09/15/24: Yeah, bringing in the CIA Blind Mice Snipers for questioning was over the top. But everything else on your list fits. And now onto September 25th, 2024, when the REAL HELL breaks loose. Did we enjoy the pre-game show today? Do remember to send weepy condolence cards to Merrick Garland and Fay Wray over at the FBI. Maybe if they weren't hiring DEI snipers, they'd get the job done right. The next one in the starter blocks might be Fanni Willis, who's had a lot of time on her hands lately....
I think the Left has bathed itself in TDS for so long that it is truly symptomatic of their peculiar mental illness. It has made us miserable and continues to. Perhaps they see that we are unaffected is increasing this to a kinetic war. Joe Biden did America no favors by yesterday’s verbal attack on him.
Lastly, I would love to be able to vote Harris in, but she has shown herself to be incapable. We can’t live through 4 more years of incapability, especially when we have one with one last term to clean up the wreck that has become America without our permission. The Leftist thought is he can’t be near the Oval Office again. Mine is he must be in the Oval Office or our we won’t have a nation, not even one in Decline.
my wife, who used to be the smartest person I knew until she went bat shit crazy with TDS, actually said, during the debate, she was fine with the democrats using their gestapo to attack trump. Because he had declared bankruptcy in the past. That justification is in her head. And she is a registered independent. Imagine how rabid the democrats are.
Fucking insane, these democrats are. And they keep voting for more cesspool.
You have my deepest sympathies having to live with a person in deep TDS psychosis. The democrats must be stopped from destroying what’s left of our sovereignty. Do you think your wife will be able to recover when Trump wins?
Its the college educated that swoon over Biden, Harris and go mental at the sight or mention of Trump. What happened in those colleges, as they look down on us non college educated with disgust.
The result of so-called independents on the ballot is to split the conservative vote and keep the democrats in power. Worked very well for b.clinton. Let's not forget comrade bernie s., also an independent. It's not about parties, it is all about power. Running the lefts candidates as independents is an election strategy IMO.
The dude doesn’t live in Florida. I assume he didn’t board a commercial flight with his AK-47. Serious pre-planning. How long was he in Florida? Entire itinerary needs to be known.
1) Bush Sr was CIA (Communists In America). 2) Bush Sr, as CIA, worked with the MOB to kill Castro. 3) Bush Sr ended up merging the MOB and CIA .. when is the last time you've heard about the MOB? 4) Bush Sr may have been involved in killing Kennedy. 5) Bush Sr was part of Iran/Contra under Reagan. 6) Bush Sr as President, was investigated by Walsh. 7) Bush Sr could not let Casper Weinberger go on trial. 8) Bush Sr made a deal with Bill Clinton. 9) Bush Sr and Clinton MERGED the Reps and Dems. 10) The UNI-PARTY was the result of the merger. 11) UNI-PARTY = Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate. 12) President Trump said: Enough is enough. 13) Proof: George Bush Center for Intelligence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Bush_Center_for_Intelligence
The guy flew from Hawaii to NC, rented a vehicle, got his hands on the weapon and other items to set up his perch at a place he may have surveilled previously, but that is unknown as yet. Why did he select that spot, that day and that time? Someone told him to, that’s why. Someone who is also a CIA asset is working inside at Maralago. I put nothing past them after the assassinations of the 1960’s. Trump is as equal a threat to them as JFK was.
The basic issue is that the rhetoric has been escalated by the DNC and their spoke persons starting in Ferguson, Mo., where the Mass Media bought into the false narrative that a White Policeman assassinated a Black boy. In reality it was the opposite. A 240 pound boy was trying to choke the policeman to death in his squad car. Hillary and Obama used the incident and invited Mrs. Brown to speak at her coronation to buy the black vote. Not one word was spoken at that time about law and order and obeying the laws. Since then, the resulting burning and looting of cities across the US are a testimony to why it has happened. It has continued to escalate and is now readily conveyed they must stop Trump with any means possible. The latest shooter was well prepared. Had two pack packs with ceramic tile in them to stop bullets from hitting him as he aimed his AK 47 through the chain link fence. That's why he got away, but someone got the license plate. The mass media is ignoring the event and it is only on the Internet with Fox. It will be interesting how this plays out since he was recruiting Americans to go to Ukraine to fight. Doesn't that mean the Biden administration has already committed us to WWIII because they have not stopped Americans from going to Ukraine to fight? Is the deep state running this? How many more will try to stop Trump from beating Harris? Thanks Dr. Malone for jumping on this issue before it is spun!
Thomas? Without question the American "deep-state" aka the "Council on Foreign Relations" IS behind ALL of the bullshit inundating the USA. Have we already forgotten that Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, Alejandro Mayorkas, John Kerry and Janet Yellen (and) Jen Psaki are "CFR" members?
Michelle, The "CFR" was hatched in in America in 1921 - soon after the Bolshevik "revolution" in Communist Russia. The "CFR" is ostensibly dedicated to and "end to war" and "global peace and prosperity". What's wrong with that you say? Just the METHOD "they" advocate - which is ONE-WORLD-SUPRANATIONAL "Government" - that transcends the SOVEREIGNTY of the USA - AND the sovereignty of American people.
The Trojan Horse erected on US soil by "CFR" member - David Rockefeller - the so-called United Nations - has insidiously taken over USA sovereignty - as for instance UN-ELECTED United Nations apparatchiks are FUNDING the MILLIONS of ILLEGAL immigrants FLOODING ALL 50 STATES - as wells WESTERN nations in Europe with some cockeyed notion of "social justice" - which is STRAIGHT out of the COMMUNIST Manifesto!
An excellent soft-cover book - 'The President Makers' traces the "CFR" from its beginning up to and including Obama.
One last thought. Biden and Harris have spoken out that there is no place in America for this type of event. I guess Biden forgot what he said previously!-Statement by President Joe Biden on Sept 14, 2024 (yesterday).
"It has to stop."
"It's simply wrong. There’s no place in America. This has to stop, what he’s (Trump is) doing," It has to stop."
What has to STOP is the damnable SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST/FASCIST cabal that is deliberately destroying the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of
in the name of "social justice" - which is STRAIGHT out of the Communist Manifesto!
I think Trump will get the most legitimate votes, but whether it is a declared "win" is in God's hands when you think of all the illegals being registered, the voting machines, the advance voting - some problems have been cleaned up, some not. Prayer and fasting, for honest elections, and safety for candidates and voters. Rev. Dutch Sheets, who is an author and has a podcast and many followers had asked all his followers to pray for Trump starting in early July, in advance of that first shooting - Sheets had an intuition that Trump especially needed prayer, and I think because many prayed, and not only Sheets' followers, God honored that prayer. We need to pray now, because the Deep State is not letting up. I just posted separately about several major prayer initiatives that some may want to participate in. If you are a church member consider asking your pastor to sign up your church for Eric Metaxas' fasting & prayer project leading up to the election (link posted by me already).
https://www.givehim15.com/ Link to Dutch Sheet's Give Him 15. The podcast for today is "When the Flames Reach Our Doorstep: A Call to Wake Up and Act." Also, if you look on homepage at Dutch's site, you will see info on other prayer initiatives: Sept 22, 7 a.m. Eastern (4 a.m. Pacific) https://www.gdop-america.org/ You will be joining with millions around the world. Intercessors for America has a 2-day conference in Washington, DC, Oct 11-12 with embedded link at Sheets' homepage, and A Million Women will be Oct 12 all day long at National Mall in Washington 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. info here https://amillionwomen.org/ The concept was, we need a million Esthers, but men are welcome also. Detailed schedule & info at that link I just gave. I think the million Esthers ("A Million Women") will be great and hope many will participate. The idea is for people to come and pray in Washington but in the FAQ they say, if you can't come, "intercede and get the word out until October 12" - apparently it is not being livestreamed, but will be entirely a live event from what I can see. But Eric Metaxas is sponsoring a prayer & fasting initiative for local churches to participate in, churches register here https://ericmetaxas.com/pray/ Regent University & Michelle Bachman doing 40 days of prayer & fasting with a time of prayer being streamed 30 minutes every day 10 a.m. eastern https://www.regent.edu/robertson-school-of-government/40-days/ ends on the Day of Atonement October 12. Anyone can join in on that.
I have found Osteopaths to be the most forward thinking doctors. I think Dr Tenpenny is an OD, too. Thank you for your openness to unconventional thinking.
I thought DO was the same thing, but Dr Myers here is a retired optometrist, now that I clicked on his link. I still appreciate his presence here. :) Love those osteopaths, too, who I have found to be a cut above other MDs.
Let him "screw up" their "agenda" (of global subjugation of humanity)? IF Trump does get elected again, the "American" wing of the "International Socialist movement" - the "CFR"- and its minions will see to it that the "Democrats" retake the House (and) keep the Senate - and will stymie every single thing President Trump promised to do to *Make America Great Again - (and) possibly rig a VETO-proof "Democrat" majority in both the House and Senate to over ride ANY veto when Trump try's to stop the "Leftists" agenda to spend the USA into oblivion.
