The overcomer is in the Christ of God alone.

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Yes, and blessedly, we have the hope and joy of the Christmas season to remind us that the birth of Christ indeed offers us the power to overcome...

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Thank you for the comment. We have that hope in reach now.

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Always chilling. Always disturbing. Yet it’s a cherished favorite. Perhaps because we know it so eloquently describes the horrors we have wrought upon ourselves. Thank you once again for your unique view of the world...blessings and all good things as another Thanksgiving draws to a close.

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Lord of the Flies indeed.

Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche, and Jung predicted the same thing as reason destroyed the mystical substructure of Western Civ.

John Milton knew it as well and also knew the solution:

Of Man’s first disobedience and the Fruit of that Forbidden Tree whose Mortal taste brought Death into the World and all our Woe.

With the Loss of Eden, Till one greater Man Restore us and Regain that Blissful Seat.

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 26, 2022

Indeed, slouching towards Bethlehem…

While those who slumber

In their false sense of security

As the Stars and Stripes invisibly shred

One by one they are lost

What will the dawn of awakening bring?

Sunlight casting itself through the prison bars of captivity

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Eloquently stated.

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Thank you. I have fears for the worst but even greater hopes for the best. Even though I could not state it there

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The world somehow survived a century since Yeats wrote his downer poem. Will his prophecy finally be fulfilled? Or has it happened already?

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Real prophecy has been advancing steadily without fail. One is simply: Israel has their foretold promise land back.

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Life is often as "putting the greatest tales to words" inspiring, as it is Un-avoidably Un-safe.

Like the Dooms Day directions of current modern medicines. Sigh....

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What an interesting and curious juxtaposition of these two perspectives. For me it will take some reflection. As two each individually and as to how they both relate to one and other.


EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Vigano Shares His Message with Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International

November 24, 2022, 11:20amby Joe Hoft

Archbishop Vigano shared with TGP his message to the medical doctors who are calling for COVID ethics after the 2020 nightmare resulting in the destruction of human life and rights.

Thank you for sharing this with us, for taking heart and helping us continue forward on our challenges to resolve the continuing issues of the pandemic and to formula effective strategies to deal with the “Great Reset” the Globalists seek to force upon us!

You are both greatly appreciated, supported and loved! Take care! More opportunities will soon be at hand!

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Do you trust Gateway Pundit? I am not sure I do.

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Archbishop Vigano is a prophet.

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Exactly. The one true church THAT HAS been infultrated by Satan himself. He will take the throne at the Vatican. That most definitely what the 3rd secret of Fatima revealed. The church would crumble FROM WITHIN.

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I check in on them as they often come up with information from other parties I feel contribute on relevant topics. In this case in the past Steve Bannon shared a message from the Cardinal with Dr Malone. Dr Malone shared it with us. I found the message very relevant and heartening. The Cardinal's current message was to Doctors and others on a similar pursuit as our group was. I read through the message and downloaded it for further review and consideration.

Not so much a matter of the Gateway Pundit one way or the other. They have their perspectives. Like many of the other sites I visit, I identify bits of interest. If it reflects the site;s take I may read it and reflect in reaction. I'm in the "Verify before trusting" mode now. Hope that answers your question.

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Yes, thank you. I have reservations about its founder. I am a Christian first and a Constitutional Conservative second.

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Fantastic methodology for gather info/intel... :-)

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I trust them. Definitely trust Archbishop Vigano.

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Thanks and my apologies for not getting the Archbishop's title right. should have gone back.

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I do that all the time, I tend to put Cardinal instead of Archbp

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All of us, certainly myself, are fallible. It's a matter of trusting some things and testing them, yes?

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Right. I expect one would say that if I visit a site regularly I trust they will be offering information I expect to be valid. So that's a form of trust. As I read I am checking to see how it fits with my fund of knowledge and info on the topic from other sources. If I'm reacting to or posting the article on GETTR, I'm extra careful to assure its a useful and appropriate post for any readers.

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That should be the definition of WISE.

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thank you for sharing this great interview.

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

I never believed in evil until 2022. I measured the world in degrees of joy or sadness, my own life idyllic. I now feel Yeats in a knowing way, my humanity crushed by world events. My fear for those who follow.

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Ditto. Evil was never described; it just existed. But those fateful maternal words etched in memory were, among others: trust only God to care for us, and trust people too, but don’t kiss your brains goodbye” .priceless wisdom i am so glad to be guided by, as are you. We now recognize things we can only describe as evil. No other word is so succinct and relevant. And true.

