It seems the democrats find themselves painted into a corner with old Joey Biden. His wife, Lady MacBeth, Hunter and his daughter Ashley are all insisting Joey stay in the race as they try their damnedest to convince all of us that Joey’s fine!! Today if Joey backs out of the race there are 16 states that by law will no longer accept another candidates name on the ballet, it’s too late. Two of those states right now are swing states, Wisconsin and Nevada with Georgia’s deadline coming quickly.
If the democrats try to pull off a removal of Joey via the 25th amendment, at the end of a very long process 2/3rds of both the house and senate would have to vote to remove him, good luck to that Obama, Billy C, Hillary C, Chucky and Nancy!!! Also Mike Johnson, I believe, would have to be involved and go along with a vote, which knowing Mike he’d do everything he could to help the Democrats, traitor!!! So it looks as though the Democrats are stuck for now, but don’t put anything past these demoncrats, at any moment they could start passing around really big white envelopes stuffed with cash and you know with our completely compromised corrupt treasonous politicians money talks bullsh-t (and America) walks.
One thing that we must know is this dementia has been going on for years with Joey. His staff the democrats and the media have all been covering this up since he started campaigning in 2019. To me this itself is treason and honestly there should be charges filed soon for all of these people that have tried to conceal this. I’m sure there are email chains that would prove this conspiracy.
How is it possible for a man with 3rd or 4th stage dementia sign a document to financially back the war in Ukraine for the next 10 years? How can a man with dementia sign a treaty with the WHO? How can a man with dementia sign funding bills to fund our country? How can a man with dementia sign an executive order? I honestly don’t think Joey could mentally type in the nuclear codes that take 7 minutes without external help.
The worst of all of this is our country for 3 1/2 years has been being run by others that we don’t know. Who that is and what and why they have made these decisions is all unknown to us. We are being run by unelected people that are making decisions that could be world ending and they have no accountability. Truly dangerous and frightening times for the 330 million American citizens and the new 30 million illegal aliens that reside here. Where are the Republicans??J.Goodrich
Can you imagine what the democrats would do if the shoe was on the other foot. They would crucify Trump if he ran this country into the ground while suffering from dementia. Why aren’t the Republicans beating this whole disaster into the ground. I cannot understand how they sit back silent with all of this democrat horrendous corruption. Every single thing they have done, everything is corrupt illegal and treasonous. My God what does it take to get them off their papered asses?????
This makes the Civil War and the events that happened working up to it look like child's play in comparison. They had their disagreements on policy but at least they knew who was actually running the government
Ana certainly if this election is stolen I would think there will be a large meeting in the streets of Washington DC. It already should have happened 3 1/2 years ago. But maybe at some point enough will be enough, I hope…
I feel the same Ana. It’s so frustrating!! I think there will have to be an organic uprising where millions of people, even the disconnected, will be forced to get up. Things may have to get much worse.
I think the most important argument the Bidens have in the back of their minds is keeping the Presidential pardon in the family. They might eventually collectively need several! Getting a new Democrat candidate will be very messy and the mess will be very public, assuming they succeed, and as you point out the time window for getting on the ballot in various states is rapidly closing.
The best MAGA campaign ad is to use all of the points you set forth in the latter part of your post (paragraph starting with One) throwing in a little more about the illegal alien problem including reintroducing diseases that were eradicated here decades ago and close with “After leaving every citizen in the nation vulnerable for four years how can we ever trust the Democrat Party again?”
Hopefully as we get closer to the election Trump will start putting out crushing adds. There is so much to go after and he seems to have a lot of money donated, it will be something to see!!!!
So right Rebecca, I remember him saying without closing the border there will be no continuing resolution, this is a hill we will die on. What a two faced fraud he is!! I’m glad I’ll never be in a fox hole with him!!
