Anyone familiar with wilsons league of nations knew darned well what the u.n. was going to be. Too bad our senate suffered brain drain post wilson

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Too many Senators stay too long. Sucked into the one-think morass of the Senate and controlled by the deep state. Term limits prevent brain drain.

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Yes, spot on. It is not taught that Wilson was a segregationist of first order. He was also a sociopath!

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well, according to democrats, he had great taste in movies


democrat vermin and other leftists (but then, I repeat myself) have not changed at all since their KKK Jim Crow days

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The’d have to unname all those schools, streets and whatever and tear down his statues and….. or Zinn the history books

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Perhaps it was a certain level of stupidity for many post Wilson, but I think it is a cold, calculating thought process self centered to the hilt today. Play the game, and you'll get rich, and all the other DC perks. Look at Langford. That was calculated. He's not up for re-election till '28, it's unknown what was offered, or threatened to be removed, but it was a cold, calculated move.

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Jan 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My "confidence" in all these "institutions" has utterly collapsed. They all need to go away. Like yesterday.

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Does institutions include the House of Representatives? Some of the ugliest news today centers on Speaker Johnson muttering a prayer, probably an Act of Contrition, (Bless me Father for I have sinned) then leading the House tonight for a "suspension of the rules". A move he swore he'd never permit, a vote w/o those pesky true republicans, allowing the dems to pass what is claimed to be a new child credit tax exemption which actually will fund money for illlegals welfare claim, and per an article published on the Hill, may cost up to 1.4 Trillion, not the the 50-60 Billion of excess covid $ claimed.

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What a brilliant summary!

All this makes me believe we are in the midst of a massive ’broadside’ collision demonically engineered by a conspiracy so well organized that it can be nothing less than a coup on the American destiny we have promised, deceitfully derailed, rather destroyed in a “no fault” policy of management -- ie, ‘well-managed’ damage control.

Only problem -- the physics are too extreme, by orders of magnitude

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Wonder if Mike Johnson is one of those thousands of “young global leaders” trained by the WEF and now working his way up the WEF ladder of opportunity to reach WEF nirvana like Klaus⁉️😳🤔😵

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Dr Malone has a piece up in one of his substacks identifying many of the WEF grads. Not sure about Johnson, although I don't think so.

Trying to phone the Speakers office this a.m. was all elevator music, no answer. He's not listening. Such irony, the Speaker is about to allow funding of many bennies for the illegals, while House republicans are attempting the impeachment of the cabinet official responsible for the invasion, and simultaneously the Senate is working the Langsford bill to codify what has occurred and add additional 5K per day, with no teeth for overages, just nuts.

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31Author

You can find the list of US politicians who have graduated from the WEF here.


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Thank you, yes what is happening to America is tragic. But the globalists like the WEF/Schwab elites have been planning and preparing for awhile and now seems on the verge of achieving great returns on their "investments" in recruiting/indoctrinating their chosen "Young Global Leaders".


Fall Cabal video series on Bitchute by Janet Ossebaard (may she Rest In Peace) does a good job of explaining/informing us of history that we never learned in schools. The infiltration of WEF trainees into all governments is so pervasive, it doesn't seem possible anyone will ever defeat their plans. Only HaShem can, so we need to pray HE will choose to turn all those now imbedded in every government to have a Revelation and turn from their WEF masters, to return to serve humanity, instead of the Adversary, Ha Satan. Evil is real but so is the Creator GOD who is still in control of HIS Creation.

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I remember the push for zero population . People bought into the propaganda . My husband and I were talking this morning about China’s population troubles. China push one child but could have 2 if they had a girl first. I was just reading that China is now encouraging there population to have more children. Why ? Because the elderly population has more population than the working age people. Not enough of them to have the jobs that are needed.

I read an article where the population of the world would fill up Texas. The could live like the people of New York City. There is plenty of land for people to live.

You have to have producers.

I believe that. Pres. Trump was trying to make everyone pay their fair share of the UN money instead of the bulk sum coming from the USA.

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Thus the Cov-19 virus they were working on. Highly contagious, much worse for the elderly and not dangerous to the young, but then they decided to kill more old and young people by putting in death protocols and mandating the clot shots.

