What I have seen is that modern pharma is derived from testing highly inbred lab animals and then applying these outcomes to likely the most outbred creature on the planet. This is why I look for a PCP who takes into account my individuality since my response to treatment may fall outside of the normal response and may need alternative treatment.

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The don't need animals any more, they have reclassified humans as lab rats.

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Well, at least they sre using an outbred species

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Sad, but true

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Great overall thought for all of us Dr. Nash. I was thinking of you when I heard of the storms in Texas, hope you made out alright?

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Thanks,James. Just got some very badly needed rain

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That is what my concierge doctor does. He is a DO, he takes no insurance including Medicare and Medicaid. The specialists he sends me to do take Medicare and my Part G supplement. He has few patients and each receive better care.

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I am on my 2nd DO. Think they have a more patient oriented education. Both told me they were instructed to" listen to the patient". Good advice

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Jun 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Maybe this movement will spread to the united states. I would so love to have a doctor that was in line with this thinking. I do think many doctors would want to get on board. Thanks for sharing this.

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A paradigm shift in the right direction! Exciting!

Big Pharma pouting in the corner?

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Big pharma AND big (hospital) business.

The question I have to ask is how did we ever get away from this in the first place.

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Answer = Congress. There has always been a push post WWII for the USG to control everyone using anyone to do so. They tampered with insurance, as did the states, by having tires, batteries, and lubes covered. They tampered with non-Catholic hospitals by forcing them to service those without insurance or ability to pay (taking away the patients of non-profit Catholic hospitals. They refused for decades to force price controls on big pharma in the US while other countries benefited from reasonable costs. They coordinated certain policies and regulations that led to the manufacturing of medicines and health products overseas. They allowed the consolidation of USG science and health agencies to merge even though there are conflicts of interest. And then there was Obamacare with Medicare and Medicaid controlling prices and reimbursement causing massive consolidation of doctor offices, clinics and hospitals, many turning to consortiums. It is Congress that provides or does not provide the funding for the institutions that train doctors. The US is woefully short of doctors by the tens of thousands. This is on purpose. They would rather import foreign doctors who are first beholding to the USG for their opportunity. This has been going on for at least three decades. It is their rural policy to waive certain requirements for foreign doctors to come here. They are the problem and they won't fix it.

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Shelley, excellent answer to our problems! Those of us in the medical field who had our eyes open saw what was happening but could not convince enough colleagues of the danger. I saw so many wonderful doctors leave the profession rather than comply with the new “ rules and regulations “ under Obamacare and Medicare and Medicaid. You are right. It was at least three decades ago that it became noticeable! I myself am concerned that this woke situation and DEI infecting our medical schools will even further erode our medical care.

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I too wish the doctors could have fought back. AMA and licensing boards are not friendly to the 'old' system. And DEI will for sure make it worse. All part of the plan.

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I put the big change with medicare. Med insurance was an incentive perk for upper management...not really necessary...until medicare. They upped the cost across the board for all aspects of med care finally making insurance a necessity (seeing same with veterinarians and insurance...they accept it have to charge everyone insurance rates....higher of course forcing clients to buy insurance). The med assns. have been overtaken by progs. The a.m.a. opposed medicare until they didn't. Most docs members then now less than 20%. Look at pediatric assns support gender reassignment, etc. Top down overturn of the profession

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The truth is, just like easy gov't money has driven the cost of higher education through the roof, so too has insurance done for the health industry. Insurance just may be one of our own worst financial enemies.

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Exactly Micheal. Business found a way to incentive filling open jobs by providing catastrophic medical insurance and retirement benefits. States then countered with insurance covering everything to compete with the private sector. USG had to jump in to, to maintain control.

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My mom pointed out, that health insurance started the problem. When I was a kid, she paid the doc 5 bucks for a visit. He had a nurse, and a secretary to support in his office.

Now, thanks to insane gov and greedy docs and corporations, a doc has to hire an army of staff to deal with the insane paper crap the gov forces on them, that has ZERO effect on health, other than hinder its delivery.

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Excellent analysis, Shelley.

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Good question! Dollars to donuts it's dollars. And "pouting in the corner" is only how they feel. They will use every trick in the book, and invent new ones, to discredit these wonderful efforts. But we're wise to their tricks!

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The answer to "how" is to first ask "why?"

