Feb 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Up here north of the 49th parallel… Rebel news is crowd funding lawyers for the truckers and farm tractors demonstrating at the coutts crossing between Montana and Alberta. You can follow and help in various ways there. There will also be another news release from the organizers.. Rebel news and True North news will be there this weekend. It’s not the grandiose grandstanding of politicians and corporate talking heads that will make the difference.

It is us… standing together… doing what we can… respectfully disregarding mask mandates… but saying gently if asked… oh ya… here it is in my pocket.

One man dancing alone can be mocked… all of us dancing together.. is a party.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautiful! ThAnk you...

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There is no other explanation Dr. Malone, this is an intentional hospicide and vaccine holocaust. A depopulation event. U.S. Score - Covid 94k dead, Gov. & Corporations 670k killed.


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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022

"The US Public Health Response has been a Colossal Failure"

This kind'a sounds like "mistakes were made" in the passive voice.

This was a failure by government bureaucrats who acted maliciously. They thought no one would ever figure that out, and they'd get away with it. They should go to prison.

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Evil incarnate is right.

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in the US alone...How many countries followed our lead with the same results?

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Too many. Those like Sweden, Japan and India that didn't follow the madness but followed the science rather than "the science" fared better.

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They will blame us once they wake up

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The blame truly lies with Gates and Fauci, but few will understand that.

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Of course but they represent us.

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not by vote/choice...but they do and I am ashamed of them.

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I’m not ashamed of them I’m disgusted and hope they pay by being canceled just like those they have attacked for calling them out.

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Soros and Schwab are also major players and part of the control grid.

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Exactly! I said that very very early on. I dare say all the "major" countries followed what we did - and the ones that are worst now are simply the ones who don't have the people's Bill of Rights that we have.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As far as the US response goes, as we learned in the book Pandemia, Fauci was the captain of his High School basketball team. That’s pretty impressive since he is tiny. It also shows a penchant for leadership. Unfortunately his team went on to lose all their games- the parallels to today are undeniable.

The DOD whistle blowers are hero’s, but more needs to come out with flag officers leading the way- in public. We shall see. In my family, we have many generations in the military, with some pretty impressive achievements. I have advised my five sons to avoid the current sh*t show.

I’m impressed by Ron Johnson’s actions. Whether he is leading or simply following the perceived winds of change, may he mightily prevail.

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The failure started with Trump's selection of individuals on the task force. The leaders of the task force, Pence, Fauci, and Birx were all politicians. That's not how you fix a problem. Pence did not hold any task force members accountable and seemed to be more concerned with the upcoming election. At a tactical level, and connected to the political nature of the response and the resulting grab for power, the task force did not perform the obvious first task - talk to the people treating patients to determine best practices. Had they done that, without the encumbrances of politics and money, they could have ended the pandemic in a few months through widespread use of ivermectin, hydroxycholorquine, and a couple of vitamins.

How many millions died, around the world, because of greed, power and ego? History will look at this event as the most shameful event since the Holocaust.

"Never again" inevitably becomes "here we go again".

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Dr. Scott Atlas was a notable exception. A genuine problem-solver, he was astonished to learn that while he showed up to meetings armed with the latest studies, the bureaucrats never showed up with one.

Having worked for Gubmint, I knew exactly what that meant:

Don’t let public health get in the way of My turf.

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I read RFK's book, and am halfway through Atlas's book.

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Sign the Great Barrington Declaration and ask everyone you know. Vote the bums, Dems and Reps out in 2022

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This really wasn't about Trump, except he trusted the wrong people, and Biden relies even more heavily on Fauci and that idiot Rachael Walensky than Trump ever did. Fauci used this same MO in approaching the AIDS crisis, yet they keep him in as the highest-salaried bureaucrat in the federal government. How is that even possible? He and his cronies in the FDA, NIH and CDC are corrupt and we can't do anything about these entrenched psychopaths. I think we the people need a way to clean that part of the swamp out, including the FBI and CIA, etc., perhaps by making these positions elected, or having some metrics for performance that must be met or these people would be automatically fired.

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Yes, Trump trusted the wrong people. AIDS, Zika, Swine, H1N1...it works for him so he uses it EVERY time.