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A question to ask for which I do not have an answer nor the resources to uncover such is how many Non-Govt Orgs(NGOs) are in fact government funded/politically funded or billionaire-funded precisely to support a political agenda i.e., immigration, global warming, depopulation, but pretending to be beneficial non-profits?

Reading the arguments in recent years it seems that the proliferation of NGOs with deep pockets funding destructive societal outcomes like BLM and Antifa with innocuous sounding names like Family Planning Clinic and etc are fostering sociopathic agendas from every angle. This includes the ACLU, ADL and anti-cancer organizations, the Red Cross, formerly focused childhood illness medical non-profits and etc who still claim they have neutral political agendas which clearly is no longer true.

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This is why I keep yellin for states to ban all out of state money in all elections and even sent an e-mail to my state House rep suggesting this.

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I'm guessing it was like a tear drop in the ocean. I am so cynical at this point. Our elected officials are pretty much bought and paid for by the time they get into position. The voice and opinion of the people is moot. Sad comment, eh?

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She has been listening.

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As I posted recently,red cross and drs w/o borders pipelining them into n. mexico and handing over to cartels importing them here for $2000 a pop

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I used to be for in-state funding only, but I think if that were to become a rule, the MAGA/populist movement for members of Congress would suffer a major blow. I've donated a bunch to candidates who aren't in my state, because there are barely any conservatives running in my state. At this point, I'm just hoping that conservatives elected elsewhere might indirectly help me where I am.

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Soros just put up $1.7 M here to “turn Texas blue”. You have any idea what effect that will have on the Republic if that happens? Keep his and other stinkos money (looking at zukkerberg there) out of Texas

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Here are five that give out maps to assist in the migration.


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Take a gander at National Endowment for Democracy. So proud of their work. Insightful.


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This was rather insightful.


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Good one. Thank you.

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Jan 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is why my grandfathers generation refused to join the League of Nations. They saw it as a veiled harbor for European aristocrats who would try to extend control by other means. That generation was close enough to the 18th century to understand the machinations of the aristocratic order and their desire to control the west. They refused, we should follow their example

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To: ssm59: As my grandfather's brother in Germany said in 1916 before Wilson got us into WW1 while promising to keep us out of the fray, "The only people that are going to get rich from the war are the munition makers and the bankers supporting the war with their loans." As Wilson was favorable to the 'European elites' of the day, a League of Nations was right up this alley to fleece the 'commoners'.

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This was going on in WW II, as well.


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I think that the UN should be billed for transporting ALL those that came over the border illegally back to their countries of origin. Ditto: Catholic Charities and Lutheran Charity, and the NGOs that participated. Airlines and bus companies as well. Amy Pope should also be held criminally and financially responsible. There have always been paths to immigration for those that want to be citizens of a country and integrate into the culture and society. But overwhelming the borders is an invasion that no country can survive in the long run. It is neither the duty nor the responsibility for the taxpayers to pay for this. That a relatively small number of wealthy elite people who think they can re-form the world to their liking without the vote and approval of the citizens of the countries is intolerable. All those refugees are pawns in this game. The better answer would have been to help reform bad governments, where they lived and build a better world that way. This invasion strategy ultimately brings successful counties down and does not improve the conditions in the poor countries they come from.

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Not to toot my own horn, but increasingly I believe that establshing "Treason Courts" is critically necessary: https://tomwigand.substack.com/p/we-desperately-need-to-establish

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Who runs them ?

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Don’t forget the Catholic Church leaders play a vital role in mass migration. Brazilian archbishop Hélder Pessoa Câmara established an underground church of the poor in the early 60s. He was an advocate of Liberation Theology. He met with Klaus Schwab in the early 70s and attended a WEF meeting. Pope Francis (Jesuit Bergoglio from Argentina) has attended WEF also. He was 33 when he became a priest to undo the Church. Here is Schwab talking about his meeting Câmara.


