Democrats believe immigration should be increased because they have no idea what's been happening at the border since Biden got in. Thanks corporate media!
Jimmy Dore interview with RFK on immigration yesterday was eye opening.
What would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating is New York City’s response to the illegal immigrants landing there. It’s a crisis! They are overwhelmed! But I’m sure the residents still have zero concern for small towns near the border that are simply buried in illegals without anything like the resources at NYC’s command.
The day Trump made his announcement for the 2016 election, he immediately announced the country’s major issues as he saw them. He had them all covered. In terms of time, we are only a nano second away from collapse and a 2023 Pres candidate that does not understand the issues plaguing our nation for the last two decades has no business coming to the public almost empty-handed of not just remedies but what ails it. When Kucinich became his campaign manager in May, perhaps that has something to do with his lack of issue awareness. Dennis has quite the losing streak and maybe real ‘issues’ is the reason.
The big message I get is that criminal groups are controlling this area much more than our government is. These criminal groups appear to be sufficiently funded and organized to pose a real threat to U.S. forces. This is hard to imagine. It is difficult to overlook the possibility that someone inside the U.S. government is acting to protect those criminal groups. I know that Corporate is not really reporting that these groups exist, which assists them.
Various "humanitarian" groups are concerned about the well being of these illegal travelers, and have set up camps and assistance for them. But they do nothing to disable the criminal groups. Are these actually international criminal groups with connections to many government officials?
Well, yeah. Some of these 'humanitarian" groups are NGOs paid for by USAID as helpers. The Catholic Church is a supporter of mass migration since it has become aligned with the WEF and its one world order.
A few months ago I called to try to get some response from my local Catholic Charities office. No one answered, and no one returned my recorded message. My donations went during mass to $0.
Much of the billions of dollars the cartels takes in goes to train their "army" of thugs to fight effectively. They also have all the money they want to buy as many sophisticated weapons as they wish.
The administrative state has been out of control for a long time. Only because of their massive overreach has the curtain begun to be pulled back. It might sound like a slogan when Trump says, "They're not coming after me, they're coming after you." Actually, they are, and they have been.
Trump said it during his first run. Most everything he has said has been proven to be correct; and, they (the neo-Marxists) have gotten a lot more people on their team than I thought they would. Very worrisome.
Do people actually think that Joe Biden is aware of any of the issues that were queried in the poll? I wonder who is writing the words on his teleprompter, and who administers the drugs before his public appearances. If he wasn't such a mean-spirited hair sniffer, I'd feel sorry for him.
Mitch "the Chinese Turtle" McConnell has been writing his speeches up until the other day, when the ghost of Epsteins island past stood before him at the podium
These issues create deep fractures in our country. We all think of our bill of rights (the first ten amendments) as protections of our freedoms because it restricts government. The past 3 years, and I must include Obama’s administration, we have witnessed the largest infringements to our rights in recent history. These infringements have much larger repercussions than the lose of liberties and freedoms. With the authoritarian changes brought on by the Biden administration we all sense a feeling of fear, self doubt, depression and anxiety. These tyrannical policies also reflect on the worlds view of a society that’s greatness comes from its liberty and freedoms. Beyond that it weakens our financial standings and the value of the dollar. He is creating global instability. Until this man exits, probably off the wrong side of the stage, this country will continue to lose large portions of its moral and financial fabric. God help us and God help America. J.Goodrich
Had a great conversation today with one of my favorite docs at my annual exam, and he is the only doc I know that is on the same, limited-government plane that I'm on (we somehow figured out that we were on the same page, politically, some years ago). We are much further along the road to Marxism that we have thought. Think about it - Dept. of Justice, IRS, Immigration, Education, Military, Congress, HHS, X number of states that are past the point of return......................I'm sure there are more that I've left out. I'm not confident that we will come out on the other end of this situation without very dramatic conflict.
Indeed, this physician agrees with your doctor that Marxist ideology is upon us thanks mostly, in my view, to our first communist President Barack Hussein Obama. As an Army psyops officer in Vietnam, pre-medical school, I dealt with Marxist trained defectors and combatants. My father was a military cartographer constantly preparing for the next war. The minute Obama started talking I smelled a rat, trained by his Marxist parents and grandparents. His useful idiots are still in our government bureaucracy several layers deep and demented Joe has fostered their growth, knowingly or unknowingly. But who has the political courage to expose and go after Obama?
