Does institutions include the House of Representatives? Some of the ugliest news today centers on Speaker Johnson muttering a prayer, probably an Act of Contrition, (Bless me Father for I have sinned) then leading the House tonight for a "suspension of the rules". A move he swore he'd never permit, a vote w/o those pesky true republicans, allowing the dems to pass what is claimed to be a new child credit tax exemption which actually will fund money for illlegals welfare claim, and per an article published on the Hill, may cost up to 1.4 Trillion, not the the 50-60 Billion of excess covid $ claimed.
All this makes me believe we are in the midst of a massive тАЩbroadsideтАЩ collision demonically engineered by a conspiracy so well organized that it can be nothing less than a coup on the American destiny we have promised, deceitfully derailed, rather destroyed in a тАЬno faultтАЭ policy of management -- ie, тАШwell-managedтАЩ damage control.
Only problem -- the physics are too extreme, by orders of magnitude
Wonder if Mike Johnson is one of those thousands of тАЬyoung global leadersтАЭ trained by the WEF and now working his way up the WEF ladder of opportunity to reach WEF nirvana like KlausтБЙя╕ПЁЯШ│ЁЯдФЁЯШ╡
Dr Malone has a piece up in one of his substacks identifying many of the WEF grads. Not sure about Johnson, although I don't think so.
Trying to phone the Speakers office this a.m. was all elevator music, no answer. He's not listening. Such irony, the Speaker is about to allow funding of many bennies for the illegals, while House republicans are attempting the impeachment of the cabinet official responsible for the invasion, and simultaneously the Senate is working the Langsford bill to codify what has occurred and add additional 5K per day, with no teeth for overages, just nuts.
Thank you, yes what is happening to America is tragic. But the globalists like the WEF/Schwab elites have been planning and preparing for awhile and now seems on the verge of achieving great returns on their "investments" in recruiting/indoctrinating their chosen "Young Global Leaders".
Fall Cabal video series on Bitchute by Janet Ossebaard (may she Rest In Peace) does a good job of explaining/informing us of history that we never learned in schools. The infiltration of WEF trainees into all governments is so pervasive, it doesn't seem possible anyone will ever defeat their plans. Only HaShem can, so we need to pray HE will choose to turn all those now imbedded in every government to have a Revelation and turn from their WEF masters, to return to serve humanity, instead of the Adversary, Ha Satan. Evil is real but so is the Creator GOD who is still in control of HIS Creation.
I remember the push for zero population . People bought into the propaganda . My husband and I were talking this morning about ChinaтАЩs population troubles. China push one child but could have 2 if they had a girl first. I was just reading that China is now encouraging there population to have more children. Why ? Because the elderly population has more population than the working age people. Not enough of them to have the jobs that are needed.
I read an article where the population of the world would fill up Texas. The could live like the people of New York City. There is plenty of land for people to live.
You have to have producers.
I believe that. Pres. Trump was trying to make everyone pay their fair share of the UN money instead of the bulk sum coming from the USA.
Thus the Cov-19 virus they were working on. Highly contagious, much worse for the elderly and not dangerous to the young, but then they decided to kill more old and young people by putting in death protocols and mandating the clot shots.
My "confidence" in all these "institutions" has utterly collapsed. They all need to go away. Like yesterday.
Does institutions include the House of Representatives? Some of the ugliest news today centers on Speaker Johnson muttering a prayer, probably an Act of Contrition, (Bless me Father for I have sinned) then leading the House tonight for a "suspension of the rules". A move he swore he'd never permit, a vote w/o those pesky true republicans, allowing the dems to pass what is claimed to be a new child credit tax exemption which actually will fund money for illlegals welfare claim, and per an article published on the Hill, may cost up to 1.4 Trillion, not the the 50-60 Billion of excess covid $ claimed.
What a brilliant summary!
All this makes me believe we are in the midst of a massive тАЩbroadsideтАЩ collision demonically engineered by a conspiracy so well organized that it can be nothing less than a coup on the American destiny we have promised, deceitfully derailed, rather destroyed in a тАЬno faultтАЭ policy of management -- ie, тАШwell-managedтАЩ damage control.
Only problem -- the physics are too extreme, by orders of magnitude
Wonder if Mike Johnson is one of those thousands of тАЬyoung global leadersтАЭ trained by the WEF and now working his way up the WEF ladder of opportunity to reach WEF nirvana like KlausтБЙя╕ПЁЯШ│ЁЯдФЁЯШ╡
Dr Malone has a piece up in one of his substacks identifying many of the WEF grads. Not sure about Johnson, although I don't think so.
Trying to phone the Speakers office this a.m. was all elevator music, no answer. He's not listening. Such irony, the Speaker is about to allow funding of many bennies for the illegals, while House republicans are attempting the impeachment of the cabinet official responsible for the invasion, and simultaneously the Senate is working the Langsford bill to codify what has occurred and add additional 5K per day, with no teeth for overages, just nuts.
You can find the list of US politicians who have graduated from the WEF here.
Thank you, yes what is happening to America is tragic. But the globalists like the WEF/Schwab elites have been planning and preparing for awhile and now seems on the verge of achieving great returns on their "investments" in recruiting/indoctrinating their chosen "Young Global Leaders".
Fall Cabal video series on Bitchute by Janet Ossebaard (may she Rest In Peace) does a good job of explaining/informing us of history that we never learned in schools. The infiltration of WEF trainees into all governments is so pervasive, it doesn't seem possible anyone will ever defeat their plans. Only HaShem can, so we need to pray HE will choose to turn all those now imbedded in every government to have a Revelation and turn from their WEF masters, to return to serve humanity, instead of the Adversary, Ha Satan. Evil is real but so is the Creator GOD who is still in control of HIS Creation.
I remember the push for zero population . People bought into the propaganda . My husband and I were talking this morning about ChinaтАЩs population troubles. China push one child but could have 2 if they had a girl first. I was just reading that China is now encouraging there population to have more children. Why ? Because the elderly population has more population than the working age people. Not enough of them to have the jobs that are needed.
I read an article where the population of the world would fill up Texas. The could live like the people of New York City. There is plenty of land for people to live.
You have to have producers.
I believe that. Pres. Trump was trying to make everyone pay their fair share of the UN money instead of the bulk sum coming from the USA.
Thus the Cov-19 virus they were working on. Highly contagious, much worse for the elderly and not dangerous to the young, but then they decided to kill more old and young people by putting in death protocols and mandating the clot shots.