Interesting parallel with AIDS treatment: it is now somewhat accepted that AZT killed more people than is helped. Same with Remdisivir.

Very interesting that Gates is invested in Gilead, the maker of Remdisivir, along with Moderna (who had never before produced a vaccine), and a COVID testing company. This is the guy who really drives much of global health policy through his "ownership" of Tedros at the WHO, and Fauci in the US. Hmmm...any connection between that and "100% vaccination rate, no treatment except Remdisivir, and must do frequent testing on everyone"? Ya think?!?!

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Watch Russell Brands take on the Great Reset, and many other UNACCEPTABLE VIEWS.

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Trump was played like a fine fiddle!

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The politicians continue to appoint the wrong people. Trump was in a very difficult position during the very early stages of the pandemic. There were many unknowns for everyone including the scientists. The MSM propaganda machine tried to humiliate him locally and internationally every time he said said something, and chloroquine comes to mind. He was against the lockdowns from the start. He seldom wore a mask. Biden has had a very easy ride, with more deaths despite the experience, the vaccines and better therapies.

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The question is why Trump advocated the policies that he did? Personal advantage. He did everything he could to win in 2020 for only selfish motives to quash investigations into him which he will now face. He couldn't hold his rallies and that was a reason he lost also the fact that he got full bore covid 19.

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Yes, Trump did let the 2020 election influence his decisions on policies to adopt.

Unfortunately, the mass media canonized St. Anthony as quickly as they could to provide a foil for Trump, a foil that they knew would not be fired in an election year. Do you think it is any coincidence that this manufactured pandemic came up in an election year?

With the right communication, Trump could have fired Fauci and Birx and stated something to the effect of "I don't give a damn about the election. I'm only concerned with stopping this virus and Fauci and Birx were only making it worse and the only people who will suffer from that incompetence are the average folks."

Did you notice the $3.6T loss in wealth in the middle class and the $3.7T gain in wealth among the elite? Do you think that was unplanned?

The investigations into him in 2020 we the Russian related ones. And it has now been PROVEN they were fake. And it will probably be proven that the current investigation, related to Jan. 6, is also fake.

I am going to enjoy when the Repubs take back the House, impeach Biden multiple times (at least three are justified), and open investigations into Pelosi, Schiff, Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Shumer, and many others. As Shumer says "sow the wind, reap the whirlwind".

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As Dr. Peter McCullough said in his Rogan interview, Trump and his chosen pandemic people were incompetent on advocating for Ivermectin and other protocols; the recommendations were rejected by many out of spite.

Trump reportedly was told on a completely different matter the release of the JFK assassination records that if he followed Roger Stone's advice, Rubio and McConnell would join the efforts to impeach him due to political consequences.

I don't know why you are banking on corrupt politicians; I'm done thinking the government can or will do the right thing. They are all sell outs with a few exceptions.

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Great assessment

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Interesting, I have the opposite take. The Dems swooped in and used the plandemic to change voter laws (illegally in some cases) to benefit themselves. Also, Trump had huge rallies so it may be that your news sources didn't show them.

As for COVID, He advocated for 2 weeks to flatten the curve but then fought against the states staying shut down. The states rightfully said it was their choice not the feds.

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You are absolutely correct in how the Dems abused COVID to change voter laws. Have you read Mollie Hemingway's book "Rigged"? If not, read it and be prepared to be truly shocked, over and over again.

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Every action Trump took, even when he advocated for Ivermectin as well as the protocol he himself used in October 2020 became verboten for the media. He is like Midas in reverse, every recommendation he made was either calculated for personal enrichment or ruined the potential for the treatment.

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While I think Trump certainly bares blame, remember he is right now pushing these "life saving" shots. I think it's a one-two punch. They used Trump to get the Right to take the shots (it's the MAGA jab), and then brought in Biden to take over and champion and get the Left to take the shots. It's the only way to get both divided sides to take the shots. Also, whatever Trump said the left would go into mock/scorn mode and use to make HCQ or other early treatments options ludicrous, so it definitely worked in their favor. I remember seeing those photo's early on in Trumps Administration of his top workers like Kelly Ann Conway, etc. at DC cocktail parties like at Bezos house laughing in a circle with their so called bitter enemies. It's all a big show folks. Do I think Trump thinks he has a different way and is against mandates maybe, but I also think he's with them, and your a fool if you think he isn't. He SHOWS us he is time and time again, but because he SAY's he isn't "LOCK HER UP", people believe him.

