Great article, thank you. If I'm not mistaken, our Prime Minister Trudeau is one of Schwab's young leaders. He seems to know all the code words and handshakes. He recently linked the unvaccinated with racism and misogyny. It's almost like they all got some kind of memo to start getting nasty. Tony Blair recently called the unvaccinated morons or something; and of course Macron and his "pissing off" tactics.

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So is war hero Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R), who increasingly voted like a Manchurian candidate.

Strangely, he was pictured on the WEF website, but then magically scrubbed when it was noticed.

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When in reality, come five years from now (if they don’t force us down with six goons and jab us against our wills!), we are THE CONTROL GROUP!

Great movie idea! “The Control Group”. Where they have to hunt us all down and jab us so the world will never know about their evil experimentation!

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RemovedJan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022
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I believe you, and I'm very sorry. Is there a doctor you can trust who can physically verify your physical implants and seek help for you?

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Both in one would be ideal. Again, I am so sorry.

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The truth will shock the world. Same goes for Merkel. "Who's your daddy?"

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One other book I strongly recommend is the Bible as it prophesied everything that is happening right now.

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True...because at its highest level, this is a spiritual war for the soul of humanity.

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Those gospel-writers KNEW humanity and our flaws! In particular, I've always liked the biblical warnings against hypocrisy, the achilles heel of humanity.

"Judge not, lest ye be judged" "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"....gee, can you think of anywhere that applies today?

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True, for me I go to the book of Revelation. I listen to Dr. McGee's teaching at www.ttb.org. He's been dead since 1988, but his daily messages and teaching feel like his speaking right into today. His ministry is still growing leaps and bounds and heard throughout the world daily, that's amazing. Today's pastors are so woke and the word watered down. Klaus Schwab said he's gotten to most of our religious leaders and it shows. So, it's nice that Dr. McGee can't be gotten to by the Globalists like Franklin Graham and the such have. Everything is free and in 130+ languages. Anyway, Revelation seems to be the book that I'm drawn to right now. Dr. McGee said it's meant as a book of comfort for us believers, and I find it so. Also, it's the only book with blessings (7 blessings) for the reader and hearer. I can use all of the blessings I can get. :)

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How do you know they are not using it as a manual?

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If they are, they’re stupid, because in the end, God wins, and they can’t change that outcome.

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You got that right!!!

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Now there’s some good advice!

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bezos was a grad. I wish our side would stop promoting Amazon-Bezos-Prime, stop paying the enemy the money they use to bury us.

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I have not used it in 7 years.

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Amen, brother!

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Thanks again, Dr. Malone. Great video. I’ve really researched all sorts of material, from RFK, Jr’s book, through your many presentations and interviews, all of the great virology experts and doctors, and I’ve reached a definite conclusion: there IS a globalist, coordinated agenda to control the population, and the way they are using the sars-Cov 2 virus reveals everything. I don’t have a grasp of all systems they have in place, nor how far along they are in their objective. I do know this. They need to be disrupted.

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

More eye-opening stuff from Dr. Malone. I fear we're past the point of steering in a new direction and they have successfully consolidated their power and ability to stop opposition. Growing up I heard about the New World Order. I didn't think it was serious. I questioned if it was real. It is real. And they have executed their plan for a new global order with the Elite as leaders. These leaders believe they are doing what's best for humanity and that our freedoms are no longer relevant. And they have convinced a fair amount of Sheeple that they are right to control us and that we are evil people for wanting autonomy in society. This is an undoing of hundreds of years of actual democracy starting with the Magna Carta and continuing to the US Constitution. These are being dismantled right now. Every charter that has given The People rights to freedom from The Elite is being burned as we speak. A thousand years of liberty is about to end. Wake up and go wake someone else up.

