Jun 25, 2022·edited Jun 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The most annoying part of this process is that politicians, our health care agencies and many doctors are simply followers- not leaders. They won't read these reports themselves and are awaiting instructions from their masters for the next move. In Austria, they just admitted defeat and retracted the vaccine mandate, but the politicians are literally being quoted as saying things like- we were just following instructions... you can't make this stuff up.


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cross posted.

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Some background info to show that this is all politically (and WEF?) driven here in Austria (like probably everywhere):

- When the pandemic started in March 2020 (in Austria) the experts advising the government were chosen by who serves the narrative (same as in US obviously). Such experts who said otherwise were dismissed from the expert board to the government, threatened and discredited if necessary to shut the person up.

- Back then our chancellor was Sebastian Kurz, a YGL. As a matter of fact he was not into vaccine mandates but was put so under pressure for alleged corruption that he had to put down his function. Short afterwards the vaccine mandate was introduced. The allegations of corruption were not confirmed btw. However, the new Chancellor Karl Nehammer and 2 further minister were ordered to the annual WEF meeting last May to report.

- The present minister of health, Johannes Rauch, is the third one since the beginning of the pandemic. He was exchanged with the second one on March 8th, 2022 in order to get rid of the vaccine mandate when the leading party of the government (OEVP) realised that their satisfactory rates were falling like hell based on the anger of the people over the vaccine mandate and that the law was not executable due to several reasons, like IT not ready until fall, data protection breaches, not enough staff, constitutional rights infringement etc!!! Less than 24 hours in office, Rauch suspended the law on the vaccine mandate as first step (so as not to lose face). A review of the facts by a specific new installed vaccine mandate board was planned for June 2022 although behind the scenes the law was already buried.

- When reading the review papers of the vaccine mandate board it seemed to me that they searched for reasons why the vaccine mandate is not appropriate anymore. New narrative?

- According to a government satisfaction survey conducted in May 2022, only 27 % of respondents agreed with the political work of the government and it is still falling since inflation and recession is growing. We have significant elections upcoming this fall. It was clear that they have to officially get rid of at least the vaccine mandate to regain some votes which applies to all 4 parties which demanded the vaccine mandate first. Only the so called right-wing party (FPOE) was against the mandate from the beginning... Weeks back, one could hear from the internal circles of the government that the scrapping of the law was planned for mid of summer which came true as we officially know now.

- PS Expropriation through wealth tax is already being planned. Remember: “You will own nothing, but you will be happy.”

-> Everything is still fragile but there is always a lion 🦁!

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Just following orders? That was the nazi's defense for the wholesale murder of millions.

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In Austria no less.

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wow. I am back looking at this thread. I wrote to my cousin in Berlin.. she did not say anything about that. I will write and ask this week: She said Berlin when you were there Germany (which small but big cities like here are different than country).. Ukrainians were flooding the area: her son and daughter in law moved to the Calberah. (never even heard of it) and works for VW computer tech. She did mention in a letter the Covid. She is a bit of "rebel" lol runs in the family she is 60. hmm I sent her a note last week and will write a longer letter this week and ask her about it. I coiuld not imagine.. she would be wearing a mask. I know my uncle, her father.. RIP was well not that way but he died in 2012. They don't trust the govt. more on that later

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RemovedJun 25, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022
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exactly.. right I was born there. and I went there in 95.. my son went there in 2005 to visit my living family there. and like I mentioned before I got my dual citizenship .. long process.. in 2015 so I keep up with what is going on: if my health remains good and I have been very sick. (colon for a long time . .five years) now on the rebound.. finally.. I want to go back in a when the WORLD WIDE POLTICAL situations stabilize . if not.. I won't go.. my son and wife want to go visit. my cousins. to your point .. just like this country.. but there are even more direct inluences on Germany .. won't say pressure. well I need to email a friend who got banned from FB for nothing AGAIN. OMG.

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I know. that is why it is especially shocking German govt has some Woke elements: one would think that they would have learned, after years of Angela Merkel. well part of NATO OTAN NWO.. the next generation apparently did not learn its lessons.. like the WOKE gen here. sad.

