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Trump will probably get elected but whether or not the Globalists will let him screw up their agenda……? God is in charge

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Daniel 2:21 (NIV): He changes times and seasons;

He deposes kings and raises up others.

He gives wisdom to the wise

and knowledge to the discerning.

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Thank you.

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The basic issue is that the rhetoric has been escalated by the DNC and their spoke persons starting in Ferguson, Mo., where the Mass Media bought into the false narrative that a White Policeman assassinated a Black boy. In reality it was the opposite. A 240 pound boy was trying to choke the policeman to death in his squad car. Hillary and Obama used the incident and invited Mrs. Brown to speak at her coronation to buy the black vote. Not one word was spoken at that time about law and order and obeying the laws. Since then, the resulting burning and looting of cities across the US are a testimony to why it has happened. It has continued to escalate and is now readily conveyed they must stop Trump with any means possible. The latest shooter was well prepared. Had two pack packs with ceramic tile in them to stop bullets from hitting him as he aimed his AK 47 through the chain link fence. That's why he got away, but someone got the license plate. The mass media is ignoring the event and it is only on the Internet with Fox. It will be interesting how this plays out since he was recruiting Americans to go to Ukraine to fight. Doesn't that mean the Biden administration has already committed us to WWIII because they have not stopped Americans from going to Ukraine to fight? Is the deep state running this? How many more will try to stop Trump from beating Harris? Thanks Dr. Malone for jumping on this issue before it is spun!

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Thomas? Without question the American "deep-state" aka the "Council on Foreign Relations" IS behind ALL of the bullshit inundating the USA. Have we already forgotten that Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, Alejandro Mayorkas, John Kerry and Janet Yellen (and) Jen Psaki are "CFR" members?

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No enough are aware of CFA and its history.

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Did you mean NOT enough are aware of the "CFR" and its history?

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I need help with this acronym. Is it CFR or CFA? And what does it stand for, please.

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It’s Council on Foreign Relations, but I have no clue about the evil of destroying America that you refer to.

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Michelle, The "CFR" was hatched in in America in 1921 - soon after the Bolshevik "revolution" in Communist Russia. The "CFR" is ostensibly dedicated to and "end to war" and "global peace and prosperity". What's wrong with that you say? Just the METHOD "they" advocate - which is ONE-WORLD-SUPRANATIONAL "Government" - that transcends the SOVEREIGNTY of the USA - AND the sovereignty of American people.

The Trojan Horse erected on US soil by "CFR" member - David Rockefeller - the so-called United Nations - has insidiously taken over USA sovereignty - as for instance UN-ELECTED United Nations apparatchiks are FUNDING the MILLIONS of ILLEGAL immigrants FLOODING ALL 50 STATES - as wells WESTERN nations in Europe with some cockeyed notion of "social justice" - which is STRAIGHT out of the COMMUNIST Manifesto!

An excellent soft-cover book - 'The President Makers' traces the "CFR" from its beginning up to and including Obama.

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One last thought. Biden and Harris have spoken out that there is no place in America for this type of event. I guess Biden forgot what he said previously!-Statement by President Joe Biden on Sept 14, 2024 (yesterday).

"It has to stop."

"It's simply wrong. There’s no place in America. This has to stop, what he’s (Trump is) doing," It has to stop."

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What has to STOP is the damnable SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST/FASCIST cabal that is deliberately destroying the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of

in the name of "social justice" - which is STRAIGHT out of the Communist Manifesto!

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Meaning he has to stop winning, or talking?

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Glad you reached back in history Thomas.

Posted earlier by Aileen - this will not get any MSM press either.


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240 pound assailant, not a boy - a badboy.

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I think Trump will get the most legitimate votes, but whether it is a declared "win" is in God's hands when you think of all the illegals being registered, the voting machines, the advance voting - some problems have been cleaned up, some not. Prayer and fasting, for honest elections, and safety for candidates and voters. Rev. Dutch Sheets, who is an author and has a podcast and many followers had asked all his followers to pray for Trump starting in early July, in advance of that first shooting - Sheets had an intuition that Trump especially needed prayer, and I think because many prayed, and not only Sheets' followers, God honored that prayer. We need to pray now, because the Deep State is not letting up. I just posted separately about several major prayer initiatives that some may want to participate in. If you are a church member consider asking your pastor to sign up your church for Eric Metaxas' fasting & prayer project leading up to the election (link posted by me already).

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I love Dutch’s podcast- Give Him 15. I have to find it again.

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https://www.givehim15.com/ Link to Dutch Sheet's Give Him 15. The podcast for today is "When the Flames Reach Our Doorstep: A Call to Wake Up and Act." Also, if you look on homepage at Dutch's site, you will see info on other prayer initiatives: Sept 22, 7 a.m. Eastern (4 a.m. Pacific) https://www.gdop-america.org/ You will be joining with millions around the world. Intercessors for America has a 2-day conference in Washington, DC, Oct 11-12 with embedded link at Sheets' homepage, and A Million Women will be Oct 12 all day long at National Mall in Washington 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. info here https://amillionwomen.org/ The concept was, we need a million Esthers, but men are welcome also. Detailed schedule & info at that link I just gave. I think the million Esthers ("A Million Women") will be great and hope many will participate. The idea is for people to come and pray in Washington but in the FAQ they say, if you can't come, "intercede and get the word out until October 12" - apparently it is not being livestreamed, but will be entirely a live event from what I can see. But Eric Metaxas is sponsoring a prayer & fasting initiative for local churches to participate in, churches register here https://ericmetaxas.com/pray/ Regent University & Michelle Bachman doing 40 days of prayer & fasting with a time of prayer being streamed 30 minutes every day 10 a.m. eastern https://www.regent.edu/robertson-school-of-government/40-days/ ends on the Day of Atonement October 12. Anyone can join in on that.

