Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I recently lost a good friend that I enjoyed being with. His grand daughter asked if there was one word that described her grandfather. My answer was "RESPECT". Harry accepted everyone as they were and was not judgmental. Everyone sees the world from a slightly different and unique view. The other key word is "EMPATHY" that means trying to understanding the viewpoint and actions of others and why they have made the decisions they have made. These two attributes are lacking in the rancor of leadership today in the medical field and the political field. True leaders need these attributes. Lawsuits would disappear if these attributes dominated. My view.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a very enlightened approach to protect your personal mental health! Be the change you wish to see in the world...Gandhi

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The truly sad part is that a person's assholic index is but a reflection of how infantile their underlying thought processes have become. Truly an embarrassment to let that go completely unchecked, or worse, actually embrace it...

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The durable shelf life of Monty Python has very few competitors

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This was excellent. It also reminded me of a saying that hung at the nurses station in the operating room, according to my husband (who is a retired anesthesiologist): "Everyone here brings joy. Some when they arrive; others when they leave". (many a pompous surgeon apparently fit the "asshole" description). Also, one of the points you made was that "power breeds nastiness". The first person that popped into my head was Biden. He was already a nasty individual, but his nastiness has grown exponentially since occupying the White House.

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Humbleness and humility should be taught in every medical/ surgical residency , but the ACGME has ruined our programs .

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I already ran across one guy writing on here and all of his blogs were attacking you or someone else. I quickly unsubscribed from him.

I was on Facebook for around 12 years and noticed how many assholes would never post an opinion of their own. They just attacked what others had to say.

When Facebook started allowing the spreading of their Deep State and medical disinformation and blocking true information and gave me a 24 hour block for stating something truthful from Good Medical Doctors not liking the dictator jab, I pulled the plug on my business page and personal page with almost 4000 friends. I had already blocked a lot of the assholes but some of them still put up new pages.

I miss some good friends but sure don't miss the assholes!

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for addressing this rarely discussed topic. I agree 100% about the contagion of asshole-ism. I've seen it in too many work environments and am so happy to now be in a place that is seemingly asshole-free and works hard to keep it that way. Yes, I too have been one at times and really work to police myself from being one again. One thing I will often do is wait on making a comment or sending off an angry email reply until I can go back and reread it 24 hours later. It has saved me from making more than a few regrettable comments.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone,

Thank you for your time to write us. I feel sure the topic was spurred by the events of the day. Indeed, we are surrounded by folks who show their disrespect daily in ways that only the 21st century could foster. Remember when confronted that you are loved and cherished by us and the God of the universe. Dr. B

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs Malone - you have my highest respect and gratitude for continuing to fight the good fight.

Stuff I've read/heard and try to practice:

Build don't break.

Praise in public, correct in private.

We are all broken. Every single one of us. Cut the traveler next to you some slack and if you're having a similar broken moment, try your best to walk away.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is why I can't support Trump, despite siding with him on a number of important things.

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It may be helpful to understand that so much of what you think you know about Donald Trump has been provided to you by those who have a vested interest in portraying him in the most negative light possible...

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That I have long understood. I consider him an irredeemable asshole because he often has failed to pay his subcontractors and vendors, folks who needed to get paid, not flush enough to fight him in court.

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And I because he thought his attendance at a rich boys military school qualified him to be our CIC. That greatly offended this Vietnam ERA veteran I can tell you

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Ok, I’m sure he’s stepped on contractors

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Is the alternative not a bigger asshole?

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John, IMO Trump does a good job portraying himself as an untrustworthy, egomaniac. I came to my own conclusions just listening to him. Words speak louder than actions (except in the cases mentioned by Jeck) And no, I am not affiliated with either party, I make my decisions point by point.

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IMO...actions speak louder than words. Talk is easy, performance takes effort.

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I would normally agree with you and I was surprised to read my own words, except his nasty, derogatory comments about everyone and anyone that doesn't agree with him are endless. His is a personality that I find hard to trust. The few actions that I am in agreement with hardly elicit enough overall belief that he will do the right thing in a pinch.

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I am sad that people can't get beyond the non-stop, negative lame stream media Trump rhetoric and honestly ask themselves if they are better off financially or in any other way in life in life today (or any time in the past two years) than they were when Trump was President. Has he personally harmed you?

