"The WHO is worried that since most people who actually have monkey pox have no symptoms, people will refuse to be alarmed about it."

Reminds me of George Carlin: “Medical researchers have discovered a new disease that has no symptoms. It is impossible to detect, and there is no known cure. Fortunately, no cases have been reported thus far.”

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But they want $millions to study it and

Make a vaccine

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Masks are useless for respiratory viruses as the Covid fiasco demonstrated.

Maybe the WHO should offer a box of condoms to those at risk for monkeypox and one mask with a monkey on it.

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The meme of Trump and the cross dressers is spot on. I don’t remember their names but Biden would.

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I doubt that Biden's memory is that good these days. He has recently called President Zelenskyy, "President Putin" and called VP Kamala Harris, "Vice President Trump." He gets confused frequently.

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I just kept thinking, yes, there are THREE DUDES in that meme! I guess I should rephrase that - truth meme

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I would potentially be a bit more concerned about bird flu than monkeypox. But since they’re having trouble pushing the person-to-person transmission narrative for bird flu, they try to resurrect the nonsensical monkeypox fear porn. This tells me that the WHO is running out of ideas.

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What a crock. WHO is a clown show, but unfortunately for us, it's a well funded, corrupt, powerful diabolical clown show

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I'd like to call someone a Monkey's Uncle, here, but fear it might be construed as racist. So let's just imagine I did.

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Nobody is listening to them anymore. Sad thing is, if there ever is a real emergency most of us won't be listening. They've cried wolf far too many times.

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Not nobody, unfortunately. The general population is still under the fear hypnosis. Just look around, that is why Dr. Malone keeps trying to educate us about the subtle process of indoctrination. I wish that were true, but when I see the comments from average citizens, they are hood -winked, Sheila.

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I agree, I shouldn't have used the word "nobody" or should've included "with sense." But I do feel the majority don't believe anymore. I still see a random person here and there wearing a mask but it's rare in southwest Virginia these days. We traveled to Mexico in June and even on the planes and in airports I saw only a couple masks (and those were people you could "see" likely vote Democrat...). I have hope the lack of results and obviously failed death numbers woke some up.

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Sheila, you are so right!

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Declaring a fake pandemic not only accomplishes everything Dr. Malone has outlined above but there's also the $$$ angle. The article mentions they are asking for $15 million. They probably asked for money for the Bird Flu as well. No doubt a good part of the WHO's funding is coming from this hustle. Or perhaps it gets skimmed off by the more nefarious at the top?

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Sorry. I should have read the complete article before commenting. Dr. Malone has already covered this angle.

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I remember seeing a few stories where very young children and even a dog got monkeypox. The media was trying to fear monger the idea that anyone could get it. And when it became clear it's only really transmitted in one way, the stories disappeared. I wonder if the young children or pets in those stories were saved.

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The good news here is that what they're doing is becoming very transparent and nobody believes them anymore. Hopefully the agency will be shut down in the not too distant future. Another item for President Trump's "first month to-do list".

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Next we will be funding condoms for monkeys

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Nah... They'll just decide we need to kill all the monkeys.

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And masks for cows. Lol!

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Covid and the jabs were the greatest genocide in the history of the world. It is past time for Nuremburg 2.0. Short ropes and long drops.

Best to start with Fauci. Gates can go next....

"Invisible Treason." #1 New books on Amazon. http://www.johntrudel.com

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Tedros makes me sick! He only wants more money to line his pockets. So sick of their Psyop games! Thank you Dr. Malone for keeping us up to date 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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What the heck would happen if these con artists actually got a real job, doing service that is really needed for people at risk in a real way? The never ending need for large sums of money to keep everyone flush just doesn't seem to end, even when the reservoir is dry. This would seem to be obvious, but no, this is an endless greed and eventually someone will pay, but not those who really ought to. Thanks for the heads up, just don't pull all the hair out of Your head!

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😂😂 The meme says it all and WHO just wants more free $$$ for their global power agenda 🤬

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As a healthcare provider…what ever the WHO says or recommends…my advise would be to do the exact opposite and then you will be safe…and stay away from CDC vacs recommendations for kids particularly the COVID vac.

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I totally agree Thomas. What a change in the medical field to which I gave my best years! So sad. A family member waited 4 hours recently in an ER for an injection to relieve kidney stone pain! Sorry! That is wrong!!

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