I think we are going to need more Edward Snowden type induvials to reveal to the American citizens the true extent of the "Stasi" type programs in process in the US in order to bring some general outrage to the insidious creep of government intrusion and manipulation of American citizens by our government.

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I am doing what I can...

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We need politicians with guts and integrity. They are in short supply. Hopefully Trump will be elected and he will put Peter Navarro in charge of cleaning out these rodent nests. Peter, who has suffered their venom, is a tough and honorable man.

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Aug 7
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What's your game, Jenny?

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Total sealioning every comment Bruce. If everyone just completely ignores her she will eventually go away. She’s from France😂😂

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Exactly my thought James. Why I ignore her comments.

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Yes you are!! Thank you!

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Aug 7
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Chaos agent vs unstable individual. Either way, goodbye JennyStokes.

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People learn and change. We were all lied to about Snowden and Assange. Now we just consider the source and look upon them as honest men trying to reveal what our elites wanted concealed.

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And you're going to change hearts and minds with that attitude?

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Americans had a long history of trusting their government and their press. Most of it was merited. Some not. But since the Bush administration we've been on a down hill path with botched wars and occupations, the idiotically named "Patriot Act" and bureaucratic interference in the political process.

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Our newspapers are mere house organs of the DNC

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Oh we did have it. Some very evil people are trying to hijack it. Good people, such as Dr. Malone, are sounding the alarm. My hope is that citizens are waking up.

What is your nation? Please don't say the UK, because you haven't been free since the Bastard and his banditti got lucky and Harold caught an arrow in the eye.

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Agree about Bush. But Euro leaders are even worse. Starmer is a dolt and Macron a fool. The right is rising because people are waking up to the treason of their so-called "elites."

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I agree we never really had it. Not in its purest form. Liberty and justice for ALL has never been. And taxation without representation has been there almost from the very beginning. I've read Howard Zinn's REAL history of the U.S.

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You are just spouting lies . Why?

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With the AI technology it makes the stasi organization look like kindergarten. The data that is collected from social media, purchasing on line , TV shows you watch, engine searches etc. It make me want to move to a deserted Island. No electronics. A much simpler life. Thank you for the voice over and thank you for your constant fight for right. Have a great day!

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I'm afraid that deserted islands aren't what they used to be, with "eyes in the sky" from every satellite surveillance system. More's the pity.

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Aug 7
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Dang it

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Answering Pilate's 2000-year-old question is becoming more of a challenge every day, as all sources of information must be questioned for veracity. We were lied to about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and now it turns out, about that of his brother. These people play for keeps and nothing is off the table. We are inundated with sophisticated propaganda from all sides. "What can we get'em to believe?" isn't any different from "How will it play in Peoria" and even that has passed its 50th birthday. Donald J. Trump represents a mortal threat to the globalist cabal that has taken these levels of manipulation and control to unimaginable heights. We, the people of the United States of America, must reclaim and proclaim our spiritual heritage, rediscover our birthright in the face of this tyranny as outlined in the Declaration of Independence, and hold our elected officials accountable to adhere to the principles and original meaning of the Constitution. Liars and deceivers abound. Dr. Malone and other truth-tellers are encouraging us to get one step ahead by becoming as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves.

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Very well stated, 53d.

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Of coarse we know the FBI was surveilling Donald Trump before and during his presidency, which is amazing in itself. This has not stopped at all, in fact I’m sure it’s more intense with every day that goes by. They say when picking a VP the first issue is do no harm. I have nothing against Vance but in this world of gender, race, sexual orientation I’m not sure he is the perfect pick but what do I know. I know many will disagree with me and the pick I’m going to mention may have done harm to Trump but I did like Tulsi Gabbard. I know you can hammer me but the way she destroyed Kamala’s run in 2020 just rubbed me the right way. Another reason I like Tulsi is Hillary hated her remember this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55hVhbBfNig.

I also wanted to share this with you speaking of surveillance. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0f1kXD2bCZeBJ_NmaauGnHjng

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Tulsi said (via her SubStack) that she is no longer a member of the "Council on Foreign Relations" - but to my knowledge has NEVER "outed" that treacherous, treasonous cabal - and not ONE word about the "CFR" in her book "For Love of Country".

Of course "CFR" member - Hillary Clinton - attacked Tulsi, but IF Tulsi is who she sez she is, she must refrain from uttering platitudes and attack - by NAME - those in "high places" who are actively "deconstructing" America.