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100% on 🎯

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Agree wholeheartedly! I’m sick of these un-elected idiots! But what can we actually do about it? 😤

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That is the $64,000 question. This is why I linked the Thomas Sheridan substack article to T. above. Link: The Current Psycho-Social Trajectory Can’t Be Saved nor Rehabilitated https://thomassheridan.substack.com/p/the-current-psycho-social-trajectory

He and I believe the sh*t has to hit the rotating blades ie: hard times have to happen and work their way through before we can rebuild a proper country. What we can do is one step at a time as best we all can. Keep the pressure on. Use our comments discussions to build on ideas. and plan/prep for survival so we can rebuild. Look at our constitution and learn what was done to gainsay it and undermine it so it will be harder to do it again.

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Martin Armstrong said much the same thing. He said we just have to go through it. Not much we can do, because the forces creating the dynamic are very distributed, and too large to control. I'd say a significant reason he says this is due to people enabling the dynamic who don't even know they're doing it (ignorant, but part of the problem). So, there is a rationale for just just girding your loins.


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Obama had Janet name some of the eventual targets that will be used soon if there is a concerted grassroots effort to waylay what appears to be the inevitable. The DOJ under Biden has named many more targets. It’s half the population that will be said to need some re-education and I think the other half will go along with it because that is how deep the indoctrination has been.

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I read some of these threats as desperation by people who may have already lost. There is no way they can target half of the population (and climbing). They are also terrified that the precedent they set by using lawfare against their political rivals will be used against them when the pendulum swings the other way. As Bidenomics continues to ravage the working and middle class; and owning a home or even affording a car climbs out of sight; and people are maxing out their credit to buy basics, while the specter of WW3 or at least a large regional war(s) looms >>> the dissatisfaction will make a huge part of the population reexamine who they have been voting for. No political party can take their voters for granted.

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The GOP has consistently, since Bush41, taken its voters for granted. They rode the Trump coattail but are still the same ole rinos as before. Have the House for a year and what have they done. Notta.

The other side only watches alphabet news channels and has no idea what is really going on. The pendulum can't swing when the voting is all rigged.

2020 and 2022 were prime examples of it. Mindset today is on the pessimistic side.

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Both parties take their voters for granted. The Demonrats have been more effective at it. They captured most of the black vote which used to go to the Republicans. And, they delivered a welfare state. They got a lot of their voters to even think that Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat president, thanks to their control over the government schools and teachers unions. In reality I think the "powers that be" have been selecting who our presidents will be since Wilson. That began the globalist era and the secret (think Club of Rome, Bohemian Grove, WEF, etc.).

For an interesting novel read Coup d'Twelve: The enterprise that bought the Presidency by David E. Martin. (Amazon Kindle and other sellers) Pretty well lays it all out. Makes one realize movie themes like the Table of 12 in John Wick may be more accurate than one would expect.

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Yep. Thanks. Agreed.

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Good idea, but no one to enforce it. They've purchased all the "enforcers", or imprisoned them. Ask Reiner Fuellmich

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There is a big divide between what should be done and what will be done. I only write my comments to contribute to the pool of comments in the hopes that others see my discontent and I see theirs. Maybe this all adds to the general mind set of ideas about what must be done by and for "we the people" to regain a country of "by and for the people".

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Almost on a daily basis, I call up friends (fellow patriots), and discuss this very conundrum we currently find ourselves in.

The frustration in our thoughts always winds up back to the same question:

What will it take for people to finally wake up and realize what is being done to them, their country, and when the hell are we going to do something about it?

For example, today, I texted 20 people about the rampant destruction of our food production facilities that has been ongoing for over 3 years now, whereas hundreds of these entities have been wiped out by "mysterious" reasons. Most were fires, but I'm sure there are others out there, like the chocolate plant in PA which just blew up.

20% return on my investment, as nearly zero responses.

So, again, we find ourselves back in that same thought pattern: When the hell are we going to do something about it ?

It returns back to the answer which is we're being placated to sit, stay, good boy, and do nothing because everyone just wants to live their lives, unabated, unbothered, and zoned out, just doing our own thing.

It will take a very large interruption to alter this pathway.

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One part of this is understanding the limits of the power you have, and what you can do with it. Something I've tried, which has widened my awareness a bit, is using a strategy called "The Clarey Test," created by a podcaster named Aaron Clarey. He takes the focus away from issues, and puts it on life experience for political candidates, which you can research in their bio's. I sent this off to a friend, asking a similar question re. "What do we do?":

1. They were not born into wealth

2. They've worked their way up in the private sector. They weren't just given a high, executive position through connections or nepotism.

