Restacked for this important cause! Dr Malone, I know you're incredibly busy, but would you be interested in attending or hosting a real-life meetup where us Substackers can come together to spend time with one another? (This applies to fellow readers as well!) You can turn it into an event for Unity if you like!!


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Most of us are at different corners with the winds and seven seas. Would something like that X forum (Not an X subscriber myself) be a possibility (don't have a web cam either - but listening and watching would be a treat)?

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True, but the first draft of meetups covers a lot of area, too! https://simulationcommander.substack.com/p/the-best-part-of-monday

Although I'd imagine that at some point, we might do some sort of bigger event that gets streamed, this is kind of focusing on in-person meetings so that we can expand the social circle that took a hit during covid!

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've been on their email list since you shared your speaking appearances at their meetings with us. Somehow their emails haven't enlightened me on the expansion of their roles. I will contribute and pay closer attention. All positive, will share with my boss lady - if not just for herself but with the family groups she interacts with. Heaven knows - Maryland families and kids would likely benefit.

Your kindness and support are appreciated. Take care! Very Bestest!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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I urge anyone who is an Ohio resident to take a moment to email your local county sheriff and prosecutor these documents and let them know that Governor DeWine and AG Yost have been sent a jump drive containing them. We must make them accountable. I fervently believe we can move the needle in getting the truth out, even if our captured governor and AG won’t convene a grand jury.


How many more deaths of young people will happen before the willful blindness ends?

She was 17. This makes me weep with anguish for what is happening and will continue to happen if WE THE PEOPLE don’t demand accountability.

Substack author, TriTorch recently wrote:

....please do not make the mistake of confusing the outcome of this all-encompassing conflict with the struggle to win it—it is the struggle itself that holds the meaning, and that is where your true personal victory lies. Nothing in your life has ever been about whether you win or lose, it has only ever been about how you conduct yourself the during these trials and tribulations”

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The arrogant woke crowd seeks to take away parental rights. Their demented attitude stems from religious fanaticism. They believe they are keeping us safe. It is important to recognize what's behind the do-goodism run amok.

Public health authorities collude with State government to take away parental rights. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/without-your-consent

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When I see a new organization like this even if they appear to be on the right path I always worry, what measures are being taken to ensure the organization stay of the right track and is not sold out by a corrupt member of the leadership? What is being done to prevent what was done to Project Veritas from happening here as well.

We should ask this at the very least of any and all organizations that we decide to place trust in.

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Hello Dr. Malone: Wishing you every success in this project.

I hate to ask this question posed by M.C.M. but wonder if there could be any truth to it.


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The disease seems to have an aggressive/angry neurocognitive component. Perhaps the vaccine toxicity also does.

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Drugs altering behaviors of hurt and uncertainty about daily life turning to anger and disgust towards others turns eventually to violence and bloody rage. Thus it has begun.

People are approaching the "Nothing to lose, so nothing to live for mindset". Tragic!

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Hi Dr. Ma-Lion/ess! I can donate when i get paid next week! I'm so glad these organizations exist. Thanks!

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Here's my $1000 dollars worth of good will and prescient insight regarding the unified field emerging with the Aquarian Quantum Age as I feature in my new substack article on Urgent Global Crisis Alert at: https:www.heartcom.org/CrisisClimax.htm

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I tried to donate but your credit card form is only for USA cards. Fix that and I can donate.

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Happily donated.

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Great idea to post this! We all need a reminder of various Projects that can use support in all ways. I will remember to contribute now. Thanks.

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Tried to donate but kept getting an error. I will try another day.

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