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Until an organized, orchestrated, all-out war against the financial interests of these sociopaths is spear-headed, they will continue their war against freedom & decency. Drunk with the illusion of power and misbegotten wealth, they are like a pile of dung on the shoe of humanity. We can crush these people simply and easily -- by turning away from our fixation on politics as a solution and to laser focus on what Ludwig Von Mises called "Human Action", which is also the title of one of the greatest books on economics ever written. We must, as a large block of individuals, shun all companies & institutions who espouse the Globalist/Marxist/Fascist ideals that have led us to this point. We must bankrupt them ... one at a time. We must put the fear of God into business leaders and corporate boards so that they know that if they contribute in any way, shape or form to these ideals, they will lose money and go under. Money is what drives all of this. Take away their money and everything changes.

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I've tried to get people who are like-minded to stop ordering through Amazon. They respond "but it's so convenient".

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Cash out your 401Ks.

I keep saying this—apologies for being repetitive.

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I agree, they need to be cut off! And this isn't the first time capitalism has attempted to enslave this country either! Our Government never did have a knack for balancing capitalism and you can't have a free market and capitalist/republic without some restraints to prevent monopoly's. Jesse James and the other restraints died long ago and the two political party's have been lap dancing the capitalists ever since! Just so happens its the Democrats turn and they have plans for us...

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"Human Action" is offered for free fast download at https://mises.org/library/human-action-0

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I liked the way Neil Oliver has connected the dots on this fake pandemic and deadly shots. What hit me most when this pandemic was rolled out were the globally synchronous and unconstitutional, in fact illegal, decrees and the standard Pandemic script - lockdowns, masks to spread fear, social distancing, fake PCR tests, rigged Covid stats on deaths and cases, and shot mandates - that was clearly planned at a very high level and with a powerful conductor who was largely invisible. It brought to mind a chorus singing in harmony from a songbook with lyrics and music written by a composer and conducted so that all world "leaders" (aka puppets) were singing in unison. This is not a pandemic of the "unvaccinated" but a pandemic of the tyrants and their network of morally reprehensible agents/puppets, soulless creatures really, who inhabit this planet.

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He is the King of Scotland!

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is interesting that Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, is a member of The Great Reset Club.

There are no jab mandates in Hungary as Orban said, “The people of Hungary don’t have the stomach for mandates.”

Tucker Carlson went to Hungary to interview Orban to see how they are dealing with attempts of migrants to enter the country illegally. In a helicopter tour of the border which displayed two see through fences with a road in between, the minister in charge told Tucker, “we have 100% success with our border security. Not one illegal has made it past.”

The EU wants Orban gone. The US and Biden hate him and can’t stand he wants to keep Hungary a culturally “Hungarian” Christian nation.

Tucker has just completed a full documentary on Hungary which will be coming out soon. Orban is running for re-election and it’s odd that the entire EU and Biden want him gone.

And besides no jab mandate in Hungary, they also recognize “natural immunity” from previous infections:


Orban just doesn’t appear to fit into The Great Reset mold.

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Perhaps he hangs out with them in order to better understand the enemy.

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Glad you posted this as I was thinking the same thing.

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We need a lot more people like Dr. Malone to be speaking out and sharing information. Many of us greatly appreciate this but,unfortunately, many don’t want to hear it and won’t believe it if they do hear it. Yuri Bezmenov was explicit in pointing this out.

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Particularly narrow in my own thoughts, but I truly thought the Mothers would just say no.

It was my responsibility to have an intelligent discussion before any standard or routine vaccine, test or label. What is the sense for the purist immunity? More perplexing is the parents that don’t ask. It is experimental.

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who are the idiots...

you even have Bayer's CEO telling the truth - these are not vaccines but a cell/gene therapy


the height of irony, right after that short video played, a "get your child covid vaccinated" ad played paid for by PA's dept of heath - the add explicitly states these shots are safe for kids...

correct me if I am wrong, but traditionally, with most vaccines - doesn't the fda look for 5 YEARS of safety data?

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deletedJan 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
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Well, in the meantime, the German people are under onerous Covid vaccine regulations!!

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This is terrifying. For years I have read fringe reports of a New World Order conspiracy coming out of Davos. Looks like it wasn't a conspiracy.

