When you have this show please Dr. Malone discuss the pregnant moms and babies that have been affected by the travesty. Never forget Thalidomide. Never forget the shameful research with HPV and Henrietta Lacks at Johns Hopkins.

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And John Hopkins was the first to use hormonal treatments on young twins as a scientific study. The results were horrific and should have stopped all future endeavors but . . .

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Also, the travesty of injecting day-old babies unnecessarily with a hep shot.

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I know of a case RIGHT NOW where a 7-month-old baby most likely had reactions from the Hep B and Vit K shots given as a newborn; he is likely to die after having seizures, an enlarged heart, and many other complications. Child Protective Services involvement, a local hospital at the center of medical kidnap, and medical care that might not have been ideal are complicating the situation. The hospital is not allowing him to transfer. Family being kept from seeing the baby. Some records have been changed (mother has printed copies before electronic copies altered). So much happening!

You can look at the vast numbers of morbidity and mortality from “vaccines” and other medical countermeasures, but when you zoom in to the individual case level, your heart just breaks. AS IT SHOULD!

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This is unbearable, heartbreaking and infuriating. Yes, the zoom in should be mandated for all those killing babies, maybe they will connect their actions to the innocents they are hurting so badly.

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I cannot like this post. I am a caring, non-violent, “a phone call away” individual. I help people…Ask my 95, 87. 81 year old neighbors; however, this is starting to really piss me off. Ed

We were financially robbed of $350k. I have 7 “operators”/Best Friends + Me on it (4 computer whitre hats) / 4 that are old enoght not to care) . I Iwill track them down. “Do not mess with the special investigators”


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I’d love to read

this case. Do you

have a direct

link by chance? I can find it if not.

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And vitamin K… Awful. Dr. Suzanne Humphries or is it Dr. Tenpenny does a terrific video about both Hep and vitamin K. As with thalidomide, the drug helps one issue (nausea in pregnancy) and creates far worse issues (lack of limbs or deformed limbs).

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And pregnant women contracting measles? My wife worked for a lady who had to deal with outcomes .

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If women have natural measles as kids, they will not contract it in pregnancy and they would confer immunity to their newborn for a year. Not so for vaccinated moms.

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I had Measles, Mumps and Chicken Pox pretty much in a years span as a kid. My Dad caught the Chicken Pox from my brother and I and was extremely sick. He never was exposed as a child. As kids, we were exposed on purpose and better off for it.

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Never had chicken pox or measles. Really hate med waiting rooms full of kids

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I had what were called the Red Measles in 1964 and in 1984 had a test for Measles during my pregnancy. My anti-body level for measles was so high I got calls from the lab and my Dr. worried that I was in the throes of illness.

I’d had a fever of 105.6 during the measles and was flat on my back for two weeks.

But the immunity is secure.

I agree that ultimately, unless we have truly safe vaccines, kids are better off building their own immunity.

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Maybe but…. Any measles naive woman who gets pregnant should be tested (maybe had subclinical infection giving immunity) and get the jab if neg. That lady loaned me her slides from her work with kids damaged by inutero measles and believe me no mom should want that to happen

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I had every immunization imaginable as a child (which was probably less than 20, at the time) and when I became pregnant with my first (she's now 40) I had no immunity to measles. As soon as she was born, I received a new immunization. A year later, when I was pregnant with her brother, again... No immunity and another shot after he was born. Neither child has had measles and for the most part, we are all pretty vaxx aware, now.

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How do we make government smaller? Where we know more about the government than they know about us? Where liberty with moral responsibility are what steers our country not corrupt politicians. Thanks for all you do I appreciate your deep dives into the corruption and shedding light in the darkness.

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"How Do We Make Government Smaller"? The answer, John, is written in ARTICLE I., Section 8., of the U.S. Constitution, which stipulates giving the "POWER OF THE PURSE" to the House of Representatives, (NOT the Senate; nor the executive nor the judiciary).