Re the top image---There is no elephant any more, it morphed into a donkey.
As to "decrease", the poll should have asked "completely halted" until such time as it complies with the law and actual asylum for political persecution. Unfortunately, the MSM has kept the true state of the southern border invasion under wraps for the most part. Contrast that with the coverage in 2017, where photos of detention camps in the previous administration were run incessantly as Trump"s camps.
I suppose these agencies have always been used to harass opposition to the current administration, its just that now they don't try to hide it, they openly admit it, and they rub your face in it...
I continue to be shocked at how little people know about what is going on in the world. The censorship of the truth by the MSM has created a cultish faction who continues to take at face value the nonsense it spouts, and those who have been reading substack and the dozens of alt media sites that have sprouted up over the past 3 years. Those within the cult continue to comfortably dismiss distaff viewpoints as "conspiracy theories", having been given permission by the MSM and government to employ anti-rational and anti-scientific thinking. Those of us who are reading the alt media, while continuing to slap our foreheads at the massive ignorance of the blue-pilled majority would do well to remember two things:
1. Truth will win eventually, but it is a slow train. ("“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." Theodore Parker)
2. Not everything printed in the alt media is completely accurate, even while it is far more accurate and certainly less biased by financial interests than the MSM. We must maintain humility about what we think we know and what we actually know.
I am married to a person who is not concerned about the border crisis. He is a legal immigrant from Ecuador. He just doesn't get it and I can no longer bring up the subject because it ends in a fight. I am living with the enemy. I tell myself everyday to be grateful (per Dennis Prager) and it has brought peace to my soul somewhat.
Interesting. Every legal immigrant I know (and it's quite a few) is adamantly against the open borders and illegals and illegals getting US govt money. Every person I know who ever lived in or near a border city (including myself) are loudly and firmly against open borders. And they know exactly what is coming across, that not even 1 out of 100 are "nice people just trying to better their lives." It's horrible for our citizens living in those cities.
An interesting fact. A new law signed by the gov of Ill. could result in you being arrested by a cartel thug or one of the many members of eastern european mafiosos we have so generously invited into our Republic. Seems non citizens in Ill. can now be hired as cops
Yes, very unusual. I can only contribute it to his liberal education in South America. His ideas are global. I had no idea that global ideas go as far back as 25 years and spread the continent. He spent 8 years in South American colleges. Thanks for your input! I appreciate your reply. If you have any insight, please share.
That's a tough situation you are in, Deci. When the illegals come for his job he may get a new view. I'm not sure that there is a pain-free future for any of use, Deci. It has gotten way too far from normalcy. The Dept. of 'Justice' is an obvious example. They aren't doing the overthrow of the government like they used to (by force). They are doing it through 'The long march through the institutions'. Read about Antonio Gramsci, and Italian communist.
We are self employed. We own a retail jewelry store and he is a jeweler which is a skill he learned from his father in Ecuador. It was a path to citizenship since there was a shortage of jewelers. I manage the store and I "am grateful" for what I have. I will read about Antonio Gramsci. Is there a book?
No book that I am aware of. I learned of him online some years ago. He was an Italian Marxist that was physically impaired, but a Marxist, nevertheless. He went to Russia for a period of time, and then back in Italy, with time spent in prison. What I see as his greatest contribution to Marxism was his idea that they take a slow approach, beginning with education of children. They did manage to get many college/university faculty into the cause for communism, to start the ball rolling, as it was. I went to mid-sized college in the Midwest in the mid-late 60's, and my first instructor in English lit was the faculty sponsor for the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society). That organization was a front student group for the radicals of the day, and organizers of violent demonstrations. So was the development of communism in the universities and then the public schools.
The Epoch Times has a new documentary on the immigration crisis, and if you watch it, see what border areas are experiencing, and do not think it is a crisis, you have major problems. I know it's impossible, but I'm about ready to round up every single person who is here illegally and transport them to some country far away. Even better, send the Democrats and about fifty percent of the Republicans from DC with them.