I know but write in who. How could they possibly get a million or whatever people in each state to write in the same name. I think there stuck with Joey. Honestly, believe it or not, right now Joey is polling higher than all of the candidates the dems have spoken about even Michelle O, Hillary, Gretchen Whitmer, and Gavin Newsom. They are screwed which in itself is frightening, it’s like cornering a rattlesnake, hence Trump needs to go to jail!!!
Think the big envelopes have already been passed around. And that could be why the republicans are silent. As you said, nothing surprises me as to what the democrats will do. Even starting World War III. As the demos say, they do not waste a crisis. Obama's buddy Rahm Emanuel.
BarbM it seems the only way to motivate any of these people is with lots of cash for most always bad anti American policies. I’m positive there have been thousands of payoffs.
Unfortunately, what you stated in your last paragraph is the most concerning thing of all. We aren't now, nor have we been informed of who is actually running the White House/Administration. We are no longer a "government of the people, by the people, or for the people" - the end of America unless drastic measures are taken
Thank you for the summary, Doc, and you are to be sincerely thanked for your voice these past few years. Hopefully, the tide is turning, but we should remain vigilant as these people will definitely not “go quietly into that good night.” Sadly, Congress will not act for Steve; the Uniparty—two claws of the same vulture—must be in quite a state of cognitive dissonance; compromised and panicked, the great pretending is over and the masks have been ripped away. You, your bride, and your allies remain in my daily prayers. Fortuna favet fortibus; the fight against statism will be a grind, but we will emerge victorious.
Since my upvote has been disabled (by the FBI directing the Substack minions), I'll say thank you, in person (maybe we should all have our upvotes disabled, if it encourages direct human contact, instead of the substitution of a sterile "click.")
I have noticed I am not getting as much response to my more thoughtful comments than I used to. Not sure why. I even had to sign in to make this one even though I am a subscriber and often comment here. Something is going on with substack or being done to substack. I am wondering if it will get worse as we near November.
07/01/24: Or afford to renew their subs. If you think this is bad, wait until you see the federal budget cuts coming our way in 2025. The interest on the national debt must be paid. Thank you, Fred and Michael.
07/01/24: If the FBI/CIA/DHS et al found it child's play to infiltrate and force Twitter to censor their clients, imagine how easy it has been for them to subvert Substack, which, after all, operates out of none other than San Francisco, Twitter's base before it became X. How many ex-Twitter drones fired by Elon Musk has Substack hired? Oh, we'll find out.
Internet activity is seasonal. But Substack is strongly pushing people towards things according to their responses to posts. It's a strong siloing effect, probably to protect business with people who don't like to see opposing views.
In light of what's happened to Bannon, Navarro, all the J-6ers, to use a phrase from President Joe, "This is the United States of America!" Either Merrick Garland didn't get the memo or he forgot to look at his letterhead. This is beyond disgraceful. The so-called J-6 Committee was nothing more than a kangaroo court, and the pair refused to testify as a matter of principle. The events of January 6 itself were nothing more than a Putin-style charade, a lesson HRC learned all too well.
Putin charade? Seems to me more like something from the Joseph Stalin Communist reign of terror. It has ALL the characteristics of COMMUNIST 'governance'.
Stalin didn't have to worry about the niceties. Putin had to be more devious, creating a crisis that he miraculously solved, transforming himself from a background figure to a hero. KGB traning does have its perks. The fervor of the patriots on J-6 was manipulated by Pelosi and the deep state to ultimately give us the J-6 "bipartisan" committee which Bannon and Navarro called out to their everlasting credit. Deep state manipulation of the lapdog media is a fact that we must anticipate and defeat, because it is such an effective tactic to a populous that isn't paying attention. A big grain of salt is in order for the coming "crisis."
Here in the USSA, 53rd, the HEAD of the so-called "Deep-State"is none other than the innocuous sounding "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" (supposedly) a "non-governmental organization" who since its creation in 1921 pre-dates the shenanigans by Vladimir Putin - in that (they) the elite (GENERATIONAL) members of this TINY "NGO" CONTINUALLY create crisis after crisis which they ALREADY have the solution to and FOR, i.e., ever more GOVERNMENT expansion and CONTROL over (supposedly) sovereign American citizens - which is where the FAKE NEWS media come into the picture to sell the "CFR" programs to the intellectually indolent and terminally gullible Americans.