So, a simple (majority) in the House legally and constitutionally have the ability to DE-FUND MANY of the now over 300 UNCONSTITUTIONAL agencies, bureau's and departments that in reality produce nothing but ongoing chaos and reams of always changing rules, regulations, fines and worse - on the PRODUCTIVE American people, you know, the ones who actual work and PROVIDE goods and services needed to SUSTAIN life - not just in the U.S.A., but to many other people on earth.

Yes! That means PINK SLIPS for multi THOUSANDS of UN-elected and UN-accountable bureaucratic "tenured" (lifetime" so-called "civil servants) - yeah, right - who would have to get REAL. PRODUCTIVE work in the "private sector" - and, yes, the "unionized" federal EMPLOYEES will howl, squeal and bitch - and the FAKE NEWS media go berserk - but that LONG PAST DUE action might just save (what remains) of our Republic from devolving into a permanent (never ending) "SOCIALIST DEMOCRACY".

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Sounds like music to my ears

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Getting on that yesterday wouldn't have been too soon.

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How the House began shirking its budgetary duties was when Truman's new Defense Department began doing classified military research. A subsection of the DoD budget came to be known as the "Black Budget", as the published version of each line item in the budget was redacted in heavy black ink by a military censor, except for two items:

1) The number of dollars to be spent procuring the product or service, and

2) The county and state where the product would be made or the service provided.

Of the 435 Members of the House, only the Speaker, Majority Leader, Minority Leader, and the Chair and Ranking Minority Member of the House Armed Services Committee could enter a locked room kept under 24-hour armed guard, the Special Compartmented Intelligence Facility (SCIF) and read the non-redacted version seen by SECDEF (maybe), POTUS (maybe) and (certainly) the particular Generals and Admirals commanding the projects that sought to spend the money, containing actual readable words saying what DoD was building or buying with the secret funding.

The other 430 Members of Congress, rather than refuse on legal grounds to approve spending they were not allowed to learn about, enthusiastically dug through those pages seeking classified projects performed in any County within their District, tallied the dollars spent, and wrote fluff press releases claiming they each "brought home the Federal bacon". The implication to voters, of course, was that Admiral X or General Y had personally been asked by the incumbent Congressman from Corncob County, Nebraska to do the classified work in Corncob County, and not in Bean County, Michigan. The cultivated myth is ludicrous but the implication was that money and high-paying jobs would exit Corncob County if voters elected a challenger to the seat, who lacked the personal connections to Admiral X and General Y.

The continuous re-election of incumbents came to be driven by this faulty economic belief, that transfer payments from other American taxpayers would make the people of a Congressional District more prosperous. Since the raw data supporting the belief was classified, it was impossible to check it factually.

This led to division within our country during the Vietnam War. Folks who truly understood Communism as a threat, believed that the Admirals and Generals were trying to keep the country safe, largely because the Admirals and Generals said so. Folks unsure about Communist theory, who bought into the false notion that Democratic Socialism is possible, began blaming corporations awarded the secret military contracts as warmongers-for-profit and the reason their nephew's dismembered corpse was flown home from Hamburger Hill, South Vietnam in a closed coffin for burial in the family plot. Partisans of both parties sought the votes of these voters largely on conspiracy theory, conjecture and myth. With rare exceptions, almost nobody in Congress sought to bring down the wall of secrecy surrounding classified military procurements, and nobody succeeded.

Tom Daniel is correct. If a hypothetical group of 218 Members of the House of Representatives voted for honest government by refusing to fund any agency whose director could not prove that his or her agency ONLY performed tasks that the Constitution of 1787 assigned to the Federal Government, we would get a sudden reawakening in official Washington as to what powers are federal and what powers are up to the 50 states to exercise. But they would need first to overcome the tradition of pretending their talents at bringing Federal spending to their district, was a good thing.