The answer to 'why' is disgustingly simple - $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

From what I have read, JD Rockefeller was instrumental in destroying the former natural, herbal, nutritional approaches to health maintenance and in creating the "medical/ pharmaceutical/ corp. agriculture industrial complex"-driven society into which 5 generations since the 1920s have lived and died. Here is a relatively brief overview of that perspective - https://hannenabintuherland.com/usa/john-rockefeller-how-he-took-control-over-modern-medicine/

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Admirable effort to say the least. The basic challenge is to extract humanity from a chemical society that is the root cause of most health issues in modern western cultures. Today, it was reported that menthol was approved as an additive to e-vaping formulations by the FDA. No regard given to the fact that menthol poisons the liver and chronic heavy dosing will destroy the liver and the person's life. Just the latest example of our chemical society impacting our lives. Google "Life Style Medicine, A Brief Review" that addresses this basic issue. Research paper published in 2017. Being ignored by mainstream medicine.

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yup, humans are under assault from overprescribed medications from one side, forever chemicals in all of our food supply the other, and topped off with sugar everywhere: new cases of cancer by country, compared to per capita sugar consumption, almost 1-1. And let's add stress to our daily lives. And let's continue telling people obesity is not a deadly issue, but a life choice. It's a mystery as to why humans are so unhealthy....

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We are being degraded both physically and mentally and the clowns in DC just go along to get along and keep their pockets full!

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Yes a very unholy alliance among big pharma, big medicine and big insurance. All in league to keep the population unhealthy and complaisant. First step has to be change diets. Second, change medical education. Third, change the way we pay for health care. I used to think doctors could lead the way but now I'm increasingly convinced the profession is hopelessly compromised and educated lay people are the solution. Let's start by bankrupting Coke, Pepsi, General Mills and the garbage they sell us.

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First you have to dismantle National Academy of Medicine that runs the medical paradigm!

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Right you are. 9 out of 10 isles in a grocery store are not worth walking down. We are what we eat, sad to say. And the FDA's generally recognized as safe GRAS is a literal free for all.

Here is what it say: any substance that is intentionally added to food is a food additive, that is subject to premarket review and approval by FDA, unless the substance is generally recognized, among qualified EXPERTS, as having been adequately shown to be safe under the conditions of its intended use, or unless the use of the substance is otherwise excepted from the definition of a food additive.

Vaccines are also culprits on children who aren't allowed to evolve a natural immune system.

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Jun 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The serenity of this organizing couple is amazing and refreshing. They are the incarnation of what they are bringing to mankind. I always say to my wife that only Nature can heal and cure. Ignore Nature = God, and we deconstruct. At 86 I have no health problem(s). Thank you, Dr Malone, for being once more a shining light, a prophet.

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This is a wonderful vision that should be spread throughout the world. Thank you for sharing Mr Malone.

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Doctor Malone. One of the few with courage and brains to have earned the title.

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This is a wonderful program. A lot of the practices are so stuck on giving you more medicines. There we have big Pharma’s influence. The drs always try to give you the latest medicine when the old one would work and cost less. Less is more when it comes to meds. I have gone to drs that look down there nose at you thinking they know your body better than you do. I have a Dr now that actually listens, calls me with results of tests, isn’t trying to push drugs on me and generally cares. It makes a difference.

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Jun 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for this excellent stack! Your video was great and very encouraging! I see a functional medicine doc who is closely aligned with the FLCCC. So grateful to have him and not to have to rely on only allopathic docs. And I detest BIG HARMA! Thank you for your invaluable voice and enjoy your time in Europe! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Jun 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

WOW! So THIS is the graduation ceremony you're attending, as a key speaker, no less! This is so inspiring and one of the things I love about this tumultuous age is organizations like this rising from the ashes! A new paradigm is truly emerging! Things like this are what keep me going! Thank you!

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I am a retired Nurse Practitioner and my work was Med-Psych. I want to learn this method if possible but I live in Nashville Tennessee. I moved here to get away from California which almost killed me (crime -mandates -covid mania-lockdowns). I’m in the beginning of trying to genre licensed as I let mine lapse. Can I learn from afar?

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

More medical profession flim flam. The 2 major causes of chronic disease are

1. intestinal permeability caused by eating the wrong foods, particularly wheat, dairy, foods cooked above 110 degrees C and chemically and heat processed oils and fats. This was thoroughly documented and proven by French professor of medicine Dr. Jean Seignalet.


Don't believe me? Search for: intestinal permeability + the chronic disease of your choice + pubmed.

2. Vitamin d deficiency. The medical profession are telling lies about sun exposure, tanning bed use and vitamin d supplementation so that you remain diseased and dependent on them and their drugs. Don't believe me? Search for vitamin d deficiency + the disease of your choice (cancer is a good one) + pubmed.


The medical profession were complicit in the covid-19 genocide psyop.

High dose vitamin c intravenous can bring you back from the dead, even if you are in a coma:


The information was ruthlessly suppressed.

Here is the CEO of youtube boasting that she took down a million (!) videos about vitamin c.