(Sorry for the LONG paragraph).
MANY, MANY talking heads at ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN (and) PBS
ARE "Council on Foreign Relations" members - (and OWNERS) of FAKE NEWS media. Here are names of some:
Michael Bloomberg, Tom Brokaw (NBC), Mika Brzezinski & Joe Scarborough (MSNBC), Erin Burnette (CNN), Richard M. Cohen (CBS), Katie A. Couric (CBS), Jackson K. Diehl (WA/PO), Thomas L. Friedman (NYT), David Gergen (CNN), Charles M. Lane (FOX), Andrea Mitchell (NBC), Deborah Norville (CBS), Dan Rather (former CBS), Charlie Rose (former PBS), David E. Sanger (NYT), Douglas E. Schoen (FOX), Gerald f. Seib (WSJ), Leslie R. Stahl (CBS), Richard Stenger (CNN), George Stephanopoulous (ABC), Diane Sawyer (ABC), Jake Tapper (CNN), Jeffrey Toobin (CNN), Margaret R. Warner (PBS), Brian Williams (NBC), Judy Woodruff (PBS), Paula A. Zahn (ABC/CBS/FOX & CNN), Fareed Zakaria (CNN) and Juju Chang (ABC)...just for openers!
One can speculate that some of the above believe what they are - or were - doing is for (ostensibly) "good" causes which makes them sacrosanct and above reproach.
Unless "they" have restricted access - YOU can view he CFR membership roster from "A" to "Z" via their website...although last time I checked they had eliminated connecting names with 'occupations' now just names alone.
Also, Wiki has additional info (historically) - and names of "Notable" members - such as Joe Biden. As I have REPEATEDLY commented, Biden (& his speech writer - Daniel Benaim), Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas and Janet Yellen are ALL "CFR" members.
Being a member is one thing. But there must be a small cabal that actually run the thing, CCP-like - where the group-think is developed. That list is probably a well-guarded secret. Word had come down from on-high as Biden was struggling in the '20 primary when James Clyburn got the memo. Lloyd Doggett got the memo today.
A great update Doc! I so appreciate your invaluable voice in these perilous times! It was sickening to see Steve Bannon (a darn good fighter for justice!) head off to federal prison! What a travesty! But so glad to be on TEAM GOD and TEAM TRUTH and to be part of this wonderful MALONE community. God bless you Docs Malone! ❣️❣️
The Dem's free for all is starting to look like a free fall with no parachute. Its ball of yarn is still picking up loose ends like those mention but it will stop and unwind once DJT is in office.
The world, including adversaries, are watching all of this. France seems to have finally pulled it together, with Macron's party taking a beating. We need to follow suit in November with a Trifecta.
07/01/24: Yes, the cannibals will be eating a lot of "uncles" while the police just stand there and do nothing, following orders from the city's Communist mayor.
07/02/24: If everything else hasn't gotten us to the Total Saturation Point of Insanity, we can go over the top and win the Championship of Crazy with this one:
"The Republicans remain the captives of the personality cult—the “MAGA movement”—that has formed around Trump, just as the Democrats were the captives of the personality cult and populist movement that formed around William Jennings Bryan" [1896-1908].
"They therefore run a considerable risk of losing this election, which they ought to be comfortably winning on the big issues of inflation and immigration, because their candidate is too off-putting to too many of the crucial voters."
--- Niall Ferguson, The Free Press 07/02/24.
1) He's comparing someone who ran three times for the presidency and failed each time, to someone who ran for the presidency and won on his first go-round.
Ferguson's "Logic": The existence of the ancient, previous multiple-failures justifies the fear that the proven successful will fail.
2) "Well! 'Off-putting'! We can't have that! Clutch pearls! Pull ripcord!"