Sadly, Trump believed Fauci and Birx, as they convinced him they were experts. Have you, yourselves, ever been duped? But, did he lock down the country? Did he make you wear a mask? Did he force you to get a deadly vaccine? Did he shut down access to any drugs or treatments for "the virus?" Did he move you as close to another world war as we have ever been in decades? Did hundreds of thousands of businesses fail while he was president? Were we fearful every day of China and Russia dominance? Were men allowed to participate in women's sports? Was there this much homelessness? Did he absolutely destroy people and silence those with a different opinion? The answer is No.

Were we energy independent? Were our cities safer and was there less crime? Did you feel more secure in your job? And the really hard question--were you happier? The answer is Yes.

Time to have a come to Jesus with reality.

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Yes, I was better off, felt safer, enjoyed the energy independence, and after voting for Trump twice, if he was my choice of the right side of the uniparty, I would again vote for him, without second guessing. The problem I have with him is that when he was president for the first 3 years, I was so happy, so enamored, so awestruck by a President I voted for, whom I thought actually cared about us, me, everyone around us as an American. It's Trump's own actions, inactions, and his words that have altered how I feel about him as a President, former President, and person. He's altered that course, and not the "lame street" media who's changed my opinion of him.

I'm feel I'm articulate enough to ignore 99.9% of everything media presented about DJT. I haven't watched any news for several years now, and obtain my information from reading viewpoints beyond the MSM. I don't believe that it's just the MSM, but it's also DJT's own actions which are a detriment to him, whether or not he comprehends that himself.

From the moment he went down those stairs and gave his acceptance speech from the 2016 election, I liked just about everything he said. I also knew that his words that he was going to "drain the swamp" would come back to bite him in the ass, time and time again. To be completely honest, I thought DJT would have gone the JFK route, and never see the end of his term, from that moment on. Luckily for him, and us as a nation, he wasn't "offed" by his motorcade driver.

Do I believe everything DJT says ? No

Do I think he's lying and deceptive at times, now more than ever ? Yes.

Do I understand why he just can't admit when he's wrong, or even conceptualize that there are realities other than what his worldview entails ? No.

None of what I think matters, at this point, as to me, he's just a figurehead, and no longer in any type of position, to do anything about what's transpiring before our eyes. America clearly is in decline, and IMO, the only thing going to save us is ourselves, the individuals in this country who band together and demand justice, prosperity, and restoration of the America we grew up loving. Hopefully with the help of individuals, such as Malone exposing the lies and deception, we can overcome the satan-istic cloud overshadowing the most wonderful place in the world.

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Some excellent points here that I agree with, particularly the last bits. I keep hoping that Trump addresses the elephant in the room--the vaccines. Comes clean on everything that he knows happened.

Aren't they all just figureheads? But when I look at the current field of figureheads, IMHO he's certainly in a better position than the rest of them to do something, anything to change this country's trajectory.

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Without me saying it, you've hit the proverbial nail on the head.

I just joined this forum, and I didn't want to start off on the antivax route, on my 2nd post. Your reply opened up that door for me, thank you.

In 2017 or 2018, I was watching DJT on Faux News Channel, and my wife and I were ecstatic about something that DJT did, which was wonderful for the USA. I can't recall what it was, but I do remember saying to myself that I would "Jump in front of an assassin's bullet to save that man's life". Crazy, yeah, it sounds now, but that's how much I loved everything that he was doing for the country, bringing back manufacturing, putting money back into the pockets of the Amercian citizens, etc. I just loved the guy, no matter how inane his speach tirades went off their rails, from time to time. No matter how many times he said the same damn things.

What changed that all ? Besides the stolen election ?

DJT did. It wasn't the 8 million times he said how he got the respirators to the hospitals, it wasn't the flouting how fast the "vaccine" was brought to the sheeple who jumped at it, it wasn't the constant "standing to the side" as that sub-human excrement Flim Flam Fauci pushed him aside during his daily episodes of the "Planned-demic". Nope. None of it.

It was his DENIAL that there were countless people dying, suffering, and lives forever damaged by taking this poison, and his continual (to this very day) pushing the narrative that "we saved millions of lives", yet at the very same moment, denying that severe injury, and death was not a "minority", but happening everywhere. He finally shut up about his role in bringing that poison to the people when his rallies started the feedback "boo-ing", he experienced first hand, he finally got the idea to knock it off.

Most recently, his besmirching of Desantis during the Hannity interview continues his tirade of bullshit and lies, which I cannot have witness to any longer. I won't watch his interviews, and I won't watch his ralllies anymore. I'll read his posts on Telegram, but for the most part, it's like listening to a little girl bitch and complain about the other girls picking on her.

Will I vote for him ? Absolutely.

Do I want him to be president again ? Sure.

