May 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The real problem has been the annihilation of the 10th amendment. Had it been respected, citizens of the US could always move to a state with better conditions if they didn't like the conditions of the state wherein they lived. And they wouldn't have had to bail-out those states that governed moronically.

Centralization of power always leads to greater tyranny in the long run. Just look at what they're attempting to do via the WEF and the WHO. Jefferson and others warned us long ago that tyranny results from a LONG chain of usurpations of power. And they're being proved correct, as history would have suggested. The details of that evolution are the standard ones: desire for control/prestige, bribery, black-mail, etc.

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I'm a "tenther", but may I remind you that state powers are still in effect? Do you think the government of New York or Texas is going to save you? I appreciate that you want good things. What modern man has lost is all democratic conception. In the modern age, Man went after knowledge, and politics went into the crapper. Modern man doesn't have a clue.

In 1772, Sam Adams started what became the continental congress in 1774, which was local people being democratic and sending their delegates to a national body.

What modern man does not know is anything democratic. I do know some good people having town halls meetings monthly at this time. They are the few Americans headed in the right human direction at this time. What they need is Robert's Rules, for example.

They need to know how to operate democratically among themselves. I've had some ideas for this. For example, for trust-related concerns, local membership could be based upon an online history that includes speaking truth to power, or speaking against govt injustices. That's how you deal with the 2,000 mules, or the like.

When modern man learns how to be democratic, and to have his own convention, and to form a group that democratically governs itself, then he will be able to rise up and talk with the big boys in the political leadership. That's the ancient secret; it's parliamentary rule. Aristocrats have been using int for centuries; it's time for people to tap into this.

We lost politics because we lost the physical world when we went after knowledge. I think it is time to attend to the physical world. Cheers.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

State governments will not save us. They've made that perfectly clear. On the other hand, I have no reason to believe that Americans in 1890 would have tolerated near as much insanity as modern Americans. So if we had never lost state powers, things may have been very different at this time in history. I think Jefferson was right about HOW usurpation plays into the growth of tyranny. And much of that is the fault of the people themselves. Too many want something for nothing. So I'm not saying that these changes happen due to a handful of people. It's a combination of corruption, revision history in schools, general ignorance, etc. But an ignorant, poor person is not as accountable as a usurping government official.

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Most scholars agree that the American founders were not in any kind of financial hardship when they created their congress in 1774. Their backs were not against a wall, but they went and did what they did anyways.

They had skill. Modern man has to learn how to do what they did. This is real political skill. They used democracy in town halls. They formed delegates locally, and a legislature nationally. This is what modern man needs to do.

So maybe you don't like having to get off of your ass to face political problems, and appeal to your fellow man, and proceed with some kind of democratic rules for your local assembly, and gain the power of your group.

The people have the power. As Will Durant put it, "it looks like we've got a united minority against a divided majority". That's right. And as Will Durant said, the people have no power. They are all sitting in their "boxes on a hillside" - each one of them is isolated, and they are all frantically clicking their mouses hoping for the bad things to go away somehow.

Do it, because it doesn't happen until you do. Cheers.

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The reason I posted what I did was to point out that the loss of 10th amendment governance has a greater LONG TERM affect than the loss of 1st amendment jurisdiction at the federal level (which doesn't exist per the constitution). I haven't advocated a thing as to what needs to be done or not done. That will differ from person to person depending on their connections, time, resources, etc. Suggestion for you - don't try to read people's minds inferring poor motives when you have no evidence of it. That won't help you arrive at the very collective approach you're trying to get.

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Your right, Jeff. You haven't advocated anything. The attacks that have come out of me have also served in a generic capacity - to every man. They' re not needed.

Unfortunately, it isn't every man. In the 18th Century, it was very uncommon men - the American founders. In the modern age, they have moved into STEM (science, technology, engineering, math), and in the pursuit of knowledge, they know nothing of politics today.

