I’ve been following this on X. They found him hiding in the bushes along the fairway on the fifth hole. The tee to the sixth hole is only a few yards from the highway. Again, at the last minute an agent patrolling the fairway spotted him and apparently shot at him and missed. He ran. He left at least two back packs hanging on the fence. …
I’ve been following this on X. They found him hiding in the bushes along the fairway on the fifth hole. The tee to the sixth hole is only a few yards from the highway. Again, at the last minute an agent patrolling the fairway spotted him and apparently shot at him and missed. He ran. He left at least two back packs hanging on the fence. Pics are posted on X. Reports of other gun shots.
Another report says the SS did not have a full complement of agents protecting Trump on the golf course.
Not luck. Many people are praying for trump - probably hundreds of thousands of people. But it is important that as many as possible are praying for our nation and for the safety of the election. The Deep State and the opposing party, I suppose one and the same, will fight for status quo and obviously some are ready to kill to preserve their power.
I’ve been following this on X. They found him hiding in the bushes along the fairway on the fifth hole. The tee to the sixth hole is only a few yards from the highway. Again, at the last minute an agent patrolling the fairway spotted him and apparently shot at him and missed. He ran. He left at least two back packs hanging on the fence. Pics are posted on X. Reports of other gun shots.
Another report says the SS did not have a full complement of agents protecting Trump on the golf course.
Once again pure luck.
Not luck. Many people are praying for trump - probably hundreds of thousands of people. But it is important that as many as possible are praying for our nation and for the safety of the election. The Deep State and the opposing party, I suppose one and the same, will fight for status quo and obviously some are ready to kill to preserve their power.
That is what the press conference said. WE had it up on its website. Thankfully that SS guy was actually doing his job.
Until they succeed, Or the Lord God steps in with HIS strong Right arm!
09/15/24: Until they can off this guy, cremate him, and destory all the evidence --- ala the first assassination attempt.
At least ONE Secret Service individual acted without hesitation. Congrats to that SS person.
Unless he was firing blanks. I would put nothing beyond the realm of possibility.