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I like most of what Tulsi stands for and wouldn't be surprised is she doesn't end up in a Trump administration. But also think Vance was a great choice for VP, because he's the closest thing to Trump on MAGA policy and in temperament – he’s a fighter.

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Yes and isn't Tulsi on some sort of TSA watch list? Which is absolutely unacceptable and the slime who put her there need to be rooted out and fired. If not given a good beating for good measure.

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Yes I just posted a note on her. Bruce if Hillary hates her Kamala hates her and the government is watching her she must be doing something spectacular!!! This is why I like her.

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I like her, as well. I was hoping Trump named her as VP. But she needs a major role in the government. Maybe Homeland Security or Sec Def.

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Yes, she has been on the TSA "Quite Skies" surveillance list since July 23rd, per Uncover DC and that trios of Air Marshals first began following her on flights on July 25th.

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I’m sure the fbi is watching her also

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Creepy, spooky and completely unacceptable. This should be the subject of Congressional hearings and heads should roll if unwarranted. Especially if it is political, having nothing to do with national security

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I believe she is taking it to Congress, well certain people there anyway.

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James, I will admit, I too like Tulsi Gabbard; she seems sincere and I believe was turned off by current socialist/democrat party. If Trump had picked Gabbard, I would’ve been fine with the choice and hopefully not proven wrong.

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She certainly can speak on her feet. She’s an officer in the national guard. I don’t think she would disappoint.

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PGP -The Public Good Project- , The Open Society Foundations...

Don't you love the oxymoron type names TPTB choose for their operations? Do "they" think this gaslighting technique works or they enjoy the sadistic aspect of it?

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If sadists didn't enjoy sadism what would be the point to it?

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Great update and quote ending by Huxley. Just another reminder that Huxley used to chide Orwell for being right, but the wrong way to Totalitarianism. Looks like we are getting fire-hosed by both every minute all day...

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If only our country had used all they learned from the Stazi to counter what they did for the benefit of our citizens instead of improving on it digitally against our citizens.

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For all of you Tulsi fans, her best bet would have been if RFK Jr. had taken her on as his VP.

The Dem and Uniparty have been out from behind the curtain well before even 2015. If Tulsi could not see that then, there is a much she could be missing or she was/is part of it and was placed, as a new outsider decoy, to become part of their opposition. She is well-schooled, completely composed, careful in how she frames things, and just one of many current & former US military personnel under the WEF's tutelage. It is not like our government has never had collaborators in it, just saying. Glenn Beck thought she was a good Trump pick for VP.

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Agree she is dangerous waters. The adage "my enemy's enemy is my friend" can only be trusted so far.

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This country desperately needs regime change. Denial of justice department weaponization and media censorship does not change the fact that it exists. This diatribe of Trump seeking revenge is historically proven baseless. When Hillary was defeated by Trump he told those seeking revenge against her "she's had enough". What he will do is stop the weaponization of the justice system for political gain. He will stop the now endless illegal immigration. He will stop the depletion of our strategic oil reserves to buy votes, he will makes us energy independent , making foreign oil costs much lower. He will be and is respectful of all without making them minorities in need of Government help. Relying again upon history, Kamala will do nothing. There are no known Harris goals, plans, agendas, beliefs or accomplishments other than to pander to what might get the most votes.

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Some thoughts about the information highway. We once took 2 newspapers, morning and evening. No more, cannot believe a word printed in any of the local press. So we suffer a deficit of in depth local/ state news. And that is not good. We are swamped with interstate and international news from IT sources but what these days we should be paying closest attention to is what is going on next door. Texas serves as an example. There is a concerted effort being made to bring the Texas House under control of conservatives and in line with the alleged position of the Senate. But I worry that the dearth of readily available local news proves a serious handicap. When elections are held re issues like amendments to the state constitution the results reflect a poorly informed electorate. A big problem I have seen is that any effort to compete with local news sources can be met with an entrenched local power structure almost impossible to overcome. And that is sad.

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"Poorly informed electorate" is a generational problem with grave results for the longevity of the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787.

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Yes, I ran into that with our small, local paper in a conservative area, no less. The younger generation has a better grasp on this than us old fogies with substacks and podcasts. Maybe something there could make an impact?

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The best paper we had for some time (and that was 18 yrs ago so....) was the Brazosport Facts. Really good reporting and great op/ed page

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Reminds me of the Austin Citizen. It's been gone so long I forgot about it.

