If they paid out, it would be an admission that it caused harm and they’re not admitting anything so…

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Let’s hope we have all learned a lesson from this horror!

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Who’s going to enforce it? The ENTIRE system is corrupt, indeed criminal. These injuries are a feature, not a bug.

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deletedApr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022
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This isn’t and should never have been politicized. I’m a Democrat. I remain committed to Democratic values, of which Republicans have none. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories. I simply wanted to wait it out where these vaccines were concerned and glad I did and will never get one. It should be choice.

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Thank you for being unresigned!

(You dislike pessimistic statements. I abhor them.)

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr Malone, You should check out vaccine induced sarcomas in cats (www.AVMA.org) . The manufacturers will compensate cat owners to a certain limit for treatment in well documented cases > As a ACVS dipl surgeon I have been referred these on occasion and there must be accurate records( of course ) It is rare but something you and Dr. Cole might be interested in. It appears it is more likely to get compensation here in the US if you are a cat as opposed to a human. The veterinary profession has worked hard to get better less reactive products.

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Thanks for sharing Mary. I have just decided that I am really a cat:)

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another thought is: it’s hard to prove your injury/death case since our medical establishment is determined to tell the patients that it’s not related to the vaccine while throwing a number of different diagnoses at them. It must truly be frustrating for these patients when NO ONE will listen to them.

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If and when "they" ever acknowledge that the vaccines have caused significant damage, "they" will simply blame Trump for "rushing" the vaccines . Rule #1 is always blame someone else for the problem you have created.

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I’ve been saying this all along. And the politicians all over the place always look for someone to blame besides themselves. However, he DID rush the injections and he DID allow the lockdowns that ruined our economy. He opened the door to all of this. Had he held his ground against Fauci and his children (read Dr Scott Atlas’ book although Atlas encouraged the injections to be released he advised against the lockdowns and mask mandates) we might have fought off this admin better. Maybe even won the election. We went into those elections already sick from the shots; already suffering from lost businesses and jobs and people filled with fear. Biden’s handlers simply took what Trump did and expanded on it. We need to remember this when voting in the primaries. Trump AND the Deep State have what will be the blood of millions on his hands when all is said and done. If it’s him or the Dems, we will have to vote for him. But we ought to find someone else if one exists.

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Yes, I agree. Fortunately Trump seems to be taking credit for the "vaccines" less often in his rallies. It's hard to beat these socialists since they are unprincipled and unethical, whereas most conservatives are honest and law-abiding. It puts us at a disadvantage. I'm still wondering if there will even be mid-terms. These people have been working on their globalist strategy for a long time and won't give up easily. Read the Epoch Times book "The Spector of Communism" if you want to see how brutal some of these people can be.

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I know about their brutality. Connecting everything together as an honest person is tough. Believing our own government can be at the heart of all that is horrible is even tougher. I worry about those mid-terms as well. If we can’t get an honest election, and win it this year we are pretty much toast. There will be, in essence, no 2024 elections. The hard part is figuring out what “winning the elections” actually means. I guess we just keep plugging away at it.

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The “British Medical Journal” is the last bastion of scientific integrity remaining in the world of peer-reviewed science, thanks in large part to Peter Doshi. Thank goodness they covered this life-or-death topic—let’s hope something productive comes of it.

Dr. Malone, I don’t know if you follow the hilarious and brilliant Sage Hana, but she has been writing a post-pomo meta sci-fi retro-futuristic techno-horror serial novella in which characters like Steve Kirsch, Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Klaus Schwab, and Hillary Clinton play roles.

I am honored to say that (spoiler alert), you and I appeared in the latest episode:


You, Sage, and I met at Gitmo Concentration Camp, and now I am working with you on “organizing the new Ethics in Science Movement” 😁

It’s worth starting at the beginning (https://sagehana.substack.com/?sort=search&search=gas%20tank%20serial%20novel) and working your way through as they are rollicking respites replete with inside Substack jokes :-)

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I will check it out!

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"Freaks indeed"! Thanks for posting the Sage Hana clip.

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Yes, the CICP is obviously broken, and while it may be better than the VICP, don’t take that to mean it’s a good system. It’s broken as well. https://news.stanford.edu/2015/07/06/vaccine-court-engstrom-070615/

Taking away liability is never the answer. Having to set up these pseudo courts should’ve been a red flag. It needs to go back to playing out in the free market. Manufacturers have to be able to get sued. No special rules, laws, or “courts”.

