Food combining was talked about extensively by Edgar Cayce in the fifties or before. The current trend of eating nothing but meat with no balance of fruits and vegetables is in exact opposition to what he and others in "alternative" medicine recommend. Chinese medicine and acupuncture are over 5 thousand years old in the use of these healing modalities. I am looking forward to hearing more from this man, we really need his perspective! Thank you for being open to adding this information to your platform.

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Jack la Laine made 95 . Wiki up Jacks lifestyle and see if he had the crystal ball to wellness.

I advocate more should take a page from Jack. And this was mid 1950s. I was a baby.

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As a little boy, I used to exercise with my granny when she'd babysit me and we'd watch Jack LaLaine. He was a remarkable man and, like Lilias Folan's LILIAS, YOGA, & YOU, his old programs should be rebroadcast or redone.

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I did look, except for the egg whites (can make the body more acidic) he was right on. I find it interesting that a crisis in the early years can turn someone around. It did for me! At fourteen I almost died from Hives that spread to huge purple sections and went to my airway. Of course the docs didn't know what to do except shots of adrenaline! I had to learn all the rest on my own. My nervous system is super sensitive, so breath work for calming was essential. Etc., etc.

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You can't beat breathing!

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My mom use to exercise to Jack la Laine every morning. She bought a juicer and fed us good wholesome food.

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thanks ;) his voice will be going through the mind all day now...

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Jack Lanne's older brother Norman made 97. He played football and rugby at Cal, and golf in later years. He had a marine engineering business in San Francisco.

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Thanks for the nice follow up comments! Jack had the rightstuff!

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My Dad made 98, my Mom 99. They had no crystal ball. Meat and potatoes, but veggies too. Nothing special. But not big on eating fast food and candy, for sure.

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I've missed seeing your comments. Bet they weren't eating glyphosate laden foods either.

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yep, good point DD. They lived in a small town in Illinois surrounded by huge farms that I am sure DID spray glyphosphate though! I can still recall them saying stuff like ". . . All my friends have died(in their 80's), lots of them of cancer. "


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Yup, my stepfather had parkinsons and the family lived on a farm in Minn. The list of deaths from chemicals that weren't even suspected then, will be nothing compared to now. I was just listening to Zach Bush, M. D. who is one of the strongest voices about the circle of death in our soil, water and air. You might find him informative.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi guys,

Thank you both for sharing.

It is very true and I need to add that when I studied medicine in France starting in 1983, we were taught all the normal physiological mechanisms of each organs and systems. We learned how our body was working as a whole.

Then dysfunctions could be understood and treatment adapted. In the reflux for example, the first and most important part of the therapeutic approach was dietician, no meds at the beginning, only change in diet and other lifestyle changes. Then meds and before paraclinical exams will be performed.

The reflux wasn’t the only thing where nutrition and lifestyle were taught in first place.

I even got a Nutrition degree because I thought this will help me treat my patients better.

It was 40 years ago!

I feel medicine went down the big pharma tunnel since then, without light in sight at the end.

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Interesting! I went in this direction 3-4 years ago as every time I ate I crashed. My choice was the diabetic needle or learn about the food I was eating that caused the effect and that which I needed to eat which lessoned, or in my case now, eliminated the effect. Since I hate all needles the choice was easy!

Although there was a time odyssey, what I am now eating livens my body instead of crashing it. Eating less also was part of the learning curve in this regard.

One of the main ingredients of my diet now are vegetables from my backyard garden grown in a methodology also growing soil fertility.

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Rick, even tho you say you hate all needles, acupuncture needles are thin as a hair and don't have the same sensation as hypodermic needles. Acupuncture used in combination with other healing modalities is extremely successful!

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That's ok with me, you can do what you want!

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Good on ye mate for recognizing the signs and signals were screaming from all around you!

If you feel like crap half the time, you sure don't feel like exercising regularly.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I personally would love to hear more about the curandero apprenticeship...I was lucky enough to embark on a "Healing Adventures" tour in Mexico about 16 years ago with a group of women - the herbalist I was seeing organized the "adventure" for her clients (none of us were in the health profession, just interested in learning more about self care). She recommended reading books about the curanderos / curanderas prior, and I did. On the trip, we met with some healers. One was more spiritually-focused, one had a vast garden of medicinal herbs. It was an awesome experience but I have not heard the word "curandero" since...until today.

My father was an MD, an integrative cardiologist, who wrote extensively about how to reduce reliance on medications through healthy lifestyle habits and alternative therapies. He felt similarly about western medicine and integrated the best of both conventional and alternative therapies in his practice and philosophy. He saw doctors more as guides that partner with patients...who knows the patient better than the patient? Spirituality was also always on his radar. He lectured at the A4M (American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine) conference for years - it's a good option for like-minded MDs, DOs, naturopaths, chiropractors, etc. to network, exchange ideas and info, and get CME credits for something outside the drug and surgery box.

