Oct 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant post. Thank you. Where do you find the time and energy after yesterday’s wonderful recap of your horse adventures!

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You truly are indefatigable! And of course awesome Docs Malone! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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"This is being deployed by the US “Deep State” and “Uniparty” political organizations, allied military, intelligence communities, public health organizations, US Homeland Security and State Departments..."

See this post on the Uniparty/ DHS PsyWar - re the declaration of the 'pandemic' a week before the WHO, and the plans for mass quarantines (and tests and vaccines).


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Oct 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very fine post. The last few years have seen the most extraordinary menticidal propaganda campaign in history: never before have there been such coordinated, engineered attacks on largely unsuspecting populations softened up by a few generations of relative ease and severe miseducation.

Perhaps we will win this battle and war, perhaps not--and Nature will reset all to zero in the end. But the task for now is to keep on discovering and disseminating the truth, because ours is at root a war for freedom and Reality, a war over the freedom to say--as Orwell writes in 1984--that two and two make four.

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True. But I keep remembering the last four words of 1984. We must not get to that point.

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You're right. Then we'd be truly f*cked. (Joost Meerloo wrote that just about everyone can be broken ... but let's not get to that point.

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Here is a bit of off topic information you may or may not have heard, interesting though.

Isn’t it such a wonderful thing all the cutting edge technology the American government has poured into our elections. All of these great new technologies were made to make election results quicker and much more accurate. Early voting, mail in ballots and of coarse Dominion voting machines have streamlined elections. The problem is all of this great modern innovation has turned our elections into a third world corrupt dictatorship run by the deep state and the global elites.

Dominion has come out with a statement saying if anyone even slightly questions the integrity of their voting machines they will sue you into the Stone Age just like they did to Fox. I’m not sure if you saw a post by PB, Ray Epps wife, Robyn Epps, is the national director of sales and development of you guessed it Dominion!! Isn’t that implicating.

A couple of worrisome issues I’m not sure if you’re aware of. The Five major swing states Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Michigan have all come out and said they won’t have election results until Saturday November 9th at the earliest, just so you can see how great these technologies are! Not only they won’t know who won, they will accept ballots for 3 days after Tuesday November 5th, this turns voting day into voting months. So as Harris votes are continually trucked in from deep blue states too these swing states no one can say a word because the Secretary’s of State have approved this.

Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger has said Georgia has 10 million registered voters and 2.5 million are oversees. Yes 25% of registered voters in Georgia he says are not in state so there’s no way they can know who won the election until at least Saturday. How the hell could 2.5 million ballots be oversees? But don’t you worry the Democrat uber liberal, Michigans Secretary of State, Joycelyn Benson says we have an honor system no one cheats.

In the 4 swing states Georgia, Nevada, Arizona and Pennsylvania , in 2020, Trump lost by only 44,000 votes.

Michigan has 7.9 million eligible voters. But there are 8.3 million registered voters on the books. So there are literally 4 to 5 hundred thousand over votes in Michigan. Elon Musk excoriated SoS Benson on X saying she should be ashamed of herself participating in this election fraud. She replied saying that’s disinformation. In 2020 Trump lost Michigan by 150,000 votes, but the democrats have a pool of over 400,000 ballots in which to manufacture a win for Kamala.

They are trying to rig this election right in front of our face again. The steal is on. The big question is where are the lawsuits by republicans? They should have filed lawsuits weeks ago. Are we going to wait until January 6th to do something?? That didn’t work out very well the last time. They’re doing the same thing over again the question is are we going to take it again? Or are there just to many Trump votes for the communists to steal it again?

If Kamala Harris is inserted into the White House, we will never have another free or fair election again. All I can say if they insert Harris, conservative talk show hosts, commentators or any celebrity that publicly backed Trump should be looking for a good lawyer “now” because Kamala is going to push for prosecution and jail time.

This maybe the democrats final attempt to stop Trump. Biden in New Hampshire yesterday two weeks before the election, said Trump is a threat to our democracy and that Trump must go to prison for the rest of his life, this from the party of tolerance and compassion, what a load of BS.

It’s hard to believe and except they are trying this again, it’s only much more in our face this time. Praying Trump gets to many votes for the dems to steal this one. J.Goodrich


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So right. Praying for sure.

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The election shenanigans make fools of us all in plain site. If we win they will cry foul from their bully pulpits, if they loose they will criminalize any and all objections. Still, many more have awoken, and it remains to be seen how this will all play out...