*What will it take for the American people to finally WAKE UP to the fact that the so-called "Democrats" & more than a few RINO so-called "Republicans" do NOT want America to EVER be Great Again; or Number One again - in ANY way, but, rather just "equal" with every other nation, so as to be a "fair" and "socially just" world.
That a "sitting" President - Joe Biden - on NATIONAL TV, calls Americans who WANT America to be Great Again "DOMESTIC TERRORISTS" - and his AG henchman- Merrick Garland - sicks the FBI to make nation wide early AM raids on American families is an ABOMINATION which smacks of Stalinist COMMUNISM and Hitlers National SOCIALISM.
They want slaves, subjugation is the only way they maintain their POWER and UNEARNED, conned and grifted wealth. Paul Ryan...total TRAITOR and rewarded for it, wealthy and board at FAUX news. Dick Cheney and his twin....seriously what further proof is needed at this juncture. THERE is ONLY ONE PARTY. And We The People....are NOT invited.
Spot-ON, Beyond. De-funding the blood sucking Communists that infest the federal government is the ONLY "civilized" way to take back the power from the parasites.
The way the current administration withholds security from challengers, including both Trump and RFK Jr., shows how depraved Biden and Harris are. Thousands have died unnecessarily in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and the U.S. What’s a couple of more lives? But if a would-be assassin would achieve his aim (God forbid!), Trump would be a martyr, emboldening his supporters and someone else would rise to lead the populist movement. I believe what Martin Gurri has written about the global battle between the Elites and the Normies. I also believe that winning the election will put one side at a great advantage, but the battle will continue. Support the 9/29 Rescue the Republic rally.
Desmet's findings (see above) suggest that the common thread amongst the never-trumpers is not that they are globalists but rather that they mistake "complex" physical systems for "non-complex" physical systems in the construction of models of these systems. People who make this mistake are properly called "progressives." Kamala Harris is an example of one of them. This is not to say that all progressives wish to kill Trump but rather that some of them do.
Kamala Harris is a Marxist. Walz is a Marxist. They both - along with other Marxists, plus those in Kash Patel's Book "Government Gangsters" are following the rules in Communist Manifesto.
Its apparent that way too few Americans actually KNOW what MARXISM is and how it started in Europe in the 17th century and was IMPORTED into the fledgling USA by radicalized German and Italian Communists disguised as "deep-thinkers", "philosophers" and "experts" who were able to spread the deadly virus of communism via the American academy and "public" (and) private "education".
BINGO Tom ... and here in Australia too and the rest of the Western World. And indeed for myself as it was only in the wake of the outbreak of the COVID pLandemic that I started to fully grasp the extent of infiltration into all institutions -- religious and secular.
A three-minute video that was a massive turning point for me in understanding the true Marxist agenda of "DEFUND THE POLICE" during the 2020 Summer riots, mentioned in the link above can be viewed at:
I detail from personal experience, how the Catastrophic Climate Change Scam (CCCS) has hijacked Christianity to facilitate the march towards the one-world religion.
VINCE! Thank YOU very much for providing the links to information. I hope everyone who frequents the Malone's sub stack will read and increase their knowledge of the (DOMESTIC and global) skulduggery that has pushed America to the very edge of the cliff (to) plunge the USA and humanity into communist oblivion!
If this is all happening leading up to the election, then imagine what may happen if Trump is elected and the time between then and inauguration. That is when I suspect the chaos may really ramp up.
As Gandalf said to Frodo, "All we have is decide is what is to do with the time that is given us. And already, Frodo, our time is beginning to look black."
They will trash our cities and citizens need to rise up and take out the antifa, BLM, CCP, middle east terrorists who do this along with the officials who would put the citizens in prison while letting the terrorists destroying cities walk.
As Trump is loved by most Americans I expect the transition from rule over us by the progressives to rrule over us by the MAGA Republicans will go smoothly.
A free person should not make claims or statements that anyone RULES over you or others. It's dangerous to freedom because it instills an acceptance of subjugation.
I've got news for you Sheldon H: Donald Trump is not going to be re-elected. 2 assassination attempts? 3rd time lucky? Not to mention the ballot box stuffing, the mail-in ballots, dead people voting, and by the looks of things this time round, illegal migrants will be allowed to vote!
It occurred to me that Trump is not safe anywhere, but then I remembered that God saved his life on July 13. We have to trust God and fight, fight, fight! Perhaps God will grant us mercy and give the United States another chance.
I truly hope God will give the US another chance and bring revival, but we have to all repent of our evil ways and turn back to him with all our mind, body, and soul. Right now America does not deserve God's mercy.
I only learned of this from your email. I just got home and asked my husband why he didn’t say anything about the assassination attempt and he said “we don’t know yet, there was just a guy with a gun at the golf course and some shots were fired.” He is far left and consumes BBC, NPR and Guardian. The MSM is very successful in Psywar
Some of us take our marriage vows seriously, and years ago we’re not so politically divergent from our spouse. That is my case, and I must say, that she has put up with me for 50 years, not an easy task.
I used to be to the left of her in HS & college. Time, fathering 2 daughters, and a conservative pastor all moved me to the right. She has not changed, too much NPR. Alas.
Roger, RE: V.I. Lenins dictum: "Give Me Four Years to Teach the Children and the Seed I Have Planted will Never Be Rooted Out". (Again, Lenin said "sown" which is now a moribund word).
Not often, sowing and/or planting doesn’t come up often in my conversations, even though I live in Lancaster County, PA, where you would think it would come up often, but I don’t have a lot of farmer friends; though we did just have our front yard sown in grass seed, which is coming up very nicely, thank you.
I help teacher English as a second language through our church, and last spring one lesson featured sow and its many permutations and meanings: adult female pig, literal and figurative spreading of seeds (or male gametes) of plants or ideas or of the Word.
an eyewitness saw the shooter run to his vehicle. The witness took a picture of the shooters vehicle and got his license plate number. Gave it the police. The Police caught the shooter on I-95 thanks to the witness.
There is a pattern here. For covid, any doctor who tried to save lives by offering early out-patient treatment was censored, demonized, de-platformed, de-credentialed, & discredited. Those who harmed patients in the hospitals with remdesivir & ventilators were financially rewarded as are those promoting the dangerous & often lethal covid injections. Likewise, the political party that has been actively ruining this country over the last 4-years are supported & applauded. Trump, who did his level best to improve upon the status quo (prior to covid) is demonized & relentlessly attacked. For the life of me, I have no idea what is going on, but whatever it is, it is sick & evil.
The rifle was an AK-47, not the easiest rifle to mount a reliable telescopic sight on as Michael Kalashnikov designed them to use very long range iron sights. This was a departure from the general purpose whipping boy the AR-15. Most AKs, even newly US manufactured ones deviate little from the original design, while somewhere in there the sporting AR got redesigned to support many sorts of optics and accessories.
Not to get sidetracked from the subject of the thread (or to get into an argument with another patiot), but the AK-47 (from the year 1947) preceded the AR-15/M-16, which didn't appear until 1964.
The AK-47 itself was very similar to the German Sturmgewehr-44 (yes, from the year 1944).
The implication of Scott’s post was that the AK-47 was contemporary or followed the AR-15. Tamenund told us that the AK-47 preceded the AR-15 by quite a bit.
No argument Dean of course the AK* came first. What I mean is that the 7.62x39 (AK-47) is the cartridge that ushered in the 5.56x45 (AR-15) for combat both being less powerful than the 7.62x51 or the WW II era 30-06, but much easier to transport in combat and with lighter recoil. The AK In other words I think that the AK-47 was the ground breaker and Michael Kalashnikov the genius, who invented the gun that promoted it’s use. I contend that Kalashnikov and Bill Ruger were two genius firearms designers that very atypically lived more or less simultaneously. Stoner was not bad, but a one trick pony! The greatest of all time, of course was John Moses Browning whose designs, both civilian and military are still in use today!
The latest is that I was mistaken in another post interpreting the lousy photo of Routh’s gun as maybe a Dragunov, but later reports state Routh had an SKS. I am not certain that SKSs ever came in anything but 7.62x39 and seems suited to the 300 yard distance, but is a little light for 500 yards.
09/15/24: Perfect. In fact, because it does ruin their debate yammering, they'll accuse Trump of having staged a "fake assassination attempt" in order to be able to change the subject: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
Boom! You are absolutely right, Dr. Malone, about the fake news twisting every “news story” to suit the ‘narrative’ they want - or are ordered to - by the lunatics in ‘power’. Gee, I’ve never had to use so many quotations in one reply before! But that is the state of our media today. Thank you for endeavoring to expose the truth about this. We hang on your every word!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but to the best of my recollection every "shot fired" Presidential assassination attempt post-JFK has been against a Republican (Ford, Reagan, Trump).