Solution: Send Trump up to Camp David for seven days and have him rehearse all sorts of phony personas that will make him more likable (surround him with Nobel Prizes winners in Chemistry, if necessary).
I suspect that the prime architect behind Joe Biden's blockbuster debate victory on June 27, 2024 was none other than Niall Ferguson.
TRUTH.COM is what they dont want us to see or hear, but we have smelt the coffee and seen their lies for what they are and we will not forget what has happened to us, nor will we give up on using your posts to pass on the true picture till we see the 'liars' in courts round the world. Thank you and others again for your work. Jennifer Price W Sussex UK.
I'd be interested in knowing how you made that domain name transition so smooth. Nice work!
P.S. I did have to enter my email address again at the Subscribe prompt when I used the new domain name, but all was smooth sailing after that.
Thank you, Doctor Robert for always producing top-notch work. You and the Real Doctor Jill do us all a great service.
I did have to enter my email address again at the Subscribe prompt when I used the new domain name, but all was smooth sailing after that.
EXCELLENT, JUST EXCELLENT, Reporting, Summarizing, and Commenting on this Supreme Court news!! I am SO impressed. We sure needed the decisions presented together, too.
In a recent Biden speech, he mentioned that if he's re-elected he might get to appoint two new justices. So clearly they are all hysterical at the idea of Trump having 4 appointees on the court!
Okay, a bit trivial, but Jill's sleeves are long enough to cover her wrinkled old hands... I had an interesting talk with an old friend yesterday, and surprise surprise she suggested that Joe had a cold. I just about reached thru the phone to shake her, but instead sent her A Midwestern Doctor's analysis of Biden. You can lead a horse to water...
The Dem's leaders have known for years about Biden's mental/physical state. A very early debate prior to the Dem's convention? Why? Possibly a planned effort to destroy Joe quickly, and allow an alternative candidate who is more likely to appeal to independent voters-win the election? I am far from being a fan of Joe Biden, but the Dem's s are willing to do anything to stay in power-throw an old guy under the bus.
Thank you. We live in an Empire of Lies as astute president Putin calls it.
The story of Sund (as he fully revealed in his interview with Tucker Carlson) fully disclosed that Jan 6 was a CIA/DNC/Pentagon set-up and simply a continuation of the Russia-gate fraud and hoax of the century.
A direct result - two large Slavic nations in an “unprovoked” war in middle of Europe.
Ep. 15 – Aug 10 -- Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th. Our Fox News interview with him never aired, so we invited him back.
It seems the democrats find themselves painted into a corner with old Joey Biden. His wife, Lady MacBeth, Hunter and his daughter Ashley are all insisting Joey stay in the race as they try their damnedest to convince all of us that Joey’s fine!! Today if Joey backs out of the race there are 16 states that by law will no longer accept another candidates name on the ballet, it’s too late. Two of those states right now are swing states, Wisconsin and Nevada with Georgia’s deadline coming quickly.
If the democrats try to pull off a removal of Joey via the 25th amendment, at the end of a very long process 2/3rds of both the house and senate would have to vote to remove him, good luck to that Obama, Billy C, Hillary C, Chucky and Nancy!!! Also Mike Johnson, I believe, would have to be involved and go along with a vote, which knowing Mike he’d do everything he could to help the Democrats, traitor!!! So it looks as though the Democrats are stuck for now, but don’t put anything past these demoncrats, at any moment they could start passing around really big white envelopes stuffed with cash and you know with our completely compromised corrupt treasonous politicians money talks bullsh-t (and America) walks.
One thing that we must know is this dementia has been going on for years with Joey. His staff the democrats and the media have all been covering this up since he started campaigning in 2019. To me this itself is treason and honestly there should be charges filed soon for all of these people that have tried to conceal this. I’m sure there are email chains that would prove this conspiracy.
How is it possible for a man with 3rd or 4th stage dementia sign a document to financially back the war in Ukraine for the next 10 years? How can a man with dementia sign a treaty with the WHO? How can a man with dementia sign funding bills to fund our country? How can a man with dementia sign an executive order? I honestly don’t think Joey could mentally type in the nuclear codes that take 7 minutes without external help.