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FYI that epps female is,retired from dominion enterprises which is unrelated to the vote cheating machines according to a piece by reuters.

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I did see that, not sure how accurate they’re saying there is no connection is though. I look at a lot of facts that the fact checkers say are incorrect but they lie through there teeth. Dr. Nash I’ve gotten to the point of almost not believing anything. I’m starting to think we are living in a fake made up world.

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Yep, pretty well that

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That fake made up world lives in our heads and yes, there is a way out! Examination of our thoughts and beliefs takes commitment. No small task.

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It’s hard to believe a media company like Reuters because they lie about so much or ignore because they don’t like the story. I look things up that I know are true and there are 8 sources that say it’s misinformation, it’s disheartening. It seems as we know they make up their own news. Companies like Fox just ignore facts that the front office doesn’t want to talk about. If an employee mentions it they fire them. It’s something to see and makes me not believe anything they say. I’m not sure ray epps wasn’t swayed because of who his wife once worked for. To me I tend to not believe Reuters.

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Well stated and agree.

IMO, when you state Trump lost by 44,000 votes...that's because the dems count the votes and made sure they manufactured enough fake votes post election to overpower the real votes for Trump. Trump did not lose by votes, we all know that...he lost by the machinery counting votes. Cheating takes time...how do you expect those states to have proper tallies, when they need to see how many votes are needed to get them over the top...they need time to cheat! All the pre-cheating is a precursor to the election date, as on election day the honest voters have voted, and now the cheaters know how many more votes to manufacture to win post election day. Seems rather clear to me.

Ask any democrat if it is okay to cheat to win? There is your answer.

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American Citizen, that is my exact point and theory of dragging out the counting. They did it before and they are trying to do it again. I say this like so many do, “where are the republicans”??? Their sedentary ways are killing our republic.

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Agree 100%...too many RINOS in the R party....in general R party does not do a good job of fighting the battle, but some do. We all know the left infiltrates every party, including the R party, hence the RINOS. Psyops/leftism is deeply embedded. I was once a democrat, then republican, then independent...that's why for me personally, my party is now the WTP, We The People, and according to the constitution, we all know what needs to be done! You know what needs to be done, Drs. Malones know what needs to be done, subscribers here know what needs to be done...and all are doing it...and will do more as needed...one messy methodical step at a time. Never give up the fight for freedom.

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Scripture describes that many words are used to confuse. Terms like "cutting edge" , "high tech", blah, blah, blah and organization lingo are confusion generators. The enemies of right and freedom point to those who support right and freedom as the problem. The system is the tyrant. The system is the dictator being manipulated to destroy individual sovereignty. It only takes individuals with flashlights to brighten a cavern of darkness. The system is being administered to issue your suffering.

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Oct 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The most fearsome thing to the “Deep state”

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Is project 2025, which contains advice to eliminate agencies created by executive order under Biden and begins the process of eliminating departments in the Federal government. A favorite one is the elimination of the Department of (indoctrination)Education.

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The reduction of too many dang agencies and permanent Washington, sounds great to me.

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I'm remembering Washington on the Brazos. Sounds pretty good right now.

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Oct 23·edited Oct 23

We may get it anyway. I’m sure it would please Putin if what happened to them (break up of USSR), happened here. IF Trump were to win, the Left would call out their goons for non-stop riots. If they can’t have what they want, they WILL destroy what we have.

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That does seem the only thing that brings the other side any happiness is tearing down anything and everything that is good and decent.

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"And this is the verdict: The Light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light because their deeds were evil." -John 3:19

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Oct 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Disassociate… then pursue truth with everything that matters… because it really does!

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On the subject of the Uniparty and DHS PsyWar, see this post on the declaration of the 'pandemic' a week before the WHO, and the plans for mass quarantines and tests/ vaccines.


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Fascinating to ask my patients in Santa Barbara who they like for POTUS. We live in a blue city in a socialist state. Some are for Trump, and tend to be evangelical Christians, or awake Catholics. The rest are blue sheep, who obviously get their information from The View, CNN and the rest of the MSM propaganda machine. Thank you, Robert and Jill, for your courage and understanding “for such a time as this.” God may give the USA one more chance to repent of our sin, for killing millions of unborn souls. Lady Macbeth drove herself insane trying to get, ”out damn spot” - the blood of the king she helped murder. Our nation has the same dilemma. Pray for revival, and a return to the way we are taught to live in the inspired word of God. Jesus is the Savior, not Trump, but when it comes to this election, the choice between good and evil is not even close.