By today's standards, JFK would be a Republican as well ... but I digress.
All by (we're told, mentally unstable) "lone wolves" (as was JFK if one accepts the official narrative). Who manage to beat the Secret Service (which in theory is supposed to be able to counter entire teams of potential professional assassins at any time and place).
It's almost as if such "lone wolf" folks are recruited - and given a backdoor welcome mat.
We know more this time in part due to Dr. Malone's efforts to get screenshots before the accounts were disappeared. The FBI acted quickly the first time and we had not anticipated what was done to hide info. This time, citizens on site at the golf course, Dr. Malone and maybe others have been quick to gather evidence before it is taken away.
On the one hand, I think that yes, indeed, we're better prepared.
On the other hand, if memory serves, simultaneously with the release of Crooks' identity we were told he had no social media presence (which is entirely implausible in this day and age). My suspicion is that their standard operating procedure now (and likely for some time) is to scrub the Internet before a name is released.
Regarding today, that this scrubbing didn't occur until after his name was released (I believe) means they either screwed up on their standard protocol, OR they wanted us to find something before they shut it all down.
I could be wrong, but at this point one can't be too cynical.
Of course Wray, the Liara, lied about it all re. Crooks. He was probably groomed for 2 years to do the job, but little did anyone know that God was going to whisper in Trump's ear to move his head.
I think because the Florida Sheriff got him before the Feds did, his name was out there before the Feds could find Zuckerberg on a Sunday afternoon to tell him to scrub his Facebook page
Well, given that this was likely a last minute improvisation, because it was a golf game not on Trump’s public schedule they had to notify him of the new opportunity & get him in place (& who knows how many other patsies they had lined up on the back nine, & for that matter tomorrow & the next day….). To me this seems like a half baked attempt & I even posted earlier elsewhere that perhaps this was a psyop to rehabilitate the reputation of the SS FBI etc.
There are layers and layers, and all we can be sure of is that the government & the MSM is lying to us.
I don't see it as a totally half-baked attempt. Routh was very near Trump, hiding in the bushes where he could have shot Trump at close range as Trump approached the hole that was near to Routh's bush. Thank God that the Secret Service agent did see Routh and shot at him, causing Routh to get up and run to his car. It could have worked. But God. And then an alert citizen who got a photo including the license plate numbers, which led to arrest. Which likely would NOT have happened otherwise. The guy could have totally gotten away.
I can’t disagree with you; bottom lines; God is good and in control; we will probably never know the reality of this with certainty, and not until Trump is in office, and even then, because he will have to depend on these corrupt agencies while he is in office, unless there is a clean sweep in Congress, both houses.
Pray hard, vote hard. Volunteer as poll workers/watchers & give to this new fractal voter integrity organization whose name escapes me.
No doubt FBI is doing it (deleting social media), and it could be that someone in the Biden Harris administration ordered the hit - whoever arranged the assassination attempt might also be interested in eliminating the social media info. This is not like a normal government thing where Congress could just put a stop to it. Dr. Malone wrote a new post for Sept. 16, today, in which he explained, the government has been doing things and lying about what they have done ever since the Kennedy assassination in 1963. Ah, I just saw Tom Wigand's comment below, and he's right, there is definite evidence that for a long time, the Biden Harris admin was insisting that certain types of things had to be censored; they told social media what they wanted, and social media complied. Zuckerberg recently said that was wrong and Facebook would not do that any more - well, the Biden Harris admin (of which the FBI is a part, and so is Secret Service) told Facebook and other social media to delete Routh's profile, and they did it. I don't have the actual emails or phone records but I am certain this is what happened, Tom Wigand is correct - there IS evidence that this has happened a gazillion times as far as Biden-Harris asking for things to be censored during past almost-4-years, and now here we are again. They do this.
I seem to remember just hours after Crooks shot Trump, they weren't releasing any information yet, because they were looking at his DNA. I just thought that was odd. What in the world were they going to match that to? Or were they buying time, so they could scrub the shooter's social media accounts before anyone got any screenshots of that??
No, they "said" they were looking at his DNA, but in fact the FBI was hosing down the rooftop to get rid of DNA. Everything they say is a lie. Right, they were trying to scrub social media and as quickly as possible, scrub the rooftop as well, and get that body cremated before Congress could take a look at Crook's body.
Exactly! They certainly did a good job, because there has been very little released about Crooks. Did he have friends? Did he have family? Heck, we knew more about Oswald! But I think they learned how to really cover their tracks with the Oswald thing. Better tech now. Better planning, apparently. It ain't over.
The FBI is quick to take things down and conceal info, but in this case, certainly Dr. Malone and perhaps a few others have been quicker to immediately preserve the information. Because we saw what happened before.
Off subject sort of....my brother went to Heaven in May 2023 and his Facebook page was memorialized I was told by my niece. It won’t ever go away? Really? They choose who they scrub? Hmmmm!
But I just read today, DeSantis is going to start a Florida investigation. If FBI obstructs, they may not find much information, but you never know. My opinion, if anyone could do a good investigation it would be DeSantis. Not the federal agencies.
I thought it probably was sarcasm, but I thought it was kind of hopeful to think of DeSantis investigating. I understand the limitations, if FBI conceals information, he may not get much info and I won't hold it against him, but so far it is those outside the federal agencies who have done the best. Local law enforcement has overall been very helpful. Well, I'm thinking in Pennsylvania, local law enforcement had a communications / coordination meeting the day of the shooting, and Secret Service didn't bother to attend, then they had communication devices so they would all be in communication together, and Secret Service refused to utilize, etc. Then when the investigation begins, FBI is clearly obstructing and destroying evidence. Some of the Secret Service agents as individuals have done good work, but the agency as a whole, no. So, yesterday, a Secret Service agent did see the gun and shot at Routh, then it was local sheriff who made the arrest or his deputy - but he gave away the important info, if it was a sitting President, they would have surrounded the entire golf course, and since Trump is not actual President, he gets what security Secret Service "deems possible." So - a state level investigation with DeSantis ultimately in charge, and local law enforcement bringing forward any evidence etc. - I think there is the potential for them to come up with something. In Florida, I think those involved would want to get to the bottom of it as opposed to three-letter agencies who don't. So the idea of a local investigation is somewhat hopeful, but limited by how much the federal agencies are able to obstruct or stonewall. And I know in the back of my mind, I have actually been thinking about Ana's comments, as she clearly would like for Congress to take charge and settle these things, but they have been very limited by the obstruction of the agencies - well, the FBI hosed down the rooftop to get rid of DNA apparently or whatever biological evidence of anything was up there, they allowed the body to be cremated without autopsy the day before Congress was going to go and observe the body as part of their investigation, and Josh Hawley was ordered off the property when he went as part of the Senate investigation. Some in Congress do want answers and are limited in what they can accomplish - well, when Cheatle testified, she had to be subpoenaed or she would not have come, and then she would not answer the questions. So in the end, Congress will not find any answers. But maybe a local investigation will turn up something interesting, you never know. I suppose when you think how much was covered up for so long concerning JFK and RFK both - it would be surprising if we get truth about any of the current attempts. Actually, prayer is the one thing we can do that I believe could make a difference. Prayer for safety for candidates, and an honest election with a good outcome.
Too many other LE involved this time. According to LE at a press conference, once the license plate # was known it was radioed to another police dept who nabbed the guy in his vehicle. The police weren't shy about saying who they caught.
On the other hand - as luck would have it someone just happened to see some guy run to his car and jump in so, just like anyone else he inherently knew something was amiss so took pictures, found the police and then went with the police to ID the man caught out on the hwy. Sure, I believe that. I wonder where he was hanging out and why . . . inquiring minds want to know.
Well, keep in mind, local police in many cases want to do their job and want to protect a former President and a candidate, and may in many case want to protect Trump specifically. At the first attempt, the local law enforcement definitely were trying to do their job from what I have read, but Secret Service refused to show up for a coordination meeting the morning of, they refused to use the communication devices so they could communicate with local law enforcement and it was a guy from local SWAT team who ran toward the shooter and fired the shot that disabled the rifle and stopped any further shooting, right before a Secret Service sniper fired the shot that killed Crooks, as I understand it. Basically, the problem is with the federal agencies because federal agencies are under the control of the Biden Harris administration. If you see something, say something, but don't waste your time talking with a federal agent, give your info to local police, you are more likely to get action. The guy who took the photos apparently went to local police, NOT to Secret Service and as far as we know, no FBI was present, though perhaps they were. But when we have information about an unfolding situation, the big thing is to make sure you are talking to local police it would seem. Though if Secret Service is present and not local guys - some Secret Service agents will do their job even though we see what happened in Pennsylvania because only incompetent temps were assigned - for a reason.
Tom Wigand, responding to your comment: "It's almost as if such "lone wolf" folks are recruited - and given a backdoor welcome mat."