The worst of all of this is our country for 3 1/2 years has been being run by others that we don’t know. Who that is and what and why they have made these decisions is all unknown to us. We are being run by unelected people that are making decisions that could be world ending and they have no accountability. Truly dangerous and frightening times for the 330 million American citizens and the new 30 million illegal aliens that reside here. Where are the Republicans??J.Goodrich
James, day after day, we wait for SOMEONE to be held accountable by our elected representatives. All in vain!!!
We need to have a We The People DELEGATION to demand that these treasonous crooks be tried for their crimes!!!!
Can you imagine what the democrats would do if the shoe was on the other foot. They would crucify Trump if he ran this country into the ground while suffering from dementia. Why aren’t the Republicans beating this whole disaster into the ground. I cannot understand how they sit back silent with all of this democrat horrendous corruption. Every single thing they have done, everything is corrupt illegal and treasonous. My God what does it take to get them off their papered asses?????
According to Nancy Pelosi, Trump has dementia. She needs to check herself!
If she wasn’t so gut wrenching already I would have laughed out loud when she had the stones to say that. And she does have some stones!
I suspect we still have way to many rabid repubs who have been taped at Epstein's Island.
So, they vote the way they are ordered.
James, my friend, that's why a "We The People Delegation" NEEDS to intervene!!!
This makes the Civil War and the events that happened working up to it look like child's play in comparison. They had their disagreements on policy but at least they knew who was actually running the government
Ana certainly if this election is stolen I would think there will be a large meeting in the streets of Washington DC. It already should have happened 3 1/2 years ago. But maybe at some point enough will be enough, I hope…
Previous activity doesn't give me much hope!
I feel the same Ana. It’s so frustrating!! I think there will have to be an organic uprising where millions of people, even the disconnected, will be forced to get up. Things may have to get much worse.
Its a big club, and you aint in it.
The uniparty is strong, and happy together as ever
I think the most important argument the Bidens have in the back of their minds is keeping the Presidential pardon in the family. They might eventually collectively need several! Getting a new Democrat candidate will be very messy and the mess will be very public, assuming they succeed, and as you point out the time window for getting on the ballot in various states is rapidly closing.
The best MAGA campaign ad is to use all of the points you set forth in the latter part of your post (paragraph starting with One) throwing in a little more about the illegal alien problem including reintroducing diseases that were eradicated here decades ago and close with “After leaving every citizen in the nation vulnerable for four years how can we ever trust the Democrat Party again?”
Hopefully as we get closer to the election Trump will start putting out crushing adds. There is so much to go after and he seems to have a lot of money donated, it will be something to see!!!!
Johnson is a traitor I’ve been saying that since his first CR last Nov-December. What a dbl speaking disappointment.
So right Rebecca, I remember him saying without closing the border there will be no continuing resolution, this is a hill we will die on. What a two faced fraud he is!! I’m glad I’ll never be in a fox hole with him!!
Very frightening indeed. I think they would have to do a write-in for some of those states where it’s too late to change the ballots.
I know but write in who. How could they possibly get a million or whatever people in each state to write in the same name. I think there stuck with Joey. Honestly, believe it or not, right now Joey is polling higher than all of the candidates the dems have spoken about even Michelle O, Hillary, Gretchen Whitmer, and Gavin Newsom. They are screwed which in itself is frightening, it’s like cornering a rattlesnake, hence Trump needs to go to jail!!!
Not to mention; How on earth will they teach those "Newcomers" how to write a new name?!?!?🤔
Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆
You’re 100% right I didn’t think of that, maybe they’ll have people at the polls to hhheeelllppp them….
You think 🤔!?!?
These people are incorrigible 🙄!
Think the big envelopes have already been passed around. And that could be why the republicans are silent. As you said, nothing surprises me as to what the democrats will do. Even starting World War III. As the demos say, they do not waste a crisis. Obama's buddy Rahm Emanuel.