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I tried shouting from the roof tops locally over this COVID sham inject or face punishment policy. I did my best to find each and every local public publishing and news source and shared the truthful information from Dr. Malone and his peers with them all to no avail. Our local board of Health, ( such an ironic name ), allows a constituent citizen three minutes to speak at their meetings after which they pretend you were never there. I learned you are spot on with your assessment of the near impenetrable media power structure. It is venues like this where hope lies.

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This is why I tune in to the Texas Minute for political reporting on state issues...that is where we have the best chance to have any effect

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Michael, this is an EXCELLENT POINT. We each need to focus locally. There is where we can make a real difference. It is very hard to it to be sucked into the Big Mess. I thank you and will try to find local online news sites to focus on. Will read headlines of the Big Mess but not spend as much time on that.

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UNLESS (IF he wins),Trump doesn't FIRE every Council on Foreign Relations member (read MOLE) within the federal government, NOTHING will really change.

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Meta freedom of speech: everyone is allowed to say what they believe, except for the truth.

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If you have any doubts about the evil of the DDR and its Stasi henchmen, just rent Das Leben der Anderen translated to "The Lives of Others." And then ask yourself how different has our FBI (or CIA) become under the Democrats and statist Republicans who countenance SWAT team raids and arrests of political opponents on misdemeanor charges or the massive muscle used to arrest Catholics who oppose abortion or support the Latin Mass. This is anti-liberty, anti-free speech and completely anti-American. Our spy agencies should neither advance political agendas nor collect data on innocent Americans. When the two Germanys were united, part of the deal was to protect the Stasi from retribution. No such deal should be struck for any American bureaucrat who engages in such activities. At the very least they should be fired and stripped of benefits. I personally would support slow walking these totalitarian gangsters and thugs to the gibbet.

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PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order | Dr. Robert Malone



Ted L. Gunderson, a retired FBI Senior Special Agent insists there are two types of investigative operations in the U.S. intelligence agencies, overt and covert. He says, "The overt operations involve investigators who respond to various federal violations of the law such as bank robbery, kidnapping, extortion, etc..." But the "covert operation" says Gunderson "involves those who never identify themselves and are involved in harassing and targeting citizens..."

FBI Agent Ted Gunderson on The Worldwide Satanic Pedophile Child Trafficking!


Ted Gunderson HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"





Reportedly, the ground crews that participate in patrols (Gang Stalking) are connected to academic institutions, the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and other federal or state agencies. If this is the case, then this program is similar to the harassment campaigns in Germany which were run by the Stasi.

They operated a vast network of citizen informants. Some of these informants were directed by the Stasi to conduct patrols, where they would systematically Gang Stalk enemies of the state.

Anna Funder described the Stasi as,

"the internal army by which the government kept control."

John O. Koehler, who served as a correspondent for the Associated Press for 28 years, says they were,

"a criminal organization founded and operated by a monopolistic party... that trampled on basic human rights and on the dignity of the individual."

The Stasi existed to protect the state from the people. More specifically, it existed to keep those in charge of the dictatorship in control.

Fulbrook wrote, "a key task of the Stasi was to ensure that the potential bases for collective action in opposition to... the state... did not develop," and that, "individual 'trouble-makers' or 'ringleaders' [were] rapidly isolated and disciplined."

To accomplish this, they used their own version of Cointelpro (Zersetzung), which had the full support of all major components of the state, including a network of citizens which would stalk and harass people. The Stasi and the IMs were essentially the private armies of the individuals who controlled the country.


Col. John B. Alexander, PhD

His biography reads: "Dr. John Alexander has been a leading advocate for the development of non-lethal weapons..." He "organized and chaired the first five major conferences on non-lethal warfare, and served as a US delegate to four NATO studies on the topic." Dr. Alexander has worked with the "highest levels of government," including the White House, NSC, CIA, and other senior defense officials.

He has written articles for Harvard International Review, The Boston Globe, The Futurist, The Washington Post, and other media. He has appeared on Fox News, Larry King, CNN, Dateline and international television. Currently he works as president of LEADS, Inc., and serves as an adviser to the Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command.

He was "instrumental in influencing the report that is credited with causing the Department of Defense to create a formal Non-Lethal Weapons Policy." According to Dr. Alexander, the creation of this policy resulted from his non-lethals study for the Council on Foreign Relations.