Yes, I do think so. There are some books that indicate Lee Harvey Oswald was working with the CIA. One of the books was "Doctor Mary's Monkey" and it had to do with two researchers who were tasked by the CIA to come up with a way to assassinate Castro, and Oswald was involved in this particular CIA plot against Castro, also apparently was perhaps in a relationship with one of the researchers - though then perhaps set up by CIA for Dallas. I read a lengthy article about this online and bought Doctor Mary's Monkey in an e-book but never had time to read it, but from the article, it seemed persuasive.
Also, if anyone has been paying attention, RFK Jr. has actually met with Sirhan in prison and does not believe Sirhan killed RFK - who RFK Jr. thinks did it had ties to CIA, and of note, RFK Jr has ample evidence to say it could not have been Sirhan, and how things were covered up.
However, I think going too deeply into the past could cause people today to get disappeared or Clintonized, so I don't think it's all that good to discuss these things even now, but yes, that welcome mat concept may be valid.
Moving forward to Trump which at this point is the most pertinent - I don't know if everyone knows, that this "lone wolf" acting 100% alone had multiple encrypted communications accounts - why? And he was communicating with people in other countries including Germany, New Zealand and one other, but could be an Iranian in Germany, who knows. The FBI was playing innocent and ignorant. But also, the geofencing data showed that Crooks' phone was getting pinged from the vicinity of FBI HQ, and whatever phone that was, also apparently made visits to the area where Crooks lived. So - there was something going on with Crooks' that we will never be told about. These things that I have said about Crooks can probably be found online and many people among those commenting probably know more about it than me - but they are probably findable still for anyone who had not read these things.
But also - former Navy seals and security experts have said, the first attempt on Trump looked like an "inside job" too many things to be a coincidence, and some have said, if it is an inside job that failed, they will try again and again. Thus, we need to keep praying for Trump for protection, and pray for our nation - those of us who do pray and believe in a God who answers prayer. To continue to pray through the election and beyond the inauguration as the transition continues to move forward to right things in our country.
The Presidents who have been murdered by the Central banking cartel.
1. Andrew Jackson escaped assignation by luck. There was an attempted assassination which failed when both pistols used by the assassin, Richard Lawrence, failed to fire.
2. President Zachary Taylor - murdered/assignation Taylor died on July 9, 1850 after eating a bowl of cherries and milk rumored to have been poisoned. The symptoms he displayed are consistent with acute arsenic poisoning.
3. President James Buchanan - murdered/assignation He was poisoned with arsenic and survived, although 38 other people at the dinner died.
4. Lincoln- murdered for Greenbacks issue Following Lincoln's assassination, the Greenbacks were pulled from circulation and the American people forced to go back to an economy based on bank notes borrowed at interest from the private bankers. (see Lincoln)
5. President James Garfield - murdered/assignation "Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce, and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate." -- President James A. Garfield, two weeks before he was assassinated
6. President William McKinley - murdered/assignation
McKinley favored gold-backed currencies and a balanced government budget which would free the public from accumulating debt.
McKinley was shot by an out-of-work anarchist on September 14, 1901, in Buffalo, NY, succumbing to his wounds a few days later. He was suceeded in office by Theodore Roosevelt.
7. President John F. Kennedy - murdered/assignation
As President, John F. Kennedy understood the predatory nature of private central banking. He understood why Andrew Jackson fought so hard to end the Second Bank of the United States. So Kennedy wrote and signed Executive Order 11110 which ordered the US Treasury to issue a new public currency, the United States Note.
Five months later John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas, and the United States Notes pulled from circulation and destroyed (except for samples held by collectors).
I was not aware of the banker’s connection going back through our history; back in July people were making the connections between JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X assassinations& the 3 letter agencies
The deep state is lining up high tech missiles to fire at Russia and our own government wants the former president and present candidate dead because he wants to end the war. 400,000 Ukraine soldiers dead and 40,000 Russian soldiers dead. Our country is overrun with illegals and criminals and the Border Czar Harris is 100% complicit. She now praises Cheney who she and her party despises. Will Americans not understand what is happening until high tech missiles hit our cities? Thank God for the alternative media or we would have 0 chance of survival. Thank you Dr Malone for being on of the right side.
Putin knows that there was a coup, and that we are pretty much prisoners in America. We still get to move around a little, and cling to our guns and religion at the moment, BUT we have been captured by the BLOB!! HELP!!
I’ve been following this on X. They found him hiding in the bushes along the fairway on the fifth hole. The tee to the sixth hole is only a few yards from the highway. Again, at the last minute an agent patrolling the fairway spotted him and apparently shot at him and missed. He ran. He left at least two back packs hanging on the fence. Pics are posted on X. Reports of other gun shots.
Another report says the SS did not have a full complement of agents protecting Trump on the golf course.
Not luck. Many people are praying for trump - probably hundreds of thousands of people. But it is important that as many as possible are praying for our nation and for the safety of the election. The Deep State and the opposing party, I suppose one and the same, will fight for status quo and obviously some are ready to kill to preserve their power.
How does a Democrat partisan, who last lived in Honolulu, get to the exact golf course, at the exact time Trump is playing, with an AK-47?
...with help.
what an understatement!
. . . CIA, DoD, FBI, SS, Dem elites, MSM, Facebook, ex-twitter-ites, BLM'ers, Teachers' unions, Teamsters. . .
Well, maybe this is somewhat exagerated. . . hmmm.
09/15/24: Yeah, bringing in the CIA Blind Mice Snipers for questioning was over the top. But everything else on your list fits. And now onto September 25th, 2024, when the REAL HELL breaks loose. Did we enjoy the pre-game show today? Do remember to send weepy condolence cards to Merrick Garland and Fay Wray over at the FBI. Maybe if they weren't hiring DEI snipers, they'd get the job done right. The next one in the starter blocks might be Fanni Willis, who's had a lot of time on her hands lately....
fay wray. . . I'm dyin'!
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! "FAY" Wray should be in the Malones Funnies!
From King Kong?
The one and the same. Merrick Garland is the ape.
Me too!
Good! (not literally, I hope).
I think the Left has bathed itself in TDS for so long that it is truly symptomatic of their peculiar mental illness. It has made us miserable and continues to. Perhaps they see that we are unaffected is increasing this to a kinetic war. Joe Biden did America no favors by yesterday’s verbal attack on him.
Lastly, I would love to be able to vote Harris in, but she has shown herself to be incapable. We can’t live through 4 more years of incapability, especially when we have one with one last term to clean up the wreck that has become America without our permission. The Leftist thought is he can’t be near the Oval Office again. Mine is he must be in the Oval Office or our we won’t have a nation, not even one in Decline.
my wife, who used to be the smartest person I knew until she went bat shit crazy with TDS, actually said, during the debate, she was fine with the democrats using their gestapo to attack trump. Because he had declared bankruptcy in the past. That justification is in her head. And she is a registered independent. Imagine how rabid the democrats are.
Fucking insane, these democrats are. And they keep voting for more cesspool.
You have my deepest sympathies having to live with a person in deep TDS psychosis. The democrats must be stopped from destroying what’s left of our sovereignty. Do you think your wife will be able to recover when Trump wins?
She used to be very smart. But TDS has destroyed her brain. Fortunately, our son was inoculated against the rabid democrat cult at an early age.
He was 13 when he pointed out that RINOs, are the elephants ass. I was so proud.
If I even mention Trump, she starts freaking out. Really pathetic. Been like that since 2016, and getting worse.
Its the college educated that swoon over Biden, Harris and go mental at the sight or mention of Trump. What happened in those colleges, as they look down on us non college educated with disgust.
The result of so-called independents on the ballot is to split the conservative vote and keep the democrats in power. Worked very well for b.clinton. Let's not forget comrade bernie s., also an independent. It's not about parties, it is all about power. Running the lefts candidates as independents is an election strategy IMO.
agreed, its why the leftist vermin in the fake news register as GDIs.
(God Damn Independents).
So they can claim they are not all rabid democrat vermin.
09/16/24: America needs a "de-Nazification" program, the same one run by the military Allies in German in the aftermath of WWII
The dude doesn’t live in Florida. I assume he didn’t board a commercial flight with his AK-47. Serious pre-planning. How long was he in Florida? Entire itinerary needs to be known.
Let’s hope DeSantis does what Congress hasn’t, and gets us some answers.