3. They received one or more college degrees in mentally challenging subjects, particularly in science or engineering, where their ideas are tested against the real world, not in subjects like economics, finance, history, philosophy, psychology, political science, law, etc. (There are exceptions in the older generation, since these subjects used to be more rigorous, but they are few and far between.)

4. They served in the military.

They don't have to fulfill all of these to get a good "score," but I think criteria number 2, with a strong preference for number 1, is particularly important for avoiding people who are just looking for prestige positions--something to do--but where they don't care about the people they're supposed to represent. Number 3 only becomes important if they went to college (which most politicians/political candidates have).

According to this criteria, their bio./history is much more important than the issues they advocate in their campaigns, and/or the controversies that erupt around them. The idea being you want people who understand the real world consequences of their actions, and how that impacts people. The assumption (perhaps reasonable. Look at the results) is the rest takes care of itself.

Once I tried this, I started realizing why, in my area, we're having the trouble we have, because nearly all of the candidates for office which I could vote for scored pretty badly on this test.

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But you can take heart that pResident Brandon is finally going to East Palestine (probably thinks it in the Mideast) <sarc>. But I sure can relate to what you are saying about calling and emailing friends, particularly about the vaccine-not-a-vaccine, in my case. These days it is more about contacting Dr. Pierre Kory and FLCCC about TX for their vaccine injuries.

The captured politicians, government agencies and media plus the economy and border invasion has everyone flummoxed.

Here is a short substack by Thomas Sheridan in Ireland you my appreciate. I like him for a foreign perspective. I have a comment in that one as well. Link: The Current Psycho-Social Trajectory Can’t Be Saved nor Rehabilitated https://thomassheridan.substack.com/p/the-current-psycho-social-trajectory

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Haha, East Palestine.

Yeah, I can see him showing up there, and the people throwing eggs, rocks, castigating him with foul ( T. approved ) language. Heck, maybe someone will throw pharma tainted ice cream at him, loaded with Dulcolax, and he can shit himself, back on AF-1. Should be a fun time, I would assume, not that this wouldn't happen, even without the Dulcolax.

No doubt, while he's there, they will have their hired Toadies ready and willing to praise, sing glory and make us all want to puke as Brandon mumbles some incoherent jibber jabber on how the sitting president (either Kameltoe, or Trump, depending on the day of disillusionment) is the real problem, and he didn't do it.

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You are right.

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Swabbie Robbie: "All those refugees are pawns in this game."

Pawns / cannon fodder. The elites don't give a shit about anyone other than themselves, regardless of how many innocent, albeit misguided individuals perish at their hands.

The only real answer here is to remove all elites from humanity, permanently encasing them in their DUMS that they're building, only with no food, air or water to live off of.

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Jan 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Simple solution to all these issues is put Trump back in office. We will be out of the UN, WHO, and a few others. 60, to 70 decades of all this nonsense being pushed upon or society will take a strong leader with America First mentality to start turning the ship around. We will be victorious and respected again!

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If he can bypass the rampant voter fraud


He can actually do anything, being lame duck surrounded by packs of duck eating vermin.

(I could have mis-written "dick", vs duck, and 90% of you would have known I meant the washington swamp creatures)

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Truth is the election fraud is in effect no matter who's running. It's in effect in the primaries right now, even on the Repub side. I've seen it in my own state. In the general, it will select for the Dems, but if it is not curtailed to a minor nuisance, it could select a Repub candidate in the future, if they're to the Swamp's liking.

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Haley no !

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It's not just "The Population Bomb."

Largely flying under the radar (compared to the WEF) is "The Club of Rome." It published "The Limits of Growth" in 1972: https://www.clubofrome.org/ltg50/

I suspect that the WEF was actually spawned from the Club of Rome (de facto, if not formally).

Indeed, the WEF may be the designated public face / flak-catcher, while the Club of Rome continues the same mission largely behind the curtain. See, e.g., it's list of publications: https://www.clubofrome.org/publications/

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I believe that the 14th Amendment has never really been vetted (judicially) -- that there was a passing reference in a footnote in an unrelated case, but never any ruling.

