Aug 29, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If we can say anything good about the Faux COVID-19 pandemic it is that it woke up a lot of sheep that blindly trusted our medical care system. I was one of the sheep, like many on SUBSTACK, who are now exposing how broken and fraudulent it has become. Broken to the point of killing millions and pretending it isn’t happening.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was also one of the sheep. I am now a lion. 🦁

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I knew they were fine with harming and killing certain people. The elderly and mentally ill for instance. Looks like now they're coming after everybody. Including the brainwashed doctors who have just followed orders and ignored the harm they do.

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Quite right and leaves little doubt about the existence of these psychopathic killers who have planned their operations from the beginning and that's no conspiracy theory!

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Let me add to my comment with an example. I woke up at 5am, after reading a NIH Study the night before, thinking those Bastards. They know this and simply tuck it into a report you have to search for to cover their asses.

Magnesium Magnesium Magnesium Magnesium


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I just added magnesium to my supplement protocol in the last few weeks. Dr. Mercola finally convinced me. I figure, with the amount of supplements I take (I've taken lots, for years, and since COVID, more have been added to the list), at some point I can just stop eating altogether. 🤡

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Just go zero carbs and sugar.



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Hey, I'm not fat!!! But I realize carbs and sugar are NG. Sigh.

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Magnesium supplementation got rid of my infrequent heart palpitations, and rid of my migraines. Figured this out on my own.

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I take it every night before bedtime

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Many are magnesium deficient. Thank you for posting this.

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Unfortunately there are still many more "sheep" out there living in one form or another in the fake illusory world of mass psychosis.

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great food for thought. Just yesterday in our local newspaper a dr hired this last year by our local university health clinic. This was one of his statements. “ As the children head back to school, make sure they are up to date on their immunizations. Especially in the era of Covid-19 , the protection we get from vaccines is critical. Vaccines are the single most safe and effective medical treatment ever invented. They are so successful in fact, that some people have come to fear the typically rare side effects of vaccines more than the terrible diseases they prevent. Vaccines work. They are less likely to injure you than riding a skateboard, driving to the store or cooking dinner. “

Sad thing is I’m sure he believes what he wrote. They just repeat what they are told.

Thank you Dr Desmet for you research and understanding of Mass Formation Psychosis. Thank you Dr Malone and Dr Jill for your constant research to keep us informed about what is happening.

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Are they stupid, or evil? They can't defend their advice, so it must be stupid or evil. Neither answer is satisfactory. All they need to do is explain their positions, but instead they censor disagreement. The stupid ones might be redeemed. The evil ones probably can't.

Many people believe those who endured years of technical education to get those plush medical jobs are smart. Actually, they're just people with good memories and a willingness to adhere to the orthodoxies demanded of them. Those who are really smart but continue to support the propaganda certainly have other interests than your health -- a good definition of evil.

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The ability to regurgitate memorized material is a poor definition of "smart". Unfortunately, that has become the criteria for evaluating educational achievement.

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I have to say some drs just repeat the narrative. But I do know a few drs who try to do their research. I can’t say that I could lump all drs into one category.

I know I have gone to drs who are condescending no it alls and others who are truly empathetic and listen to your questions.

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They do believe it! I’ve been educating my doctors and pharmacists on flu shots and sunblock. AMAZING that these people push them but don’t know that flu deaths and skin cancer have both increased since the shots and lotion started being pushed.

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I doubt you educated them. I'm guessing their response was noncommittal at best, more likely condescending or outright disregard. The problem with persistent public worship is it makes them arrogant. They don't need your approval, just your gratitude.

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His Doctorate should be taken away. That man is dangerous and certainly a quack. He is totally ignorant and at this late date his actions are totally inexcusable.

I did my research reading numerous old scientific journals then connected the Dots by April 2020 and expected the hysteria to end by May. 1 ,2020. But NOOoooo. Like HIV it became political as well as a monetary disease. For over 2.5 yrs we have had edicts based on scientology and not science.

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"Safe and effective" I've heard that before somewhere.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Robert and Jill for sharing this concise piece by Mattias. So easy to comprehend the words. Not so easy to comprehend how our loved ones could so easily fall under the mass formation 😢

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I agree! How is it that some of us immediately knew the Covid tactics were wrong while others still haven’t figured it out?

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The head of China's CDC held a virtual meeting at the Chinese consulate in Costa Rica with their health authorities in the Spring of 2020. . China told them that HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) was their best weapon against the novel coronavirus. You can verify this by reading the Costa Rican newspaper in an on-line search. This was before President Trump suggested HCQ and zithromax be used as a treatment, after which, HCQ became a political football, instead of a factual debate.

Stupidly, in my opinion, President Trump did not simply support his messages with facts and data at every COVID news conference, which the American Public could interpret for themselves. He could have invited Costa Rican health authorities to verify that China supported the use of HCQ. He could have had experts present to refute Dr. Fauci's opinions on live television about this treatment and the need for it to be administered early.

I believe that early in the Pandemic, China was feeling very vulnerable about its lab leak. If DJT had not decided to go after China and blame them for it, instead of sharing the blame by throwing Fauci under the bus for funding their lab research, he would have had all the support of the WHO he could have asked for and he would have had a second term in office. Do others agree with me about my view?