1) Bush Sr was CIA (Communists In America). 2) Bush Sr, as CIA, worked with the MOB to kill Castro. 3) Bush Sr ended up merging the MOB and CIA .. when is the last time you've heard about the MOB? 4) Bush Sr may have been involved in killing Kennedy. 5) Bush Sr was part of Iran/Contra under Reagan. 6) Bush Sr as President, was investigated by Walsh. 7) Bush Sr could not let Casper Weinberger go on trial. 8) Bush Sr made a deal with Bill Clinton. 9) Bush Sr and Clinton MERGED the Reps and Dems. 10) The UNI-PARTY was the result of the merger. 11) UNI-PARTY = Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate. 12) President Trump said: Enough is enough. 13) Proof: George Bush Center for Intelligence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Bush_Center_for_Intelligence
The guy flew from Hawaii to NC, rented a vehicle, got his hands on the weapon and other items to set up his perch at a place he may have surveilled previously, but that is unknown as yet. Why did he select that spot, that day and that time? Someone told him to, that’s why. Someone who is also a CIA asset is working inside at Maralago. I put nothing past them after the assassinations of the 1960’s. Trump is as equal a threat to them as JFK was.
I agree.
Help from the SS.
Because they let him. This is a well known cockroach.
This 👆
09/16/24: I think it has something to do with his handicap. (!)
Trump will probably get elected but whether or not the Globalists will let him screw up their agenda……? God is in charge
Daniel 2:21 (NIV): He changes times and seasons;
He deposes kings and raises up others.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning.
Thank you.
The basic issue is that the rhetoric has been escalated by the DNC and their spoke persons starting in Ferguson, Mo., where the Mass Media bought into the false narrative that a White Policeman assassinated a Black boy. In reality it was the opposite. A 240 pound boy was trying to choke the policeman to death in his squad car. Hillary and Obama used the incident and invited Mrs. Brown to speak at her coronation to buy the black vote. Not one word was spoken at that time about law and order and obeying the laws. Since then, the resulting burning and looting of cities across the US are a testimony to why it has happened. It has continued to escalate and is now readily conveyed they must stop Trump with any means possible. The latest shooter was well prepared. Had two pack packs with ceramic tile in them to stop bullets from hitting him as he aimed his AK 47 through the chain link fence. That's why he got away, but someone got the license plate. The mass media is ignoring the event and it is only on the Internet with Fox. It will be interesting how this plays out since he was recruiting Americans to go to Ukraine to fight. Doesn't that mean the Biden administration has already committed us to WWIII because they have not stopped Americans from going to Ukraine to fight? Is the deep state running this? How many more will try to stop Trump from beating Harris? Thanks Dr. Malone for jumping on this issue before it is spun!
Thomas? Without question the American "deep-state" aka the "Council on Foreign Relations" IS behind ALL of the bullshit inundating the USA. Have we already forgotten that Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, Alejandro Mayorkas, John Kerry and Janet Yellen (and) Jen Psaki are "CFR" members?
No enough are aware of CFA and its history.
Did you mean NOT enough are aware of the "CFR" and its history?
I need help with this acronym. Is it CFR or CFA? And what does it stand for, please.
It’s Council on Foreign Relations, but I have no clue about the evil of destroying America that you refer to.
Michelle, The "CFR" was hatched in in America in 1921 - soon after the Bolshevik "revolution" in Communist Russia. The "CFR" is ostensibly dedicated to and "end to war" and "global peace and prosperity". What's wrong with that you say? Just the METHOD "they" advocate - which is ONE-WORLD-SUPRANATIONAL "Government" - that transcends the SOVEREIGNTY of the USA - AND the sovereignty of American people.
The Trojan Horse erected on US soil by "CFR" member - David Rockefeller - the so-called United Nations - has insidiously taken over USA sovereignty - as for instance UN-ELECTED United Nations apparatchiks are FUNDING the MILLIONS of ILLEGAL immigrants FLOODING ALL 50 STATES - as wells WESTERN nations in Europe with some cockeyed notion of "social justice" - which is STRAIGHT out of the COMMUNIST Manifesto!
An excellent soft-cover book - 'The President Makers' traces the "CFR" from its beginning up to and including Obama.
One last thought. Biden and Harris have spoken out that there is no place in America for this type of event. I guess Biden forgot what he said previously!-Statement by President Joe Biden on Sept 14, 2024 (yesterday).
"It has to stop."
"It's simply wrong. There’s no place in America. This has to stop, what he’s (Trump is) doing," It has to stop."
What has to STOP is the damnable SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST/FASCIST cabal that is deliberately destroying the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of
in the name of "social justice" - which is STRAIGHT out of the Communist Manifesto!
Meaning he has to stop winning, or talking?
Glad you reached back in history Thomas.
Posted earlier by Aileen - this will not get any MSM press either.
240 pound assailant, not a boy - a badboy.
I think Trump will get the most legitimate votes, but whether it is a declared "win" is in God's hands when you think of all the illegals being registered, the voting machines, the advance voting - some problems have been cleaned up, some not. Prayer and fasting, for honest elections, and safety for candidates and voters. Rev. Dutch Sheets, who is an author and has a podcast and many followers had asked all his followers to pray for Trump starting in early July, in advance of that first shooting - Sheets had an intuition that Trump especially needed prayer, and I think because many prayed, and not only Sheets' followers, God honored that prayer. We need to pray now, because the Deep State is not letting up. I just posted separately about several major prayer initiatives that some may want to participate in. If you are a church member consider asking your pastor to sign up your church for Eric Metaxas' fasting & prayer project leading up to the election (link posted by me already).
I love Dutch’s podcast- Give Him 15. I have to find it again.
https://www.givehim15.com/ Link to Dutch Sheet's Give Him 15. The podcast for today is "When the Flames Reach Our Doorstep: A Call to Wake Up and Act." Also, if you look on homepage at Dutch's site, you will see info on other prayer initiatives: Sept 22, 7 a.m. Eastern (4 a.m. Pacific) https://www.gdop-america.org/ You will be joining with millions around the world. Intercessors for America has a 2-day conference in Washington, DC, Oct 11-12 with embedded link at Sheets' homepage, and A Million Women will be Oct 12 all day long at National Mall in Washington 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. info here https://amillionwomen.org/ The concept was, we need a million Esthers, but men are welcome also. Detailed schedule & info at that link I just gave. I think the million Esthers ("A Million Women") will be great and hope many will participate. The idea is for people to come and pray in Washington but in the FAQ they say, if you can't come, "intercede and get the word out until October 12" - apparently it is not being livestreamed, but will be entirely a live event from what I can see. But Eric Metaxas is sponsoring a prayer & fasting initiative for local churches to participate in, churches register here https://ericmetaxas.com/pray/ Regent University & Michelle Bachman doing 40 days of prayer & fasting with a time of prayer being streamed 30 minutes every day 10 a.m. eastern https://www.regent.edu/robertson-school-of-government/40-days/ ends on the Day of Atonement October 12. Anyone can join in on that.
I have found Osteopaths to be the most forward thinking doctors. I think Dr Tenpenny is an OD, too. Thank you for your openness to unconventional thinking.
Dr. Tenpenny IS an osteopath (D.O.). Here's her website: https://drtenpenny.com/ (about page is here: https://drtenpenny.com/about/)
I thought DO was the same thing, but Dr Myers here is a retired optometrist, now that I clicked on his link. I still appreciate his presence here. :) Love those osteopaths, too, who I have found to be a cut above other MDs.
An optometrist is O.D.; an osteopath is D.O.
It will take all of us at all levels. Trump can't do it alone and it isn't just a Federal corruption issue. It is on all of us.
We're looking for a political solution to a moral problem.
Let him "screw up" their "agenda" (of global subjugation of humanity)? IF Trump does get elected again, the "American" wing of the "International Socialist movement" - the "CFR"- and its minions will see to it that the "Democrats" retake the House (and) keep the Senate - and will stymie every single thing President Trump promised to do to *Make America Great Again - (and) possibly rig a VETO-proof "Democrat" majority in both the House and Senate to over ride ANY veto when Trump try's to stop the "Leftists" agenda to spend the USA into oblivion.
*What will it take for the American people to finally WAKE UP to the fact that the so-called "Democrats" & more than a few RINO so-called "Republicans" do NOT want America to EVER be Great Again; or Number One again - in ANY way, but, rather just "equal" with every other nation, so as to be a "fair" and "socially just" world.
That a "sitting" President - Joe Biden - on NATIONAL TV, calls Americans who WANT America to be Great Again "DOMESTIC TERRORISTS" - and his AG henchman- Merrick Garland - sicks the FBI to make nation wide early AM raids on American families is an ABOMINATION which smacks of Stalinist COMMUNISM and Hitlers National SOCIALISM.
I think we are looking down the barrel at civil war. Regardless we have some hard times ahead of us and I hate it for my grands. :-(
I totally agree, Meem...for the exact same reason.
Even IF Trump wins, 4 years will NOT stop the Communists in the UN - and America.
Really sad that AMERICANS WANT to be COMMUNISTS!
They want slaves, subjugation is the only way they maintain their POWER and UNEARNED, conned and grifted wealth. Paul Ryan...total TRAITOR and rewarded for it, wealthy and board at FAUX news. Dick Cheney and his twin....seriously what further proof is needed at this juncture. THERE is ONLY ONE PARTY. And We The People....are NOT invited.
