How ironic ! Had the DoD spread that same antivax propaganda in the U.S. they would have saved lives. So why exactly is the DoD discrediting non-U.S. COVID drug sources and either silent or promoting U.S. COVID drugs ? It appears the DoD has joined our entire Federal medical system and our major media in being puppeted by pharma and or pharma's interest holders. Much like Gates, I'm betting Black Rock, State Street, Berkshire Hathaway, Welcome Trust, and more are untraceably complicit.
What might also be interesting to know, is what the interested parties within our Government believe are the attributes of the modified mRNA platform - revenue ?, really beneficial (healthwise) ?, other? At this point they seem to support widespread deployment.
Perhaps they weren't and it is a false-flag story about the Trump admin because Trump hates China and will do anything to discredit it, even it if means people die.
It's hard to imagine people so heavily propagandized that they still believe covid shots ever saved lives. As if Pfizer and the government requesting 75 years to hide the original study data was not enough of a red flag.
I experienced it today. A very nice young man, a documentary maker, moved his car because I had parked badly. We discussed the CV19 era. He said he believed the shots saved lives. How could I prove to him they did not?
We are nearing a "boy who called wolf" scenario where we become so used to the gov/med establishment lying like rugs that if a real wolf appears at the door we will not respond appropriately. That is another reason all this infernal lying needs to be stopped.
They think we are the threat (to their democracy) and we think they are the threat to our republic. I'm of the mind that not many in the gov will know if a threat comes because it appears obvious to me that even Fauci was not aware of the plan to release the covid virus. It caught him off guard even.
I am worried if ever a really bad bug comes down the pike we will be programmed to ignore sensible advice. Example--say a really nasty bacterial outbreak occurs and we are told to mask up. Well, bacteria are not viruses and masks work but.. ...
I strongly recommend to one and all that your best defense to whatever is coming next, work on strengthening your immunity, by eating the right foods, exercise, and supplements. You have to think of becoming much stronger, with super immunity!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm old and recently is the only time I have been required to wear a mask, even over past decades when visiting people in the ICU or having just come out of it. I don't recall any people walking around in masks prior to C. If it's a national event I probably won't listen. If it is local in nature, I'd be more likely to follow orders. They have been trying for years to get us frightened with H1N1, Ebola and others such things that make their way here. With the open border chances of widespread disease becoming rampant it hospitals is more likely .
But it is still *the same worm in the apple*, silently, viciously and insidiously working and destroying lifes and the tissue of our social Crhistian society.
Excellent article Dr. Malone - thank you. Incredible what these liars are capable of which is why I no longer believe anything the mainstream pushes out. I’m thrilled I am here on your Substack for thought provoking articles and IMO THE TRUTH 🙏🏻💯♥️
After listening to you on HighWire just this morning (I'm a little behind) I see someone I know post that she has Covid and all her friends 30/50 years old are totally clueless about any of this! They still say things like "good thing we're vaccinated or it could be worse". These are highly educated, "doing good for the world" people. I will DM her today and give her some of the info I have. I know she respects me and knows me well (I performed their wedding ceremony). It is so true, if you only listen to MSM the current unfolding of bad news is nowhere on their radar. Who is living on another planet them or me?
'The reports of the death of Operation Mockingbird are greatly exaggerated' (apologies to Mark Twain).
It is said that CIA Mockingbird and its hawkish descendants have their talons buried deep in not only Our domestic "All the News That's Fit to Print"rags but in many eminent, influential foreign journals of similar mien. e.g. Reuters.
Great find Dr. Malone and good digging. Your questions are great as are the hypothesis. And yes, many diverse reasons can be true at the same time. We are so beyond the state of 'it can't be this or can't be that', cause yes it usually is! The senior officer quote in bold has a chance of holding up because it can be played from both ends - MSM will say it's just like the Trump admin to think that way, not even questioning the authenticity of the quote.
Hahaha, the US is Prohibited from Propaganda against citizens LOL! I laughed out loud. It’s more accurate to say “the US is prohibited to NOT run propaganda against its citizens” — it’s like they HAVE TO RUN IT ON US smh. This is the act of Menticide, destroying our mental fortitude:
As noted yesterday, Shelly and I came across information we had not been aware of. Knowing how busy you folks have been, we thought it might be useful for you to be aware of (if you weren't already)
Oligarch Bird Flu Planning
Shelley and I recently shared efforts in checking out Bird Flu rabbit holes. We thought you might want to be aware, if indeed you aren't already, in what we learned.