By today's standards, my thinking is revolutionary. It is for using 18th-Century tactics right now. This means forming a democratic assembly outside of the government, on as Sam Adams would put it, common rights and dangers. I think this idea is very far outside of the contemporary mind.

And ironically, modern man actually has hundreds of uses of parliamentary rule in effect, in various organizations. We even have member-owned companies today (I shop at one). I see all of this as modern man using parliamentary rule, and democratic structure.

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Dude, I'm all for what you're doing. In fact, if there's a website that tells me which of those companies I might be able to shop at, I will. But seriously, I haven't even heard of what you're talking about until you wrote it here. Don't expect the impossible. That's nuts.

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Most all the states have been bribed or blackmailed by the federal government, going back generations now, by way of federal funding for this, that and the other thing. They accept the bribes to go along with this, that and the other violation of various rights and constitutional principles.

That said, there is a strong movement for an Article V Convention of States, AND Florida and now Texas have grand juries convened to investigate and indict some of the perps in the Plandemic, so a wee bit of hope glimmers in the dark.

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The reason I find it hard to get my hopes up is the very thing you said originally. They are bribable and blackmailable. They may be doing the things you mention just to fake people into continuing to vote for them. I can't afford to depend on hope, because I know what most politicians are like. I just believe it's the right thing to stick with the truth and effect what we can.

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I think there are how many lackeys - agents of the opposition - there are, and how many good people, but that is in the approach I'm considering. It requires how many good people there are, but there is one other central point which I go into on my site that I haven't said here.

The reason for the big systemic failure is a gap in the press. This is where people's minds go wrong, and the hierarchy of deception is enough to turn democracy into a potentially nasty weapon. So, my thinking includes an org for common rights and dangers, but which tasks itself permanently with watching the govt. There can still be a press outside of that, but not one like this; this would not be privately owned or operated, and no money for votes. Cheers.

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In America we have 2 diametrically opposed groups - those that want drastically limited government and always have, and those that believe unbridled, unlimited government is the answer to everything. It wasn’t always thus. Now we have a situation where the government worshipers have teamed up with every other institution for common cause. It’s called Fascism. Of the limited government group, we didn’t go to town halls because we didn’t want a town hall, we wanted a Rotary club or maybe a Boy Scout troop or our local church. We wanted to be left alone to organize our lives and our communities. Government was a suspicious enterprise, attractive to politicians and ambitious bureaucrats and therefore unattractive to us. It would appear we made a big mistake.

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It seems funny to me that you should mention that; I may have had similar observations. People may run flashy programs for change, where you click your mouse in response. But we can't market to the people for clicking their mouses for change.

In the thoughts I'm having, I see people leaving community behind, and politics, believe it or not. By that I mean the difference between being politically knowledgeable, and being politically active. Individuals are shut down this way, but I think can be more active when being organized together, and unrestricted by any form of built-in leadership. What this means to me is that they have the rules in hand, they are in charge of their world, and they may be unstoppable (in a good way).

I don't think that taking a place in a left-right spectrum will work. I think that we have to go outside of the govt (using democratic method), and fix our information problem. When people have access to trustworthy and important public information (common rights and dangers), then they have the shared structure they need, which means not left or right, because it's universal and it's outside of the govt. Food for thought? Cheers.

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Followed closely by the incorporation of the XIV amendment, applying the Bill of Rights to the states, which sounds innocuous enough on its face, but which in reality takes away the "laboratory" approach the Founders intended. Thus, if Texas wanted to declare itself to have a predominantly Judeo-Christian underpinning, it could not due so because it would violate the establishment clause, thanks to the incorporation doctrine.

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Absolutely. Alito is currently whining because virtually no one is "defending" him. Yet he hasn't defended us. Virtually all SCOTUS judges have trashed the 10th amendment by one rationale or another for decades. Alito swore to submit to the constitution. He didn't. He redefined it (after all, it "lives," now, by by the vote of 5 judges rather than amendment by the states), just like the leftist judges.