Spot-ON, Beyond. De-funding the blood sucking Communists that infest the federal government is the ONLY "civilized" way to take back the power from the parasites.
Their big plans are in the shitter, but then, so are we at the moment. Lol
The way the current administration withholds security from challengers, including both Trump and RFK Jr., shows how depraved Biden and Harris are. Thousands have died unnecessarily in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and the U.S. What’s a couple of more lives? But if a would-be assassin would achieve his aim (God forbid!), Trump would be a martyr, emboldening his supporters and someone else would rise to lead the populist movement. I believe what Martin Gurri has written about the global battle between the Elites and the Normies. I also believe that winning the election will put one side at a great advantage, but the battle will continue. Support the 9/29 Rescue the Republic rally.
Desmet's findings (see above) suggest that the common thread amongst the never-trumpers is not that they are globalists but rather that they mistake "complex" physical systems for "non-complex" physical systems in the construction of models of these systems. People who make this mistake are properly called "progressives." Kamala Harris is an example of one of them. This is not to say that all progressives wish to kill Trump but rather that some of them do.
Kamala Harris is a Marxist. Walz is a Marxist. They both - along with other Marxists, plus those in Kash Patel's Book "Government Gangsters" are following the rules in Communist Manifesto.
Its apparent that way too few Americans actually KNOW what MARXISM is and how it started in Europe in the 17th century and was IMPORTED into the fledgling USA by radicalized German and Italian Communists disguised as "deep-thinkers", "philosophers" and "experts" who were able to spread the deadly virus of communism via the American academy and "public" (and) private "education".
BINGO Tom ... and here in Australia too and the rest of the Western World. And indeed for myself as it was only in the wake of the outbreak of the COVID pLandemic that I started to fully grasp the extent of infiltration into all institutions -- religious and secular.
A three-minute video that was a massive turning point for me in understanding the true Marxist agenda of "DEFUND THE POLICE" during the 2020 Summer riots, mentioned in the link above can be viewed at:
To which I give my commentary from the bottom of page 8 to the start of page 10 at:
And in regard to Religious infiltration:
I detail from personal experience, how the Catastrophic Climate Change Scam (CCCS) has hijacked Christianity to facilitate the march towards the one-world religion.
As well, do a search for "WayBack" at:
... and my personal ringtone, originally inspired by the CCCS, truly embodies any number of Globalist/Marxist agenda driven scams.
VINCE! Thank YOU very much for providing the links to information. I hope everyone who frequents the Malone's sub stack will read and increase their knowledge of the (DOMESTIC and global) skulduggery that has pushed America to the very edge of the cliff (to) plunge the USA and humanity into communist oblivion!
What do you think led it to start?
Often it is said with the Frankfurt School that was brought over to America in 1933 in the wake of Hitler's rise to power.
If this is all happening leading up to the election, then imagine what may happen if Trump is elected and the time between then and inauguration. That is when I suspect the chaos may really ramp up.
We live in the most bizarre times, unfortunately.
We live in a very demonic time, run by Satan. Read C. Lewis', "The Screwtape Letters"
As Gandalf said to Frodo, "All we have is decide is what is to do with the time that is given us. And already, Frodo, our time is beginning to look black."
If he wins… then…
“The real game begins.”
-Jim Carrey in Batman Forever.
I would say, (along with exorcist, Fr. Raheel) we live in the most wildly demonic of times.
The exorcist Father Chad Ripperger has a prayer for the protection of this election; please pray it daily and pass it on: https://divinemercyforamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/fr-ripperger-2024-us-election.pdf
I’m not Catholic but I WILL pray this every day!
Thank you for sharing this.
You're welcome; please pass it on.
They will trash our cities and citizens need to rise up and take out the antifa, BLM, CCP, middle east terrorists who do this along with the officials who would put the citizens in prison while letting the terrorists destroying cities walk.
As Trump is loved by most Americans I expect the transition from rule over us by the progressives to rrule over us by the MAGA Republicans will go smoothly.
Communists NEVER "let go" of power smoothly.
Never say "Never"
What;s your argument?
It's not an argument, it's a statement.
A free person should not make claims or statements that anyone RULES over you or others. It's dangerous to freedom because it instills an acceptance of subjugation.
They won't allow that. They will do what they did through 2019 and 2020.
They will have no choice but to allow that!
It amounts to the DECAPITATION of America - to become a SOCIALIST DEMOCRACY - with a new constitution.
I've got news for you Sheldon H: Donald Trump is not going to be re-elected. 2 assassination attempts? 3rd time lucky? Not to mention the ballot box stuffing, the mail-in ballots, dead people voting, and by the looks of things this time round, illegal migrants will be allowed to vote!
Check out Turning Point project to stop the steal. We all need to support this!
It occurred to me that Trump is not safe anywhere, but then I remembered that God saved his life on July 13. We have to trust God and fight, fight, fight! Perhaps God will grant us mercy and give the United States another chance.
Thank you for the perceptive Substack post.
Thank you Ms. Clifton - I very much appreciate your kind words.
I truly hope God will give the US another chance and bring revival, but we have to all repent of our evil ways and turn back to him with all our mind, body, and soul. Right now America does not deserve God's mercy.
Mercy is never deserved.
I only learned of this from your email. I just got home and asked my husband why he didn’t say anything about the assassination attempt and he said “we don’t know yet, there was just a guy with a gun at the golf course and some shots were fired.” He is far left and consumes BBC, NPR and Guardian. The MSM is very successful in Psywar
I'll say.
And you are MARRIED to this guy???!!!
Some of us take our marriage vows seriously, and years ago we’re not so politically divergent from our spouse. That is my case, and I must say, that she has put up with me for 50 years, not an easy task.
I used to be to the left of her in HS & college. Time, fathering 2 daughters, and a conservative pastor all moved me to the right. She has not changed, too much NPR. Alas.
Roger, RE: V.I. Lenins dictum: "Give Me Four Years to Teach the Children and the Seed I Have Planted will Never Be Rooted Out". (Again, Lenin said "sown" which is now a moribund word).
I still use sown, I haven’t noticed any more blank stares when I talk than usual.
Interesting, Dr. Kimber. How often you used "sown' in conversations?
Not often, sowing and/or planting doesn’t come up often in my conversations, even though I live in Lancaster County, PA, where you would think it would come up often, but I don’t have a lot of farmer friends; though we did just have our front yard sown in grass seed, which is coming up very nicely, thank you.
I help teacher English as a second language through our church, and last spring one lesson featured sow and its many permutations and meanings: adult female pig, literal and figurative spreading of seeds (or male gametes) of plants or ideas or of the Word.
Be careful that you don't add to troubles that may yet be repaired.
Repaired HOW, Mike?
an eyewitness saw the shooter run to his vehicle. The witness took a picture of the shooters vehicle and got his license plate number. Gave it the police. The Police caught the shooter on I-95 thanks to the witness.
The shooter needs to be kept away from the FBI!!!!
Please enlighten, Ana...
Implying that the FBI will off him;
From what I've heard, he was already turned over to them shortly after being stopped.
I just heard that this morning 🌄 😳 😩
Great work Dr.Malone!
Keep it up!
God bless!
There is a pattern here. For covid, any doctor who tried to save lives by offering early out-patient treatment was censored, demonized, de-platformed, de-credentialed, & discredited. Those who harmed patients in the hospitals with remdesivir & ventilators were financially rewarded as are those promoting the dangerous & often lethal covid injections. Likewise, the political party that has been actively ruining this country over the last 4-years are supported & applauded. Trump, who did his level best to improve upon the status quo (prior to covid) is demonized & relentlessly attacked. For the life of me, I have no idea what is going on, but whatever it is, it is sick & evil.
We are in a spiritual battle. This is beyond mere human evil.
Ruining our country for "four years"? Make that 4 DECADES ( actually many more).
That pretty much covers it!
The Democrats and the Never Trumpers will be mad about this for two reasons.
One, because the shooter failed.
Two, because it replaces their debate narrative.
BUT, they get to complain about an automatic “assault” weapons for 4 or 5 days.
The rifle was an AK-47, not the easiest rifle to mount a reliable telescopic sight on as Michael Kalashnikov designed them to use very long range iron sights. This was a departure from the general purpose whipping boy the AR-15. Most AKs, even newly US manufactured ones deviate little from the original design, while somewhere in there the sporting AR got redesigned to support many sorts of optics and accessories.
Not to get sidetracked from the subject of the thread (or to get into an argument with another patiot), but the AK-47 (from the year 1947) preceded the AR-15/M-16, which didn't appear until 1964.
The AK-47 itself was very similar to the German Sturmgewehr-44 (yes, from the year 1944).
Then what are to saying?
The implication of Scott’s post was that the AK-47 was contemporary or followed the AR-15. Tamenund told us that the AK-47 preceded the AR-15 by quite a bit.