Our immediate quest Bagan with a comment that Trudeau said he got his orders from the Bilderburg group. A check established the Rockefellers, Kissinger and Schwab were at the 2023 meeting.
12 hrs ago
Just Found - From Virginia state group addressing medical issues and threats. They seem to offer this as a positive
"NOTE: Rick Bright was the director of BARDA, COVID pandemic response whistleblower and now Senior VP of Rockefeller Foundations Pandemic Prevention and response".
The Council on Foreign Relations held a webinar about the Avian Flu Outbreak (full transcript) and preventing the Next Pandemic with State and local officials on May 29th, 2024. Please note as you read my comments in italics.
Over three hundred attendees from 47 states and territories listened as Jennifer Nuzzo & Rick Bright discussed the history of Avian flu and its propensity to create the next pandemic.
Bright self-reported that he has studied H5N1 (Avian flu) since the first human cases in 1997 and has studied the virus,
FYI - in my pursuit of IDs of the Supreme Globalists establishing objectives, the Rockefellers are amongst my prime suspects.
11 hrs ago
Thanks for this post Jean. Did a quit Wikipedia on both and Wiki is so proud of them!
Oct 29, 2019 he participated in a “"Universal Flu Vaccine" meeting at the Milken Institute School of Public Health with other government officials, including Anthony Fauci. The meeting discussed a perceived need to "blow up the system" in-order to bypass regulatory control on mRNA vaccines. Participants also discussed the need to create an "aura of excitement" and "make influenza sexy" in order to revive government funding and drive production of mRNA vaccines, which Bright and others considered superior to "traditional egg-based vaccines".
Bright claims he was reassigned to NIH because of his warnings about the virus and his opposition to off-label use of hydroxychloroquine, and asked the HHS Inspector general to investigate his demotion. He resigned. Biden (as pres elect) brought Bright back on Nov 9, 2020 to his 13 member C task force. He was hired by Rockefeller March 2021.
Nuzzo is a Senior Fellow for Global Health at the CFR. Creds include Doctor of Public Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is the director and principal investigator of the Outbreak Observatory, a research project working to document infectious disease outbreaks and how governments respond to them. Nuzzo serves as an associate editor of the Health Security journal. She participated in the Clade X bioterrorism preparedness exercise in May 2018. [I think Malone was discussing Clade ?] She was previously the lead epidemiologist for the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Testing Insights Initiative within the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.
I wonder if Info Wars monitored this 5/29 CFR webinar. Sounds like they have a special seasoned medical/science person in 47 states. Yes, prime suspect the Rockefellers - this villain is everywhere.
10 hrs ago
WOW! Great find! Thanks for sharing!
In case you are interested in checking out my source, she seems to offer links to source documents its
10 hrs ago
WOW! Great find! Thanks for sharing!
In case you are interested in checking out my source, she seems to offer links to source documents its
Sheila’s Newsletter! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.
Started as
Welcome to the new format for the newsletter for the Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance
The Alliance is Northern VA.
Substack author
Sheila M Furey, MD
10 hrs ago
I just checked her SS out. Looks great. Her SS has mentioned Alex Newman who also does webinars for JBS.
It seems the plan has been activated and we are in for some more fearporn but on the bird flu this time. Heaven help us!
I think I'll try and offer what we have here as an off topic when our good Docs here are into comments& to convey it as a "useful to be aware of" in case, in their very busy lives, they want to be aware
No wonder the Soviets laughed at us when they found out that we actually listed to the News. They knew their News was all propaganda and lies and just ignored it. That is where I am with all main stream sources of news. It's my belief that if the media tells you the sky is blue and it really is, they aren't being truthful for the sake of being truthful, they are just trying to get build a little confidence to set you up for a bigger lie that they have planned. Same goes for the federal government. What a freaking way to live:/
A preprint study co authored by Dr. Peter McCullough, published in May, described a novel method of deactivating the genetic alteration effects of the mRNA Covid vaccinations, providing hope to the billions of people who’ve been genetically mutated.