But evil has not increased, my friend. Someone smarter than i reminded me that it is just being Revealed in its depth. And we, the living embodiment of hope, have the blessing and power of Truth at our side, behind us ever watching over us. And our sufferings are testament to that truth.🙏🏽🌎❤️🇨🇦

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Rudyard Kipling - in my opinion is one of the world's greatest poets. His poem IF- was my mantra in highschool...words to live by. it inspired me as did, William Earnest Henly's, Invictus. 4th Stanza: It matters not how straight the gate; how charged with punishments the scroll. I am the Master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. My favorite female poetess was Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Her poem: How do I love thee - touched the soul. If you attribute some of her words to our Creator...not her husband...How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach, when feeling out of sight for the ends of Being and Ideal Grace... and more. She was far superior, as a poet, than her husband Robert Browning. He became known, because of her. The second univeristy I attended, was known as the Inverted Mineshaft, or Heights of Ignorance. . One professor spent spent three weeks dwelling on Robert Browning's. My Last Duchess, which was sick and depressing.. I love good poetry - which is inspirational. Today is the day to give thanks to our Creator for making such a beautiful world!.

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Thank you for those fine references. To dwell in beauty in the face of its antithesis, to dance in the rain and welcome the storm from which it falls. And to share the beauty and wisdom of the ages in prose and deed, is beauty itself. Barbara, you.are. beautiful.


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Beautifully written.

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Had a prof who did a dive into My Last Duchess. It was in interesting insight into the mind of a 19th century psychopath. Given as how we are increasingly finding ourselves under the thumbs of such today, perhaps not a bad idea to study the evolution of the beast

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jill, and family. May God’s peace feel your hearts with this joyous season of love, peace, and happiness. 🙏

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Actions, not prayers and hope, will save us.

Stand with Russia -- it fights for us all against fascism in the US and Nazism in Ukraine

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I agree with supporting Russia but let's not fall into the trap set by our Greatest Enemy...do not think for a moment that prayers and hope cannot save us! that is the thinking of a fool. Just as EVIL exists so does HOLINESS. And Christ is Holiness, so is The Father and The Spirit.


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The Mahdi of Islam sounds remarkably like the 'Apollyon' to Jews or 'Abaddon' to Christians (Destroyer-same being). I know at least the Iranians believe they can help usher him in. Christians wait. 'Men of war' need little help in ushering in Hell on earth...without aid of or regard for God. They see themselves as Demi-gods, holding life and death of millions in their hands. Sounds like Yeats knew this well. Either we are dealing with one hell of a propaganda campaign or some powerful sociopaths are bent on conquest yet again.

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Ponerology:the science of Evil. Lobascewski lived thru the coming of communism in 1950s Poland, and objectively studied it. Brilliant. And, one could say,prophetic.

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thank you for this. I've read that Yeats would read his poems on the radio in his time and your reading was probably very similar to his..nicely done. During Advent, which begins this Sunday Catholics observe in anticipation not only of the first coming in the birth of Jesus but also in anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Many of the Mass readings are about preparing for His second coming.

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As we leave this day of Thanksgiving we are headed toward the celebrated day of Christ birth. We look forward to the day of his second coming . He is the Savior of the world.

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Yes, we look forward to the second coming, but I don't believe you will see it from an earthly perspective. Many people know that things are falling apart these days, and there will be wars and rumors of war, but you should know the the time has not yet come. Things are not falling apart, they are falling into place. Be at peace and take joy in your sole. Focus on Christ, maybe keep your eyes open and lift your arms in prayer and praise, for he will return in the sky and you will be take up, not to suffer the Rath of the Tribulation. Jesus will return 3.5years after Satan enters the holy temple in Jerusalem (and it is not built yet). It is then that Satan will declare himself to be God and all the Jews will then realize how they were deceived.

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The Second Coming Has Arrived (A Response to WB Yeats)

by D.E.

Coming and coming in the widening eye

Virus has cometh and fear is it’s lie

Things fallen apart and no centre visible

Lockdown, lies, corruption - liveable

Death by a thousand cuts and ways

All voices silenced by those who pay

Twenty centuries of deepened sleep

To hide the injuries of those who weep

Self righteous stares, prayers, snares

Drown cries of the innocents - who cares ?

The revelations revealed for all to tell

Pharisees, Hypocrites, saints of Hell

The Second Coming is here, arrived

Spirit of world broken and deprived

TV’s, radios, Internet, and prayers

To hide their well prepared snares

A wasteland of closures and destitution

The Saviour - them ‘Experts’ in execution

Blank gazes and the zombie faces

Uninformed consent for the killing of races

The Beast has found its Bethlehem

Great Reset born for wicked them !

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

Scary tearing soul to match

through reaping searing ghoulish hatch,

to where we say

to where we go

and hope and hope we really know.

Scary staring at stuff we know

moving proving losing glow,

comforts scream as torn away

trusted constructs hoped dismay.

Ghoulish foolish thoughts of Thee

taint my distant memory

purified by things of now

needed outcome of You somehow.

So where to stare and what to see

choices, outcomes, me to Thee.

Choices, outcomes, Thee in me.

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Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) tweeted at 5:26 p.m. on Thu., Nov. 24, 2022:

Utterly unbelievable. She could do even more damage there. Chrystia Freeland, Washington’s “prime candidate” for NATO Secretary-General: https://t.co/coxaxsUI9H @cafreeland


Who is Chrystia Freeland, Washington’s “prime candidate” for NATO Secretary-General? - World Socialist Web Site (wsws.org)

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This is amazing. Appreciate your sharing Dr Malone.

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