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Next up, the Countermeasure Compensation Cancellation Program: CCCP. Waving a big red flag!

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There are only four strategies by Washington Mafia but they are often used in combination. Delay, deny, destroy and buy.. that's it.

For an unbiased comparison EPA declared air at Ground Zero to be safe and it took a decade for illness from 9-11 cleanup to be recognized & would have been twice that if not for Jon Stewart publicly humiliating our transplanted Senator forced down out throats, wench Hillary Clinton.

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Between the deaths caused by suppressing early treatment and the deaths and injuries inflicted by the flawed vaccines they will have a lot of “splainin” to do - some day.

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The following is especially significant in considering the legitimacy of the CICP. It is clearly designed to shield the Government from the Court of Public Opinion and any related well justified attacks.

Meyers, makes a very relevant point that “In order for a claim to be won through the CICP program, the legal burden of proof has to be BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. That is a virtually unattainable demand.” You basically submit your application for compensation, it’s then dealt with secretly. You don’t have a right to a hearing. We have no idea how these cases are being processed. In order for a claim to be won through the CICP program, the legal burden of proof has to be BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. That is a virtually unattainable demand.

The CDC has also hidden the large portions of the data it is collecting for these vaccines.This means that the administrators judicating the injury claims would also not have the information that the CDC knows on the adverse events from these vaccines, making it virtually impossible to win many of the CICP vaccine injury cases.

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As a former fed who helped set up a new entity - there is an extended process involved. At that time it took a year or better. Mission statement, administrative process - where, get housing and equipment, develop job descriptions get approval. In house - post job descriptions, select hires, train, set in motion. Oversee. Not an overnight thing.

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They will do everything possible to avoid taking responsibility for all of the deaths and adverse reactions.

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By 1986 the blueprint and agenda to cover big pHARMA Congloms had been etched in Granite as "0" liability. Upheld was the vaccine verdict as "UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE"! But you had the choice to still personally decline most all Vaccines. Fast forward to 2019 and EAU.GOV begins a horrid scam to Inoculate all planets inhabitants. But you still have the "CHOICE TO DECLINE"! However, you would need to be very seasoned and wise to prepare for a fight plus possible loss of freedom. A fight recognized by the nation's founders. Then, as in right now, we are learning to deal with a perpetrated insane rush to structure tyranny. This is your personal and our collective challenges as we face THE NEW FRONTIERS!! There is little medical Product Liability. The CIPI was a bone tossed at a minority of protesters that were still in litigations from Vax injuries.

This is your word reminder why it's called "PRACTICING MEDICINE" for a reason. They Practice.

Thank you Dr. Malone for a continuum reminder of topics that really do matter moving froward.

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It is worth remembering what Peter Gotzsche entitled his book on big Pharma: Deadly Medicine and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare. Our government has partnered with a criminal organization, and as such are partners in crime. As part of this criminal partnership, the failure to pay out any claims constitutes a triumph over the legal system. We wouldn't expect the Mafia to come clean about its crimes. Why would expect the public-private partnership to come clean about their crimes? The unfortunate fact is that the politicians, with few exceptions and public health officials don't give a hoot about the failure of the payout system. It just helps them to justify continuing their criminal behaviors. They have no conscious.

We need to think more about what we are going to do, not what they should do or aren't doing what we think is correct. They are criminals and we need to protect ourselves from them. They are predators and will never and can never do anything that is guided by ethical concerns. They have no moral compass. They hear the objections, but as long as they don't threaten their criminal operation, they have little concern about whether they are valid or not.

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If the intent is to harm or kill, it would make sense there is no functional program for compensating victims. I'm joking, of course, but at some point, this scenario should be entertained, and some kind of discussion of what we can do should ensue. It looks like our legislators have been quite busy over decades legislating away our protections.

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Dr. Robert Malone, thank you for your integrity & commitment to the truth. Saw your video on the need to remove Governor Inslee from power I totally agree. I live in Washington State. We need your help. Gov. Inslee refuses to stop passing really bad bills like, police can no longer chase (accelerate their speed) a vehicle they are pursuing. Crime has doubled in 1.5 years, car thefts have doubled; shoplifting, violent assaults, drug abuse have increased. HELP!

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Did anyone expect anything different?

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

One more issue:

"Autopsies were a cornerstone of medical discoveries for more than two millennia, but sophisticated diagnostic tools and health-system budget cuts have made them a dying practice. Among the first 4 million fatal Covid cases worldwide, only several hundred autopsy findings were reported in international medical journals."


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