No argument Dean of course the AK* came first. What I mean is that the 7.62x39 (AK-47) is the cartridge that ushered in the 5.56x45 (AR-15) for combat both being less powerful than the 7.62x51 or the WW II era 30-06, but much easier to transport in combat and with lighter recoil. The AK In other words I think that the AK-47 was the ground breaker and Michael Kalashnikov the genius, who invented the gun that promoted it’s use. I contend that Kalashnikov and Bill Ruger were two genius firearms designers that very atypically lived more or less simultaneously. Stoner was not bad, but a one trick pony! The greatest of all time, of course was John Moses Browning whose designs, both civilian and military are still in use today!
The latest is that I was mistaken in another post interpreting the lousy photo of Routh’s gun as maybe a Dragunov, but later reports state Routh had an SKS. I am not certain that SKSs ever came in anything but 7.62x39 and seems suited to the 300 yard distance, but is a little light for 500 yards.
09/15/24: Perfect. In fact, because it does ruin their debate yammering, they'll accuse Trump of having staged a "fake assassination attempt" in order to be able to change the subject: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
Boom! You are absolutely right, Dr. Malone, about the fake news twisting every “news story” to suit the ‘narrative’ they want - or are ordered to - by the lunatics in ‘power’. Gee, I’ve never had to use so many quotations in one reply before! But that is the state of our media today. Thank you for endeavoring to expose the truth about this. We hang on your every word!
We do hang on your every word and we so appreciate you Doc! Truly a gem you are! 💗
Correct me if I'm wrong, but to the best of my recollection every "shot fired" Presidential assassination attempt post-JFK has been against a Republican (Ford, Reagan, Trump).
By today's standards, JFK would be a Republican as well ... but I digress.
All by (we're told, mentally unstable) "lone wolves" (as was JFK if one accepts the official narrative). Who manage to beat the Secret Service (which in theory is supposed to be able to counter entire teams of potential professional assassins at any time and place).
It's almost as if such "lone wolf" folks are recruited - and given a backdoor welcome mat.
P.S. Why is we know more about this guy just hours after the event than we do about Crooks after two months?
Something stinks ...
We know more this time in part due to Dr. Malone's efforts to get screenshots before the accounts were disappeared. The FBI acted quickly the first time and we had not anticipated what was done to hide info. This time, citizens on site at the golf course, Dr. Malone and maybe others have been quick to gather evidence before it is taken away.
Does it, or are we now better prepared and preserving social media, etc in a timely manner?
On the one hand, I think that yes, indeed, we're better prepared.
On the other hand, if memory serves, simultaneously with the release of Crooks' identity we were told he had no social media presence (which is entirely implausible in this day and age). My suspicion is that their standard operating procedure now (and likely for some time) is to scrub the Internet before a name is released.
Regarding today, that this scrubbing didn't occur until after his name was released (I believe) means they either screwed up on their standard protocol, OR they wanted us to find something before they shut it all down.
I could be wrong, but at this point one can't be too cynical.
Of course Wray, the Liara, lied about it all re. Crooks. He was probably groomed for 2 years to do the job, but little did anyone know that God was going to whisper in Trump's ear to move his head.
Methinks it's the Feds ordering, or "requesting" the scrubbing - and the social media companies (to avoid consequences) comply.
I think because the Florida Sheriff got him before the Feds did, his name was out there before the Feds could find Zuckerberg on a Sunday afternoon to tell him to scrub his Facebook page
Roger, playing the devil's 😈 advocate, if these people are involved, why wouldn't they scrub the accounts before he attempted the act?
Is it for appearance 🤔 or is it some other outside entity doing this?!?!
Well, given that this was likely a last minute improvisation, because it was a golf game not on Trump’s public schedule they had to notify him of the new opportunity & get him in place (& who knows how many other patsies they had lined up on the back nine, & for that matter tomorrow & the next day….). To me this seems like a half baked attempt & I even posted earlier elsewhere that perhaps this was a psyop to rehabilitate the reputation of the SS FBI etc.
There are layers and layers, and all we can be sure of is that the government & the MSM is lying to us.
I don't see it as a totally half-baked attempt. Routh was very near Trump, hiding in the bushes where he could have shot Trump at close range as Trump approached the hole that was near to Routh's bush. Thank God that the Secret Service agent did see Routh and shot at him, causing Routh to get up and run to his car. It could have worked. But God. And then an alert citizen who got a photo including the license plate numbers, which led to arrest. Which likely would NOT have happened otherwise. The guy could have totally gotten away.
I can’t disagree with you; bottom lines; God is good and in control; we will probably never know the reality of this with certainty, and not until Trump is in office, and even then, because he will have to depend on these corrupt agencies while he is in office, unless there is a clean sweep in Congress, both houses.
Pray hard, vote hard. Volunteer as poll workers/watchers & give to this new fractal voter integrity organization whose name escapes me.
No doubt FBI is doing it (deleting social media), and it could be that someone in the Biden Harris administration ordered the hit - whoever arranged the assassination attempt might also be interested in eliminating the social media info. This is not like a normal government thing where Congress could just put a stop to it. Dr. Malone wrote a new post for Sept. 16, today, in which he explained, the government has been doing things and lying about what they have done ever since the Kennedy assassination in 1963. Ah, I just saw Tom Wigand's comment below, and he's right, there is definite evidence that for a long time, the Biden Harris admin was insisting that certain types of things had to be censored; they told social media what they wanted, and social media complied. Zuckerberg recently said that was wrong and Facebook would not do that any more - well, the Biden Harris admin (of which the FBI is a part, and so is Secret Service) told Facebook and other social media to delete Routh's profile, and they did it. I don't have the actual emails or phone records but I am certain this is what happened, Tom Wigand is correct - there IS evidence that this has happened a gazillion times as far as Biden-Harris asking for things to be censored during past almost-4-years, and now here we are again. They do this.
I seem to remember just hours after Crooks shot Trump, they weren't releasing any information yet, because they were looking at his DNA. I just thought that was odd. What in the world were they going to match that to? Or were they buying time, so they could scrub the shooter's social media accounts before anyone got any screenshots of that??
Their behavior gives us no reason to get off the conspiracy train!!!!
No, they "said" they were looking at his DNA, but in fact the FBI was hosing down the rooftop to get rid of DNA. Everything they say is a lie. Right, they were trying to scrub social media and as quickly as possible, scrub the rooftop as well, and get that body cremated before Congress could take a look at Crook's body.
Exactly! They certainly did a good job, because there has been very little released about Crooks. Did he have friends? Did he have family? Heck, we knew more about Oswald! But I think they learned how to really cover their tracks with the Oswald thing. Better tech now. Better planning, apparently. It ain't over.
The FBI is quick to take things down and conceal info, but in this case, certainly Dr. Malone and perhaps a few others have been quicker to immediately preserve the information. Because we saw what happened before.
We need to have our congressional representatives to get something written about stopping these agencies from doing that!
If we already have some laws to that effect, then they should lay down the law!!!!!
Don't worry Ana, our congressional reps will wait a couple of week and then start their own investigation like they did in PA.
They're worthless 😔!
Off subject sort of....my brother went to Heaven in May 2023 and his Facebook page was memorialized I was told by my niece. It won’t ever go away? Really? They choose who they scrub? Hmmmm!
But I just read today, DeSantis is going to start a Florida investigation. If FBI obstructs, they may not find much information, but you never know. My opinion, if anyone could do a good investigation it would be DeSantis. Not the federal agencies.
Which may not help greatly if FBI and possibly Secret Service have taken steps to conceal information.
My original comment was sarcasm Martha.
I thought it probably was sarcasm, but I thought it was kind of hopeful to think of DeSantis investigating. I understand the limitations, if FBI conceals information, he may not get much info and I won't hold it against him, but so far it is those outside the federal agencies who have done the best. Local law enforcement has overall been very helpful. Well, I'm thinking in Pennsylvania, local law enforcement had a communications / coordination meeting the day of the shooting, and Secret Service didn't bother to attend, then they had communication devices so they would all be in communication together, and Secret Service refused to utilize, etc. Then when the investigation begins, FBI is clearly obstructing and destroying evidence. Some of the Secret Service agents as individuals have done good work, but the agency as a whole, no. So, yesterday, a Secret Service agent did see the gun and shot at Routh, then it was local sheriff who made the arrest or his deputy - but he gave away the important info, if it was a sitting President, they would have surrounded the entire golf course, and since Trump is not actual President, he gets what security Secret Service "deems possible." So - a state level investigation with DeSantis ultimately in charge, and local law enforcement bringing forward any evidence etc. - I think there is the potential for them to come up with something. In Florida, I think those involved would want to get to the bottom of it as opposed to three-letter agencies who don't. So the idea of a local investigation is somewhat hopeful, but limited by how much the federal agencies are able to obstruct or stonewall. And I know in the back of my mind, I have actually been thinking about Ana's comments, as she clearly would like for Congress to take charge and settle these things, but they have been very limited by the obstruction of the agencies - well, the FBI hosed down the rooftop to get rid of DNA apparently or whatever biological evidence of anything was up there, they allowed the body to be cremated without autopsy the day before Congress was going to go and observe the body as part of their investigation, and Josh Hawley was ordered off the property when he went as part of the Senate investigation. Some in Congress do want answers and are limited in what they can accomplish - well, when Cheatle testified, she had to be subpoenaed or she would not have come, and then she would not answer the questions. So in the end, Congress will not find any answers. But maybe a local investigation will turn up something interesting, you never know. I suppose when you think how much was covered up for so long concerning JFK and RFK both - it would be surprising if we get truth about any of the current attempts. Actually, prayer is the one thing we can do that I believe could make a difference. Prayer for safety for candidates, and an honest election with a good outcome.