So far, Congress has made $200 trillion in promises, mainly to retiring Americans for income security and medical care, of which $31 trillion borrowed from investors on which Congress pays interest, is labelled "Full Faith and Credit" debt. The entire $200 trillion promised to all, is an Unfunded Liability of the Government. Like Continental Dollars, it is questionable whether any of those promises will be kept, Last year our gross domestic product was just under $28 trillion. Unfunded liabilities 8x greater than we could possibly pay (if all our income was given up to pay taxes and we spent nothing), should be a dire warning to us all that the power of the purse is not being exercised wisely, and has not been during most of our lifetimes.

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True enough, Bob...add to your expose the continuing expansion of "unconstitutional" agencies, bureaus and departments APART from "defense" - with multi-thousands of UN-elected and UN-accountable bureaucrats - now averaging close to 6-figures AVERAGE "salaries" - NOT counting perks and annual bonus $$$$$$$$$ + retirement benefits private sector 'workers' - to kings of old - can only dream of - close to the bursting point of the GIGANTIC BUBBLE of PAPER DOLLAR debt catastrophe approaching since the inception the so-called "Federal Reserve" -(in 1913)- Via the "Democrat" president - Woodrow Wilson - and his "DEMOCRAT" controlled House & Senate - who also foisted the IRS - and (perhaps even worse than the IRS ) - the DIRECT election of Senators - stripping the RIGHTS of state legislatures (as per ARTICLE I., Section 3., of the U.S. Constitution ) to APPOINT the allowed (2) federal Senators for (6) years terms - and RECALL - at will - any Senators who go rogue ).

The continuing run-away SPENDING by BOTH Democrat or Republican administrations - over the past half century - are DIRECTLY responsible for the MESS that IS America today - which is exacerbated by the totally out of control "Bureaucratic Monstrosity" that IS the UN-elected, UN-accountable "administrative state" which spends money - NOT like drunken sailors - but LIKE drunken SOCIALISTS!

The final nail in the coffin of the GOLD backed paper dollar was driven in by a REPUBLICAN president - Richard Milhaus Nixon - which threw away the "lock on the money printing passes" that previously - by LAW - had LIMITS on paper money in circulation in a strict RATIO of paper dollars to GOLD deposits at the Fort Knox Gold Repository. NO MORE!

The "value" of the paper dollar now "floats" - and is about to be flushed down the SOCIALIST toilet.

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Great history, Tom! Worth noting is that Wilson rode the Racism propaganda spread by the Harvard eugenics group and their Cold Spring Harbor lab. The unconstitutional Segregation laws were rooted in junk science that concluded Africans pose a disease risk because they are "less evolved". Harvard made a great deal of money from Southern donors who wanted those false stories embellished and repeated. Public health societies in this country became corrupted from their founding, because their initial purpose was to promote racist theories.

Wilson simply pushed through a few points of resistance, segregating the Post Office and the federal courts...and staged a PR stunt by hosting the world premiere of the KKK film "Birth of a Nation" in the White House, to buy votes for the Federal Reserve Act, the Income Tax Act, and direct election of the Senate. Kluxers loved their new powers over Black Americans so much so, that they did not care about the destruction done by fiat money and income taxation. Our society took a hard turn toward Elitism that became fully malignant 102 years later in the COVID crisis, when we broke from the Scientific Method and established a "Church of Science" with orthodox and heterodox beliefs displacing proof as the arbiter of truth.

The evil of today's "equity" policies are that the Elite get to dictate what is thought equitable and why.

Godless Socialists quickly turned themselves into objects of religious worship, contrary to the Establishment clause of the First Amendment.

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Great history yourself, Bob!

In this age and era - with ample evidence of what the DemoKKKrat "party" had been doing from the Wilson era on- to Americans of African descent, that the preponderance of the so-called "Black vote" still vote for DemoKKKrats; and so MANY (in government ) become radical Socialists and Communists.

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End federally funded public schooling. That began under Carter. Complete disaster.

