Jun 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I only just started to read this post so my comment may be premature as I don't know what else you said yet. ( I'll get to it but felt compelled to respond right away). One thing I'll say is I don't know how you do what you do, how can anyone with so many commitments have enough time to write the informed posts you do that are so deep they mostly go over my head! Anyway, I just wanted to say that your comment about friends not being friends anymore and not supporting y'all or even turning against you. The only thing that should tell you is they were never friends in the first place. Part of your red pilling needs to be understanding this. Truth has always divided people and led to those on the right side being vilified by those on the wrong side. Think Jesus here. As a disciple of Christ, we should keep that in mind. I hope this is encouraging instead of discouraging. All this happening to you has a reason. Perhaps God is calling you to a deeper knowledge of Him. I pray that is so as that kind of persecution is eternally worth it. God bless you!

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"Perhaps God is calling you to a deeper knowledge of Him. I pray that is so as that kind of persecution is eternally worth it." The evil is now so apparent, and so depraved, and so determined to make all of us submit, that I believe lots of people are beginning to question. The Bible has the answers for us. My faith in Christ, who saved me 47 years ago, is what sustains me. Even with that, and even being a decided non-celebrity who has faced only a minuscule amount of opposition compared to the Malones and others, I realized recently that I am traumatized. When I saw the compilation which circulated recently of rabid vaccine pushers who were wishing death or other harm on the unvaccinated, it was very painful. My own brother told me I was putting others in danger. I have alienated others because I just won't shut up about this plandemic and the toxic shots. I am grateful to Robert and Jill and to many others who have stood tall during this evil time and have helped the rest of us to do so.

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Anne, you are me. Your pain is shared by me and countless others. It is so painful to so clearly see the truth and atrocities being committed against the public, but to be black-sheeped by those who can only remain in the bubble of a false realty, including those we love.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautifully said!

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My mother had a cute saying about friendships on the paths of aging and wisdom.

People will come in and out of your life. Some just stay longer. Love and trust the "longer's"!

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What Price Friendship?

Reciprocity: a big word illuminating a big concept. Derived from “reciprocal”, it denotes compensation for a service. That special kind of service found in a marriage, partnership, national sacrifice or really, the opposite of greed. A friend is someone who puts their interests aside and puts yours first; all others are acquaintances.

But why would anyone do that? Maybe for high regard, love, respect, for honour, for nobility or just because it works. It maybe for instinct, because instinct works to transfer viable behaviours between generations. Consider a mother and father wolf, raising their pups to become the pack that serves them all in the future If any selfishness arises there, it either self-defeats or is banished from the pack, or worse.

Humans, far more dangerous than wolves, have lost those simple traits of nobility and substituted narcissism and vainglorious self-aggrandizement in our modern degenerate age Then reciprocity becomes an anachronism, associated with a bygone age, archaic treaties and an older, simpler culture. Your instincts are true to your nobility Robert and Jill, and we should go backward when forward fails. That would be the diagnosis and treatment plan; until healing arises from the societal disease we all witness, there will be suffering, betrail and gnashing of teeth, just like any other dis-ease.

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"A friend is someone who puts their interests aside and puts yours first".

That is codependency, not friendship! Keep in mind what airline passengers are admonished to do in the event of the plane depressurizing: put on YOUR oxygen mask FIRST, and then help your child and others. Otherwise you will probably die and then be unable to help anyone!

Re: wolfpack— wolves have a very advanced and complex social order (so they don't inadvertently kill each other). But they follow instincts, particularly in terms of position within the pack hierarchy. "Selfishness" and "selflessness" are not factors in pack behavior. That is anthropomorphizing.

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Keep your heads high, as you are on the right side of history in the fight of good vs evil‼️

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You and Jill are my real-life heroes. Unfortunately, this is the part of the story where you battle the forces of darkness.


“You (they) can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you (they) can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

― Abraham Lincoln

The truth will come out.

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There are three things you can rely on to forever come out, The Sun/The Moon/The Truth!