Our country has rounded up illegals before and sent them packing. Between Truman and Ike it was 1.4 million. We can and should do it again. Take that old figure, add a zero to it. Might take a few years..
Unfortunately, those in charge are uninterested. Maybe if we ever get someone honest in the White House, the DOJ, etc. something will be done. I'm not optimistic. I'm not even sure we'll ever have an honest, fair presidential election again.
If we get started officially that would be better than what I'm afraid will happen if they don't. The ethnic cleansing in Europe will look minor in comparison.
"This is what the massive propaganda campaign and censorship have bought this administration." Great words by RFK -- Especially since his Uncle also doubted the "alphabet agencies:"
From Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud, Big Media Corporations and all, we're all under direct propaganda attack from all sides. All we can do is keep on trucking along!
It's my firm belief that all those 30+ vs 56-60+ numbers also reflect the real, true vote in 2020. However they cheated (and we now know for a fact they did in a hundred different ways, along with Zuckerberg's big box help) they changed the real vote but they can't change the surveys done afterwards and the numbers above aren't much different than they were before Biden "won," and before the first year of Biden was over.
People need to stop thinking "political party" and division - it's not really political at all, it's the mind of the people, a WAY of thinking, a moral vs immoral belief system, and that way of thinking draws them to the party, not the other way around. In other words, the people's thinking came first and became the party, not the other way around. My neighbor is a Democrat whether he's ever voted or not. 🙄
The end times are so clearly spelled out in the scriptures and for those things to occur it is expected "Democrats" will begin to outnumber "Republicans" per se... for the wolves to outnumber the sheep. For the immoral to outnumber the moral. The immoral have no conscience, no firm moral foundation or ethical boundaries vs those who do. That total lack of accountability draws the wicked - it's good against evil. Same thing all the Covid business boils down to, good against wicked.
Sheila, I agree with you 100 % and have felt and argued with liberal family and friends for years. Many I just give up on because it is a useless waste of my breath. I have such a hard time understanding how the evil could possibly get to 51% but yet I think we could be there. I often tell people and my wife that I’m in purgatory. I’m not sure why I was sentenced to be here, but here i am. Unfortunately the evil entering this place, as you say, seem to be overtaking the good.
James, I understand that and the frustration for sure... but then we read the OT and can realize it really HAS been worse (and also know it will get worse yet). We are blessed with the knowledge that our time here is but a blink of the eye and we have a better home. We are to maintain until then and continue to share the gospel - it's Jesus who changes hearts and minds, never ourselves or even rationale. Rather than argue specific liberal talking points we should share the gospel and pray people come to know Him - then He will change their thinking. I don't want even my worst enemy to go to hell. ie. Not even Fauci despite the tremendous number of lives he has destroyed. If one TRULY has some idea what hell really is and that it's forever without time, you wouldn't wish it on anyone. 😔 But we can plant the seeds even though we rarely get to see them sprout it doesn't mean they won't. Jesus said He wished that ALL would be saved. So we continue with the Greater Hope that is within us. Be of good cheer, He has overcome the world. ❤️
Sadly, irrespective of what one believes about the man or the system, Trump is unelectable. It is a mathematics problem, not a corruption problem (not that there are not a boatload of those). So the Dems are perfectly happy to have him run (from prison or not) because solid analyses from both sides of the aisle (I have seen them both) shows that Trump will always be 50EV short. And that is all that matters.
Either people will wake up and add up the numbers or we will have another four years of senile maundering and Marxist shift. Denialism never won an election, sadly. The frank abuse of the DOJ contrasting Trump and Biden is horrifying. And it is easy to understand why the 40% of died-in-the-wool Trump supporters are increasingly incensed (as we all should be). But that will not win an election, sadly.
I do not believe a single official pronouncement. No one believes the vote counts for Biden. But the electoral college votes are relatively easy to assess. And a handful of states (all those that shut down together last time before the vote magically shifted from Trump to Biden while they were shut down) control the outcome. Nothing else matters.
And this precisely why the progs want to kill the e.c. and why we must fight them tooth and nail to save it. With its demise a half dozen or so cities elect POTUS.
Yes, clearly the powers that be will never let a 2016 happen again. In their arrogance they thought the normal slights of hands (votes) here and there would win them another.