And Hamilton admitted that the Court could not get away with usurping power without the Congress being complicit, since they have the power to impeach. How far from the original constitution we've come. God help us.

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Yes we must decentralize! The clearest statement and vision of how to do so is to be found in Ralph Borsodi's Decentralist Manifesto. If you would like to participate in a webinar on this please contact me alannahartzok@gmail.com

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May 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is something new that has emerged in American public life since 2016, rapidly accelerating beginning in 2020. It is not Donald Trump or populism.

It is clear that what has occurred marks a radical shift in both the nature and course of politics, culture and national life. When states are passing laws to be sanctuaries for mutilating children, when perverted textbooks and content are being taught clandestinely, and now openly, to our children in public schools, when our southern border is wide open to criminal trespass, when you can be cancelled or fired for refusing a vaccine or speaking out against it, when truth of any kind is increasingly suppressed and truth tellers oppressed, when the Rule-of-Law and the Constitution of a people have been destroyed, when lying and deception become daily fare for the media and public officials and the very ideas of logic and reason have been obliterated, something very, very different has taken place in our midst. What is it?

Any thinking person must consider the possibility that we are now living under a Demonic Construct, that what is different and unique in our day is that Evil has taken over our government and our institutions. I find no other credible explanation for the events and developments that have engulfed our nation, and indeed much of the world, in the 21st century.

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It is definitely evil, however, it has been around since human societies began. The root of the problem for a republic is that people do not prioritize their freedoms and liberties ahead of soccer practice, piano recitals and trips to the malls. Yes, those are all basic necessities but when your country is teetering on the brink of collapse, you must reprioritize or perish.

The Greatest Generation was just that, world-wide conquers in the name of freedom and liberty. Another even greater generation is potentially coming as long as it’s core value is a rejection of globalism and people that promote it. Question remains, will the Greatest Generation II respond with action or will they remain eyes glued to the computer? screen playing games.

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Yes I agree that evil has been around longer than mankind. If you hold a Biblical worldview as I do then you see from God’s word that throughout human history He constrains or loosens evil according to mankind’s obedience to his precepts and to Man’s fidelity to Him as their God. So while God is not the creator of Evil he will and has used it to judge mankind in times of egregious disobedience. This is what I believe has happened to America in our day. God’s patience has run its’ course. America abandoned God. We are now being judged as a nation.

Individual judgement awaits the next life.

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More truth. Thank you, Brien. "Brothers and sisters, pray for us that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you, and that we may be delivered from wicked and evil people, for not all have faith. But the Lord is faithful, he will strengthen and guard you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3

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I agree completely. Jonathan Cahn’s explanation makes the most sense to me: the demonic entities known in Old Testament times as Baal, Molech, and Ashtoreth were sent packing after Christ’s death and resurrection as Christianity spread through what became Western Civilization. We enjoyed the benefit of their absence for nearly 2000 years. But with the massive turning away from God, God has removed His hand of protection, and these demons, these ancient gods, have returned. Baal returned with the sexual revolution in the sixties; Molech, the Destroyer, was released with the legalization of abortion, and Ashtoreth, the god of transgenderism, has come to the fore in the last decade or so. We are dealing with principalities and powers, spiritual wickedness in high places, just as the Bible says. Our weapons are truth, faith, and prayer, which the Bible tells us are mighty for the pulling down of strongholds.

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I agree, Brien, and have been saying this for months now. It's more than the US, however. No human is powerful to make nearly the entire world go mad at once, as happened in 2020. The trans agenda is obviously demonic, with the aim of destroying the family by supplanting parents' rights to raise their children in favor of indoctrination. It is also a clear rebellion against God, as this group refuses to recognize God's good design of the human body and of two genders. You stated well the problem we are facing.

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OK I get all that. But what can be done about it? How do we change it?