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We could start with a president who will mark with a grease pencil and cut with an axe. At this point moderation is not going to help.

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The hate you have suffered doesn’t go unnoticed and it’s reprehensible that that’s the price of freedom. I’m so grateful to you and others who are speaking up for freedom. You keep my hope alive. Thank you.

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So easy though to provoke hate in others, so many are prowling around looking for a target, anyone will do. I was shocked at the hateful comments regarding Matthew Perry, yes, he believed in the clot shot, so what, he was a vulnerable person and deserved compassion.

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Beautifully written…. I second this Brenda.

My bff in a panic over some Tic Tok stuff, I forwarded this article. Although frightening, knowledge is power…Dr. Malone, Dr. Naomi Wolf bring us into the know. We can keep our eyes and ears open. Share the Truth!

Ty Dr. Malone, Dr. Wolf, and Jill Malone as well.

All of us, one breath at a time… together we move forward. 🇺🇸🙏🏼😇 Americans can help show our strength in educating action, for other countries to do similar things!

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think we should start saying a Trump / Kennedy ticket is a winning situation. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Would much prefer Trump/Noem

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No women please, just my preference.

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I find I’ve become sensitive to selections via some sort of check box. If it’s going to be Trump, I just hope he picks someone smart and who can complement him (not compliment him!!) in areas where he’s weak to prevent the mistakes of his first term.

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Like her record and would prefer someone with experience in leadership like DeSantis but think we need him more in Fla.

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Trump gave credit to Vivek for educating him on the perils of CBDC. If true, it’s terrifying Trump didn’t already know - and points out how important it is he picks someone who has better breadth than he has. And - most importantly, someone he’ll actually listen to. I remember at one point, Trump talked about making Kennedy “vaccine czar” and Gates persuaded him against it. Think where we’d be if he had followed through.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

You're 100% right. Although I'm MAGA, President Trump should TELL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HE IS SORRY for at least two things: 1) Getting duped by Dr. Fauci and pushing an untested vaccine (I didn't get it), and 2) Firing Steve Bannon, one of his most LOYAL supporters.

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I am afraid that too many Americans give far too much credit to Trump. I always tell the story that Trump was right about injecting a “disinfectant” into humans to take out bacteria, viruses, cancer, etc. HE DID NOT SAY BLEACH! He said DISINFECTANT! Iodine is a world class disinfectant and can be injected into a tumor to enable apoptosis and humans need it daily for the foundation of their cellular health. Trump was willing to share the treatments that doctors were using to treat Covid “the deadly plague” that it was. That he was so open about this, in itself, made Trump a better leader, however, he was not articulate enough to have the majority understand that he was accurate in his assertion and that is where the EFFORT part comes in. Accountability is all willingness and effort.

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Not articulate or not accurately reported?

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Yeah. I give him a pass on this in that the “media” would write anything needed to make Trump appear the idiot. Unfortunately, Trump is not very articulate, at least in brief sound bites. So I hope he chooses a running mate who is. And I hope he appoints RFK Jr head of the CDC. Or maybe Dr. Malone head of CDC and RFK Jr head of the FDA.

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I agree with this. Trump should not have been persuaded to let Fauci, the evil elf, beagle-killing putrid scum— take

over. Trump is not articulate enough, rather, he’s a bull in a china shop.

With his bullish tendencies and RFK, Jr being so adept and articulate, the USA and the medical establishment, along with the alphabet idiots would be taken care of in a flash.

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If we must, then how about Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Noem can provide support in another position. Perhaps become a Senator.

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We Texans have a natural leeryness towards Ark. and clntons have not improved that any. Stems back to the days of the southwestern conference maybe?

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deletedJan 27
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To me the $$$ being spent to bury CO2 is criminal! Part of it is apparently to mitigate an excess generated by production of ethanol. Both wastes of time, effort and resources IMO.

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Carbon Capture? Plants???