Do I think he will be held back, hamstrung, and kept from doing what's right for the America I live in, and love immensely ? Yes.

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I so agree with you! He must evolve on the “safe and effective” vaccines! I will also vote for him for the third time as he is, I believe at this time, the best and maybe the only one to turn things around after a DISASTROUS Biden administration! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Spot on.

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Mega dittos.

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All correct Kathy. But he’s definitely a childish egomaniacal asshole. I held my nose voting for him only because of the horrendous alternative. Definitely not someone I’d want as a friend.

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I agree with the childish egomaniacal asshole :-). I'd rather have him as a friend than an enemy, though.

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Hahaha 👍

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DJT has many detractors, and the MSM is guilty of spreading a lot of disinformation about him. Remember, the MSM and the democrats loved Trump when he was a democrat.

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Many considered General Patton an “asshole” but he took on and destroyed far worse “assholes.” Trump is great leader America needs--asshole or not.

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I agree if he is the best offered. But would certainly like a better choice. It take a big ego to want that job. And most who do suffer some degree of sociopathy. But gee!

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He does have some competition in DeSantis. I'm watching carefully for information on whether DS has in fact taken up with Ryan and The Bushes (with their Globalist connections). I don't think one could escape if that association and their propensities are true. That seems to leave me with JFK Jr (if his Global Warming positions are too worrisome) if he has a good platform and support. Short of that Pompeo and his CIA stint. Taking notes and hoping for an election that will produce a leader to get us back to at least the 2017 - 2020 era.

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It's also, btw, why I can't support most DC creatures, including the entire Jan 6 committee as one example.

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I have the same issue. RFK Jr. would be a refreshing change.

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yes, if he was the VP partner with DeSantis!

What a WINNING combination. Totally unstoppable.

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I’m optimistic and am a outsider to the dark underbelly of DC that runs the scams!

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I tend to be much more pragmatic on the Trump issue. A definite no in the primaries. A definite yes in the general if the dems run their usual suspects. But if RFK somehow pulls it off, I'll vote for him over Trump, but not over DeSantis.

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By pragmatic do you mean to imply intelligent?

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

Pragmatic. Meaning take the emotional component out of the equation. I don't like Trump's public persona, and I don't know his private persona, so for me "like" or "don't like" is not part of the equation. He's a no in the primaries because (1) the Constitution was suspended under his watch with the lockdowns and (2) he literally ushered in the fascism we see between gov't and big pharma. Trump is a yes however in the general if he is the candidate against the usual cabal of dem suspects because as bad as he is, he's still the lesser evil. But RFK would change that for me, so I would vote for RFK. But for me, DeSantis is better than both of them.

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That's a clear yes answer to my question. Seems at odds with Dr Malone's point here on the no asshole rule being wisely pragmatic.

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You are entitled to your opinion.

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Afraid I could never vote for anybody from that family. Hold JFK is less than favorable light and for Ted, well the name Kopechne and the term Borking with blood running the streets over todays Senate appointments pretty well says it for me

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I agree Jeck.

The biggest example I have always used was his attacks on virtually every single one of the 15 other Republican candidates for Pres. in 2015 debates. Even Cruz's wife for God's sake; what a jerk.

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But he is a funny Ahole Jack, there is a difference. Just compare him to Schiff or Schumer in your mind and you will see the light.

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Ha yes agreed

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone! Where has your book been my entire career!!! With the exception of a research job at UT MD Anderson, I've needed this book for every pharma company I've worked, big or small.

Will order stat. 🎉🎉🎉

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Watch for another substack from me on Assholes in cardiac surgery.... i trained at Baylor Coll Medicine under Dr DeBakey- ring a bell. He was not only clearly NOT an asshole, but one of the kindest and mist compassionate people I ever met. ... coming soon at bobfeldtman.substack.com.

Let me say Dr Malone again is on bullseye about avoiding assholes. Reminds me of a movie from out west relating story about the town asshole. Constantly attacking and maligning citizens, in trouble with law... eventually a majority of the citizens showed up at town center with firearms. Problem solved, no one even charged. Amazing and apparently true story

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

That's fantastic. I'm more familiar with Dr Cooley due to family members in medicine. I worked for Dr Douglas Evans at the time, and he was ranked one of the top 3 pancreatic surgeons in the world. His patients adored him. He left UT MD Anderson because Dr Mendelson wouldn't give him Chair of the Dept of Surgical Oncology due to politics. He has been Chair at the Medical College of Wisconsin ever since.