Looking forward to seeing more of Christian's writings. Thanks so much!

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

Working with a functional medicine specialist and changing my diet eliminated my use of a PPI and/or H2 blocker. This cleared up some difficulty in breathing during heavy exercise which had been previously diagnosed as asthma. There is more. Suffice it to say, prescriptions forever was not the answer for me.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My family contracted Lyme and other tick borne diseases years ago. In search of treatment we ended up with doctors who believed in looking at non-traditional methods of treatment. Now, I am convinced functional medicine is the way to go.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sigh. Just lovely. In some parts of this he is almost word-for-word what I taught in my classes and to my patients. I studied Oriental Medicine. Ayurvedic medicine. Energy medicine. Alternative psychology. Aromatherapy. And herbal medicine. I was a co-founding member of the American Herbalists Guild. I helped to establish alternative medicine in a large metroplex area. Survived the hate Mail, phone calls etc. it’s good to see a younger generation person making a more global impact because, like it or not, this is where medicine needs to go. The ancient traditions have had their safety and effectiveness “trials” from use by millions of people over thousands of years. That, too, is a form of validation. When you must keep the emporer healthy, and you don’t, you can lose your life, your reputation and your familiy’s well being in society. That is a big deal so one doesn’t want to get it wrong. We, as a country, still have the opportunity to maintain the best emergency and surgical care in the world (becoming questionable these days.) But we must integrate other forms of medicine into the picture. I will say that as people become healthier and better educated at aging their Beingness, the need for surgeries and emergency care will drop. Most especially ditto the pharmaceutical drugs. It won’t disappear but it will drop. That is SUPPOSED to be a good thing. We won’t ever cure many diseases from a lab. But many are preventable and curable, now. If we would only wake up to that. I look forward to the next part.

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Thank you ForestDi56 for studying, teaching and promoting these ancient methods. It seems like we have gone backward in promoting and utilizing these methods. This small article seems to have peaked some interest, hopefully more!

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I think the times will require it. If we are cut off and isolated we will need to rely on natural medicines of which we are surrounded by everywhere. A good time to study botanicals. To find an alternative practitioner in your area that you like and build a relationship. It’s very important that we learn to take responsibility for our own health vs giving that over to someone else. Humans have always intertwined medicine with religious and even political authority. If you hide from the general population how easy it is to use dandelions or nettles or wild lettuce or echinacea or whatever equivalents are in your area, you lose control. People can take care of themselves. Once you convince folks only you can talk to God or interpret writings, you have control. Put the two together and the population is enslaved. Once you give someone authority over you, you have taken the first step to lost autonomy. I didn’t like how I was treated by physicians OR priests in my youth so I took the harder road and began to figure things out on my own. To study things I was discouraged to study which right there tells you you should. It was a good career which it looks as if I will need to pick back up again.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, thank you for posting this. I’m looking forward to part 2.

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Simply fantastic. I am certain Christian Nix goes far beyond what he shared in his essay. He hints at "it" and I am intrigued to dig deeper into his thinking on self-healing and how it may align with a body of work that I've been studying this year. It concerns, "where we place our inner and outer authority; levels of knowing our true selves versus the conditioned/homogenized personas we were handed in earliest childhood; knowledge of the mechanics of how collectives work and its invisible influence"...and so on and so forth. If increased levels of awareness of our potential to heal, grow and evolve in consciousness are an outcome of what we are experiencing today, then it will not be all in vain. But will go a long way toward a realized possibility for healing minds, hearts and souls from now and into the future. Thank you once again Dr M. I am loving your recent shares including the essay on OODA loops using Dune as an analogy (GETTR post). Good work, as always. Thank you!

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone,

Thank you for sharing this info from Mr. Nix I look forward to part 2 and to hearing more from Mr. Nix. I want to especially thank you for continuing to speak out and for the information that you share. Your voice is one that I seek out as I continue to understand all of the forces that assail us in this world at this time. I understand that your efforts have caused you and your family to suffer more grief than I can even know. Thank you for continuing to fight the good fight.


Doug Watson

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This is EXACTLY what I'm looking for!!! I'm so sick of taking bp medication!! I'm 105 and 5'2" and been on it since I was 32 it's ridiculous. Something else is off for me to have high BP!

