cannot account for even perception. It made more sense to me to understand nous as the divine element within each person than to attribute our highest intellectual life to the murky unconscious mind hidden somewhere in the brain. To me — and I was in the excellent company of Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas — dianoia was strictly human, and nous was the divine element within us. "

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TellTheTruth - As Dave says brilliant!!!! That tiny snippet of poem, snippet of song, explains in neon lights why the CCP, the Chinese communist party ABSOLUTELY DETEST RELIGION! Religion provides the foundation upon which individuals stand to speak the truth.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We in the western world live in very sick societies at the moment. While weeding creeping bellflower (a never-ending job therefore lots of time to think!), I've pondered how on earth we turn this around. Massive protests in France don't seem to have accomplished much. However, the Anheuser Busch and Target boycotts have been quite effective! So how do we boycott government? I suggest a giant co-ordinated tax revolt, all through the western world! The globalist plot falls flat on its face if the money comes to a screeching halt. Thoughts??

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The US globalist Uniparty are one step ahead on that idea. Thus the massive increase in IRS armed agents. Those engaging in any sort of tax revolt will be promptly sent to the newly opened Uyghur camps.

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The irs armed agents are the new ss. One more treasonous atrocity that "We the People' get to pay for.

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DeSantis is one step ahead of the uniparty, signing a bill banning the use of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the state of Florida.

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If just 20% of Americans stopped paying their taxes, that would be 66 million people. They don't have enough gulags built to hold that many! And the timing is good. With the election in 2024, the sitting President can't get too carried away with penalties as he might alienate some of his voters. Plus the crisis caused might ensure he doesn't get re-elected.

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This is the thought that rises to the top every so many decades. It never materializes.

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We've never been in as much peril as we are right now.

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We've talk a good show, but never show up. You're right about this time, but IRS agents are going through military training.

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Thus the drive for digital passports - never had the ability for this type of global surveillance and control before now. Programmable currency, just around the corner, will enslave all.

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Not if you stop banking. Cash only. Sounds impossible? My Amish community do it. We only need to bring banks to failure and then rebuild with freedom as their one ring!

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I’m in! When and where and how!

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May 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The following observation by Nobel Physicist, Richard Feynman, is the perfect response to all high priests of our modern Covid Inquisition:

"I'd rather have a question that can't be answered than an answer that can't be questioned."

And in a similar context he wrote:

"Religion is a culture of belief. Science is a culture of doubt."

Those, like Robert Malone, who are flexible enough to bridge both cultures become "fine men" and splendid scientists.

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Love the question quote! So very true. I've been reading the Holy Bible for decades and its salty truth is more precious and relevant than ever. It does not exclude mysteries while shedding real light on real life. Maranatha ♥️

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Hi Victor, loved the quotes, obviously you love to read. I also posted one of my favorite authors and my experience and only Malone responded. No surprise. Stay cool (in more ways than one).

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Mostly Rudolf Steiner but I try to keep current with those, like Malone, in the stream of the Zeitgeist.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Religion is a culture of belief: "I am the science."

Science is a culture of doubt: "...or double-blind?"

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, this is an incredibly deep exploration on the issues that matter most. With it, you've managed to remove the last vestiges of clothing from the Emperor - clothing that I didn't even realize were still there until you pointed them out. It's been a long time since I read anything that rang so profoundly true at such a fundamental level. Thank you - I only wish this could be more widely seen and understood.

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I agree. Bob nailed it here

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May 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Right on! Thank you!

I am in no way defending the Inquisition, so please don't attack me on that! I'm just saying that, over *hundreds of years* of the inquisition, the death toll in total is somewhere in the single digit thousands (4000? 5000?). Which is a pretty lazy afternoon for Godless leaders like Mao or Stalin.

Reminds me of what Solzhenitsyn wrote in the Gulag Archipelago about the cruelty of the Tsar, who did imprison dissidents unjustly and did torture/kill some of them - perhaps in the dozens? hundreds? Yet the Communists pretended to care about this injustice so much that they rallied the people to overthrow the Tsar - so that, again, on a slow morning, those same Communists would imprison, torture, and murder as many people as the Tsars did in a century...

Point being, not a defense of the Tsar or the Inquisition, but beware of getting rid of the bad guy you know... chances are the new guys will be far, far more murderous than anything they pretended to protest against....