According to David Becker, ERIC located 17 million new voters for the 2020 election, the most in the history of their organization. For comparison, they only found 5.7 million new voters in 2012, Obama’s reelection. Becker actually published this information. Of the 34 States that used his vote making scheme, I think half have dropped out, including MO.
It is a testament to the power of the confidence tricks that are being played that a patriot of this distinction should base a piece on the results of polling. Given that every other established source of information has been polluted why would the results of these polls have anything to offer us save sophisticated manipulation? Lies can be very carefully constructed to steer the controlled debate.
It matters not what some bunch of groupthink as labelled by the filth, whether left or right, are said to think or not think. What matters is the fact the each individual person must awaken to their personal grave responsibility to reject the polarisation and conflict that has been spoon-fed to our people for decades, to fully understand that we must return to mutual respect in discussion whether in agreement or dispute, to reject the false gods being projected as capitalist success, when it is nothing of the sort, and to recognise that failure to do so will be our own failure and it a triumph for evil. Our future generations have only us to rely on for this.
Democrats believe immigration should be increased because they have no idea what's been happening at the border since Biden got in. Thanks corporate media!
Jimmy Dore interview with RFK on immigration yesterday was eye opening.
What would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating is New York City’s response to the illegal immigrants landing there. It’s a crisis! They are overwhelmed! But I’m sure the residents still have zero concern for small towns near the border that are simply buried in illegals without anything like the resources at NYC’s command.
The day Trump made his announcement for the 2016 election, he immediately announced the country’s major issues as he saw them. He had them all covered. In terms of time, we are only a nano second away from collapse and a 2023 Pres candidate that does not understand the issues plaguing our nation for the last two decades has no business coming to the public almost empty-handed of not just remedies but what ails it. When Kucinich became his campaign manager in May, perhaps that has something to do with his lack of issue awareness. Dennis has quite the losing streak and maybe real ‘issues’ is the reason.
The immigration part of the interview:
The big message I get is that criminal groups are controlling this area much more than our government is. These criminal groups appear to be sufficiently funded and organized to pose a real threat to U.S. forces. This is hard to imagine. It is difficult to overlook the possibility that someone inside the U.S. government is acting to protect those criminal groups. I know that Corporate is not really reporting that these groups exist, which assists them.
Various "humanitarian" groups are concerned about the well being of these illegal travelers, and have set up camps and assistance for them. But they do nothing to disable the criminal groups. Are these actually international criminal groups with connections to many government officials?
Well, yeah. Some of these 'humanitarian" groups are NGOs paid for by USAID as helpers. The Catholic Church is a supporter of mass migration since it has become aligned with the WEF and its one world order.
A few months ago I called to try to get some response from my local Catholic Charities office. No one answered, and no one returned my recorded message. My donations went during mass to $0.
Parishioners may be the only faithful left. Bergoglio has had what 10 years to dismantle Christ‘s Church. Michael Matt is still hopeful and puts out a video every week with the latest news. His Remnant Newspaper keeps me in touch with some goods news, always needed. He used to have his videos on YouTube but he’s been banned. Check him out if you haven’t already.
Much of the billions of dollars the cartels takes in goes to train their "army" of thugs to fight effectively. They also have all the money they want to buy as many sophisticated weapons as they wish.
Those American made weapons we sent to Ukraine winding up in the hands of the cartel in mexico is pretty slick, eh?
You knew the cartels have been running global marketing campaigns for human trafficking on TikTok?
Law and Border, I think?
The administrative state has been out of control for a long time. Only because of their massive overreach has the curtain begun to be pulled back. It might sound like a slogan when Trump says, "They're not coming after me, they're coming after you." Actually, they are, and they have been.
Trump said it during his first run. Most everything he has said has been proven to be correct; and, they (the neo-Marxists) have gotten a lot more people on their team than I thought they would. Very worrisome.
George Carlin screamed this decades ago, and very few, if anyone paid attention to "that nutjob comedian"
He's looking down saying, " I told you assholes, so! "
Do people actually think that Joe Biden is aware of any of the issues that were queried in the poll? I wonder who is writing the words on his teleprompter, and who administers the drugs before his public appearances. If he wasn't such a mean-spirited hair sniffer, I'd feel sorry for him.