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MDACC has seeded into other venues quite a few really good people in the biomedical field because of politics.

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

Oh Dr Nash- at my proletariat level I didn't deal with politics but the politics is really bad there at the faculty level. And here's the irony, the current president of MDACC was on our floor in surgical oncology and he was an asshole and Dr Evans ran circles around him and Evans couldn't even get the Chair position. Evans was way more renowned and accomplished than Pisters and Pisters is President but such is life and why I want Dr Malone's book. 🤣

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Dr. Feldtman, I know that the "plural of anecdote is not data," but in my experience working as a cardiology administrator, I learned something very important early on. At any academic or other large medical center, if you want to know who the best cardiac surgeon is, consider who is the most humane and humble when interacting with others: he or she is almost always the most talented and skilled amongst his/her colleagues. In a subspecialty reputed to have a higher-than-average frequency of a$$holes, the best surgeon at each medical center doesn't need to be one because all his/her colleagues know who's the best and grant him/her respect, even if this is rarely or never openly discussed.

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The ACGME has cause great harm to residency training programs

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Dr Feldtman- you don't practice in Houston do you? I can't find you. I need a cardiologist that won't gas light me about shot. I had open heart surgery as a child. Thx.

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I left Houston in 2000 - worked at Methodist in Dallas til retirement April 1 2021. I opened up heart surgery by starting the cardiac surgical program at Memorial City in 1982 before leaving Houston. I heard good things about Dr Evans. Best would be Dr Peter McCullough in Dallas.. -- but don't know how to get to him. Knew of him and how good he was, but we never consulted on patients together (different hospital). Dr Cooley's son-in-law and super congenital surgeon is now in Austin I think. Dr Charles (Chuck) Fraser. He is a surgeon like me, not a cardiologist. I would look to FLCCC to see about further cardiology referrals. Depends on the type of surgery you had as to need for further evaluation.. and how you are doing.

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TY. I found you finally in Dallas on Google and when I saw CV surgeon I was like nope, he's beyond what I need. Just a regular cardio, no surgery but a cardio who won't gaslight me about vax. Happy retirement. 😊

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for addressing this issue! I quit my job in 2013 to walk away from assholes (not my boss, but others, for whom I became enemy no 1 even more when they heard that I quit). I became a self-employed lawyer and since then choose my colleagues, clients and even subjects. No assholes as far as possible - and here it is: you can’t avoid them at all - privately or business-related. So this book recommendation is gold! Your advice is gold! I feel so blessed to got to know you - and frankly- unbelievable that without this “pandemic” it would have never happened to get to know you, meet you and learn so much from you - every day!!!! - presumably for a lot of us. All the best for you, Jill, the horses and dogs from Vienna, Bettina

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Thank you - I value your comments BTW - and still remember the Sacher torte!

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hmmm. I searched on that. . . Sacher torte. I will have to have my #1 cook(wife) make that one!

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The simple truth is we all act like an asshole from time to time. The difference is that true assholes never admit or apologize. They revel in it.

An almost equal truth - when someone says their organization has a "no assholes rule," it's probably a requirement, not a disqualification.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well said! It’s one of the reasons I left traditional social media platforms. I try to be very straight forward, but since there are no emotional (facial expression or body language) cues, one must say things in a way as to validate another person’s humanity.

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One of the reasons I never got on any. A-holes are ants drawn to sugar given that venue

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I was more naive, I guess. I thought they would actually be a space to have rational conversations about interesting and important topics.

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I zoomed in.

What a great image on your moniker, LDT.

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Thank you. He’s a wonderful Savior. Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a wonderful column, especially since I just quit a job largely to get away from such things!! I was a consultant for 23 years, and like you, Dr. Malone, got to "fire clients". It is so freeing! Returning to "employment" the next 11 years, I've had to suffer my share of assholes, both peers and especially managers. I'm retiring, maybe to do a little contract work here and there, but am done with Asshole Theater (also called "employment").

God Bless you for sharing the range of knowledge and experience you share here. My favorite read!

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Been a free-follower for a while now. Just subscribed so I can express my thanks for what you are doing, and this article in particular. Too many of these individuals in my past. Didn't always get away nearly soon enough, so your reminder is welcome. And, the Python skit is perfect! ;-)

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Avoid rich, powerful people, whether or not they're assholes.

Try to tolerate and understand aggressive behavior when it comes from someone less powerful than you. See if you can promote their healing.

Take care of yourself with exercise, meditation, and a healthy diet. Depend on a community of people who will help you to be your best self even when other people's behavior is challenging.

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