I'm not alone in this: https://dailycaller.com/2024/01/30/natelson-anchor-baby-illegal-immigrant-legal-studies-allegiance/

Since then, the Globalists / Progressives have been pretending that (what I refer to as) the "anchor baby loophole" is established and settled law.

If I'm correct, Congress could immediately fix this by statute closing the "anchor baby loophole."

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is a cottage industry reliant on anchor babies. Moms pay to get here and drop a US citizen which then guarantees she and kith and kin nail permanent residency here. Quite a few from china

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Same in Canada.

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Like when their government ships their baby filled bodies over in planes, right before their due date, so the kid automatically becomes a US citizen ?

Oh yeah, that industry.

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Anthony Blinken and Alejandro Mayorkas are running neck and neck for the MIBY award. And now, here comes longshot Amy Pope out of nowhere. Maybe her gender will give her a leg up to be recognized as the Most Idiotic Bureaucrat of the Year.

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Not idiots, they have an agenda. Treasonous fits better.

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They are willing laborers for the agenda; their boss is the traitor.

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People like Mayorkas, Blinken and Garland are the people actually running the government. The idea Joe Biden is their boss or has any power over them is absurd.

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But according to good Democrat, Harry Truman, "The buck stops here." While merely a figurehead, surely you're not implying that Uncle Joe should get a pass?

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He needs a hall pass from dr. Jill to go to the john

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A pass?

You mean like the angled blade moving down the parallel tracks with the help of gravity?

Yeah, I'd give him a pass. I'd even pull the lever, free of charge

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The angled blade was a big improvement over the square one - got a little bouncey and messy until the new and improved version came along. I was thinking more of a decision between the platform builders and the 7 or 8 guys lining up with one blank - keeping things in one piece.

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I prefer to think of them as psychopaths. They have no idea what they are doing or who they are doing it for.

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That would be the secular term for it.

Demonically possessed also fits.

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I personally think they know, both who and what, and are drowning in both the benefits both financial and political (power).

Evil knows what it's doing, as common sense would back-draw a person who was following through with the process of the self destruction, they're conducting.

They're destroying their own nation is good enough for me to know they are aware of what they're doing. I'm not a rocket scientist, and I see it. So can they.

No different than these Ahole jet pilots spraying the world with toxic shit every day. They're destroying their own home / their planet / their existence, and they just don't give a shit. Compartmentalized ? Isolated from reality ? I have not a clue, but you would think after years of doing this, they'd be somewhat suspicious.

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It's a tough swallow for anyone with more than two brain cells working, that they don't know what they are doing. However, I'm not a psychologist, though I did stay at a Holiday Inn once, but I have had up close and personal experience with psychopaths in various stages of delusion. They believe their own lies, even if they contradict themselves in short order. They feel like gods, so they are especially better than the plebs they could care less about. They are driven by an unstoppable determination to be seen as being RIGHT! Since they live inside their own illusions they expect perfect outcomes for every move and decision they make. When that doesn't happen, it's always someone else's fault. They are self willed and completely unaware that their choices and decisions negatively impact others.

So, yes, I do believe they don't know what they are doing or who they really serve. Which makes this war even more difficult. There is no middle ground, no place to negotiate. No opportunity for light of truth to filter in. They only understand scorched earth tactics. The really tough part to fathom is that the one they don't know they follow could care less what happens to them.

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Well, I hope you didn't get the chicken salad from The Holiday Inn Express room service, because it's several days old, and could get ya sick, my friend.

I've watched these public figures high tail it from confrontation. This leads me to believe that they have some understanding that their behavior negatively affects others, whether they admit it, or not, otherwise, then why would they run ? Lindsay Graham in airport, or Justin Trudeau leaving an event, and so on. Once they get approached and shoved factual results into their mugs, they turn-coat, and are gone, usually behind some security detail.

Is the echo chamber effect ? Everyone around them yessing them to death ? Is it they feel they're impervious to retribution from their subjects because there is always someone there to protect them on the sidelines?