The study described a method of turning off the production of the spike protein.
“The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna biodistribution studies refute the assertion that nanolipid-bound nms-mRNA remains in the deltoid muscle or axillary lymph nodes. Detectable vaccine mRNA levels remaining in various tissues raises potential safety concerns,” the study said in the ‘Conclusions’ section. “The possibility of vaccine mRNA integration into the host genome and the prospect of unintended protein production due to read through advocate for a mechanism to eliminate lingering synthetic mRNA and halt damaging Spike protein production. The use of siRNA and RIBOTACs to target and degrade vaccine mRNA are promising approaches to mitigate deleterious health effects. The ability to readily tailor the siRNA and RIBOTACs to target an mRNA of interest makes these techniques particularly appealing, although further investigation is warranted to address challenges which include possible off-target effects and immune system activation.”
That could be worth $$$ if it works, but unless there is a change in Admins no one in the FDA will approve, cause the jabs, although not effective, were not harmful in this way - no remedy is required.
How ironic ! Had the DoD spread that same antivax propaganda in the U.S. they would have saved lives. So why exactly is the DoD discrediting non-U.S. COVID drug sources and either silent or promoting U.S. COVID drugs ? It appears the DoD has joined our entire Federal medical system and our major media in being puppeted by pharma and or pharma's interest holders. Much like Gates, I'm betting Black Rock, State Street, Berkshire Hathaway, Welcome Trust, and more are untraceably complicit.
I thought the same thing: why spread anti-vax campaigns? I wonder if they were doing it to see if the campaigns were effective, no matter the message.
Essentially could they convince a population snow was black:
Agree with you 100%! If they did that in the states, they would’ve saved lives…. Well that’s if they actually wanted to. They may have wanted those lives lost smh:
What might also be interesting to know, is what the interested parties within our Government believe are the attributes of the modified mRNA platform - revenue ?, really beneficial (healthwise) ?, other? At this point they seem to support widespread deployment.
Perhaps they weren't and it is a false-flag story about the Trump admin because Trump hates China and will do anything to discredit it, even it if means people die.
It's hard to imagine people so heavily propagandized that they still believe covid shots ever saved lives. As if Pfizer and the government requesting 75 years to hide the original study data was not enough of a red flag.
They do though z. I know some and that 75 sealed request, which was rebuffed, is not widely know because the gov media omits facts such as that.
What would anyone know if their total news input was from the alphabet news agencies who get their talking points from the Gov alphabet agencies.
I experienced it today. A very nice young man, a documentary maker, moved his car because I had parked badly. We discussed the CV19 era. He said he believed the shots saved lives. How could I prove to him they did not?
Not exactly a "Stop the spread while losing those extra pounds" kinda message is it?
They coulda hired the weight loss marketer dudes, instead of DOD for best results.
I predict the flaring of tensions at the next Sino-American Bribery & Infiltration Summit.
Vanguard #2
over 250 million filipinos buying Pfizer instead of Sinovac! what a huge market for the genocidal Pfizer.
We are nearing a "boy who called wolf" scenario where we become so used to the gov/med establishment lying like rugs that if a real wolf appears at the door we will not respond appropriately. That is another reason all this infernal lying needs to be stopped.
Might we need to identify the liars and assure they are among those dispatched?
No one has yet to even be served up a "TIME OUT" for bad behavior.
Let alone arrested and stood Courtroom trials.
Senate investigations are dog and pony shows so far.
Gotta go buy a nice suit. Gonna be on TV all week.
They think we are the threat (to their democracy) and we think they are the threat to our republic. I'm of the mind that not many in the gov will know if a threat comes because it appears obvious to me that even Fauci was not aware of the plan to release the covid virus. It caught him off guard even.
I am worried if ever a really bad bug comes down the pike we will be programmed to ignore sensible advice. Example--say a really nasty bacterial outbreak occurs and we are told to mask up. Well, bacteria are not viruses and masks work but.. ...