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr Malone....your well thought out article should be read in every classroom, every where...thank you for taking the time to go into great detail about your journey....I for one immediately sent it to a friend .....people are clueless to character, I have known from day one that you and Jill are of the highest integrity and I was disappointed when I became aware of even the infighting within the "freedom fighters movement"...very disappointing to say the least...Stay Strong and Carry On....I don't care how many friends I lose...I need truth over friendship....Stay the Course....Much Love and Admiration to you both....❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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I Have No words to Express My Sentiments…Dang, Spot On!!! Ed

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How do I inform myself of this infighting? Who are the nefarious traitors and how can I steer clear of them?

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Ignore them. They are not all "nefarious traitors". Many are just ignorant and have poor discernment. And/or are caught up in the Mass Formation!!!!

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Read “Atlas Shrugged” again!!! Very Best, Ed

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have been beaten down in a personal relationship both physically and verbally and emotionally. I can tell you the emotional abuse is the worse because it is constant. Like you , I don’t view myself as a victim but I view myself as a warrior. I have two theme songs. One is from the Unsinkable Molly Brown called “ I Ain’t Down Yet and the other from the Sound of Music called “ I Have Confidence.

Drs Malone you are Warriors for truth. Hold your head up high and know you are loved by many more than those that defame you.

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Sticks and stones may break my bones.

But names and emotional distains can 'Never" harm me.

Long time honored Mother Goose Quotes? Haha.....she knew...

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I feel you. There is no guidelines to this because everyone is different and hence everyone handles such attacks from outside as well as from within differently. The most important is to stick to yourself, to stay who you are. This is the only but strongest stick to walk through this attack jungle. And see, you are not alone! You are blessed to have each other, to be able to share the pain and hurt, but also the good and joyful in your life (your farm, horses, dogs, chickens and your real friends)! My grandfather used to say: “Go on a hill or mountain and look down. You will see how small everything is, how small we are in this big world.” I do this and it helps, seeing everything from another perspective. This does not mean that what we do is not important, because it is, but it lifts the weight a bit.

Much love, Bettina

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Thank you Bettina - your gesture of the sacher torte on my b-day. And then getting to meet you in person in Austria. It meant a lot.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Others have been attacked in much the same way as you because you are not part of the herd and have integrity, speaking the truth bravely and honestly. Reading the Mink Law information, much of what you have experienced reminds me of Saul Alinsky, the Stalinist propagandist whose techniques for destroying anyone he disliked or disagreed with has been much written about and studied over the years. A communist who very much mirrored Goebbels approach to propaganda, he mixed a small amount of truth in with very large, almost preposterous lies and innuendo, then spread it far wide and was relentless in repetition. And it works, unfortunately, in the short term. In particular, it has been very effective during the Wuhan virus catastrophe, with the perpetrators being shielded from scrutiny and investigation and those, like you and Jill, subject to relentless lies and slanders. But the truth always eventually comes out, as we are seeing from the collapse of the injections regimens recommended all over the world because millions of people are now at least partially aware of the danger from them, no doubt, at least in part, from the good and brave work you and Jill have done to show their danger. Remember, you two, and small band of brothers and sisters, have done the honest and right things in challenging the State/Pharma narrative and all its iterations and lies. By doing so, you have saved millions from early death and lives of suffering and misery. This does not fully ameliorate nor assuage your pain and hurt. But you will be recognized in the future by most all for having the courage to do the right things when others regressed to their baser instincts. Bless you both.

Danny Huckabee

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Saul "Lucifer was the first radical" Alinsky and now here's a book on rules for radicals by Saul Alinsky.

Not everyone needs to contribute to society.

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I'm indeed very glad and grateful you took the time to describe all this. It's a war. There is absolutely no doubt. It is also the downfall of a civilisation. There are hard times coming ahead. Much harder than what we've been through already...