Trudeau, I will admit, when you listen to him speak, he sounds as though he's sister is actually that "How dare you?" chick, because he simply is mentally just puppeting what he's been told to say by his advisors.

"We must alter our behavior, we must sacrifice, we must save the planet by restricting our own desires". He sounds mentally retarded, no matter what you watch him participate in, or talk about. I think you may be onto something with him, as he's no doubt mentally challenged, living in some dystopia that only he can see through.

BTW, having more than 2 brain cells, is giving me some credit, as I've been told time and time again, that my brain is down to the last remaining cell, and I better use it wisely.

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Ha! Thanks for the tip on the chicken salad.

Based on my experience with genuinely diagnosable psychopaths, they are fully able to sense danger and know when to retreat - they just have no sense of the difference between good and evil. They don't get it and when things go south they run and hide but still blame others, as they are the victims.

Regardless, we are overrun by true psychopaths and the wannabes who just think they are entitled. I've had to deal with those sorts too. I do wonder if the stuff they are spraying in the air is causing the serious mental illness that has taken over the world.

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I saw a video clip of Senators in a Capitol hallway walking as fast as they could over a decade ago when someone, with a camera person, was asking questions about the chem trails. Not one would say a peep. They know what is going on.

I also think the airlines are subsidized by the Feds. They carry chem tank that release the trails at certain altitudes over predetermined grids.

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rabid leftist (democrat) vermin

only one way to stop a rabies epidemic

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Which is why we like to refer to them as Demon Rats. 😝

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yep, a lot of rabid vermin in that perverted cult they have

I also like



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Hope her leg doesn't go too far up...

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She would need to declare her sexual orientation before that became an issue. And we are still waiting to be informed of her preferred pronouns.

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Jan 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Re: UN Mission Creep

I find some reason to believe that marxist intent was mixed in from the UN's founding in 1945.

The left wing press generally covered for former FDR State Department Official and key UN architect Alger Hiss, and shielded him from accusations of espionage and treason. But author Christina Shelton laid out a persuasive case that Hiss was indeed Soviet agent, codename "ALES," from the 1930s.

Ref: "Alger Hiss: Why He Chose Treason."

pp. 121-122: "In 1946, Hiss was staffing the UN. He forwarded the resumes of hundreds of people. About fifty showed up later as permanent employees and a couple of hundred in part-time assignments."

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Wasn't AH with FDR when Germany fell and we gave Russia part of Germany? He wasn't the only one in State with links to foreign entities.

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Shelley, I think you are correct on your history. I'd have to refresh myself on the Yalta Conference chapters to elaborate on those details.

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I think I read it in a very long article more than a decade ago so could be mistaken.

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Jan 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The more informed I get from this substack and the Commenters comments, the more clarity I gain. Civil discourse is awesome!🙏😑 The humor in this thread got me like🤣

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Jan 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And another thing, anyone who has read the UN's "AGENDA-2030" - between the lines of the platitudes and poppycock - can plainly see what this UN-ELECTED entity hell-bent on (global) rule over humanity via the environment and absolute control of the means of production - such as CARBON has in store for the soon to be in 2030 - just SIX years in the future - for its "citizens of the world".

If the "Collective Left" succeeds in destroying Donald Trump and the Make America Great Again movement - ever by another election FRAUD or direct force by the so-called "justice" department and judicial courts - "AGENDA -2030" WILL happen!

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I wrote this substack on the UN’s Agenda 2030 in 2022. I believe this essay has gotten better with age. https://open.substack.com/pub/rwmalonemd/p/if-you-control-the-food-supply-you?r=ta0o1&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Yes, Indeed, Dr. Malone...but time is FAST running out...and the feel-good absolute equality- in all- things gobbledegook in AGENDA-2030 - as was in AGENDA-21 previously - plays into the mindset of those who do not subscribe to using their ability to discern what is lurking BEHIND the curtain of deception. DOHA? Goal-4? the "Beijing Platform for Action" ( signed by 189 nations!) Madness!

The MOST destructive quest (that) may well destroy the Homo-sapiens species in the not too distant future is the literal insanity of "equality" in all things.

That every human being is unique totally escapes the (universal) "collectivist" mindset; let alone the stark reality that absolute equality is an absolute impossibility to achieve in ANY way, shape or form!

