Jul 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life. "


Your are no fool Dr. Malone. That is for sure. Most of us do not know who to ask so we are Thankful for your persistence.

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from Rebel News in my neck of the woods.


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I appreciate Rebel News. I live in the U.S., but kept up with the truckers' convoy in Canada and found Rebel News to be one of the best news sources. I saw the police brutally attack Alexandra Lavoie. Now I understand Justin Castro is trying to shut down alternative media like Rebel News. (He really does look like Fidel Castro, doesn't he? Especially since he got a shorter haircut.)

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Justin is a genuine "boy toy". <GAG>

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Hmmm. I think he might like that description. I wonder these days if Sophie is still standing by his side or if she will step away to save her children.

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The last I heard was back in April https://www.rebelnews.com/rebel_news_is_suing_justin_trudeau

Actually, according to multiple news sources, he looks like Jim Carrey in the movie Dumb & Dumber

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Jul 25, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The bottom line is that the institutions that are supposed to be protecting the individual from harm have all been corrupted with money from special interests who have a priority other than the health of the individual on a global basis! It’s time for humanity to take back their sovereignty and independence!

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and personal responsibly for one's own health!

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Will read Panda Report tomorrow. On Fox News, Jesse Watters show, tonight was a segment on the lies that were told by the likes of Fauci and Brix. Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost. Finally! Still have the nagging question of WHY did the experts lie to America? What did they hope to gain? Honesty is th best policy as lies always come out eventually.

Thank you Dr Malone ror being on our side and telling the truth.

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Delighted to hear Jesse talked about the lies told to Americans tonight! The truth is coming out!!! ‼️‼️‼️‼️

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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022

Fox really blew it, you're right. I had been hanging in there for Tucker, but all in all it's not worth hearing "safe and effective" a million times, nor the billion times I heard Kars for Kids on Serius/XM.

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We can take victory as it comes wherever it comes from. Sincere repentance is acceptable.

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Today I read this satirical article with the headline, “WHO director arrested for crimes against humanity, the WEF may be next.” by Vancouver Times, a website for satire https://vancouvertimes.org/who-director-arrested-for-crimes-against-humanity/ I thought: OK, there are a lot out there who wish for justice like me. But shockingly immediately there were fact checkers on the table “clarifying” what they call misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines in this satire article, stating that COVID-19 vaccines went through rigorous testing and clinical trials and that they have correctly been deemed safe and effective by CDC and FDA https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/who-director-arrested/ UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!

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Alas I am reading Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk. A great read about the history of vaccines, the lie that they eradicated the diseases they purported to, how the diseases are mostly eradicated through sanitation, hygiene measures, and the public health measures that can work (as you often suggest), and the complete warp of "science" as a servant of politics. This has been going on for a couple hundred years.

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WHO is just people … or, today, primarily one person (we all know, WHO)… No country should follow one person’s (or any group’s) psychopathic dream of global control over other human beings.

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Thank you Dr Malone.

Sorry to go off topic, wondered if you had seen this news release today from the American Heart Association….

Are they really saying that the SARS Cov-2 spike protein is cardio-toxic, yet you should still take the vaccine to prevent heart damage from the spike? Wowsers.


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Talk about lack of deductive reasoning.

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Dealing with the WHO is as easy as dealing with the CDC: don't listen to their fear porn.

Take care of yourself with good food, exercise, sunshine and loving people around you.

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Thanks Doc for another very informative stack!!! Your insight is simply INVALUABLE! And so are YOU! 💖

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Having managed a read through of your review and suggestions as well as what seems to be a rather gentle Panda review, I conclude WHO is as corrupted as HHS and many other government agencies. That WHO is definitely not as it exists a legitimate organization worthy of ruling the world. Their contract for production of Covid passports and suggested purposes alone provide evidence of their capture as a part of the Great Reset. While having a legitimately intentioned source for information gathering, advice and followup has merit, that’s not what we have here.

I believe I’ve heard that the WHO operation will be up again (August or October) for consideration of approval - essentially as it stands - as the Global Ruling Body for health. Biden has been supporting they assume such a role.

I will be forwarding the information you have provided us to my contact and will ask him to get a copy to Andy Harris, MD, Maryland’s only (Republican) representative in Congress. So far so good for his re-election chances. I expect Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and his associates and Ron Johnson might also consider it.

Am hoping to find additional information to pass along as to when this will be coming to a head and how we/they might get involved with a loyal opposition.

You are super appreciated! And a big Thank You!