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I learned these truths the hard way 15 years ago. About 7 years before that, I had gone to Europe to celebrate getting my PhD in English lit. I came back with excruciating abdominal pain that lasted for months on end. The first doc thought it was a urinary tract infection, gave me potent antibiotics for weeks. My gyn said, “Sometimes these mysterious pains go away once you remove the uterus.” I had a hysterectomy. The pains remained. A few months after the surgery, I collapsed, so weak I couldn’t take three steps. I went to a series of doctors over several months. Mayo Clinic finally diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. The pain had also spread, toe to head. I learned to deal the best I could and forced myself to walk and appear “normal” for as long as I could. Seven years later, my left leg started dragging when I walked. An MRI showed a spinal cyst. The neurologist told me it would continue to grow if I didn’t have surgery, the type that required a giant Z into the front of the body because of its location. She said if I didn’t have the surgery I would become incontinent and paralyzed from the waist down. After learning the potential drawbacks of the procedure, I decided I wouldn’t have it. I began researching natural methodologies. I had read that gluten can cause many adverse issues in the body. I had myself tested and found I had a snip on a gene, causing a glitch in my ability to break down and assimilate the protein properly. Within three days of eliminating gluten from my diet, all my fibro pains vanished! I went out dancing for the first time in years. Another amazing result: The cyst in my spine dissolved. I no longer had an issue with my left leg dragging or any discomfort in the lumbar area of my spine. As I said at the outset, it has been 15 years and I am still pain-free and cyst-free, all because I took time to do my own medical research and no longer eat gluten.

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That's wonderful to hear! I went off gluten before it was widely known. I got a LOT of grief from family member and others, my Dr was skeptical but went along with it and did the tests, etc. I did it because I had terrible bone density at a very young age, as had both my mother and father. Today my bone density is reasonable for my age. The other unexpected thing that happened was that my migraines disappeared, I'd had about 3 a week.

I mostly cook from scratch for this and other reasons. Most prepared foods don't even taste good to me.

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I also had classic migraines 3-4 times a month, now 1 or 2 times a year.

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Claudia that is such a heroine outcome! Ir is possible we understand our bodies albeit better than doctors. I’m sorry you had to experience 15 years of pain, expense & medical hell to come out the other side “An intelligent healthy vibrant women.”

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Thank you for that beautiful comment … it brings tears to my eyes!

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks and looking forward to the next article!

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone I first wanted to thank you for the tireless education that you spill onto every subscriber of your sub stack. I am a sponge for Covid knowledge mainly to justify the path I have chosen with the vaccine. I do work for a fitness center. It is number one in the country for trying to fix ailments through fitness routines. From basic balance programs, for all ages, to trying to fix people with different stages of diabetes. I am a believer in fitness and diet answers for many types of arthritis, because I’ve done some of their programs with great success. I do so appreciate you. It’s killing me to see part 2 posted. Thanks J. Goodrich

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Natural medicine has solutions for many health conditions. A young women came to see me for debilitating panic attacks. I recommended a supplement, and it was amazing, it changed her life. Since then, the FDA banned it's use. This safe and natural, now banned supplement, helped many, many of my patients and eliminated their need for strong prescription medications. Another woman sought my help for HPV and cervical dysplasia. I recommended a natural formula that resolved it completely never to return. She sent a friend to me for the same problem, but the FDA had banned its use. During the p*demic, many people were using a supplement that has been safely used for decades. The research showed that it was unequivocally protective of the lungs and became increasingly popular. Again, the FDA removed it from the shelves. NOW the FDA is going after homeopathic remedies! Homeopathic remedies have been around for over 250 years and have a better safety profile than any other form of medicine. At the beginning of the p*demic, I was told that all of my social media and outfacing platforms were being monitored and I wasn't allowed to recommend anything natural for c*vd. Many of my colleagues had the same experience. The California Governor just signed into law banning doctors from recommending anything natural for c*vd. Doing so could result in imprisonment or their license being taken away, or both. Unless you've been living in a hole, you probably realize by now that the FDA is funded by big pharma. This incentivizes them to promote pharmaceutical medicine and eliminate natural medicines which cannot be patented and are not profitable. This is not about safety, it's purely political. Whether you use homeopathic medicines or not, there is a general trend towards slowly eroding away at ALL natural therapies, which are our birthright and the birthright of our children and all future generations. We have to fight back. We need 40,000 comments from any country before the deadline. It's time to stand up and say NO!


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My mother’s first 3 births were born premature. My sister was born at 6 1/2 months and weighed 3 lbs. the other 2 births were born a month to 6 weeks early. She started to read up on nutrition. She started to eat healthy. She ground her own wheat and made homemade bread. When I came along 9 years after my last sibling , mom carried me to full term and I weighed 8 lbs. Good nutrition makes such a difference.

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