Who writes (CFR member) Joe Biden's words? Probably his (CFR Member ) speech writer Daniel Benaim.
Mitch "the Chinese Turtle" McConnell has been writing his speeches up until the other day, when the ghost of Epsteins island past stood before him at the podium
These issues create deep fractures in our country. We all think of our bill of rights (the first ten amendments) as protections of our freedoms because it restricts government. The past 3 years, and I must include Obama’s administration, we have witnessed the largest infringements to our rights in recent history. These infringements have much larger repercussions than the lose of liberties and freedoms. With the authoritarian changes brought on by the Biden administration we all sense a feeling of fear, self doubt, depression and anxiety. These tyrannical policies also reflect on the worlds view of a society that’s greatness comes from its liberty and freedoms. Beyond that it weakens our financial standings and the value of the dollar. He is creating global instability. Until this man exits, probably off the wrong side of the stage, this country will continue to lose large portions of its moral and financial fabric. God help us and God help America. J.Goodrich
Had a great conversation today with one of my favorite docs at my annual exam, and he is the only doc I know that is on the same, limited-government plane that I'm on (we somehow figured out that we were on the same page, politically, some years ago). We are much further along the road to Marxism that we have thought. Think about it - Dept. of Justice, IRS, Immigration, Education, Military, Congress, HHS, X number of states that are past the point of return......................I'm sure there are more that I've left out. I'm not confident that we will come out on the other end of this situation without very dramatic conflict.
Indeed, this physician agrees with your doctor that Marxist ideology is upon us thanks mostly, in my view, to our first communist President Barack Hussein Obama. As an Army psyops officer in Vietnam, pre-medical school, I dealt with Marxist trained defectors and combatants. My father was a military cartographer constantly preparing for the next war. The minute Obama started talking I smelled a rat, trained by his Marxist parents and grandparents. His useful idiots are still in our government bureaucracy several layers deep and demented Joe has fostered their growth, knowingly or unknowingly. But who has the political courage to expose and go after Obama?
And this destructive change has been done under a President who has spent more time on vacation while in office than any other President.
He has spent not only more time on vacation while in office than any other president, but also more time on vacation THAN in office.
Thank you for this piece.
Re the top image---There is no elephant any more, it morphed into a donkey.
As to "decrease", the poll should have asked "completely halted" until such time as it complies with the law and actual asylum for political persecution. Unfortunately, the MSM has kept the true state of the southern border invasion under wraps for the most part. Contrast that with the coverage in 2017, where photos of detention camps in the previous administration were run incessantly as Trump"s camps.
Morphed into a mule ... ftfy
I suppose these agencies have always been used to harass opposition to the current administration, its just that now they don't try to hide it, they openly admit it, and they rub your face in it...
I continue to be shocked at how little people know about what is going on in the world. The censorship of the truth by the MSM has created a cultish faction who continues to take at face value the nonsense it spouts, and those who have been reading substack and the dozens of alt media sites that have sprouted up over the past 3 years. Those within the cult continue to comfortably dismiss distaff viewpoints as "conspiracy theories", having been given permission by the MSM and government to employ anti-rational and anti-scientific thinking. Those of us who are reading the alt media, while continuing to slap our foreheads at the massive ignorance of the blue-pilled majority would do well to remember two things:
1. Truth will win eventually, but it is a slow train. ("“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." Theodore Parker)
2. Not everything printed in the alt media is completely accurate, even while it is far more accurate and certainly less biased by financial interests than the MSM. We must maintain humility about what we think we know and what we actually know.
I’ve evolved from a conspiracy theorist to a pattern recognition specialist.
I am married to a person who is not concerned about the border crisis. He is a legal immigrant from Ecuador. He just doesn't get it and I can no longer bring up the subject because it ends in a fight. I am living with the enemy. I tell myself everyday to be grateful (per Dennis Prager) and it has brought peace to my soul somewhat.
Interesting. Every legal immigrant I know (and it's quite a few) is adamantly against the open borders and illegals and illegals getting US govt money. Every person I know who ever lived in or near a border city (including myself) are loudly and firmly against open borders. And they know exactly what is coming across, that not even 1 out of 100 are "nice people just trying to better their lives." It's horrible for our citizens living in those cities.