An article entitled, The Quest for the Nonkiller App, which appeared in the July 25 issue of The New York Times Magazine, stated that Raytheon had developed the Active Denial System (ADS) which causes "palpable pain" and "can operate beyond small-arms range, enabling an operator to deter a foe long before a potentially fatal clash occurs." According to the article, Stephen Goose, Director of the Arms Division of Human Rights Watch, "paints an Orwellian picture in which repressive regimes obtain nonlethal weapons to keep restive populations in check without resorting to the sort of bloodshed that can earn a country unwanted attention." That is exactly what is happening now.

The article continued, "Janet Morris of M2 Technologies would like to see, 'calmative agents' - weaponized versions of Valium and other drugs - deployed in battle." The Council on Foreign Relations has issued reports and recommended an increase in research finances, it said, and added, both "[Janet and Chris Morris] have worked as members of the Council on Foreign Relations' task force."


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Every aspect of government's total control has been provided by the never-ending expansion of the CFR as they train elite college and university students and alumni to mastermind the means of control and then work from the inside and outside.

Looking at its website a few years ago - John W. Davis first president 1921 – 33. It established (1937) research fellowships to promote scholarly research in the economic and political areas of American foreign relations, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.

1938 CFR creates Committees on Foreign Relations in eight cities across the U.S.: Cleveland; Denver; Des Moines, Iowa; Detroit; Houston; Louisville, Kentucky; Portland, Oregon; and St. Louis. The Committees would eventually expand to thirty-seven cities across the country before spinning off from CFR in 1995.

1939 outreach to the business community by establishing the Seminar for Junior Executives to provide young executives with a background in U.S. foreign policy.

= = = = =

1997 CFR launches its website, foreignrelations.org

Congress and U.S. Foreign Policy project, led by Alton Frye, is launched and becomes an institutional priority

Encyclopedia of U.S. Foreign Relations is published under CFR auspices

. . . https://www.cfr.org/celebrating-a-century/timeline

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Thanks, did not know about 1938. This is done in conjunction with Rhode Scholars of Oxford. They are always looking for folks who can be comprised.

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The infamous and for me disgraceful Freemason Rhodes, did the world no favors. He would have fit right in with the WEF, perhaps thinking it would be the Imperial Brits that would run the NWO. My bet is on the CCP. What greedy person hasn't the Rothschild family touched.

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None...I ran across this information a while ago...You can add this to your files.

The Li Bloodline - the family that runs China- works hand in glove with the British and American elite.

I have learned from a source that Li Ka-shing and the powerful Hong Kong Li’s are definitely part of the Satanic illuminate Li’s. in terms of whether the Li’s who run Red China are part of the Illuminati, I know nothing that directly connects them. However, there are clues that make one wonder. For instance, why do the Rockefellers and Rothschilds have such a cosy relationship with these Red Chinese Li’s.

The huge Bank of East Asia (BEA) is run by Li Kwok-po. BEA has gone into partnerships with such Illuminati-connected companies as G. Warburg. Li Kwok.po (also known as David Li) also serves in the Hong Kong legislature as the councillor who represents the banking community. He is also a vice-chairman of the committee drawing up the future Chinese administrative region that Hong Kong will soon become.

In recent history three Li’s stand out as giants.The billionaire and de facto ruler of Hong Kong Li Ka-shingLi Peng the former ruler of Red ChinaLee Kuan Yew President (& dictator) of Singapore - One of the Li family who spells his name Lee, Lee Kuan Yew, a Cambridge-educated lawyer, was dictator of Singapore for decades. He has ties to the British elite.

Mao Tse-tuag himself is closely tied to the Li family.

Li Ta-chao was the head of the communist party in Northern China during the fighting with the Nationalists. Mao’s bodyguard was a Li family member Li Yinqiao. Mao’s mentor was Li Ta-chao, who had ties to the Red Spears Secret Society.  

Then there is Singapore. Singapore is lock stock and barrel in the New World Order. They went to a cash less Society before anyone else. One of the Li family who spells his name Lee, Lee Kuan Yew, a Cambridge-educated lawyer, was dictator of Singapore for decades. He has ties to the British elite.

Why does the Premier (or Prime Minister) of the People’s Republic of China Li Peng visit with the Rockefellers and other capitalists when he comes to New York City, if he is such a hard-line communist?

Haven’t the Communists named the Capitalists their major enemy? And then when we watch men who are in the Illuminati such as Skull & Bones George Bush treat the Chinese Li’s with such closeness, even when it was Li Peng that crushed innocent people at Tiennamen Square, it makes us wonder still.

In fact, with other pieces of the puzzle that I have in place, I do know that Red China is already cooperating with and part of the New World Order.