See what all the hand wringing about not being able to prescribe ivermectin is all about when the real therapeutic was vitamin d, at least 5,000 iu's per day (10,000 even better). Better get clued up on this because they are teeing up avian flu as the re-run.


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you obviously have not been paying attention to my own writing and broadcasting.

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I have been paying VERY CLOSE ATTENTION!

When did you say that vitamin d not ivermectin was the therapeutic of choice?

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Author

Do a search on Vitamin D and my substack - you will find there are nine articles on its benefits, including for COVID.

My book titled "Lies my GOV'T told me" had a whole chapter - "Chapter 12: Preventable Deaths and Vitamin D3" - all about Vitamin D3.

That chapter starts with the following sentence

"The inconvenient truth is that even at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, a very simple, inexpensive and effective treatment was available that could have saved the majority of lives lost [141-143]. "

Clear enough for you?

The book has sold a lot of copies - well over a 100,000 of them- did you read it? Published in 2022.

I have done interview after interview on how Vitamin D could have saved the majority of lives during the pandemic and also for influenza. As well as the history of Vitamin D3 and Fauci's role in covering up its benefits.

Many drugs, including ivermectin have their place to combat the effects of an infectious disease outbreak. Not everyone is going to take Vitamin D and at the right doses.

Ivermectin at the right dose and timing made a huge difference when the virus was more deadly. Used prophylactically, ivermectin also made a huge difference - there are some great cross-over studies from Brazil documenting this.

Your anger is palpable and mis-directed.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

"Do a search on Vitamin D and my substack - you will find there are nine articles on its benefits, including for COVID."

1. I generally skim all your articles. I have not seen anything about vitamin d.

2. I did a search but the search on substack is rudimentary. It turned up zero articles for Malone and vitamin d but that might be due to its limitations. I also did a google search and found nothing.

Please give me links to these articles or quotes from them. I'm going to look up your book now.


Yes. There is a chapter on vitamin d in the book. 2 things:

1. There is the standard Rockefeller/deep state/Fauci misdirection (which deepens my suspicions!) in that chapter that the Spanish Flu was swine flu. No! It was caused by a Rockefeller meningitis vaccine made in horses and given to troops. The Rockefeller Institute made gallons of the stuff and shipped it to many different countries. It seems likely that this was the cause of the disease which started in the Madrid garrison only a month or two after Fort Riley. The US surgeon general of the time recommended huge doses of aspirin as a prophylactic. We will never know how many of the "Spanish Flu"victims were simply killed by aspirin poisoning. Here is my video on the subject. (You will need plenty of coffee to stay awake ;-).


2. As Dr. Shiva says, the true test is when was the truth spoken. In Shiva's (and my own) case it was right at the start. I was shut down straight away but they had a hard job shutting Shiva down and he used their tactics to expose them.

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Since when is "skimming" PAYING VERY CLOSE ATTENTION?

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LOL. It depends how good you are at skimming.

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Chris, most of us here have been posting about the benefits of Vitamin D since 2019 and 2020. Dr. Holick is where you need to start your reading. He was the leading expert on Vitamin D and Dr Malone and others reinforced his work on it. Recently in the past few weeks, the Internet is pushing out half truths/misleading articles badmouthing Vitamin D probably with the support of the medical industry.

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I'm well aware of Dr. Holick's work. You might want to read my blog post of January 2021:


and watch some of my 10 youtube videos on sun exposure, tanning bed use and vitamin d all of which reveal how the medical profession mafia wants to keep us vitamin d deficient, diseased and dependent on them and their drugs.

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I saw those pieces and my doctor saw them or something similar. In summer 2020 he put me on high dose D3, 2000 mg Vitamin C, Zinc , twice weakly Ivermectin according to my weight and twice weekly Hydroxychloriquin. I still take them now. He showed me how to buy ivermectin directly from India very cheaply where they make it. In fall 2020 it was often $20/pill.

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Chris, do you not see that this is how the other side wins? They keep us quibbling about little stuff when, on the big stuff we're aligned. Dr. Malone has always been an advocate of a natural diet, Vit. D and other valuable supplements. I am mostly carnivore now. Is it right for everyone? Beats me but it works for me. Along with nattokinase, Vit D and K2, niacin, and a few other supplements. What we ALL know is that processed, high carb and especially high sugar "foods" are making us sicker and more drug dependent. So, again, we might think about ending the circular firing squad and taking aim at the drug and processed food industries. Idea?

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Wow! The comment section today was as good as Dr Malone’s post!

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Linus Pauling was criticized for being a medical maverick over the true value of Vitamin C.