BarbM it seems the only way to motivate any of these people is with lots of cash for most always bad anti American policies. I’m positive there have been thousands of payoffs.
Unfortunately, what you stated in your last paragraph is the most concerning thing of all. We aren't now, nor have we been informed of who is actually running the White House/Administration. We are no longer a "government of the people, by the people, or for the people" - the end of America unless drastic measures are taken
Thank you for the summary, Doc, and you are to be sincerely thanked for your voice these past few years. Hopefully, the tide is turning, but we should remain vigilant as these people will definitely not “go quietly into that good night.” Sadly, Congress will not act for Steve; the Uniparty—two claws of the same vulture—must be in quite a state of cognitive dissonance; compromised and panicked, the great pretending is over and the masks have been ripped away. You, your bride, and your allies remain in my daily prayers. Fortuna favet fortibus; the fight against statism will be a grind, but we will emerge victorious.
Thanks again, Doc!
Since my upvote has been disabled (by the FBI directing the Substack minions), I'll say thank you, in person (maybe we should all have our upvotes disabled, if it encourages direct human contact, instead of the substitution of a sterile "click.")
I have noticed I am not getting as much response to my more thoughtful comments than I used to. Not sure why. I even had to sign in to make this one even though I am a subscriber and often comment here. Something is going on with substack or being done to substack. I am wondering if it will get worse as we near November.
There may be fewer people who feel they can afford subscriptions. It is getting tight as every trip for groceries proves.
07/01/24: Or afford to renew their subs. If you think this is bad, wait until you see the federal budget cuts coming our way in 2025. The interest on the national debt must be paid. Thank you, Fred and Michael.
07/01/24: If the FBI/CIA/DHS et al found it child's play to infiltrate and force Twitter to censor their clients, imagine how easy it has been for them to subvert Substack, which, after all, operates out of none other than San Francisco, Twitter's base before it became X. How many ex-Twitter drones fired by Elon Musk has Substack hired? Oh, we'll find out.
I had to sign in too with this one. Not the first time.
Same here.
Internet activity is seasonal. But Substack is strongly pushing people towards things according to their responses to posts. It's a strong siloing effect, probably to protect business with people who don't like to see opposing views.
In light of what's happened to Bannon, Navarro, all the J-6ers, to use a phrase from President Joe, "This is the United States of America!" Either Merrick Garland didn't get the memo or he forgot to look at his letterhead. This is beyond disgraceful. The so-called J-6 Committee was nothing more than a kangaroo court, and the pair refused to testify as a matter of principle. The events of January 6 itself were nothing more than a Putin-style charade, a lesson HRC learned all too well.
Putin charade? Seems to me more like something from the Joseph Stalin Communist reign of terror. It has ALL the characteristics of COMMUNIST 'governance'.
Stalin didn't have to worry about the niceties. Putin had to be more devious, creating a crisis that he miraculously solved, transforming himself from a background figure to a hero. KGB traning does have its perks. The fervor of the patriots on J-6 was manipulated by Pelosi and the deep state to ultimately give us the J-6 "bipartisan" committee which Bannon and Navarro called out to their everlasting credit. Deep state manipulation of the lapdog media is a fact that we must anticipate and defeat, because it is such an effective tactic to a populous that isn't paying attention. A big grain of salt is in order for the coming "crisis."
Here in the USSA, 53rd, the HEAD of the so-called "Deep-State"is none other than the innocuous sounding "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" (supposedly) a "non-governmental organization" who since its creation in 1921 pre-dates the shenanigans by Vladimir Putin - in that (they) the elite (GENERATIONAL) members of this TINY "NGO" CONTINUALLY create crisis after crisis which they ALREADY have the solution to and FOR, i.e., ever more GOVERNMENT expansion and CONTROL over (supposedly) sovereign American citizens - which is where the FAKE NEWS media come into the picture to sell the "CFR" programs to the intellectually indolent and terminally gullible Americans.