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Excellent. I’ll be sharing it with my contacts, along with the most recent episode of The Highwire: EPISODE 277: COVID RELAPSE at https://thehighwire.com/videos/episode-277-covid-relapse.

I especially appreciate and will use the template letter. Unfortunately, I expect to receive another response like the one below. Shown here is my Congressman’s reply to a letter I wrote objecting to COVID shots for children (my letter included plenty of supporting facts).


July 22, 2022

Dear Name omitted:

As you know, the coronavirus is a respiratory disease that was first detected in China and has spread to nearly every country in the world. On January 31, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency and on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared coronavirus a pandemic.

Thanks to President Trump's Operation Warp Speed, safe and effective vaccines were developed by applying existing mRNA technology to the SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) genetic code. The vaccines underwent the typical Food and Drug Administration (FDA) vaccine development process, including laboratory research, clinical trials, and FDA license applications. It is a testament to scientists, as well as the foresight and initiative of the Trump Administration, that Americans began receiving doses of COVID-19 vaccines less than a year after the disease was first detected in the United States. By now, 223 million Americans-that's over 67%-have been fully vaccinated and can help prevent the spread of severe COVID-19. As President Trump recently said, vaccines work, and as more Americans choose to get vaccinated, the more we can return to normal life.

While the science shows that COVID-19 vaccines prevent serious illness and death for most adults and children over the age of 5, trials are still ongoing to determine the efficacy and dosage of vaccines for young children. COVID-19 vaccines are not currently authorized for children under the age of 5.

While vaccination is the best way to prevent the spread of serious illness and protect our vulnerable neighbors, ultimately, the decision to vaccinate one's child must belong to the parent. I firmly believe, along with all House of Representatives Republicans, that the federal government has no business telling families how to manage their private health concerns. As such, I do not support vaccine mandates. For more information on COVID-19 vaccines for children and teens, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact me about this issue. As your representative in Congress, it is important to me to know your thoughts and opinions about issues affecting our nation today. I also encourage you to visit my website, www.simpson.house.gov, to sign up for my e-newsletter and to read more about my views on a variety of issues.


Name omitted

Member of Congress

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President Trump cannot be faulted for listening to incompetent advising physicians. Think “Thalidomide” when suggesting that it was wise to introduce an insufficient in vivo use of an experimental drug to Americans. Though your objections to mandates and childhood injections is noteworthy, your failure to suggest that a bureaucratic physician like Fauci should never have been seen as the final word. I don’t think we have seen the worst of it yet. Doublespeaking physicians glibly speak of “Long COVID” ignoring the high likelihood of “long ‘vaccine’ damages.”

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The like button didn't work but I like your comment!

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I like that you liked my comment. Sometimes the LIKE button doesn't LIGHT up. Sometimes a browser refresh will clear the problem. But thank you!

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Not sure I understand your response.

Just to clarify: I did not write the letter shown in my comment. The letter shown was written to me by my Congressman. The letter I wrote to my Congressman said nothing at all about Trump or Fauci.

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That’s part of the problem with the response. Fauci was and is the problem And I would’ve expected my congressman to have taken a position on him.

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Oh, thank you for clarifying!

My Congressmen has considerable healthcare funding, as do most. This and other letters from him have used copy/paste template replies that completely ignore the real problems or the actual concerns I expressed. Probably read and written by a staffer!

At the heart of this mess is an entire cabal of bad actors -- Fauci, Birx, and so many others mentioned in RFK Jr's book "The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on

Democracy and Public Health by RFK Jr.":



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"Member States" Hmm? World Wide Scheme. All the puppets in place. So much more going on than the squirrels you're supposed to be focused on. It's creepy. No Fear. Onward ---->

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I sense the nasty involvement of the WEF. Tedros is beyond stupid (as I've said previously = like a box of hair). The WEF +/- China owns him IMO; he didn't come up with it himself. At this rate, we'll all die of aggravation before they implement the (NOT) "great reset."

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How much more evidence of lying, of putting our future health in jeopardy and the implementation of their plan to dominate the world will it take to convince people to wake up and say “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore”?

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Fear of the government is what we need not fear of Covid, racism, transphobia, sexism, white extremism, or an unnecessary war. They have a huge head start and at a minimum the future looks dark unless the useful idiot brigade mutinies.

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“We’ve yet to understand that if I am starving, you are in danger.” –James Baldwin

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If your own government doesn't represent your interests, why would the WHO?

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