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is a special place in heaven for you and Jill. Some day, when we've been beamed up out of this period of human history, I would love to have the opportunity to have a one on one conversation with you the other side of the veil. We've met, actually, at CPAC, via our mutual friends, the Millers. Know that you have many people praying for you. I'm just one of them.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Robert- you are a friend from afar. We cannot imagine the relentless attacks you’ve endured, (and your wife!) but we’ve felt them in a small way within our spheres. - in family and yes in church. Those we thought closest to us. Thank you for this explanation of the legalese. We pray you will be vindicated. I suggest reading the Psalms. (Yes, the Scriptures) many of them describe how David felt from relentless attacks of false prophets and tyrants and liars (some of whom were his close counselors and turned on him) and how David counseled his heart to deal with it. They are also prophetic about Jesus Christ. (Who suffer the ultimate in false accusations for our sakes.)

Here’s a small portion of Psalm 62:

1 For God alone my soul waits in I silence; * from him comes my sal- I vation.

2 He only is my rock and my salvation, my I fortress;* I shall not be greatly I shaken.

3 How long will all of you attack a man to I batter him, * like a leaning wall, a I tottering fence?

4 They only plan to thrust him down from his high position. They take pleasure in I falsehood. *

They bless with their mouths, but inwardly I they curse.

§ For God alone, O my soul, wait in I silence,* for my hope is I from him.

This is also what we believe Christ did on the cross for us. He not only shed his blood as payment against the debt I owe for my own sins, he suffered every unprovoked wrongdoing done against us, and every wound of grief. “Surely he carried our sorrows.” If comforts me greatly and he offers his comfort to all who put their trust in him. Lord knows weve bee learning not to put our confidence in all our human systems! 😅

May God bless.

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert and Jill, thanks for this plainspoken note and for your courageous work. Many people rely on you for information, perspective, and a gritty example--and that is almost certainly why you have been sticking with your journey. It can't be the money, because there are easier ways to make money, and as you point out, stress and attorneys' fees extract a high price.

Because you are decent people, indecency will sting you harder and more painfully, and it's fair to say that your enemies are also targeting that sensitivity to extract more pain.

You are private people who have become public figures--and not only that, but private people fighting very powerful actors--so you are being rudely slammed in the spit-strewn arena. And that's bruising and demoralizing--as you know better than most.

But you are also getting in your shots, you are landing blows, and the truth ultimately has the home field advantage--because truth, like nature, bats last.

Writing about Confucius (who'd had his own "end of days" struggles), Roger Scruton (who also suffered vicious personal attacks) said the following: "A philosopher ought to say what he thinks, especially at a time when no one who is anyone agrees with him."

Take a bow, Robert and Jill. As far as I can tell, you're in that line--the line of courageous truth tellers--and a very distinguished line it is.

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It is a war against truth. You are both powerful warriors and therefore constant targets. The powerful warriors are targeted the most. God bless you.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How can I even start to express my continued amazement at your diligence, long-suffering and yet, compassionate ending to this real-life drama. Just remember your reward will be the review you will experience after your death. Not the traditional "judgement". The life review where you will see and experience the results of the "good, the bad and the ugly". Your "good" far out ways the bad and the ugly. Kudos!

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No touch torture.

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May God bless you and Jill, surround you with peace, and fill your hearts and minds with the enduring love and protection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lots of people are keeping you both in their prayers. 😇

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I know You could not do what You do without Dr. Jill. I could not do what I do without My Best Friend/Lovely Bride. Give Dr. Jill a Hug From Me. Very Best, Ed

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As an anonymous person who trusts and values your wisdom, please be assured that most of us have no idea (or even care) what your critics are saying. We are just waiting to see what you think about the latest developments to help us understand what is happening and what to think.

There are certainly silver linings to COVID and one is that our eyes are open and new more trustworthy experts, such as yourself, have arisen out of the craziness.

I’m sorry for what you and your family has had to endure but please don’t ever think that it is for nothing. You can’t hear our silence but we are praying for you to keep up the fight!

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The world is beyond beautiful. I look at is Good vs. evil. I throw the garbage in the trash; and treasure the Good. The Good to me is magic. I try to use my brain to sort it out. The smiles, the laughter, make fun of me…I’m an easy target. Much Love, Ed

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