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Tom as they say history repeats itself. I fear that because we as Americans have decades ago not forced children to be shown and taught the absolute importance of the founders ideas of freedom we are now destined to very very tough times. These major issues of national debt, Ukraine war, our border, divisive social issues, race divisions, the pandemic, forced vaccines, destruction of our manufacturing, transfer of technologies, the overall desire to eliminate the middle class is all on purpose. We would have to start today, teaching children to be patriotic and it would take 10 to 20 years to start to see a change. With the current political atmosphere I can’t see it happening, and honestly this is what frustrates me so and breaks my heart. Try to prepare for very tough times. Arm yourself and get ammunition. Buy old silver coins if you can find them. Buy food that stores for a long time. Try to move away from the city. Plan that things are going to get bad. When things got bad in the twenty’s my father had a brother he told me that starved to death. Don’t think this can’t happen again. It can happen and it will happen. It’s not a mistake this is being done on purpose.

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James, Thanks for your thoughtful reply and advice.

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We must each individually make our own selves better which is then mimicked by others spreading goodness around us. Make a change in yourself, go to church regularly and your goodness will slowly increase which will help others around you.

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A new 'Tower of Babel' is being sought, in my opinion.

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Indeed. We are living through a pandemic of Evil, orchestrated by Satan. The Book of Revelation, written by John around AD 50 provides prophetic insight into todays events. Hal Lindsey's lecture series offers guidance in the interpretation

of the symbolic imagery about our future. I just watched #41 which covers Rev.13:5-17. It is riveting!


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Actually, they haven't changed... It's us. I think this comes about in the modern age. Imagine that man divorces himself from politics, and goes after knowledge. Today, we can call it STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). Modern man has exploded in knowledge, and in this same period, the political situation has gone down the tubes. I think the level of corruption today is historic.

In the 1770s, they didn't face anywhere near this amount of abuse upon the citizenry. From what I have read, scholars more commonly agree that the 1770s taxes were not putting our founders out. They did this other thing; in the name of "no taxation without representation", I think they exercised great political skill.

I think this is the skill that was lost in the modern age. It's the ability to run a democratic meeting, or assembly. America started in Massachusetts in 1772, when town halls were formed on "common rights and dangers". Across the colonies, they formed delegate committees, and they then put forth delegates to a national body.

I think the problem in the modern age - also around the world, is that we can put a man on the moon, but the people are not showing any political skill. Well, I think that today Jefferson is in biology, and Franklin is in physics, and Madison is in chemistry, and none of them knows anything about politics.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Alarming, and disturbing testimony. Still, the best course is clear, accurate and well-written exposure -which you are providing.

Thank you, Dr. Malone!

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May 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Free speech is not free...it was bought by the lives of patriots. The fight is never over and it is getting hotter.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

On the bright side, it doesn’t matter. None of us will survive the summer. Djokovic is coming…


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The media has been the enemy of the people for decades. Trump revealed their hypocrisy and all hell broke loose. Musk exposed Twitter as yet another tool of the Deep State. Do you see a pattern here? Preserve our rights or we have nothing left.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

I agree. The one big accomplishment of Trump was forcing the govt. and media to expose themselves for the corrupt liars they are. I for one have been looking back on how I have been fooled for decades and how our "democracy" has been an illusion. Like Sundance on TCTH says, once you've seen the strings on the marionette, you can't unsee them.

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I do everything I can possibly think of to combat this. Unfortunately I, like many, have a very small voice. I have no platform. I have little money. All I have are the choices I make for myself and my ability to talk with anyone. We will need 10 Elon Musks or more to fight this, as billionaires and their lackeys are behind it, IMO. We need leaders with a good plans to help empower the people. To give them a voice. To take the offensive. To REALLY take the fight to the nasty folks destroying this country.

And we also need you, Dr. Malone, and all your peers that are trying to bring the truth to light. I can't say "thank you" enough for that, but...thank you!

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You have the almost-nothing that everyone has, but that's not nothing. The American founders had almost nothing, and came to be everything. I hope you can find my comment/response to this article, on what people can do. Cheers.