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This is a 100 year experiment in allopathic medicine that has turned deadly!

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why is no one talking about the fact that, according to Johns Hopkins's COVID dashboard, hospitalizations are as high as they ever were, even before the vaccines, and case numbers are far higher than they've ever been?

Something tells me the "vaccines" are not vaccines, even though the leftist totalitarians in this country try to gaslight and mock you with Pfizer talking points into believing that vaccines never prevented infection, illness, or subsequent transmission of pathogens.

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I think some of them are "kill shots"

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Well we have a vaccine that is 2+ years old for a moving target virus. What would people think if they tried to push a flu vaccine that was that old? They are really pushing the booster and talking about boosted people being 97X less likely to die. I'm counting on an official DMED report to put an end to all this.

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The GoFundMe account for the Canadian Truckers has been stopped by GoFundMe. This prevents support. It appears that GoFundMe has revealed itself as one more organ of the State (Facebook, Twitter, youtube, google, linkedin included).

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022

Yes, GoFundMe has revealed itself a long time ago. It is highly questionable why the truckers even use it. By now, non-leftists in the US know to use something else, for example GiveSendGo.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You’re welcome… we’re locking hands.. and standing strong.. the last living signatory of the Canadian charter of rights…Brian Peckford …is challenging the edict of Justin Trudeau that stipulates only those with a vax pass…may use air travel in Canada. This is contrary to our charter of rights and hopefully will be challenged in our Supreme Court.

Little by little…ordinary folks are starting to dance.. stay strong

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Thank you from all our hearts.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am going to be very blunt. Many of our hospitals are killing people in various ways and so are the hospitals and care workers in the Uk. We are mainly doing this with Remdesivir but we are also denying life saving treatments and, yes, starving some patients to death. In the UK they are killing people with a combination of midazolam and morphine. I am in touch with a hospital worker there who confirms this and she also has seen firsthand care givers sneak baby food to patients to keep them alive! Dr. Brian Ardis recently brought this to light in a video so you can believe what I just wrote. Fauci is killing people and he knows this. The hospitals and doctors who administer these drugs know what they are doing unless they are complete idiots, which is the case in some instances. I call this murder for hire with the hit men being the hospitals and doctors and they are paid to do this by our government agencies. The dead, many of whom never tested positive for Covid, are then declared Covid deaths. Both genocide and greed are behind this and we need to have this stopped immediately. Every day lost means more needless deaths.

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Rightly and clearly said.

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Furthermore, hospitals are given a $65,000 incentive to murder their patients and call them COVID deaths. I have seen that price tag is up to $100,000. I'm writing to my congressman. They need to go on the war path for us, as our representatives.

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Congressmen are like doctors. Only a few can be trusted.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My concern is that the medical establishment and Medicare/Medicaid will learn the wrong lessons from this and will use their new found powers create more deaths in the future to reduce Medicare and Social Security costs while enriching themselves and BigPharma.

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Yes I was a huge proponent of Medicare for all but now the idea is terrifying, although private industry is no better. I can’t see ever really trusting places like Kaiser Permanente again either.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lizard brains are in charge. Cold uncaring administrators using the peoples own money to destroy them, for a substantial monetary bonus. Absolutely criminal.

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A word for the lizard brain — maybe the coldness is lizard-like but I wonder if lizards wouldn’t be more attuned to the deadly intent pressing down on them. I wonder if mass formation psychosis would be so easy if we were more attuned to our instinctive selves. I wonder if the talk-talk-talk hypnosis has excluded the voice of the screaming lizard when s/he looks at the current extraterrestrial administration talking heads. Just saying...