The history of bloodletting in the name of "equality" is staggering! And the beat goes on, and on and on.

VERY depressing

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Defund the UN!

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Yes, defund the UN and spend the money supporting new mothers. Encourage marriage and bring back those dad's in the home! Everybody deserves a dad and a mom.

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Who are you, Victor Orban ?

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Isn’t it the truth you don’t miss something until it’s gone. For nearly 1/2 of my life I took for granted we would always have sane representation in our government that would first abide by our laws, and most important understand the Bill of Rights is what has made us great. It’s truly what sets us apart from the rest of the world, Obama!! Your essay stresses to me how important it is to elect Trump in this presidential election for Biden will increase money to the UN knowing how destructive it is unto our country. I printed the bill of rights this morning. I’m going to make copies of them and hand them out to friends family and coworkers so we can refamiliarize ourselves with our rights. I’m going to leave a copy on my desk knowing it will remind me of what we are losing and what is at stake in this next election. Please feel free to print it and keep it in a place you can see so you too will remember what makes us the best country in the history of the world. I think if we all stay aware it is the best chance we have to move back towards our founding principles. J.Goodrich

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P.S. go to www.FreedomPassport.co to order a wonderful, passport sized booklet with America’s constitutional rights and freedoms AND they also have Canada’s Bill of Rights in another passport sized booklet. We carry them (dual citizens) when we travel. After Covid, we will NEVER get pushed around to wear a mask or forced to take a test at an airport EVER again.

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Would not be bad to advise carrying a copy of the US Constitution. Heritage did (does?) provide them. Very good to have on hand during these conversations.

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There are downloadable copies of the Constitution available. I have copies of it on my cell phones. It doesn't seem to include the Bill of Rights. There is a download for the Bill of Rights Institute. I'll need to check further.

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Our copy sits front and center atop all other "coffee table" books in the living room. Folks will pick it up, then like they are afraid what they might find, set it back down.

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I really feel if you want something, put it in front of yourself, be aware of it, share it with others. If it stays centered in your life, and you are persistent it will come to you.

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Tell me you want a pocket copy of the constitution? Ill send you a copy that one of my libtard neighbors should have got.

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Thanks T, I have copies of the constitution and the DoI. Much appreciated!!!!

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I've been collecting them for since 2009. Lot's of organization give them out for free. I get them for free when I order books from https://www.freedom-bookstore.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html.

Heritage, Cato, and Hillsdale College give them out for free. 4 years ago I put a pocket book inside each present I sent to nine adult nieces and nephews. It contained the D-of-I, Constitution and B-of-R plus subsequent Amendments. Most of these were from Cato. I also have a Citizens Rule Book, originally published in 1971, still published today and it is a pocket book and contains even more must know things. I suggest everyone get a bundle of these, they are priceless. http://citizensrulebook.us/#home

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I think that’s exactly the way we are to help keep our country. I don’t think they teach real American history in schools any more. That’s great!!!! Oh with the dogs, they don’t talk to each other so much but every morning the two labs kiss each other a lot. The little one is Ted, he gets some action too. The dog on the left is Teds brother he isn’t ours but is a kool looking dog. That dog is the breeders, she has watched our dogs for us in the past.

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James, I saw that picture of you and your wife's pups some time back. Do they have one-sided conversation like these two? https://t.me/BlazenAnimals/27916

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Jan 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Indeed, the Population Bomb. I had been so “fear porn” indoctrinated from high school in Berkeley. But when in 1969 my father took us kids in a short trip to Seattle, I had astounding revelations from the air seeing all those dense tree forests across state of Oregon. I said aloud that all that population stuff was a fraud. Then due to fog our plane had to land in Great Falls, Montana. Holy Rolling Horizons and blue skies to infinity! The air was an intoxication. I was never the same. And I certainly never believed the prevailing eco mythologies since.

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In one of my early novels I called the UN "the whorehouse on the East River." https://www.johntrudel.com

The UN has NEVER prevented a war. But they often do arrive in time to rape the survivors.

Please check out book "Invisible Treason in America." It was the "#1 New Book on Amazon" in October.

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