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Mike, I think the time is rapidly approaching when we will all have little, or no, money. While trying not to be imprudent, I am spending money now while I have it, on such things as needed improvements to my home. Whatever I spend is less that the government can take away.

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It's so hard to believe anyone would work for the death and destruction of others, yet here are the simple facts. Naomi Wolf just showed that the FDA and CDC knew the vax caused infant deaths, yet recommended them. Delusion? Possession? Flat out, chosen evil?

Only God can destroy this much evil. We pray daily for all truth to be revealed, thankful for what has been shown, but begging for all of it. We pray for protection of the truth-speakers. Truth and justice are so desperately needed. We need a giant wake up to what evil really intends to do us all, so everyone will vomit it out of our land, then choose to take back our government, nation, and children.

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i believe my friend Sonja broke the story on April 22...


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This is the most heartbreaking of all crimes, destroying the next generation before birth, the most vulnerable and least deserving of punishment.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Speaking of our freedoms, for those who live in Florida, please see Florida Senate Bill 252 (approved 29 to 6 last week) It is undoubtedly the strongest medical freedom bill in the country. It went to the Florida House yesterday.

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Thank you so much for defining so clearly what is alarmingly being orchestrated by the highest echelons of our government in conjunction with big Pharma and other industries and continually spread by social and other media. If the Supreme Court can be attacked also what's the average citizen to do without being possibly thrown in jail like the January 6th legitimate protesters?? It truly is frightening the control they want to have over us and the freedoms they want to rip from us. Unfortunately many seem to have lost their ability to discern what's really happening. We continue to pray for our country that we will turn back to God, our only answer and hope for our future. He is still on the throne!

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Walls and National Divorce.

I believe those in charge are more than just compromised (treason).

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It is without question that the elections are fixed and the game has been severely rigged at every point of government and media. How do "we the people fight" back??? Proof, evidence and the negative consequences of extreme tyranny and unconstitutional lawlessness are totally ignored. The politicians and bureaucrats in charge of addressing these atrocities are the same people who create, implement and then deny responsibility.

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The Very Fabric of This Great Nation will be Torn in New Ways That Also Can Not be Repaired, turning the scamdemic mole hill inevitably into a mountain and then Snowballing from there until The West is East Berlin once more.

Fixed that for you.

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Been thinking about slavery. How will we react if our government betrays us with CBDCs? They will enslave us. Will we hear a the proverbial shot at Fort Sumpter, or will we resign ourselves? I guess this is why we need guns and ammo.

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George Washington said, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”; Benjamin Franklin, in reference to the press wrote, “When this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved.”; and John Adams wrote, “The liberty of the press is essential to the security of the state." Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” 

Now... Starting in 1772, with Sam Adams, coming together for town halls on the matter of "common rights and dangers" began, which led to the formation of the congress in 1774. What distinguishes the founders is the exercise of political skill. This is like the ability to form a democratic committee, or a deliberative assembly in your own neighborhood. Then, each district can put forth a delegate, and form a national body. You see, modern man has lost all democratic conception, because in the modern age he went after knowledge, and knows nothing of politics.

Without democratic formation, modern man is politically incapable. Take a look at Robert's Rules. Hundreds of orgs use them. Take a look at the rules of having democratic meetings. When the common folk exhibit political skill, they will form democratically, and outside of the current government.

There is much discussion of an approach to this on my site, but I am also getting ready to publish startup instructions, which is really just a group of people locally in their district to start with, and forming a national set of districts with a legislature from there. Trusted persons for this can show their online history of speaking truth to power, and get in. ;-) That's something to think about.

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I believe one of foundations of what is going on today is the corruption of education for decades. Critical thinking has not been taught since at least 1980. Students were/are taught to regurgitate what the teacher said for an A. That's why so little questioning of things today happens. The one thing I learned in 4 yrs of liberal arts education was critical thinking. That skill along with age acquired wisdom allows me to resist propaganda.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A strong message I agree with. Thanks.

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