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well put, Paul.

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My ‘like’ button is off for some reason, but AMEN. Not a big fan of Trump’s public persona, but SOCIALISM (Statism) is not the way forward. RIP UK.

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Oct 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wonderfully written essay. I appreciate the information.

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Oct 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another great, insightful and yet terrifying post. The Huxley quote says it all and always reminds me of how he used to chide Orwell for at least getting the methods of Totalitarianism wrong. I got tired years ago trying to correct people that we aren't in 1984 as much as A Brave New World of enslavement. Both are in overdrive now, sadly.

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A key point you made above, Robert, is “fascism” is NOT on the right of the political spectrum; it’s a leftist combination of socialism/corporatism, just as pure communism is on the left. Trump is obviously not a fascist; Obama, Biden, Harris and their ilk obviously are. Trump is a free market capitalist which only functions effectively in a free society.

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precisely my point, thank you!

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My stepdad used to say this country should be run by a business man like it was a business. We had a taste of that and it worked.

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They are all progressives which defines itself as anti- Constitution as that is what it proposes to progress away from

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Precisely, JW...nor is "NAZI" i.e., the "National SOCIALIST German Workers" (party) in any way shape or form right wing.

The Leftist ("collectivist") mindset is the most devious, pernicious, obfuscating, treacherous and nihilist life form on planet earth.

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Oct 23·edited Oct 23

Amen. The Left likes to pretend and ‘reimagine' a lot of things… like the racist southern democrats were actually republicans and totalitarians are ‘right wing’. WTH?? The Church of England (government church, anyone?) and the Free Church of England are destroying biblical Christianity and firing its priests for being biblical. Why do you think Calvin Robinson has fled to America?

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Oct 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great work today, really great. Wish we could walk around the college classrooms, passing this out "old school style" and have all the students read this....

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For all of their sophistication it seems like they don’t understand people very well.

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True... one needs to embrace reality to appeal to those who do... the part about 'projection' speaks volumes... 'threat to democracy' shows that they have no interest in returning an actual democray to the system they compromised and manipulated.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent Dr. Malones. Thank you and God Bless you! 🙏🏻

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Calling a spade, a spade, in pretty plain English. Bravo to the Drs. Malone!

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Agree with all you said. But as I look at the ballot I will be voting on, all thr hard choices have already been made. I am appalled that more people do not pay more attention to the PRIMARY elections...that is where the rinos slither under the tent, that is where despicable proposals are offered to a grossly uninterested electorate and are approved overwhelmingly. Until this trend is changed, allelections will remain a veritable path of landmines.

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Like our Senate race. To me both the Dem and the R are demonstrated to have (illegally) occasioned themselves of financial largess. The Libertarian is committed to climate change.

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Eggzactly!!! If close attention had been paid (and the voters even cared) that R could have been primaried into oblivion.

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As it turns out the evils of the R and D have only just now been dredged out. So I suspect voters to mostly go with their parties. Personally regard the entire lot so unsavory I'm sticking with not voting for that Senate seat.

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Sympathize but right noe we need even bad Rs in the senate as opposed to more Ds. Sorry but bullet biting time there.

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IMO Hogan is more poisoness than Romney and rest of the turncoats combined! If it's any comfort, it looks like he's likely to loose. So my vote for him would be meaningless in any event.

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I believe NYC may have had enough of the illegal migrant invasion. Trump rallies in Brooklyn and the upcoming MSG have made it normal to support Trump. Lee Zeldin almost winning the Governor race may be a harbinger for 2024.

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If you can find it, read: "Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness" by Jim Keith. He died in 1999 at the age of 49. Wonder why...

He explained a lot of what's been going on, even back then. I was able to actually verify some of the footnotes, because I had other books/sources to check into. In case anybody wonders where it came from, the term "fake news" is used in the book. I wonder if President Trump has read it?

Am soon going to dive into PsyWar. I ordered four copies, one of which I passed on yesterday to a friend. He was absolutely thrilled to receive it! Will give the other two copies away soon. The Foreward by General Michael Flynn makes me want to show up for muster. I am a 75-year-old female, but able-bodied, dedicated, armed and ready for duty, SIR!

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thank you!

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Beware of Spring Chickens! They may just be the deadliest.

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