As for science vs religion, I will be writing about this later this week and showing how the modern scientific revolution was based on the Bible and depended on it -- and that today, aggressively secular scientists are standing on a branch sawing themselves off from the very tree they're dependent on!


Thank you as always for the wise, wise words.

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And let me lamely reply to myself and say that these atheists who claimed religion needed to be taken out of science because of free speech/free inquiry/Galileo blah blah blah are now censoring and banning wrongthink at a rate unthinkable before their appearance - as Dr Malone experiences daily. They are lying totalitarian monsters.

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Adrian, I suggest in your upcoming writing to consider the George Stanciu's chapter: God in Modernity: Judeo Christian Atheism. George thought this chapter would surprise most people: but evidently you would not be surprised. Since George is a traditionally trained PhD physicist, everything he writes has copious external references. The chapter on God in Modernity has 30 endnotes. It may supplement your research efforts.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The only way 'scientism' can thrive is with government backing. Just another monopoly. In this case, a 'thought' monopoly. When you introduce government power into science, you get ... no science. When you introduce government power into the economy, you get ... no economy. When you introduce government power into 'health' you get ... no health. When you introduce government power into the road systems you get ... potholes. Do you see a pattern here? I think we need to go back and answer the fundamental question, 'What is the purpose of government in a free society?' Answer that question correctly and we'll be OK. Answer it wrong - which we've been doing for many years - and we're doomed.

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Civil governments were ordained by the God but the authority they have is delegated to them from God – it is not autonomously held. All laws must conform to God’s laws, those are equitable to all. When a government makes unjust or immoral laws or policies, or unjustly applies laws, the people must practice civil disobedience, reject such laws, persuade local and state officials and clergy to stand in the way; construct barriers through their powers. We failed to do this at every turn.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The university system is the new priesthood, and white lab coats are the new vestments.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

First Principles are a prerequisite for thought, however those of Divine origin are censored.

We were given a wake-up call in 1978 when Solzenhitzen's address at Harvard was received with boos and catcalls. "Orthodoxy!", they shouted. Now they are the purveyors of orthodoxy and the silence is deafening. Ditto the ACLU and free speech on campus. Shame. Shame. Shame.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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I have always thought science was in trouble when the term "social sciences" was coined. Gone downhill since

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I like your scientism argument and it is true, but it is only part of what is occurring. Since the 1930s the communist party has been infiltrating the Catholic Church. They realized the communist religion could not have a competing teacher of faith and morals. So, path of destruction has been having success. They could not come out publicly and say they are Marxist communist So, they had to reinvent their strategy. Now turn to your scientism add environmentalism and you have the new religions of the globalists. The globalists are in reality the Marxist Communist under a different name. They want equity in all things, which means a select group of powerful people will run the world and enslave the populace. Under the Biden administration the Communist Democrats have been emboldened and come out against everything that our country stands for with the sole purpose of destroying it. This government no longer wants to be of the people, but above the people. This is also happening in Europe. The funny thing is that if they succeed the lunatic left will be the first behind bars. We must not submit in any way shape or form, and we must continue to fight those powers that are intent on destroying our country and way of life.

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I agree with Fr. James Altman and think that the corrupt part of the Catholic Church who love money more than God and neighbor have to be driven from the church by having faithful Catholics take away their money (donations). I think that Pope Benedict predicted this by saying that to go forward, the Church must be "poor."

On the topic of the COVID crisis, it is very disturbing that the Catholic Doctor's association of Kenya was fighting against the vaccine mandates there, with excellent medical and social history evidence, but the Catholic hierarchy in Kenya supported the vaccine mandates and did not listen to the doctors.

But the modernists weaponizing the FBI do understand: traditional faithful Catholics are the enemy of the modernists.

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The traditionalists are alive and growing thanks to numerous outlets, Bishops and Cardinals and even pope Frances through his heresy. For the first time ever, the Pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres has officially sold out. With 28 countries represented, 25,000 Catholics on the Road to Chartres will demonstrate that Pope Francis is the best recruiting agent traditional Catholicism has ever had. Lifesitenews; Michael Matt - The Remnant; and Carlo Maria Viganò who shows no restraint in his many writings and interviews. His Easter message started out "The modern world is held hostage by lies. Everything that is theorized by the elite, affirmed by the institutions, and propagandized by the media is a lie, a falsehood, and a deception.