(Sorry for the LONG paragraph).
MANY, MANY talking heads at ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN (and) PBS
ARE "Council on Foreign Relations" members - (and OWNERS) of FAKE NEWS media. Here are names of some:
Michael Bloomberg, Tom Brokaw (NBC), Mika Brzezinski & Joe Scarborough (MSNBC), Erin Burnette (CNN), Richard M. Cohen (CBS), Katie A. Couric (CBS), Jackson K. Diehl (WA/PO), Thomas L. Friedman (NYT), David Gergen (CNN), Charles M. Lane (FOX), Andrea Mitchell (NBC), Deborah Norville (CBS), Dan Rather (former CBS), Charlie Rose (former PBS), David E. Sanger (NYT), Douglas E. Schoen (FOX), Gerald f. Seib (WSJ), Leslie R. Stahl (CBS), Richard Stenger (CNN), George Stephanopoulous (ABC), Diane Sawyer (ABC), Jake Tapper (CNN), Jeffrey Toobin (CNN), Margaret R. Warner (PBS), Brian Williams (NBC), Judy Woodruff (PBS), Paula A. Zahn (ABC/CBS/FOX & CNN), Fareed Zakaria (CNN) and Juju Chang (ABC)...just for openers!
One can speculate that some of the above believe what they are - or were - doing is for (ostensibly) "good" causes which makes them sacrosanct and above reproach.
No David Brooks? George Will? Would be good to know how many of the "51 intelligence professionals" are also on that list.
Unless "they" have restricted access - YOU can view he CFR membership roster from "A" to "Z" via their website...although last time I checked they had eliminated connecting names with 'occupations' now just names alone.
Also, Wiki has additional info (historically) - and names of "Notable" members - such as Joe Biden. As I have REPEATEDLY commented, Biden (& his speech writer - Daniel Benaim), Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas and Janet Yellen are ALL "CFR" members.
Being a member is one thing. But there must be a small cabal that actually run the thing, CCP-like - where the group-think is developed. That list is probably a well-guarded secret. Word had come down from on-high as Biden was struggling in the '20 primary when James Clyburn got the memo. Lloyd Doggett got the memo today.
A great update Doc! I so appreciate your invaluable voice in these perilous times! It was sickening to see Steve Bannon (a darn good fighter for justice!) head off to federal prison! What a travesty! But so glad to be on TEAM GOD and TEAM TRUTH and to be part of this wonderful MALONE community. God bless you Docs Malone! ❣️❣️
That Vogue cover picture of "Doctor" Jill is the first one I've seen that didn't show her dressed like a sofa cushion or a drape.
The Dem's free for all is starting to look like a free fall with no parachute. Its ball of yarn is still picking up loose ends like those mention but it will stop and unwind once DJT is in office.
Sharp as a tac has lost its meaning:
The world, including adversaries, are watching all of this. France seems to have finally pulled it together, with Macron's party taking a beating. We need to follow suit in November with a Trifecta.
And don't forget what is happening in Argentina. .Fascism is beginning to wear thin where it has been imposed
August in Chi town will be interesting! DNC
Convention will be in the spotlight! I can hear the chant already. No Jo Go Jo!
07/01/24: Yes, the cannibals will be eating a lot of "uncles" while the police just stand there and do nothing, following orders from the city's Communist mayor.
07/02/24: If everything else hasn't gotten us to the Total Saturation Point of Insanity, we can go over the top and win the Championship of Crazy with this one:
"The Republicans remain the captives of the personality cult—the “MAGA movement”—that has formed around Trump, just as the Democrats were the captives of the personality cult and populist movement that formed around William Jennings Bryan" [1896-1908].
"They therefore run a considerable risk of losing this election, which they ought to be comfortably winning on the big issues of inflation and immigration, because their candidate is too off-putting to too many of the crucial voters."
--- Niall Ferguson, The Free Press 07/02/24.
1) He's comparing someone who ran three times for the presidency and failed each time, to someone who ran for the presidency and won on his first go-round.
