There are undoubtedly so many “acts” that are used every day against the American people. I did not know about this particular one until reading Dr Malone’s post. Another nefarious way to bring Americans in “line” to behavior that the elites demand in their march to conquer us. Has anyone else noticed the speed with which this is beginning to happen? It was slow at first, so we wouldn’t notice. Now the conquering train has accelerated and they are no longer trying to hide their methods. I will contact my so called representatives in Congress about these bills, feeling that I am doing “something “ to combat the takeover of my country. But it feels so futile!

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Please also read the booklet, and watch the video of "The Great Taking". It's the same people doing this evil. Www.theGreatTaking.com.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The government no longer believes in deterring crime by penalizing consequences. They want to prevent it. And that means you have to use all these draconian methods. Like social medicine and all other supposedly more humane collectivist policies, they are somewhat benign at first. But they quickly become a greater evil rather than a greater good. Because their justification requires the denial of individual rights of property, liberty, etc.

Jefferson etal warned us about this from the get-go in the declaration of independence. The minute the government sees those rights as being alienable, you're headed for trouble.

Unfortunately, both parties have embraced this insanity. It was funded by catastrophic levels of debt. And now that the debt approach is beginning to become noticeably problematic, they're transitioning to the manage-the-decline mode. Each phase of the insanity requires more and more MICRO-management of the population. Because they're making MORE and MORE people angry.

That's why Klaus Schwab said something like "there's a lot of angry people. But they're going to get a lot MORE angry." He sees clearly what their approach requires, and he is more than willing to go there. Heck, he may be looking forward to it.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Kash Patel & Company are coming for those who illegally used FISA & FISC for their nefarious designs on tens of thousands of USA Citizens. Justice is coming when, again, President Trump is in charge.

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Respect for Kash!

"Government Gangsters" does a great job documenting how FISA could be reformed. I hope Kash gets his chance to make a difference in the next White House. We need warriors like him.

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Kash is certainly one of my USA Heroes.

As our USA stands at the precipice of another Human "dark age", it will be the Champions like Kash Patel and Robert Malone who will do the heavy lifting to pull We the People back from the fall into the abyss.

To state the obvious, President Trump's second election to the office of POTUS is the critical key to any reforms in the broken Federal government.

But, as with any chief executive, his/her leadership is only as good as the educational advise given by those closest to the chief executive. When that educational advise to reform a federal government institution is delivered directly to the ear of POTUS Trump, the better the chance of it moving forward as executive policies leading, hopefully, to program designs of reform.

Being a Presidential Advisor with direct communications with POTUS Trump is essential for any chance of reform occurring.

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One can only hope and pray. That American sovereignty is restored and that the globalist pukes are punished severely.

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Are you sure Former President Trump will clean this up or will it be - out with the old guard and in with the new? I agree with FPT on many of his polices especially bringing manufacturing back home. Of course President Biden is taking credit

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the heads-up and the link to easily contact our representatives, Dr. Malone!

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just left a message with my representative. Thank you for the heads up, how many people don't have a clue about these bills? Most... These are frightening moves toward the demise of our freedoms, where are these peoples heads and hearts? Fear and power are insidious bedfellows.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

6570, which (quoting) "would also ban law enforcement from buying Americans’ data that they would otherwise need a warrant to obtain", inspires the question:

Who's being allowed to SELL the data, and why? While we're at it, who's being allowed to sell all our heath data to just about anyone with money.

Yes, this is an important issue to be writing to congress about. Apparently they're tired of negotiating amendments, and want to force a choice between the two bills as they are. No great choice here, just bad and worse.

At this point, seeing authorization to snoop simply expire seems like the best option.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For those that are contacting their Rep, A critical vote on the Biden Impeachment Inquiry is scheduled for TOMORROW. I can't wait to see how many GOP Reps vote no. At least the Senate has no say at this juncture.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

BTW: A majority of SCOTUS justices declined a motion to intervene from RFK Jr. in the Missouri v. Biden. Kennedy's case was consolidated at the district court level with the Missouri lawsuit. However, when the courts issued a preliminary injunction in the Missouri case, they declined to rule on a motion for an injunction from Mr. Kennedy and his co-plaintiff.

The justices who rejected the motion didn’t explain their reasoning. Justice Samuel Alito said in a dissent that intervention in cases before the Supreme Court is unusual but that he would grant Mr. Kennedy’s motion. https://resistthemainstream.com/supreme-court-rejects-request-from-robert-f-kennedy-jr/ This site picked it up from The Epoch Times

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The likes of Peter Strzok have polluted our intelligence services. These smirking egomaniacs have their own agenda - power. It ain't theirs, it's ours. There's a rumbling in the hinterlands. We're on to your schemes, Petie, Hayden, Clapper and Brennan, et al.

Thank you for the news and the U.S. Rep links. Done did it.

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Thanks for the heads up you’re a true American who we can count on to keep us informed about what really matters, and this issue matters.

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We got this way by most ignoring the obvious threats assuming they were good people and would never be threatened. We got this way by accepting policies to intrude on our freedoms like TSA, confiscation of property in so called potential drug crimes, allowing Snowden and Assange to be vilified for warning us, etc. We own it since we’ve had many opportunities to demand change and instead refused to be inconvenienced enough to consider the potential direction by connecting the dots. I’ll call my congressman but know he’s a Uniparty faithful and will do whatever it takes to keep his job and power regardless of the damage it reaps once he’s gone.

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One indicator of the merit of the two competing bills is, who is on the committees?

I took a look and for me - how to say this - I have less discomfort with the House Judiciary Committee. Each reader should form his/her own opinion.

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - https://intelligence.house.gov/about/hpsci-members.htm

House Judiciary Committee - https://judiciary.house.gov/about/membership

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Agree; we have some heavyweights there. Lots of Dem lulus, too.

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Thanks Doc, for the heads up. I'm reminded of the lyrics of The Who--meet the new boss, he's the same as the old boss.

The federal government is rotten to the core. We are Rome.

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Beg to differ. We are in worse shape. They did not have electronic surveillance during the time of the Roman Empire

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I’m represented by an anti-American democRAT that loves surveillance of Americans, so my concerns to him are mute 😡

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Ditto! But despite exposing myself, decided its past time to let them know there are voters that don't agree with them.

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I'm not sure what I would do or not do. I do not want to be exposed and put on a list of people the different USG agencies can hit for whatever reason they want. I am so grateful to live in a red congressional district in a red state.

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God I came from a communist country. Sounds like I haven't left.

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Time is short. Time to speak up. Heavens knows our revered Malone's are and have been setting the example.

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They know it, they just don’t care.

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Off Topic: Do you own, or know someone that does, a small business? Have you heard of the Corporate Transparency Act? A new reporting rule under the law means that businesses will need to file information with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (a bureau within the U.S. Treasury), including personal information about the people who are associated with the business, or risk penalties for noncompliance. This is being done in the name of "fighting money laundering."

Publicly traded companies, U.S. operating companies with 20 or more full-time employees and $5 million in sales, and some others are exempt.

The Act was part of an expansive national defense authorization package on Jan. 1, 2021 that had wide bipartisan support before being vetoed by President Trump. Both houses of Congress voted to override the veto.

Article behind a paywall: https://www.theblaze.com/columns/opinion/32-million-small-businesses-are-about-to-get-blindsided

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Ugh. "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you..."

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Here is a link to the Reps on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: https://intelligence.house.gov/about/hpsci-members.htm

Here is the link to Judiciary: https://judiciary.house.gov/about/membership

No doubt we all know how this will end up. Most Reps have two employers.

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