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The 'do good' left the hierarchy of the CC a hundred years ago and subsequently was codified in the 60s within Vatican II. The US CC was infiltrated by communist during this period. The priest in my parish left the church in the mid 70s. Ever since they have been closing monasteries, selling off convents, boarding up cathedrals etc. Money is now spent aiding and abetting sanctuary cities, gathering migrants for trips through our borders, hiding them until they disappear into the nation. This not the Christians doing this who remain faithful.

Melinda Gates visited with pope F as did the CEO of Pfizer as the gene jabs hit the shelves. Anyone with the ‘walls’ of the Vatican had to be jabbed.

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As I have said here many times, the progressives have been doing that since wilson. He began the serious dismantling of our Constitution and all since have continued with what he started

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May 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert Malone's comments and observations on scientism are certainly correct and on point. However, Robert Malone does not go far enough. It is not just that the precepts of scientism are unproven by the scientific method, but the scientific method has disproven basic positions and arguments of materialism.

Wilder Penfield, a renowned neurosurgeon who conducted his medical and scientific career on the theory that the material brain can explain all human behavior, at the end of his life wrote the book: "The Mystery of the MInd." Penfield could be said to have the most experience poking around in brains since he had a long career as a neurosurgeon treating patients with epilepsy with surgery before anti-seizure drugs were developed that made it unethically risky to treat most epilepsies with surgery.

As far back as Werner Heisenberg, the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum mechanics shows that the laws of nature could not be formulated without reference to an observer. Albert Einstein did not like this, and for years Einstein tried to poke holes in the Copenhagen interpretation, by Bohr, Heisenberg, and others answered all of Einstein's objections, year after year.

George Stanciu summarizes the failures of scientism in his book: The Great Transformation. https://www.amazon.com/Great-Transformation-Contemporary-Harmonizes-Spiritual/dp/B09GJFZ6QL

Chapter 2 is Dumb Idea #1 Determinism "The great hope of modern science to prove through the experimental method that matter is the ultimate source of everything terminated in nonsense."

Chapter 4 Dumb Idea #2 Reductionism "Reductionism, then, rests on the assumption that the part is completely separable from the whole and understandable in and of itself, which is clearly false for living organisms."

Chapter 9 Dumb Idea #3 Materialism. "In conclusions, we must point out that materialism is a metaphysical belief - a cultural myth, a sort of intellectual creed - added on to science, its death does not alter any scientifically established results: Atoms still exist; the Earth is still 4.5 billion years old; and the universe still began with a Big Bang.

Chapter 10 The Primacy of the Mind. "The blind hope in materialism persists."

Chapter 21 Atheism vs. Theism "Like every ideology — political, religious, or intellectual — materialism at some point is closed to reason so that eminently intelligent adherents must make exceedingly idiotic pronouncements: “All of us human beings and all the objects with which we deal are essentially bundles of simple quarks and electrons;” “You’re nothing but a pack of neurons;” and “You’re a gigantic lumbering robot manipulated by genes.”

For me, materialism is far from absolute because it has failed again and again. No one can doubt we live in a bio-friendly universe. The multiverse strategy to avoid the existence of God borders on the absurd and furthermore declares the core of the physical world is irrational and thus unknowable. Giving up the ideology of my youth, abandoning personal preferences formed by culture, and following reason wherever it leads, I had no choice but to “allow a Divine Foot in the door.”

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“This is why the DHS, FBI, CIA, HHS, USAID, FDA and the CDC must stop using scientism to guide US policy.” No, these organizations cannot be reformed: every staff member must be fired and their doors permanently shuttered sans replacement.

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All of those alphabet agencies and now CISA, who considers "cognitive infrastructure" i.e. the thoughts of the populace, to be under their jurisdiction and "management".

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May 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for such eye opening education! I have learned so much from you, and have shared as much as I can. You are changing the world and we are your warriors

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May 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And the Universities have embraced Scientism because the research money only flows when you buy into that narrative! Twenty years ago a research study reported that only about 20% of the medical studies were objective and unbiased with no predetermined goal in mind! The junk Pfizer RNA study stands as a monument to Scientism!

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When I awaken each day, look out upon the beauty of God’s creation, I think He sure was one heck of an architect. I don’t see science, I see God’s hand at work.

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Interaction with the natural world is to interact with, and experience the mind of God. "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, Because what may be known of God is manifest to them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse." Roman's 1: 18-20 NKJV.

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And the free will to resist, naysay, ridicule and expunge - all in the name of personal power, the man-god has his worldly way while eternity awaits us all.

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