I would like to know.


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I don't think Trump was responsible for triggering the HCQ cover-up. IVM went the same route with no help from him. They, had to take HCQ down, like IVM, to advance the EUA for the mRNA platform.

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Heart you because you're being idealistically good. Many other routes could have been chosen for HEALTH and Prevention. None were entertained.

WHY? No Money or Control in it.

Think of the President as CEO of usa. He does some stuff, is mainly a figure head, but the Board of directors are really pulling the strings (The Deep State - Certain billionaire families, and a host of oligarch-types and their cronies).

Fauci and Robert Kadlec are extremely powerful peeps.

Please Read last 30/40 pages of Kennedy's book. It explains it all.

"The Real little elf"

lol j/k.

"Real Anthony Fauci"

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The dice were already loaded against a second term. The ghost of Karl Marx could have endorsed him and he still would have lost

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The elections was totally corrupted, so there was no way for Trump to have won.

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Yep, this. Trump won, but he wasn't going to retain the presidency no matter what he did or said. The fix was in. The wholly corrupted swamp saw to it that he'd "lose."

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So you use this forum to attack Trump. Trump is NOT a physician; he is a very smart man who became President. I saw through the COVID scam early because I’m an experienced physician, though retired, and I already knew what mRNA’s role was in humans. Dr Fauci, Birx, Collins et al could’ve/should’ve done what you accuse Trump of not doing. Your attack on Trump is stupid and political. There are other forums to push your leftist narratives...

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I agree with you. Options were many, although complex and time consuming. But blame is quick and dirty - and few politicians are fond of sharing it.

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The nature of one's relationship to authority? ...Karma...?

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The truth seekers view are coming together and the truth is known: I fear for future generations if we don't reverse course and stop going down the mRNA road now!


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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Proud to say I did not fall for the mass formation. In other words, I called BS from the beginning. 😆 While the governor of my state was still making the announcements about “flattening the curve” with two week shutdowns, I was leaving his office a message about the insanity and lack of science and authority to do so. I honestly did not think that businesses and churches would comply. It made me sick when they did and that’s when I gave up on my country and stopped singing “land of the free and home of the brave”. We became “land of the masked because of the weak”. I NEVER masked my kid and those who did should be ashamed of themselves.

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Totalitarianism is a religion for secularists. They don't want a traditional God or gods, but they want to believe in something bigger and more powerful than themselves. So, they set up a group of men to form a collective called the State. The State will be the god they trust, obey and worship.

Combine Statism with Scientism (not science) and you get Technocracy.

Yes. I am aware that not all secularists support totalitarianism. Many oppose it.

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As I posted before, studies have shown there is hardwired into the DNA of some 80+% of humans a "need" to believe. It they can not accept conventional religion, this is where they go to find solace. Obviously not so much so hence the vitriol.

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I am thrilled to learn Mattias is finally on Substack! I am looking forward to interviewing him for my new Dissident Dialogues series:

• "Dissident Dialogues: CJ Hopkins" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-cj-hopkins)

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Thanks so much for the link and providing my first experience of your work with C.J.Hopkins..will be following Dissident Dialogues very religiously from now on....

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Wow, Tony, I am delighted to hear that! You will not be disappointed in CJ’s work! Indeed, his book was just banned by Amazon in Germany (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-rise-of-the-new-normal-reich-b88), so I advise picking it up while you still can.

And I have an amazing lineup of guests for Dissident Dialogues, so thank you for tuning in! :-)

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Thanks again, and speaking about theatre I have been re-reading Robert Bolt's play, "A Man For All Seasons" about Thomas More and find it extremely relevant to the issues we are in the midst of today.

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What a brilliant and tragic living example of integrity—to the death, no less.

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Quite right and Bolt wrote in the Preface (1960) to his remarkable play: " we no longer have, as past societies have had, any picture of individual Man( Stoic Philosopher, Christian Religious, Rational Gentleman) by which to recognize ourselves and against which to measure ourselves; we are anything. But if anything, then nothing, and it is not everyone who can live with that, though it is our true present position. Hence our willingness to locate ourselves from something that is certainly larger than ourselves, the society that contains us." And then he cautions that society will offer little refuge or help for those seeking to know their identity and more often than not will thwart an individual's search and try to absorb him/her into the group thinking that is being promoted at the time. This should sound ominously familiar to many of us in 2022, 62 years later.

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My father in law would call churchmen "rabble rousers" to politely ridicule folks of faith (i.e. us).

Now I see him with his eyes glued to the media (priests), his strict adherence to rules (government church), his rituals of hand sanitizing and masking, his proselytizing about how we all should be, his shaming/coercion and refusing to see his own un-jabbed child and grandchildren...it seems very cultish to me. He is clearly disconnected from his own words.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just finished reading this book yesterday. After putting it down, you look around and the world seems a little bit different.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Would you please elaborate?

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The signs of Mass Formation are detectable around. The theory appears to explain observable phenomena.

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I continue to have the same experience. The challenge now is to not become a "black pilled" nihlist.