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Australian officials are following orders too, so are the police

You don't have to be German

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Jun 25, 2022·edited Jun 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’ve never seen “The Iceman Cometh,” but it sometimes feels like we are living “Long Day’s Journey into Night” on a global scale.

Good on Jordan for holding Birx accountable. I kind of wish he had pressed her on the manipulation of the COVID tallies by counting deaths “with” and not just “of” as she notoriously admitted, but this was still quite a satisfactory exchange. Now let’s see some action taken to hold the liars accountable.

Robert, I’ve just published a three-part series I think you will especially appreciate given your interest in totalitarianism, the WEF, and the sinister historical and contemporary influences shaping the organizations controlling public policy.

It is called “Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship.” The first part is available to the public (the next two parts will be unlocked on Monday and Wednesday respectively, but you have access to them now):

• Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

• Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

• Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is? (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)

I believe the terms “philanthropath” and “philanthropathy” have tremendous potential to awaken people to the nefarious intentions of Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and other socio/psychopaths masquerading as philanthropists.

You understand the power of framing and thought bombs like “mass formation” to change public perception. How amazing it would be if every time someone heard the name “Bill Gates,” they would immediately think of the term “philanthropath.”

Perhaps you can help me inject this concept into the mainstream consciousness by using these terms and sharing my articles as desired. Thank you, as ever, for helping to awaken the hypnotized from their slumber and fighting back against the cabal of philanthropaths!

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Philanthropath! Brilliant. Exactly captures the state of our ruling class of narcissists. Excellent article, too. Thanks for all you are doing and saying.

Seeing the picture of Rothschild and Abramovitch in front of Lawrence's painting of Satan calling up his hordes is really soooo revealing. There are NO coincidences....

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Thank you, Robert, and yes, isn’t that creepy?!

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Jun 25, 2022·edited Jun 25, 2022

Absolutely. I saw this some years ago and had forgotten about it until you posted this. Abramovitch's theater "art" - centered on promoting cannibalism and "blood" sports is revolting, anti-Human, and - dare I say - satanic. No accident that she is a "fav" of people like the Podestas. Gotta love it.

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Margaret Anna, I read part 1 yesterday and it is great. I hope everyone reads it.

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Agreed. Very helpful terminology. You will need to persist with the accompanying definition - socio/psychopath masquerading as philanthropist - or their media sycophant/enablers will hijack the terms.

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Yes, I used that definition in my social media post about it, as have many others, and everyone is instantly getting it.

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Thank you for posting your information! I plan on following up on this. We are getting so much informtion now. How can any normal human being continue to not see what is going on?

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It is amazing, but "there are none so blind as those who will not see..."

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Excellent analysis.

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Jun 25, 2022·edited Jun 25, 2022

Blocking early treatments on a national scale was a crime against humanity.

Doctors don't tell cancer patients to go home untreated until they get to stage 4.

Doctors don't tell heart patients to go home untreated until they experience infarction.

Doctors don't tell diabetes patients to go home untreated until they're blind.

And doctors should not have been forced to tell covid patients to go home untreated until its too late.

We literally need tribunals to hold these people accountable.

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Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022

COVID tyranny could not of happened, nor continue, without the sell out of patients by healthcare professionals. Many healthcare professionals refused to be “ forced” and paid a price-I am grateful and humbled. Those that sold patients out ( and continue the selling), will be forever, in my view , frauds worthy of the stench of death and destruction they helped create.

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What’s missing from the dialogue on Covid is a focus on natural immunity and boosting immune system immunity.

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not missing, it's suppressed.

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow!! I'm no Dr but I did stay a Holiday Inn recently!! I'm shocked that there is discussion about any type of variant and this current vaccine. The human body for my 64 years of life has taken care of me superbly even with my imperfections. Wish the nitwits who ran our pandemic response had my brains.

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Just fact reporting…you mentioned 300 plus days of immunity in your article. My (natural immunity) or as You prefer it said- “my immune response elicited by recovery from a viral infection”from Covid-2019 is now at 1,112 days from infection/end of September 2019. An infectious gift I caught from a Chinese client who arrived at Ohare on September 20, 2019.

Also I never received the poisonous illegally administered fatal mRNA shots. I am unvaxxed!

It’s all coming undone for the crimes against so many innocent and unsuspecting people. Sadly, its like a train wreck, you can’t look away.