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I have found Osteopaths to be the most forward thinking doctors. I think Dr Tenpenny is an OD, too. Thank you for your openness to unconventional thinking.

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Dr. Tenpenny IS an osteopath (D.O.). Here's her website: https://drtenpenny.com/ (about page is here: https://drtenpenny.com/about/)

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I thought DO was the same thing, but Dr Myers here is a retired optometrist, now that I clicked on his link. I still appreciate his presence here. :) Love those osteopaths, too, who I have found to be a cut above other MDs.

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An optometrist is O.D.; an osteopath is D.O.

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It will take all of us at all levels. Trump can't do it alone and it isn't just a Federal corruption issue. It is on all of us.

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We're looking for a political solution to a moral problem.

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Let him "screw up" their "agenda" (of global subjugation of humanity)? IF Trump does get elected again, the "American" wing of the "International Socialist movement" - the "CFR"- and its minions will see to it that the "Democrats" retake the House (and) keep the Senate - and will stymie every single thing President Trump promised to do to *Make America Great Again - (and) possibly rig a VETO-proof "Democrat" majority in both the House and Senate to over ride ANY veto when Trump try's to stop the "Leftists" agenda to spend the USA into oblivion.

*What will it take for the American people to finally WAKE UP to the fact that the so-called "Democrats" & more than a few RINO so-called "Republicans" do NOT want America to EVER be Great Again; or Number One again - in ANY way, but, rather just "equal" with every other nation, so as to be a "fair" and "socially just" world.

That a "sitting" President - Joe Biden - on NATIONAL TV, calls Americans who WANT America to be Great Again "DOMESTIC TERRORISTS" - and his AG henchman- Merrick Garland - sicks the FBI to make nation wide early AM raids on American families is an ABOMINATION which smacks of Stalinist COMMUNISM and Hitlers National SOCIALISM.

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I think we are looking down the barrel at civil war. Regardless we have some hard times ahead of us and I hate it for my grands. :-(

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I totally agree, Meem...for the exact same reason.

Even IF Trump wins, 4 years will NOT stop the Communists in the UN - and America.

Really sad that AMERICANS WANT to be COMMUNISTS!

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They want slaves, subjugation is the only way they maintain their POWER and UNEARNED, conned and grifted wealth. Paul Ryan...total TRAITOR and rewarded for it, wealthy and board at FAUX news. Dick Cheney and his twin....seriously what further proof is needed at this juncture. THERE is ONLY ONE PARTY. And We The People....are NOT invited.

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Spot-ON, Beyond. De-funding the blood sucking Communists that infest the federal government is the ONLY "civilized" way to take back the power from the parasites.

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Their big plans are in the shitter, but then, so are we at the moment. Lol

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The way the current administration withholds security from challengers, including both Trump and RFK Jr., shows how depraved Biden and Harris are. Thousands have died unnecessarily in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and the U.S. What’s a couple of more lives? But if a would-be assassin would achieve his aim (God forbid!), Trump would be a martyr, emboldening his supporters and someone else would rise to lead the populist movement. I believe what Martin Gurri has written about the global battle between the Elites and the Normies. I also believe that winning the election will put one side at a great advantage, but the battle will continue. Support the 9/29 Rescue the Republic rally.

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Desmet's findings (see above) suggest that the common thread amongst the never-trumpers is not that they are globalists but rather that they mistake "complex" physical systems for "non-complex" physical systems in the construction of models of these systems. People who make this mistake are properly called "progressives." Kamala Harris is an example of one of them. This is not to say that all progressives wish to kill Trump but rather that some of them do.

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Kamala Harris is a Marxist. Walz is a Marxist. They both - along with other Marxists, plus those in Kash Patel's Book "Government Gangsters" are following the rules in Communist Manifesto.

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Its apparent that way too few Americans actually KNOW what MARXISM is and how it started in Europe in the 17th century and was IMPORTED into the fledgling USA by radicalized German and Italian Communists disguised as "deep-thinkers", "philosophers" and "experts" who were able to spread the deadly virus of communism via the American academy and "public" (and) private "education".

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BINGO Tom ... and here in Australia too and the rest of the Western World. And indeed for myself as it was only in the wake of the outbreak of the COVID pLandemic that I started to fully grasp the extent of infiltration into all institutions -- religious and secular.


A three-minute video that was a massive turning point for me in understanding the true Marxist agenda of "DEFUND THE POLICE" during the 2020 Summer riots, mentioned in the link above can be viewed at:


To which I give my commentary from the bottom of page 8 to the start of page 10 at:


And in regard to Religious infiltration:


I detail from personal experience, how the Catastrophic Climate Change Scam (CCCS) has hijacked Christianity to facilitate the march towards the one-world religion.

As well, do a search for "WayBack" at:


... and my personal ringtone, originally inspired by the CCCS, truly embodies any number of Globalist/Marxist agenda driven scams.


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VINCE! Thank YOU very much for providing the links to information. I hope everyone who frequents the Malone's sub stack will read and increase their knowledge of the (DOMESTIC and global) skulduggery that has pushed America to the very edge of the cliff (to) plunge the USA and humanity into communist oblivion!

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What do you think led it to start?

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Often it is said with the Frankfurt School that was brought over to America in 1933 in the wake of Hitler's rise to power.


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