I strongly recommend to one and all that your best defense to whatever is coming next, work on strengthening your immunity, by eating the right foods, exercise, and supplements. You have to think of becoming much stronger, with super immunity!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm old and recently is the only time I have been required to wear a mask, even over past decades when visiting people in the ICU or having just come out of it. I don't recall any people walking around in masks prior to C. If it's a national event I probably won't listen. If it is local in nature, I'd be more likely to follow orders. They have been trying for years to get us frightened with H1N1, Ebola and others such things that make their way here. With the open border chances of widespread disease becoming rampant it hospitals is more likely .
So well stated! Thank you
But it is still *the same worm in the apple*, silently, viciously and insidiously working and destroying lifes and the tissue of our social Crhistian society.
Excellent article Dr. Malone - thank you. Incredible what these liars are capable of which is why I no longer believe anything the mainstream pushes out. I’m thrilled I am here on your Substack for thought provoking articles and IMO THE TRUTH 🙏🏻💯♥️
After listening to you on HighWire just this morning (I'm a little behind) I see someone I know post that she has Covid and all her friends 30/50 years old are totally clueless about any of this! They still say things like "good thing we're vaccinated or it could be worse". These are highly educated, "doing good for the world" people. I will DM her today and give her some of the info I have. I know she respects me and knows me well (I performed their wedding ceremony). It is so true, if you only listen to MSM the current unfolding of bad news is nowhere on their radar. Who is living on another planet them or me?
'The reports of the death of Operation Mockingbird are greatly exaggerated' (apologies to Mark Twain).
It is said that CIA Mockingbird and its hawkish descendants have their talons buried deep in not only Our domestic "All the News That's Fit to Print"rags but in many eminent, influential foreign journals of similar mien. e.g. Reuters.
Reuters has WEF ties as well as Pfizer ties.
I'll go with "An example of the US Government attempting to pick winners and losers in public health medical countermeasure" for $500. 00 Alex.
Ding ding ......and that's our daily double!
Great find Dr. Malone and good digging. Your questions are great as are the hypothesis. And yes, many diverse reasons can be true at the same time. We are so beyond the state of 'it can't be this or can't be that', cause yes it usually is! The senior officer quote in bold has a chance of holding up because it can be played from both ends - MSM will say it's just like the Trump admin to think that way, not even questioning the authenticity of the quote.
Great example of media mockingbird melody - this one is on "extremely dangerous to our democracy"
Hahaha, the US is Prohibited from Propaganda against citizens LOL! I laughed out loud. It’s more accurate to say “the US is prohibited to NOT run propaganda against its citizens” — it’s like they HAVE TO RUN IT ON US smh. This is the act of Menticide, destroying our mental fortitude:
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"? Bill Casey CIA Director February 1981.
COVID and the jabs were the worst genocide in the history of the world. It is past time for Nuremberg 2.0. Fauci should go first. Gates can be next.
God Bless America.
I’m so glad for all your research. You have a gift to find pertinent info. Thank you. Such propaganda.
As noted yesterday, Shelly and I came across information we had not been aware of. Knowing how busy you folks have been, we thought it might be useful for you to be aware of (if you weren't already)
Oligarch Bird Flu Planning
Shelley and I recently shared efforts in checking out Bird Flu rabbit holes. We thought you might want to be aware, if indeed you aren't already, in what we learned.
Our immediate quest Bagan with a comment that Trudeau said he got his orders from the Bilderburg group. A check established the Rockefellers, Kissinger and Schwab were at the 2023 meeting.
12 hrs ago
Just Found - From Virginia state group addressing medical issues and threats. They seem to offer this as a positive
"NOTE: Rick Bright was the director of BARDA, COVID pandemic response whistleblower and now Senior VP of Rockefeller Foundations Pandemic Prevention and response".
The Council on Foreign Relations held a webinar about the Avian Flu Outbreak (full transcript) and preventing the Next Pandemic with State and local officials on May 29th, 2024. Please note as you read my comments in italics.
Over three hundred attendees from 47 states and territories listened as Jennifer Nuzzo & Rick Bright discussed the history of Avian flu and its propensity to create the next pandemic.
Bright self-reported that he has studied H5N1 (Avian flu) since the first human cases in 1997 and has studied the virus,
FYI - in my pursuit of IDs of the Supreme Globalists establishing objectives, the Rockefellers are amongst my prime suspects.