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The black pill might be necessary. The red pill isn't working.

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While the optimist and pessimist were arguing, I drank their water.

-The Opportunist

It doesn't matter, you're drinking government water that's been poisoned and fluoridated.

-The Conspiracy Theorist

It doesn't matter, we're all going to die anyway.

-The Nihilist

If you can read any of this you can thank me.

-The Optometrist

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This is a challenge worth the challenge! Keep the faith and know that we are Divine Beings and not merely human. (Even if the Divine has been covered over by power and fear.)

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Helpful, without a doubt. However, this more than humankind politics at play for power.

We might be puzzled at the Why? Why this global orchestrated cabal would even want to do, with all their busybody efforts, the DECEPTION, what we have proof they are doing.

It's out in the open lately more than ever.

The WHY was written long ago but it's not taught where it ought, and people do not read the original written WORD for themselves. It's all there. No mystery. Many that do read use a modern sanitized (corrupt) version. Others only listen to faux sweet talkers or fear mongers in the temples and churches and are misled further. We're all on the same one-way road. Speed has been building and building.

There is A exit before the ROCK WALL DEAD END.

To whom soever will ONWARD---->

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Any who haven't yet read Dr Desmet's recent book should do so. It's magnificent. My only criticism of that book, this essay, and similar works is they focus on diagnosis, not prevention. In every mass formation event, every cult, every mad rush to follow the herd over the cliff, there are some who don't join, some who recognize the psychosis and resist. We should want to learn to be like them.

My observation has been that mass formation is driven by fear, as Desmet describes, but that fear is driven by ignorance. Learning to understand that which we fear changes the psychology from paralysis to analysis, producing solutions instead of stampedes. This disaster and most others are driven by generations of failed education systems. The totalitarian prefer an ignorant society, and make great efforts to assure it. Lenin bragged about it, and his successors all subverted education to become indoctrination. That's why we are here. To recover, we need to force education on the population, then correct the schools to emphasize critical thinking. Destroy the indoctrinators, the censors, the propagandists, or we'll see continued deterioration. Civil discussions and polite conversation haven't worked, and will never work. Fixing this problem requires much more emphatic responses.

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Interesting discussion. Over a lifetime I have generally reacted to fear by pulling back to learn more about the issue. I don't go with the maddened crowd as I don't think they have learned about the issue. Too many folks are just counting on the government, their leader, a charismatic would be leader to follow to solve the problem in a hurry. Problems such as the current pandemic warrant investigation.

Maybe its an issue of teaching our children when its wise to take time and look into issues before coming to a conclusion. Of course with a large dollop of "how and where" to.

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You're a rare intellect.

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"...force education on the population..." Sounds totalitarian to me.

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If you can't tell the difference, you'll probably be happy with tyranny.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"One-dimensional thought is systematically promoted by the makers of politics and their purveyors of mass information. Their universe of discourse is populated by self-validating hypotheses which, incessantly and monopolistically repeated, become hypnotic definitions of dictations"

Herbert Marcuse-- 1964- One Dimensional Man

"Under the rule of a repressive whole, liberty can be made into a powerful instrument of domination" Marcuse quote

Marxist critiqued Marcuse noting he left no place for social class struggle in his psychological formations of power, control and liberty. Professor Marcuse evolved a theory over the years that stated modern technology is repressive naturally. He believed that in both capitalist and communist societies, workers did not question the manner in which they lived due to the mechanism of repression of technological advances. His theories were grounded in psychoanalytical thought and Freuds "Eros and Civilization". While IMO, his bringing in psychology of consumerism was a huge step forward in understanding power/liberty, he failed in trying to identify a vanguard that would lead Western Society out of its position of domination or one dimensional being. Like Arendt Marcuse was struggling to understand Nazi Germany of which they were an exile of. Unlike Arendt, his critique of bureaucratic society and its governments was able to to explain how governments could go bad trying to do good things in a technocratic order. Similar to Arendt and her belief "that no matter how bad, government could never succeed in extinguishing human freedom, despite holding that modern societies frequently retreat from democratic freedom with its inherent disorder for the relative comfort of administrative bureaucracy." That last bit perhaps explains where we are now..............living in the comfort of administrative bureaucracy in a technocratic society. Both philosophers/sociologist came to a similar understanding from very different angles.

Works cited not included for brevity.

You are definitely heading in the right direction IMO, standing on the shoulders of intellectual giants.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent essay. I agree 100%. I have your book queued up to read. Keep up the great work.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant... Thanks, Dr. M for promoting Prof. Desmet's message in the US!

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How useful to the narrative was the involvement with Italy at the start of the pandemic, as it quickly became a source of the hysteria, its covid contagion spreading rapidly, with corpses mounting fast. Few reports connected China's connections to Italy, the first G7 country to become part of China's Belt and Road Initiative (March 2019) and the fact that the initial major Covid outbreak centered around Bergamo, the center of the fashion/clothing industry in Italy and home to over 300,000 Chinese workers - the largest concentration of Chinese in Europe, many of whom travelled frequently between China and Italy.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A man with an interesting idea!

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Now that's an understatement!!!

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