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I know it. that is why I am back looking again: case studies and information need to continue to flow.. for all the medical professionals on this feed and others can collate the data.. and eventually the full Truth out there. really compelling..

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T=D, same here - counting from Oct. 2019 infection, (treated successfully with sophisticated Eastern Medicine/ herbs.)

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Same for me - got COVID in October 2020 and did a T cell test end of Nov 2021 - immunity off the charts. I have no clue which variant I had but I’ve been fine since.

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. M.... Super update. Thanks for pulling these items together with some commentary.

Maybe Dr. Birx can model one of her expensive scarves when she is standing on the scaffold.

There is simply no excuse or forgiveness for this criminality. It is way past time for all involved in this exceptional crime against Humanity to be frog-marched into Guantanamo and dealt with in a military tribunal. Treason, murder, looting of the public directly and indirectly... There must be accountability and soon. ....And,"I'm sorry", "I didn't know", "I was just following orders" - none of this is acceptable.

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COVID exposed how corrupt and deplorable our bureaucrats really are. I’ve always trusted doctors and scientists more than politicians but no more. Expecting the same liars/bureaucrats to provide a solution to climate change would make us complicit in their charade.

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“There is no clause concerning Hope as an indicator of efficacy or effectiveness in the Emergency Use Authorization statute 21 U.S. Code § 360bbb–3.”

Best comment on Birx’s pathetic Hope Testimony I’ve read to date!

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Regarding the covid experimental injections, you wrote: "They are not fulfilling their intended purpose". That is actually incorrect. Their "intended purpose" is to make billions in profits for Pharma, and they are indeed doing that, so they are fulfilling their "intended purpose". But doing what they were advertised to do? not so much.

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, I am in my 80's and had covid twice. First in 2021 before geting J&J. 6 mos after infection. 2nd infection was Omicron varriant, only sick for a couple of days. Have been exposed many times since and thankfully havvenot picked it up again.

On another note, the article you posted about SAD, struck a nerve withme. Case in point, a 49 yr, perfectly healthy, vaccinated 4 times (he was a campus cop at a MA university) dropped dead in his tracks. Can't help but wonder if all those jabs is what did him in.

A young male relative has been jabbed 4 times with Pfizer and frankly I am very concerned for him. So far, so good bt it is frightening

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank god for lions like YOU! 🦁 full of truth and integrity.

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I think it would be wonderful, Dr. Malone, if you could do maybe a weekly podcast reporting on developments in the pandemic, plus other topics you feel are important. You could bring on various colleagues for discussion and openly invite “mainstream” officials, doctors and scientists to participate - under fair rules which would guarantee them sufficient speaking time - in the interest of building consensus and alleviating the great public confusion and division as to what the real facts are, with most people not feeling qualified to judge between “experts” with decades of experience in a field who nonetheless vehemently disagree. And if the mainstream people won’t participate, you can make a point of reviewing what they are saying, including the studies they are citing to support their positions. The lions, I think most people will decide, are they who are not afraid of public discussion, addressing all the data, and admitting mistakes when made.

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great idea. I am setting up a studio now for just that purpose.

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Yay! We can never get enough of you and your truth seeking brilliance Dr. Malone! God bless you! ✝️💜‼️

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You have a great voice and presence for audio video. A podcast or videocast will be a big hit.

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And other Substack authors post their podcast and video links on Substack.

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In your spare time?! - Amazing!

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Fantastic and thank you for the kind words (if that doesn’t get me laid I don’t know what will:) Klaus & Co. better watch out now!

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Dr Mmccullough is good too on America Outloud

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Proof pudding served over and over in plain sight, yet completely and purposely ignored by most in my profession to this day. Now the children, the most vulnerable and most in need of protection have been recruited by this evil. I am so very grateful for your continued pursuit of truth and your commitment to educate the world.

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you once again Dr. M for hyperfocusing on the minutiae of the actions and reactions of the media, tech companies, Big Pharma and federal and agency officials. But man, the only way my adhd-afflicted brain can get a coherent grasp on this convoluted history would be a full time course of study for at least a week or two!

I’m so thankful that more adept minds are tracking and recording everything!

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