Too many other LE involved this time. According to LE at a press conference, once the license plate # was known it was radioed to another police dept who nabbed the guy in his vehicle. The police weren't shy about saying who they caught.
On the other hand - as luck would have it someone just happened to see some guy run to his car and jump in so, just like anyone else he inherently knew something was amiss so took pictures, found the police and then went with the police to ID the man caught out on the hwy. Sure, I believe that. I wonder where he was hanging out and why . . . inquiring minds want to know.
SS agent was a bad shot or was it shots?
Choreographed? Like a football play? Pass pass catch run...
Maybe purpose was to spook Trump? Knock him off his game/confidence?
Well, keep in mind, local police in many cases want to do their job and want to protect a former President and a candidate, and may in many case want to protect Trump specifically. At the first attempt, the local law enforcement definitely were trying to do their job from what I have read, but Secret Service refused to show up for a coordination meeting the morning of, they refused to use the communication devices so they could communicate with local law enforcement and it was a guy from local SWAT team who ran toward the shooter and fired the shot that disabled the rifle and stopped any further shooting, right before a Secret Service sniper fired the shot that killed Crooks, as I understand it. Basically, the problem is with the federal agencies because federal agencies are under the control of the Biden Harris administration. If you see something, say something, but don't waste your time talking with a federal agent, give your info to local police, you are more likely to get action. The guy who took the photos apparently went to local police, NOT to Secret Service and as far as we know, no FBI was present, though perhaps they were. But when we have information about an unfolding situation, the big thing is to make sure you are talking to local police it would seem. Though if Secret Service is present and not local guys - some Secret Service agents will do their job even though we see what happened in Pennsylvania because only incompetent temps were assigned - for a reason.
What is LE?
Many thanks and CTDAHBGH
LE= Law Enforcement. I'm not a good typist so use abrevs a lot.
You’re so Hamlet - something is definitely rotten in Palm Beach!
Tom Wigand, responding to your comment: "It's almost as if such "lone wolf" folks are recruited - and given a backdoor welcome mat."
Yes, I do think so. There are some books that indicate Lee Harvey Oswald was working with the CIA. One of the books was "Doctor Mary's Monkey" and it had to do with two researchers who were tasked by the CIA to come up with a way to assassinate Castro, and Oswald was involved in this particular CIA plot against Castro, also apparently was perhaps in a relationship with one of the researchers - though then perhaps set up by CIA for Dallas. I read a lengthy article about this online and bought Doctor Mary's Monkey in an e-book but never had time to read it, but from the article, it seemed persuasive.
Also, if anyone has been paying attention, RFK Jr. has actually met with Sirhan in prison and does not believe Sirhan killed RFK - who RFK Jr. thinks did it had ties to CIA, and of note, RFK Jr has ample evidence to say it could not have been Sirhan, and how things were covered up.
However, I think going too deeply into the past could cause people today to get disappeared or Clintonized, so I don't think it's all that good to discuss these things even now, but yes, that welcome mat concept may be valid.
Moving forward to Trump which at this point is the most pertinent - I don't know if everyone knows, that this "lone wolf" acting 100% alone had multiple encrypted communications accounts - why? And he was communicating with people in other countries including Germany, New Zealand and one other, but could be an Iranian in Germany, who knows. The FBI was playing innocent and ignorant. But also, the geofencing data showed that Crooks' phone was getting pinged from the vicinity of FBI HQ, and whatever phone that was, also apparently made visits to the area where Crooks lived. So - there was something going on with Crooks' that we will never be told about. These things that I have said about Crooks can probably be found online and many people among those commenting probably know more about it than me - but they are probably findable still for anyone who had not read these things.
But also - former Navy seals and security experts have said, the first attempt on Trump looked like an "inside job" too many things to be a coincidence, and some have said, if it is an inside job that failed, they will try again and again. Thus, we need to keep praying for Trump for protection, and pray for our nation - those of us who do pray and believe in a God who answers prayer. To continue to pray through the election and beyond the inauguration as the transition continues to move forward to right things in our country.
What you said, every bit of it.
The Presidents who have been murdered by the Central banking cartel.
1. Andrew Jackson escaped assignation by luck. There was an attempted assassination which failed when both pistols used by the assassin, Richard Lawrence, failed to fire.
2. President Zachary Taylor - murdered/assignation Taylor died on July 9, 1850 after eating a bowl of cherries and milk rumored to have been poisoned. The symptoms he displayed are consistent with acute arsenic poisoning.
3. President James Buchanan - murdered/assignation He was poisoned with arsenic and survived, although 38 other people at the dinner died.
4. Lincoln- murdered for Greenbacks issue Following Lincoln's assassination, the Greenbacks were pulled from circulation and the American people forced to go back to an economy based on bank notes borrowed at interest from the private bankers. (see Lincoln)
5. President James Garfield - murdered/assignation "Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce, and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate." -- President James A. Garfield, two weeks before he was assassinated
6. President William McKinley - murdered/assignation
McKinley favored gold-backed currencies and a balanced government budget which would free the public from accumulating debt.
McKinley was shot by an out-of-work anarchist on September 14, 1901, in Buffalo, NY, succumbing to his wounds a few days later. He was suceeded in office by Theodore Roosevelt.
7. President John F. Kennedy - murdered/assignation
As President, John F. Kennedy understood the predatory nature of private central banking. He understood why Andrew Jackson fought so hard to end the Second Bank of the United States. So Kennedy wrote and signed Executive Order 11110 which ordered the US Treasury to issue a new public currency, the United States Note.
Five months later John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas, and the United States Notes pulled from circulation and destroyed (except for samples held by collectors).
& JFK was ready to disband the CIA because of the Bay of Pigs fiasco, multiple reasons for different deep state assets to want JFK dead.
Pick your poison. Go against the grain . . .
I was not aware of the banker’s connection going back through our history; back in July people were making the connections between JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X assassinations& the 3 letter agencies
Bobby Kennedy, 1968
The deep state is lining up high tech missiles to fire at Russia and our own government wants the former president and present candidate dead because he wants to end the war. 400,000 Ukraine soldiers dead and 40,000 Russian soldiers dead. Our country is overrun with illegals and criminals and the Border Czar Harris is 100% complicit. She now praises Cheney who she and her party despises. Will Americans not understand what is happening until high tech missiles hit our cities? Thank God for the alternative media or we would have 0 chance of survival. Thank you Dr Malone for being on of the right side.
Putin knows that there was a coup, and that we are pretty much prisoners in America. We still get to move around a little, and cling to our guns and religion at the moment, BUT we have been captured by the BLOB!! HELP!!
Not me,not yet.
😔 😟 🙁
Biden has stop ordering the murder of his political rival.
The media is a million times more culpable than the guy with the lights on and nobody home.
Whoever captured those screenshots of Routh - GOOD WORK!!
Just look at the comments on any left leaning news, even on substack. Some of them are seriously vile.
Figures...when ruled by the evil one, whose time is running out.
I’ve been following this on X. They found him hiding in the bushes along the fairway on the fifth hole. The tee to the sixth hole is only a few yards from the highway. Again, at the last minute an agent patrolling the fairway spotted him and apparently shot at him and missed. He ran. He left at least two back packs hanging on the fence. Pics are posted on X. Reports of other gun shots.
Another report says the SS did not have a full complement of agents protecting Trump on the golf course.
Once again pure luck.
Not luck. Many people are praying for trump - probably hundreds of thousands of people. But it is important that as many as possible are praying for our nation and for the safety of the election. The Deep State and the opposing party, I suppose one and the same, will fight for status quo and obviously some are ready to kill to preserve their power.
That is what the press conference said. WE had it up on its website. Thankfully that SS guy was actually doing his job.
Until they succeed, Or the Lord God steps in with HIS strong Right arm!
09/15/24: Until they can off this guy, cremate him, and destory all the evidence --- ala the first assassination attempt.
At least ONE Secret Service individual acted without hesitation. Congrats to that SS person.
Unless he was firing blanks. I would put nothing beyond the realm of possibility.