An interesting fact. A new law signed by the gov of Ill. could result in you being arrested by a cartel thug or one of the many members of eastern european mafiosos we have so generously invited into our Republic. Seems non citizens in Ill. can now be hired as cops
I heard that a few weeks ago. Has it actually been done?
Signed by the gov
Just when you think they can't possibly get more stupid or more corrupt.... SMH
Yes, very unusual. I can only contribute it to his liberal education in South America. His ideas are global. I had no idea that global ideas go as far back as 25 years and spread the continent. He spent 8 years in South American colleges. Thanks for your input! I appreciate your reply. If you have any insight, please share.
That's a tough situation you are in, Deci. When the illegals come for his job he may get a new view. I'm not sure that there is a pain-free future for any of use, Deci. It has gotten way too far from normalcy. The Dept. of 'Justice' is an obvious example. They aren't doing the overthrow of the government like they used to (by force). They are doing it through 'The long march through the institutions'. Read about Antonio Gramsci, and Italian communist.
We are self employed. We own a retail jewelry store and he is a jeweler which is a skill he learned from his father in Ecuador. It was a path to citizenship since there was a shortage of jewelers. I manage the store and I "am grateful" for what I have. I will read about Antonio Gramsci. Is there a book?
No book that I am aware of. I learned of him online some years ago. He was an Italian Marxist that was physically impaired, but a Marxist, nevertheless. He went to Russia for a period of time, and then back in Italy, with time spent in prison. What I see as his greatest contribution to Marxism was his idea that they take a slow approach, beginning with education of children. They did manage to get many college/university faculty into the cause for communism, to start the ball rolling, as it was. I went to mid-sized college in the Midwest in the mid-late 60's, and my first instructor in English lit was the faculty sponsor for the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society). That organization was a front student group for the radicals of the day, and organizers of violent demonstrations. So was the development of communism in the universities and then the public schools.
Thank you!
The Epoch Times has a new documentary on the immigration crisis, and if you watch it, see what border areas are experiencing, and do not think it is a crisis, you have major problems. I know it's impossible, but I'm about ready to round up every single person who is here illegally and transport them to some country far away. Even better, send the Democrats and about fifty percent of the Republicans from DC with them.
Our country has rounded up illegals before and sent them packing. Between Truman and Ike it was 1.4 million. We can and should do it again. Take that old figure, add a zero to it. Might take a few years..
Unfortunately, those in charge are uninterested. Maybe if we ever get someone honest in the White House, the DOJ, etc. something will be done. I'm not optimistic. I'm not even sure we'll ever have an honest, fair presidential election again.
No we can't ever have one again. The One World Government depends on it.
If we get started officially that would be better than what I'm afraid will happen if they don't. The ethnic cleansing in Europe will look minor in comparison.
"This is what the massive propaganda campaign and censorship have bought this administration." Great words by RFK -- Especially since his Uncle also doubted the "alphabet agencies:"
Agreed 100%! The "alphabet agencies" have been turned on the American People and are directly attacking us via propaganda:
From Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud, Big Media Corporations and all, we're all under direct propaganda attack from all sides. All we can do is keep on trucking along!
It's my firm belief that all those 30+ vs 56-60+ numbers also reflect the real, true vote in 2020. However they cheated (and we now know for a fact they did in a hundred different ways, along with Zuckerberg's big box help) they changed the real vote but they can't change the surveys done afterwards and the numbers above aren't much different than they were before Biden "won," and before the first year of Biden was over.
People need to stop thinking "political party" and division - it's not really political at all, it's the mind of the people, a WAY of thinking, a moral vs immoral belief system, and that way of thinking draws them to the party, not the other way around. In other words, the people's thinking came first and became the party, not the other way around. My neighbor is a Democrat whether he's ever voted or not. 🙄
The end times are so clearly spelled out in the scriptures and for those things to occur it is expected "Democrats" will begin to outnumber "Republicans" per se... for the wolves to outnumber the sheep. For the immoral to outnumber the moral. The immoral have no conscience, no firm moral foundation or ethical boundaries vs those who do. That total lack of accountability draws the wicked - it's good against evil. Same thing all the Covid business boils down to, good against wicked.