The only way that China could already be secretly part of the New World Order is for it’s leaders who are the Li family to be in favour of the New World Order. This strongly suggests that the Li family in China is also part of the Illuminati.

From what I know the range of possibilities range from them being only sympathizers with the NWO elite to them being outright members of the Illuminati. I lean toward the latter view.

Full details at link:



Communist China was created by the Globalist bankers like the  Rothschilds and  the Black Nobility.October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing.

He was funded by International bankers like the Rothschild who created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF.

Wall Street bankers were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance). He was one of the few foreign-born Chinese citizens of non-Chinese origin to become a member of the Communist Party of China.

Coe participated in Mao's disastrous Great Leap Forward, a plan for the rapid industrialization and modernization of China, which in fact resulted in millions of deaths. Coe sought works included articles justifying the Rectification campaign.

Sidney Shapiro (Chinese: 沙博理; pinyin: Shā Bólǐ) (December 23, 1915 – October 18, 2014) was an American-born Chinese lawyer, translator, actor and writer who lived in China from 1947 to 2014. He lived in Beijing for over a half century and was a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He was one of very few naturalized citizens of the PRC.

Just because Pollard started off spying for Israel, and most Jews think Pollard was spying only for Israel, a new report from the Department of Defense, "Changes in Espionage by Americans: 1947-2007,” lists China, on Page 108, as a beneficiary, alongside Israel, of Pollard’s espionage.





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The Li Family and Chinese Secret Societies

In my investigation of the Triads I discovered that the Li family is one of the principal families which has controlled it. The Triads is a Chinese Secret Society which is something of a cross between the Masons and the Mafia - something in the line of P2 Freemasonry - except much bigger.

The Triads are not well known in this country but they are many more times powerful than the Mafia. It is known that the Mafia was invited to work with the Triads in 1970, and at the time the Mafia didn’t like the Triads arrogance.

However, in my opinion the Triads were not being arrogant considering how powerful they were at the time. I suggest the reader read the article on the Triads for more understanding on this. For the sake of completeness, I will list some of the Li's past and present that have been important Triad leaders.

(see below) I am not trying to weary you with all these strange names, but in breaking new ground on understanding this powerful Illuminati family, if specific details are not given out, we risk losing some of the picture. The Li’s control Hong Kong and the Triads run Hong Kong. Is there a connection between the Li family and the Triads. Yes there is a big one, but it is very secret.


Li Chi-tang - overseas leader

Li Hslen - chih

Li Hsiu-ch’eng - Hunan

Li Hung - Honan

Li K’ai-ch’en - Triad, Shanghai

Li Lap Ting - Kwangsi province

Li Ping-ch’ing - Triad, Shanghai

Li Shih-chin

Li Wen-mao - north of Peking, Fatshan

Li Yuan-fa - Hunan

Li Chol Fat -Hong Kong

Li Jarfar Mah - Britain

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The Triads are an occult fraternity which has developed into a major international organized crime society. It has many agreements with various families of the Illuminati, and works with them. The Li family is taking a big role somewhere with the Triads, but exactly what that role is I have not spelled out yet.

The Li Family is represented in Salem, OR & other West Coast cities by the Wong Family, who are part of their bloodline. Vol. 2 touches on the Wong Family & their part in organized crime.


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Part 2:

Dope Inc.

Mao would murder sixty million innocent Chinese people under his rule mainly to destroy traditional Chinese culture in order to gain total control.

The Jewish merchants along with the Boston Brahmin families and British famities( Rhodes-Milner secret societies) sold a lot of Opium to the Chinese during the Opium wars.

Crucial clues to the inner operation of drug traffic — the joint operations of the Chinese Communist Intelligence Service (CCIS), British intelligence, and Chinese and British finance — have been gathering dust in police files for years.


There has been a major Jewish population in China for over a thousand years such as the Jews of Kaifeng. Left overs from the silk road.





You need to go down the rabbit hole. The rest of the story: The link between the opium epidemic and Kennedy Assassination: origins lies in the Dutch and British East India Companies and the modern origins of the narcotics traffic in the British Opium Wars of the 1840s.

The paradigm for this network is the London Committee, or British-based directors, of the Hong kong and Shanghai Bank, the central bank for Dope, Incorporated. Further that Anglo-Chinese collaboration in the Asian opiates traffic was a matter of official policy on the part of the People's Republic of China, and "business arrangements" of the British elite dating back to the first corruption of the Imperial Chinese bureaucracy by the British East India Company.