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An issue I know nothing about so no comment for now

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She also spent more than a year fighting her legislature over a bill that opposed males in female's sports.

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And she was right as other states have found. She approved not letting males compete vs females in high school competition but correctly pointed out applying ban to college useless unless ncaa agreed.

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She did not want the fight, after they told her she would not win. It would have put them on notice if she had fought. You are right, she did not fight it.

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Trump Kennedy GOOD. Trump Vivek also GOOD. I’d like to see the Malones in cabinet or top-level health positions in a less swampy swamp.

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Kennedy was part of the response team that was brought to advise Trump. I have made that comment in many forums and always would get the response that they are not in the same party. I think it would be a great team.

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Or, one possible alternative (would prefer someone with experiences on a world, national level. Someone strong with an intellectual approach) could be Trump - Pompeo.

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Sorry Shelly, in regard to Mike Pompeo. He is deep, State. Have you forgotten that he is the one that convinced Trump not to release the JFK files in their totality. no one can be head of the CIA and not be totally corrupted by it. Sorry.

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Don't be sorry for me, I'm the one not wanting him. He may have since lost weight, become a Christian and is rethinking those years, but it's up to Trump to ascertain whether Mike is truly an asset. He was a Kansas Rep for three term sitting congressional IC committees before selected to CIA by Trump (actually someone else I'm sure). JBS overall scorecard for Mike 66%. Not very good.

I have no knowledge of who or how many told Trump to retain files or not pardon certain people.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

He was director of the CIA and SOS under Trump. The worse offenders against our constitution for over a century and he did not lift one finger to interfere with their interference and escapades around the world. Afterward he gave thoughtful speeches about China. He was totally ineffective when the opportunity was his for the taking. It is too late to make up for it now.

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Pompous is WEF in sheep's clothing.

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I agree the CIA stint gives me some pause. My recollection is that he wasn't there long. On the other hand he seemed to do an excellent job keeping our enemies in hand as SOS. Further, he has never seemed to undercut Trump as so very many others have. It's his knowledge and skills as a negotiator for Trump that gives him plausibility for me.

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Trump was impeached for his call to Ukraine and most of the witnesses were employed by the State Dept, which Pompeo had been running. In O's term, all the top employees at State were removed for his own people. Not so under Pompeo. Jean, I just can't forgive him for that. He is too smart a person not to know what to do.

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Who then behind the best foreign policy administration in a very long time?

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I do not know who then.

The policy was Trumps. Mike is extremely sharp and should have been able to do all three: fix the Tillerson debacle, push Trump's policies and mind the shop. The shop continued on and never missed a beat, still fully staffed of Leftys biding their time as they lied about Ukraine.

Haskell was Mike's deputy CIA director and took his director’s job when he went to SOS. Haskell is/was a Bush asset, no friend to MAGA. She was appointed by J Brennan as acting director of National Clandestine Service in 2013. She had no business being in Trump's org. Her history was out there for all to see.

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deletedJan 27
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Pompeo appeared to be spending a great deal of his time on the road with negotiations. Did he have any sources at home to help him identify who was most in need of being disposed of and re good candidates to replace them with? Wasnt he sort of operating as a top of the needs list one man show? Trumps 1st term was a nightmare with bad choices. I'm hoping Heritage will be able to come up with more effective options

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Trump was the best wrecking ball to the entrenched deep state we've ever seen, so the fight to shut him down has also been the biggest we've ever seen. So who knows how much or what kind of pressure they gave Bill Barr to

pretend there wasn't any fraud, and Fauci had been there so long; those are two people I can't stand but I've had lots of time w/o a billion distractions to focus on my loathing.

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Sorry Shelly, I should've directed my reply to Jean

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Two iconoclasts like your pick would be amazing for a few reasons, but they differ a lot on a few issues, so can I throw out Desantis' name, now that he and Trump worked it out, cuz that dude seems tireless and really gets stuff done, and he's been in the fray for a while now, so like Trump he knows what they'd be up against, and together they'd put fear in the hearts of Democrats and RINOs. And I don't like this subject, but he's not Kamala if he needs to take the reins.