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I disagree with this sentiment: "This needs to translate into some real outrage on the part of our elected officials! It is their job to fix this." While it would be nice if that happened, and there's an argument for it being their job, in a constitutional republic, which ours is, the responsibility is on CITIZENS to be SELF-GOVERNING. The change needs to be prompted from the bottom up, by outrage on OUR OWN PART. We have been lulled to sleep for over 100 years. It's time for citizens to look in the mirror, because that's where the solution lies: active citizenship. It's *work.* It's no surprise now, is it, that our Founders pledged "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

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Exactly what I kEEp saying to my family!. Some say though, "well, ext election, everyone must do their part!". Uhhh...sorry, the Government ain'T saving us, and by then...mayyy be too late! I'm like, "WAKE Up, Pleassse!!". : (

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We must stop electing the same Liars of both parties. You are right it is our fault for being uninformed and lazy, assuming the new promises made by politicians aren’t just more lies. Credulity is not a prescription for ending the massive deception being perpetrated by our representatives.

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Let’s toss overboard our dependence on health insurance, for a start.

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Or perhaps the insurance could be actual insurance, like our auto insurance - individual; cost based on risk as assessed by the insurance company; covering unexpected events, not routine maintenance. Or coverage could be more broad, if people wanted to pay for it out of pocket. Having most "insurance" (cost-sharing for routine maintenance) come as a benefit of either employment or as a privilege from government traps people, making us that much less our own 'governors,' as we're supposed to be, while also making other people pay for poor lifestyle choices. Perhaps if people thought they'd be on the hook for more money if they eat poorly and never exercise, they might try to be healthier. The rate of obesity in the U.S. has risen at an astronomical rate, though to be fair I think it's partly if not largely the result of erroneous food policy (wacky food pyramids/plates, agricultural subsidies, absent public health messaging and school policies on advocating healthy eating and vigorous exercise). Look at the last video clip in this piece and compare that to what is done these days and to the rate of overweight/obesity in our youth. One of our biggest national security problems is too few young adults who physically qualify for military service.


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Some very good ideas. I like the risk assessment idea and competitive solutions for basic health not covered by ins

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I'll add that I work with a youth shooting sports program, and so many of the kids are physically very weak, finding it hard to cock a BB rifle or draw a youth archery bow. I'm stronger than most of them, and I'm basically a little old lady.

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Do you have a suggestion for the alternative.

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That *is* my suggestion for an alternative.

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I’m sorry but I don’t understand how eliminating health insurance without an alternative would improve our health.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I chose freedom...for ALL of us. Keep at it, Dr. Malone.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And… let’s not forget the Clan Mothers.. who came down from the NWT to join the dance.. to join the truckers travelling from every point on the compass in Canada.. to speak to the truth of this Freedom convoy..and to ask… respectfully… one more time.. for Trudeau to fulfill his long ignored promise… of fresh potable drinking water for the northern tribes….holding the clan mothers in my heart.

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How can we support them when GoFundMe freezes the funds? I hope the truckers have some good lawyers fighting for an injunction to release those funds.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Maybe givesendgo

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There is a givesendgo for "Freedom Convoy 2022" run by "Freedom 2022 Human Rights and Freedoms," a new corporation listed at https://www.canadacompanyregistry.com/company?utm_source=freedom-2022-human-rights-and-freedoms . The two directors listed there aren't familiar to me, so I can't assess whether it's legitimate.

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Go fund me would not post my comment which was not offensive but highlighted facts. I’m done with Go fund me.

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In a nutshell? We got too fat and happy.

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You forgot Dumb and pussified. We have become cowards afraid of everything pushed on by the continuous media barrage of dangerous weather, food, extremists, even the Sun is bad. All risk must be eliminated by our overloards like Pete’s goal of zero auto deaths. What an idiot!

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Agreed. And worst of all...afraid to aggressively confront the PC culture with ridicule and contempt..

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The best would be if we would ignore the media altogether.

They would be not be happy about it—and that would be great.

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022

The US public health apparatus completely disregarded all pre-existing pandemic response plans. That was the very first thing I noticed back in February 2020. It appeared they were responding like complete neophytes experiencing a pandemic for the first time in their lives. A complete lack of planning. I would not describe what has obviously been a deliberate plan to sow as much damage as possible as a "failure". That's like describing the attack on the World Trade Center as a "missed landing approach". Nobody in Washington DC can be trusted to "fix" what went wrong.

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They were/are responding to financial incentives. Lives for bucks.

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They're the ones who created the "incentives". They did more damage to humanity than the last asteroid impact.

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