"Chatham House is a successor to the old British East India Company, and serves as the think-tank and foreign intelligence arm of the British Crown.

The roots of Chatham House are to be found in Britain's nineteenth-century Opium War policy."

"The Perkins Syndicate of Salem, Massachusetts, were the American drug-trafficking partners of the British East India Company during the late eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries: establishing the drug-traffickers' fortunes which are the foundation of the wealth of the so-called "Eastern Liberal Establishment," the New York Council on Foreign Relations, of today.

Not coincidentally, these same families of Britain and the United States, typified by McGeorge Bundy's circles, are the leading accomplices both in their connections to the drug-money-laundering banking institutions, to the New World Order."

by the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review

"The question that emerges now is: "How is it possible that over 1 Trillion dollars and up in dirty money, criss crossing international borders, can remain outside the control of the law?" Again, only one possible answer can be admitted: A huge chunk of international banking and related financial operations has been created solely to manage dirty money."

For the first time since 1992, the underground bestseller book by the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review, that tore the lid off of the British Monarchy's control over the world illicit dope trade, Dope, Inc., is back in print .

Progressive Press has published a limited run edition of an expanded Dope, Inc., first published in 1978, updating the long and sordid tale of London's top-down control of the trillion-dollar-a-year illegal dope trade, through 2009. This updated edition details the global explosion of heroin and opium from an Afghanistan ravaged by a British-engineered Thirty Years War, and the emergence of the massively armed Mexican drug cartels, operating freely, right smack on the U.S. border.

The current material is drawn from EIR's exclusive and ongoing coverage of these developments.


Summary of the Book in 3 parts.




This command structure contains the following main groups:*

The British combination that controls offshore banking and precious metals trading, i.e., the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, the Oppenheimer gold interests, top British financial institutions such as Eagle Star Insurance and Barclays' Bank, and their Canadian cousins such as Bank of Montreal and Bank of Nova Scotia;*

The major Swiss banks;*

The continuity of Venetian-Genoese financial manipulations in the personage of the late Roberto Calvi of Banco Ambrosiano, and the shadowy Edmund Safra of American Express;*

The combined offspring of the Swiss bankers and the old European fondi, the international grain cartel of Cargill, Continental (Fribourg family), Bunge, and Louis Dreyfus;*

The Boston Brahmin families and the big American financial institutions associated with Henry Kissinger, including Citibank, Chase Manhattan Bank, and American Express.

Several of the old "Boston Brahmin" families, however, made it into the mainstream of the 19th century opium traffic, alongside the well-remembered British names of Jardine, Matheson, Sassoon, Japhet, and Dent.

The Perkins and Forbes families achieved notoriety in the traffic after the East India Company's monopoly expired in 1832, and after the Astors had ceased to be an important factor.

William Hathaway Forbes became so prominent an associate of the British trading companies that he joined the board of directors of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank in 1866, two years after its founding.

Hathaways, Perkins, and Forbes operated through a joint outlet, Russell and Company, formed around the Perkins family shipping empire, a "business reaching from Rio to Canton."

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Louis Dreyfus;*

Do you have more about this person. I know that Richard Dreyfuss was interviewed by Glenn Beck a couple of years ago and he said his mother was a socialist. Julia Dreyfus' father was billionaire Gérard Louis-Dreyfus

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"the old European fondi" hmm - is this the New European Fondi?


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Thank you for covering the beginnings and development of our governments and others attacks on activities they've deemed actually or potentially unacceptable. To be well informed with the provocations and subsequent strategies is to be forearmed.

So, if we find situations we consider troubling and unacceptable - we can proceed with caution.

Hero's like Bridgen and surely yourselves illustrate the risks. You also note the rewards of being true to oneself, ones ethics and in terms of forging better tomorrows.

Excellent food for thought and discussion.

For myself opportunities to right wrongs and contribute to making our Nation and our World better places is major. Risks are worth it. Only wish I could do more.

Thank you for this sharing!


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Just like Dan Bongino talks about, the zombies are coming and the people run to a prison for safety. We are fed fear, zombies, and led to DHS for safety. The PsyWar is pushing us to accept a prison of a tyrannical system.

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Undermining personal privacy is central to the effectiveness of these programs. Tech advancements make that easier than ever for Bad Actors. The good news is there are relatively simple steps you can take to bolster your privacy. At the very least you can become a harder target than the general population. 💪

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Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR) we lived it and escaped it just before the wall, the Stasis Oh do we know them and now I am feeling it here as well the style is the same from the FBI.

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