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I had to blow it up with a comment:

Great job bringing us a desperately needed history lesson during a time when unprecedented abuse by authorities is happening on a global scale. We are seeing informed consent and first do no harm principles obliterated by vaccine mandates and forced lockdowns.

“Safe and effective” became a propaganda mantra to overcome legitimate resistance to accepting a novel new technology. A recent study confirmed that all of 29 autopsies performed on people who died within a few days of vaccination were the result of vaccine induced myocarditis. The resistance by health authorities and drug companies to investigation of the known mortality signals is appalling.

Any doctor advocating early treatment using inexpensive generics including ivermectin was punished, demonized and some lost their licenses to practice. Meanwhile a recent NIH funded study showed strong probability of efficacy for ivermectin. No apologies or even hint of accountability for this persecution has been forthcoming.

Multiple large meta-analyses have shown strong evidence that lockdown policies were not only ineffective but did massive harm to human physical mental and financial health. The most significant effect was the greatest transfer of wealth from private citizens to multinational corporations and drug companies in human history.

The loss of freedom by medical tyranny is an ongoing crisis. Massive money and power are being consolidated via obliteration of human rights.

The danger of granting Unlimited profit potential with no liability has had predictable consequences. An unholy alliance of health authority and drug companies is the greatest threat of our time as once again the medical profession is being used for great evil.

Apparently the authors were too intimidated or unable to see and point out the critical relevance of their work.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Outstanding. I'll always feel a debt to Robert F. Kennedy Jr for the research effort invested in "The Real Anthony Fauci," to which I have repeatedly referred in written posts and pleas. With the new book, I was glad to see an index, which was not included with my copy of TRAF. The index is a valuable tool in retrieving important passages and actions attributed to individuals.

I am still reading the new book. I take it slowly, because the truths are essential but painful, like a therapeutic gut punch. "Thank you sir, may I have another."

I consider his books to be foundational texts in this dissident movement. Along with "Lies My Government Told Me," of course.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I find myself right with RFK Jr on his vaccine(s) stance. That said, until I hear him say that CO2 is not only NOT a pollutant but in fact more CO2 would be better than less AND the green new deal is not only bad for our country, but in fact another plot backed by the WEF to crash the economy not only here but around the world, I can't get behind him.

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For me his position on CO2 is a deal-breaker for anything higher than a cabinet-level position.

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More the point, not just say that but mean it

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I wholeheartedly agee! The green new deal is nothing more than a tax payer funded program for the elites desire to control us and steal from us. I’m very concerned about a solar farm they’re installing near my my moms home, literally in her backyard. All the wildlife that will leave that area when acres of trees are removed is disheartening. Do environmentalists know what will happen to the windmills when they die and how are they affecting our sea life, birds, animals? Natural gas and nuclear energy are clean, why not focus there? And, what difference will it all make if China and India are building 200 coal fired plants a year to meet their energy needs?

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Indeed! This green new deal the greenies are supporting now turns on it's head everything they claimed to be supporting up to just a couple years ago.

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very much enjoy Dr. Malone's take on all things. I especially enjoy his ability to simplify the complex intricacies of viruses and biology, since I have no background in science. More of that would be welcome, in essence a Viruses For Dummies approach to viral disease and the manipulation that some (IMO)arrogant humans feel is so essential to scientific "progress."

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As opposed to the Viruses By Dummies we have endured the last 4 yrs.

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There are 100% natural vaccines coming, no injection, no chemicals or synthetics, no temperature requirements.