Thank you for this reporting. I don't know what an average person such as myself can do about it other than to have open eyes as it unfolds.

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There is so much we can ALL do and encourage others to also. Stop using Google - duckduck.go is better, uncensored and does not track you! Change your email if it is a google mail. Follow new media truth seekers like GB News, Neil Oliver, Dan Wootton, Mark Steyn, Nigel Farage, Allison Pearson, Russell Brand, Dr Mercola, JFK Jr, the list is long and you will find all on twitter + many on Gettr. Follow Joe Rogan and support Spotify for giving him a platform. Buy goods from local smaller businesses not conglomerates. Like, retweet and post on twitter - so that when they ban our heroes like Dr Malone we carry on getting their important messages out regardless and in huge numbers. I set a goal to try to ‘wake up’ several people every day and am seeinv great progress. Many are saying they will not have a booster in UK. Share funny memes and laugh at their efforts to divide us. Do not get drawn into political sides and small quarrels, the fight is for freedom and is the ONLY fight. It is VERY obvious in UK which politicians are globalist puppets… Boris, Javid, Jeremy Hunt, Sadawi, Blair, Brown but some decent MP backbenchers with integrity are waking up and forcing them back in their boxes, seek out these politicians + doctors, celebrities, sportspeople etc and support them hugely as those brave enough to speak out without fear of consequence will lead us out of this cesspit of filthy corruption, forcing evil to slither back to the dark depths of hell shrivelling from the strength of good people with kind hearts, inner strength and the will to fight for us all.

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I kept asking myself why are pretty much all western leaders treating people skeptical of a rushed vaccine with so much hate? Could it really just be about the money? Then it dawned on me... If every person is vaccinated, or at the least over 90% are vaxxed, then by definition we will not have a control group large enough to prove the vaccines have done far more harm than good to the global population. Thus making it almost impossible to go after these corporations that kill people for profit.

Unless I'm wrong, if so, by all means correct my line of thinking as I am not a scientist. I'm Just a nerd of history and politics.

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I have been writing about this myself on my substack. I call it technocratic totalitarianism. This Absolutely needs to come to a screeching halt before we become China. I think this entire thing was a way to get the Western world to accept totalitarianism Via Medically mandated authoritarianism.


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Thank you for keeping us informed. We live in an upside down world where good is evil and evil is good.

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022

Extra points for the Pink Floyd references!

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Just a little pin prick

There'll be no more aaaaaaaah!

But you may feel a little sick

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Don't fear the Covid since over 99% will gain Natural Immunity and those at high risk should be protected and treated EARLY and not late as Dr. Fauci directed. Most will survive. One analysis for 2020 US Data states that 50% who died did not die from Covid at all and died from other causes. Secondly, another analysis reports that 70% of those who did die from the Covid, died because of the WRONG medical treatment. Again, the CDC directives said to isolate at home until the patient is at deaths door. WRONG. Someday, the forensic analysis will begin, and we will know the truth. Until then, they continue to try to hide the data.

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Well, Dr. Malone, now you are stepping into the big "conspiracy" elephant in the room, and I'm wondering if this is also why our favorite "journalist" was out to discredit you. However, people are now starting to ask why is there a sudden shift in tone on covid (vis-à-vis Boris Johnson)...I'm hearing rumors that the vaccines may be recalled, which sounds outrageously hard to believe...but given how consistent and persistent they have been about these lockdowns and mandates for the past two years...what is going on now?

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I've been wondering too.

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I am wondering why the sudden discussion of the hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions to the Covid jabs just being “the placebo effect”?


Damn! It would be fun to be in a think tank's evil round-table trouble-shooting writers group!

“I know! I know! Let’s just pop the hypothesis that declares that all these people who have severe neurological conditions and heart inflammation and ummm who ‘died unexpectedly at 23’, it was all in their heads! The Placebo Effect!”

And the whole group stands and applauds then the press release comes out.

Fixed that!

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