Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! "It appears to be mutating into a totalitarian Dictatorship." HAHAHAHAHAHAH! PERFECT!

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My favorite!🤣

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Downloaded it as a QR code to share today:

Hey guys, scientific breakthrough, open asap.

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Thanks Doc Malone. How about a short story to go along with the funnies…

Dr. Fauci was taking a ski vacation to Vax Valley resort and was skiing down the run, COVID Peril located on Mt. Malone. Suddenly, an avalanche of adverse gene transfer therapy data broke free above him. It quickly engulfed him and he tried desperately to swim out of it but eventually he became entombed.

The data avalanche rescue team came quickly but unfortunately they brought a rescue dog named Biden. Biden was an old dog and his best years were well behind him. Biden wandered around in confusion and was unable to find Dr. Fauci under all that data. Dr. Fauci was never heard from again. They closed down COVID Peril and placed a sign for summer hikers that reads, “if any human remains are found, contact Big Pharma for proper disposal”.

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022

Great, thanks! Ha ha!

Fauci has aged badly this past year. Look at him in the Senate hearings with Rand Paul, for example. Those forehead wrinkle lines are deepening. Even if he's deaf and blind, something's getting to him.

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Dr. Malone, today's offering is a Super Bowl of hearty laughs. Thank you! (The Rona hysteria has done 2 positive things for me: one, it has made me learn a lot of science that I found too boring to bother with in highschool and, two, it's taught me the importance of laughter for good health, something I'd not known before.)

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great memes,thank you.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

From another Virginian 😊

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Yay - a bonus day of more laughs! Topping off fridays collection is doing the trick. I’ve been heading into a grump phase and your humor is saving me (my family thanks you). Appreciate ALL you give to us Dr Malone.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the laughs, Dr. Malone!

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All of these are so true, especially the ballot cartoon. By the way, people still talk about you on Twitter - they recognize your role in this turnaround of consciousness.

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The one thing the elite cannot stand is to be made fun of and laughed at. You shall know the darkest works by the humorlessness....

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Love JP. He has an amazing way of bringing truth through humor.

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THE best! TY Dr. Malone…desperately needed the laugh. 😂

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Love it. Thank you!

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Thanks for the laughter therapy, Dr. Malone.

Speaking of hysterical, have you read CJ Hopkins’s latest work of satirical brilliance, “Attack of the Transphobic Putin-Nazi Truckers!” (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/attack-of-the-transphobic-putin-nazi)?

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Re: the first cartoon above. There IS one camera and reporter covering the "LOVE" side, RT - Russia Today. See, for example, my satellite TV captures:



(download is free, just navigate past the sub window)

Just after RT started showing the positive side of the Trucker's Convoy, their German language broadcasting was eliminated, both satellite TV and via WEB, and the French telecoms authorities are considering a similar move for the French RT version. Russia retaliated and banned Deutsche Welle, dis-accredited all their staff, closed their office, and banned German broadcasts in Russia.

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Excellent. Laughs are the best remedy in times like these. Did you know there was once a great industry of professional snow shoveling? It can cause sudden death now, but not so long ago it was an elite sport.


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The best part is the header. (especially in Northern Indiana)

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That 'Wolf' that Fauci kept shouting were repeated during his phone calls to my governor. (Pennsylvania's Tom Wolf)

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