11 hrs ago
Thanks for this post Jean. Did a quit Wikipedia on both and Wiki is so proud of them!
Oct 29, 2019 he participated in a “"Universal Flu Vaccine" meeting at the Milken Institute School of Public Health with other government officials, including Anthony Fauci. The meeting discussed a perceived need to "blow up the system" in-order to bypass regulatory control on mRNA vaccines. Participants also discussed the need to create an "aura of excitement" and "make influenza sexy" in order to revive government funding and drive production of mRNA vaccines, which Bright and others considered superior to "traditional egg-based vaccines".
Bright claims he was reassigned to NIH because of his warnings about the virus and his opposition to off-label use of hydroxychloroquine, and asked the HHS Inspector general to investigate his demotion. He resigned. Biden (as pres elect) brought Bright back on Nov 9, 2020 to his 13 member C task force. He was hired by Rockefeller March 2021.
Nuzzo is a Senior Fellow for Global Health at the CFR. Creds include Doctor of Public Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is the director and principal investigator of the Outbreak Observatory, a research project working to document infectious disease outbreaks and how governments respond to them. Nuzzo serves as an associate editor of the Health Security journal. She participated in the Clade X bioterrorism preparedness exercise in May 2018. [I think Malone was discussing Clade ?] She was previously the lead epidemiologist for the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Testing Insights Initiative within the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.
I wonder if Info Wars monitored this 5/29 CFR webinar. Sounds like they have a special seasoned medical/science person in 47 states. Yes, prime suspect the Rockefellers - this villain is everywhere.
10 hrs ago
WOW! Great find! Thanks for sharing!
In case you are interested in checking out my source, she seems to offer links to source documents its
10 hrs ago
WOW! Great find! Thanks for sharing!
In case you are interested in checking out my source, she seems to offer links to source documents its
Sheila’s Newsletter! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.
Started as
Welcome to the new format for the newsletter for the Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance
The Alliance is Northern VA.
Substack author
Sheila M Furey, MD
10 hrs ago
I just checked her SS out. Looks great. Her SS has mentioned Alex Newman who also does webinars for JBS.
It seems the plan has been activated and we are in for some more fearporn but on the bird flu this time. Heaven help us!
I think I'll try and offer what we have here as an off topic when our good Docs here are into comments& to convey it as a "useful to be aware of" in case, in their very busy lives, they want to be aware
Great Catch! Again - Thanks for sharing!
Good info
No wonder the Soviets laughed at us when they found out that we actually listed to the News. They knew their News was all propaganda and lies and just ignored it. That is where I am with all main stream sources of news. It's my belief that if the media tells you the sky is blue and it really is, they aren't being truthful for the sake of being truthful, they are just trying to get build a little confidence to set you up for a bigger lie that they have planned. Same goes for the federal government. What a freaking way to live:/
God help us all in this crazy upside down world! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌏😳🤯
And how have things worked out for the Filipinos? Posted in May:
"Explosive Hearing: Philippines' House of Representatives Investigates 290K+ Excess Deaths"
mRNA Vaccine ‘Off Switch’ Discovered — Study
A preprint study co authored by Dr. Peter McCullough, published in May, described a novel method of deactivating the genetic alteration effects of the mRNA Covid vaccinations, providing hope to the billions of people who’ve been genetically mutated.
The study described a method of turning off the production of the spike protein.
“The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna biodistribution studies refute the assertion that nanolipid-bound nms-mRNA remains in the deltoid muscle or axillary lymph nodes. Detectable vaccine mRNA levels remaining in various tissues raises potential safety concerns,” the study said in the ‘Conclusions’ section. “The possibility of vaccine mRNA integration into the host genome and the prospect of unintended protein production due to read through advocate for a mechanism to eliminate lingering synthetic mRNA and halt damaging Spike protein production. The use of siRNA and RIBOTACs to target and degrade vaccine mRNA are promising approaches to mitigate deleterious health effects. The ability to readily tailor the siRNA and RIBOTACs to target an mRNA of interest makes these techniques particularly appealing, although further investigation is warranted to address challenges which include possible off-target effects and immune system activation.”
That could be worth $$$ if it works, but unless there is a change in Admins no one in the FDA will approve, cause the jabs, although not effective, were not harmful in this way - no remedy is required.