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is off the subject a bit, but I have to make a comment. I never gave much credence to the Kennedy assasination conspiracy theories even though I had alot of doubts over the Warren Report. I know Robert Kennedy Jr has alot of thoughts on this and the CIA's involvement. But after watching the FOX Nation show which interviewed the ER Physicians of Parkland Hospital, of which many were Trauma Dr's, I feel thoroughly convinced that what we were told regarding Oswald being the lone shooter is absolutely false. These Dr's had no reason to lie about what they saw and documented, but when the government got involved, it was changed to reflect different information than what they reported. Quite frightening to any American citizen to know the Federal Government created fraudulent information to their narrative. So bottom line is - if they were willing to lie about something as important as the death of a President, the COVID lies are just one of many orchestrated by the deep state. I honestly have no faith in our federal government at all.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I saw a presentation that showed the sewer where President Kennedy was shot might have been where the fatal shot came from. It had tunnels to it and the Presidential limousine came to a stop, or almost a stop, at the exact spot. That would make the Secret Service driver complicit too. We may never know the truth unless someone confesses; but we all know it was not Oswald.

EDIT: I just put "Kennedy assassination sewer theory" into DuckDuckGo and got a lot of hits.

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Exactly. The Kennedy assassination was over 60 years ago - imagine how much more clandestine the CIA has become since becoming emboldened through this suppression of justice. If they can kill a US president 60 years ago to prevent his re-election, then assassinate his brother 5 years later to prevent an investigation, then they can enable and ensure a plandemic in 2020.

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What makes you think 60 years ago was a “better” CIA? Read Geoffrey Shaw and Mark Shaw. See below. It is a lot more complicated.

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Got news for you: read The Lost Mandate of Heaven” by Geoffrey Shaw regarding Kennedy/CIA assassination of Vietnam’s President Diem. Our President was shot only three weeks later. So then, just for fun, read the books or watch video by Mark Shaw (no relation!) regarding death of Marilyn Monroe (1962), JFK, and then Dorothy Kilgallen in 1965. Horrifying.

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At l east we know for sure who ended Mary Jo Kopechne’s life. Taking her back to the mainland but went the other direction . . .

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Naomi Wolf commented recently that Trump and Kennedy need to get together as there is a horrendous risk that they'll split the vote and the Democrat ticket will prevail. I think everyone recognizes that this is the last chance for the USA. If the Democrats were to get another term, it's all over for the entire western world. I hope egos will be set aside if the numbers aren't looking good, and Trump and Kennedy will realize we just can't take the risk. As Naomi mentioned, the win has to be so big that the Democrats can't rig it, and we know they'll try to do that.

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think keeping us upon on the newest information intel on bio- warfare, possible remedy’s and dispelling the fear porn. I love life on the farm and information on new growing ideas. I love the horses.

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I the process of reading Kennedy’s Wuhan book. It is incredibly well-done and frightening. Will Big Media ever, at least, come back to center? We need him to find out what’s really happening as DC sinks lower in the ooze.

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How will big media go back to balance when they are owned by Pharma and its adverts? In Europe there is no advertising of drugs like that.

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amazing. Not a peep about human rights violations during the pandemic. It seems the agenda is to further weaponize the profession to stoke racism and LGBTQ normalization.

Or is it possible they are too intimidated to point out the obvious? Or could not get published if they did? I think this is naive optimism.

What say you?

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O read RFKJr’s book on Fauci last year...connected a few of my dots. Would like to see him get a Cabinet position in the Trump Administration and tasked with the ferreting out all of the dirt, including regulatory agency corruption. Kennedy’s stance on other issues in my mind should keep him off the ticket. Again in my mind he should have a singular focus more than enough on anyone’s plate.

BTW his understanding of the corruption within the Intelligence Agencies would be invaluable

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, I know exactly what you need to change: Absolutely Nothing!

You’re hated by all the right people.

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr. Malone, if it's any comfort, I am not influenced by any of the "bad jacketind" or disparagement that you feel. I guess your detractors are not persuasive, or have far less reach than you think, at least in my view.

Please continue your important work in the leadership role you have earned.

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