Read an article that if you are 100% void of Vitamin C you die! Yes..we need to have a treatment plan in place to survive the next GOF that they are planning to keep the deranged medicine men in charge along with all the other evil entities that benefit from controlling societal direction! Vit C, D, Zinc, Quercetin, and NAC essential. Google my article: Why the Medicine Man doesn't understand the true value of Vitamin D. The hormone form is essential for the proper functioning of around 3000 gene expressions! Why is the FDA being pushed to take NAC off the retail market? Why do they keep coming up with negative article about Vitamin D. They know the truth and can't make money if you are healthy!

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I have notice over the past several years the new warning labels being put on D3 and the latest daily requirement is much lower. I also have complained about the amount on the label being accurate cause I can tell when it's not after just a few days.

Several years ago many of the D3 product quit labeling the 'actual' source of D3. This started after there was a push to only use D3 that was made from lanolin - refining the oil from sheep's wool. Now even that is not even mentioned. D3 was always a product of fish liver oil and my bet it, it's the only effective form. I wonder who is hording or making it less available. I went to re-order a multi-ingredient product last year and the maker said they could no longer get all the ingredients.

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Shelley, I use Vitamin D (D3) /K2 by THORNE, recommended by Zach Bush M.D. Liquid and pure.

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I've been taking Sports Research D3 + K2. One softgel provides 5,000 ICUs. $29 per bottle w/60 softgels.

It's plant based, the plant being lichen which is a form of algae. Per Wikipedia, Lichens are important actors in nutrient cycling and act as producers which many higher trophic feeders feed on, such as reindeer, gastropods, nematodes, mites, and springtails.

I just looked at Thorne, price seems good, have to take 10 drops to get 5,000 ICUs. Does not provide source for the D.

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Thank you DD!

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Linus Pauling co-wrote a book with David R. Hawkins on Orthomolecular Psychiatry, Thomas

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Chris, perhaps you should get your own substack to re-post links to other people's articles, providing a one stop shop, so to speak?

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What an amazing and refreshing approach

To health and wellness. And how radical to treat patients as individuals in the context of the many broad environments that make up their world. Some might argue that the best doctors already do this. Alas many don’t and certainly the bureaucratized systems for payment, remuneration, accreditation etc drive the profession in many different directions. This innovation is refreshing, as are the various approaches to Integrated Medicine now being piloted at existing hospitals, incorporating for example mindfulness meditation, imaging, massage, acupuncture, exercise, nutrition and other healing methods. Thanks for this sketch of this Italian approach. We can do better.

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Thank you Dr. Malone for sharing this valuable information. More health professionals should integrate this conscientious frame of mind into their practice in order to truly take care of the needs of their patients. A must that they climb out if their restrictive and protected cocoons.

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Thank you for again supporting and covering this initiative! I'm glad to learn you are among its mentors.

My readings so far have left me with the impression the delivery of 'medical care' is headed in at least a couple different directions. One that may have developed from the Rockefeller promotions of chemically based solutions. To me it has been devolving into checklist, WHO, NIH, AI strictured solutions. I have major concerns that this structure may lend itself to medical care without doctors. No interpersonal relations or advocacy.

The other, which has been being questioned by Medical Boards, has been along the more traditional model. Drs being Drs and relying on their training, their readings and post training experiences as well as insights offered by other successful practitioners. Clearly, what is being offered by your friends here expands beyond that. Perhaps the closest effort here in the states is the FLCCC, a work in early process.

I think the Model the Ippocrateorg is developing is vital to an availability of physician delivered medical care going forward. I expect you know, I favor the second direction. First for the benefit of physicians themselves. Then for their patients. To fashion this option, particularly here in the States (I'm not sufficiently informed beyond the states to comment) there needs to be freedom and an acceptance of and adequate renunerations for this more personal comprehensive option. An example of the problems the first model is generating - I read many current medical school grads cant pass tests for competency.

It's a huge job ahead to effectively accomplish the needed mission! A congratulations to everyone for developing an admirable system which can also serve as an example! Power to you!

Very Bestest ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Thank you again You are looking very healthy

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Where/how would one find a practitioner who is aligned with this style of medicine? If one is nearby (southern Missouri), I would engage that practice immediately for me (very few health concerns) and my wife (multiple concerns caused by 2 strokes). She’s 81, I’m 79.

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Good luck Ron. I'm just east of Kansas, south of Kansas City MO. Finding someone that takes Medicare isn't easy so projecting it would be even harder to find what you are looking for.

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Whether a practice accepts Medicare is not a priority. I would happily sign on with a pay as you go practitioner.

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Shelley, do you have a provider as described in Dr. Malone’s article?

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No. I see a nurse practitioner at a clinic run out of the county’s hospital, although I rarely see her as she is out all the time with medical issues because of her obesity, she can barely move. It’s been three years since I’ve had a physical which is really having a blood work-up. I had a great doc in Salem OR but I moved here 7 years ago.

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