Sheila, I agree with you 100 % and have felt and argued with liberal family and friends for years. Many I just give up on because it is a useless waste of my breath. I have such a hard time understanding how the evil could possibly get to 51% but yet I think we could be there. I often tell people and my wife that I’m in purgatory. I’m not sure why I was sentenced to be here, but here i am. Unfortunately the evil entering this place, as you say, seem to be overtaking the good.
James, I understand that and the frustration for sure... but then we read the OT and can realize it really HAS been worse (and also know it will get worse yet). We are blessed with the knowledge that our time here is but a blink of the eye and we have a better home. We are to maintain until then and continue to share the gospel - it's Jesus who changes hearts and minds, never ourselves or even rationale. Rather than argue specific liberal talking points we should share the gospel and pray people come to know Him - then He will change their thinking. I don't want even my worst enemy to go to hell. ie. Not even Fauci despite the tremendous number of lives he has destroyed. If one TRULY has some idea what hell really is and that it's forever without time, you wouldn't wish it on anyone. 😔 But we can plant the seeds even though we rarely get to see them sprout it doesn't mean they won't. Jesus said He wished that ALL would be saved. So we continue with the Greater Hope that is within us. Be of good cheer, He has overcome the world. ❤️
It IS a visceral-type of situation, wherein the wolves may outnumber the German Shepherd dogs.
Not yet I think - but it's really really close....
Sadly, irrespective of what one believes about the man or the system, Trump is unelectable. It is a mathematics problem, not a corruption problem (not that there are not a boatload of those). So the Dems are perfectly happy to have him run (from prison or not) because solid analyses from both sides of the aisle (I have seen them both) shows that Trump will always be 50EV short. And that is all that matters.
Either people will wake up and add up the numbers or we will have another four years of senile maundering and Marxist shift. Denialism never won an election, sadly. The frank abuse of the DOJ contrasting Trump and Biden is horrifying. And it is easy to understand why the 40% of died-in-the-wool Trump supporters are increasingly incensed (as we all should be). But that will not win an election, sadly.
Biden is officially the most popular presidential candidate ever based on number of votes. And you think this is a mathematics problem?
I do not believe a single official pronouncement. No one believes the vote counts for Biden. But the electoral college votes are relatively easy to assess. And a handful of states (all those that shut down together last time before the vote magically shifted from Trump to Biden while they were shut down) control the outcome. Nothing else matters.
And this precisely why the progs want to kill the e.c. and why we must fight them tooth and nail to save it. With its demise a half dozen or so cities elect POTUS.
Yes, clearly the powers that be will never let a 2016 happen again. In their arrogance they thought the normal slights of hands (votes) here and there would win them another.
According to David Becker, ERIC located 17 million new voters for the 2020 election, the most in the history of their organization. For comparison, they only found 5.7 million new voters in 2012, Obama’s reelection. Becker actually published this information. Of the 34 States that used his vote making scheme, I think half have dropped out, including MO.
People need to know!
Pfizer paid $2.8 Billion in healthcare fraud settlement.
Merck paid $4.85 Billion in Vioxx settlement.
GlaxoSmith Kline settled healthcare fraud for $3 Billion.
Chemicals our bodies do not like: aluminum, artificial sweetners, floride, glyphosate, GMO's, mercury, opioids, talcum, and ...
Just seeing if I can post.
yes you can!
Yep! Gaslighting works! Especially if you are brain dead! Looks like the Democrats win that poll!
It is a testament to the power of the confidence tricks that are being played that a patriot of this distinction should base a piece on the results of polling. Given that every other established source of information has been polluted why would the results of these polls have anything to offer us save sophisticated manipulation? Lies can be very carefully constructed to steer the controlled debate.
It matters not what some bunch of groupthink as labelled by the filth, whether left or right, are said to think or not think. What matters is the fact the each individual person must awaken to their personal grave responsibility to reject the polarisation and conflict that has been spoon-fed to our people for decades, to fully understand that we must return to mutual respect in discussion whether in agreement or dispute, to reject the false gods being projected as capitalist success, when it is nothing of the sort, and to recognise that failure to do so will be our own failure and it a triumph for evil. Our future generations have only us to rely on for this.