Ferguson's "Logic": The existence of the ancient, previous multiple-failures justifies the fear that the proven successful will fail.
2) "Well! 'Off-putting'! We can't have that! Clutch pearls! Pull ripcord!"
Solution: Send Trump up to Camp David for seven days and have him rehearse all sorts of phony personas that will make him more likable (surround him with Nobel Prizes winners in Chemistry, if necessary).
I suspect that the prime architect behind Joe Biden's blockbuster debate victory on June 27, 2024 was none other than Niall Ferguson.
Yes, 1968 revisited!
TRUTH.COM is what they dont want us to see or hear, but we have smelt the coffee and seen their lies for what they are and we will not forget what has happened to us, nor will we give up on using your posts to pass on the true picture till we see the 'liars' in courts round the world. Thank you and others again for your work. Jennifer Price W Sussex UK.
I'd be interested in knowing how you made that domain name transition so smooth. Nice work!
P.S. I did have to enter my email address again at the Subscribe prompt when I used the new domain name, but all was smooth sailing after that.
Thank you, Doctor Robert for always producing top-notch work. You and the Real Doctor Jill do us all a great service.
My wife deserves the credit —there was a lot of teeth gnashing involved, and maybe even a swear word at Go Daddy - the domain name registrar.
Presumably the magic swear word would work at namecheap too -- tee hee.
Dr. Jill is a wondrous wizardess with beautiful gnashing teeth 🦷. Congrats to the Malone.News team.
At this point, when I attempt a like or comment, a “server error” notice pops up and removes it.
Do we have to sign in on the new site?
I did have to enter my email address again at the Subscribe prompt when I used the new domain name, but all was smooth sailing after that.
EXCELLENT, JUST EXCELLENT, Reporting, Summarizing, and Commenting on this Supreme Court news!! I am SO impressed. We sure needed the decisions presented together, too.
Thank you!
Jill Biden is our literal Gollum.
The Presidency the ‘Ring of Power’
Certainly, Mrs. Biden definitely deserves inquiring about Elder Abuse. Greed is evil.
Trump would probably have the opportunity if elected to put forth Supreme Court justices. After this week that must have them frightened,
That's why AOC is starting the impeachment process the SCOTUS.
In a recent Biden speech, he mentioned that if he's re-elected he might get to appoint two new justices. So clearly they are all hysterical at the idea of Trump having 4 appointees on the court!
Okay, a bit trivial, but Jill's sleeves are long enough to cover her wrinkled old hands... I had an interesting talk with an old friend yesterday, and surprise surprise she suggested that Joe had a cold. I just about reached thru the phone to shake her, but instead sent her A Midwestern Doctor's analysis of Biden. You can lead a horse to water...
The Dem's leaders have known for years about Biden's mental/physical state. A very early debate prior to the Dem's convention? Why? Possibly a planned effort to destroy Joe quickly, and allow an alternative candidate who is more likely to appeal to independent voters-win the election? I am far from being a fan of Joe Biden, but the Dem's s are willing to do anything to stay in power-throw an old guy under the bus.
I am amazed at your workload and of such high quality, and such volume ….what’s the secret
The insiders claim that Hillary is in the wings waiting for the call, she is a favorite of the neocons
Are you familiar with Martin Armstrong: its a free site
an incredible individual
an incredible record of predictions
CIA kept him in jail for 11 years………. but he would not break
I think you will enjoy meeting him
Many many thanks for all your hardwork and dedication.
Thank you. We live in an Empire of Lies as astute president Putin calls it.
The story of Sund (as he fully revealed in his interview with Tucker Carlson) fully disclosed that Jan 6 was a CIA/DNC/Pentagon set-up and simply a continuation of the Russia-gate fraud and hoax of the century.
A direct result - two large Slavic nations in an “unprovoked” war in middle of Europe.
Ep. 15 – Aug 10 -- Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th. Our Fox News interview with him never aired, so we invited him back.