The war on Ivermectin and all effective treatments for Covid was Exhibit A for me from the very beginning that this was a nefarious plot. I was a Conspiracy Theory skeptic and naysayer all my life - until 2020. What happened was blatantly obvious and shocking at the same time. But the shocker that trumped everything for me was that most people seemed not to see it and furthermore were either complicit or had become either Dr. Mengeles or Brown Shirts themselves, aiding and abetting the criminal enterprise. This remains the most difficult part of the past 3 years, more so than that a small number of dark and powerful figures would attempt such a crime against humanity. That I am surrounded by friends, family and fellow citizens that to this day refuse to admit or discuss what has occurred is the new sad reality of my life.

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They hated Ivermectin because it was an alternative to the vaccine and Trump mentioned it as a possible remedy. This opposition was based on politics, not medicine. The medical profession should be ashamed of themselves.

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There’s more to that than you may know! I believe that the Big Pharmaceutical Companies could not have gotten the Emergency Use Authorization EUA through if there’s a less expensive and safe alternative, that being ivermectin. The attempted to stop the production of ivermectin buy blowing up the three largest companies that produce ivermectin or its components. You can search the internet and find the details, all three were blown up under unknown circumstances. One was in Illinois, one in Mexico and one in India as I remember, this was in 2019 and 2020. So then that failed and they had to come up with a way to stop the use and discredit ivermectin, so the did these hospital based studies that ivermectin was given to people with Covid who were on their deathbed, and so it didn’t save their lives and they came to the incorrect conclusions that ivermectin didn’t work. However, we all know that ivermectin must be used as an early treatment, not later when there’s probably no virus in the body’s at that time! So they got the EUA based on at least in part by faulty data! We also know that the hospitals were not treating patients with any type of early stage treatment. They were telling the patients to go home and come back when you’re lips are blue! This was one of the biggest lies on earth! I don’t know of any disease or illness that isn’t better treated early, and the earlier the better. Yet we were supposed to believe that Covid was better treated in its later stage, what a bunch of BS!!

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"We also know that the hospitals were not treating patients with any type of early stage treatment. "

Well, except killing them with ventilators.

I probably shouldn't have singled out doctors. My own profession - the law - stood by and cheered when the Bill of Rights was eviscerated.

And. government, which is supposed to ensure domestic tranquility and protect us from foreign enemies, locked down healthy innocent people and gave a pass to the malign actors in Beijing who cooked up the virus and release it, without demanding a penny of reparations for the greatest war crime of the 21st Century. I despise them all equally

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Thank you for your excellent reply!

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Here a false fact check site by Reuters on the ivermectin plants In Illinois and Mexico


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According to certain psychology experiments about 30% go along with the Party Line (whatever it is) hook, line, and sinker. About 20% don't believe and resist, to various degrees. About 50% either don't care or don't believe the Party Line, but go along with it anyway. But in my personal experience, about 90% belong to the first group, and about 5% belong to the next two groups respectively. They're completely irrational, and one is tempted to regard them as subhuman, although that's not quite fair; they're very human.

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As I recall the splits are 1/3 and seeming on any issue. The trick seems to relate getting the middle third convinced to support the other third. Perhaps because of the huge PsyOps of the TNI created as part of Event 201, the ratios were skewed. But as time progressed we saw more and more arrive to find Substacks of their choosing to educate themselves; that small portion seemed to grow over time but only SubStack writers really know the pageview stats.

The real evidence of the PsyOps failures came as a large number of people did not accept the boosters. I often wonder what the conversations were like within the NIH. Fauci's "retirement" might have been the final chapter on the insanity. The Emperor was, in fact, quite naked.

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Aided and abetted by the Progressive politicians in most corners - makes one wonder about the 'conspiracy' thesis.'

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First, thanks to Dr. Malone, Kory, Marik, McCullough for being my reality-check through all of this.

The whole Covid firehose propaganda campaign against Ivermectin (and Hydroxychloroquine) was a shock to me, as I've been a physician for 56 years. Hydroxychloroquine was roundly condemned first; "it's highly toxic!", "dangerous for the heart!", etc. At that moment I knew they were lying. Any GP, Family Practitioner, or Rheumatologist absolutely knows that Hydroxychloroquine is Rx'd like candy for inflammatory arthritis, lupus, etc., without concerns for cardiac toxicity at the doses used. The immediate condemnation of HCQ for use in early treatment of Covid, made no sense, whether or not it might work, as there is no state law prohibiting use of already-approved meds for conditions other than the listed "indications" for a med. Just to hammer home and reinforce the official propaganda, I started seeing medical journal articles where HCQ had been used (in huge doses) in moribund VAMC Covid-19 patients, already on ventilators, supposedly proving it didn't work (those trials were designed to fail and/or to cause toxicities). Not long afterward, mention of Ivermectin was seen on twitter, various other social media, occasional mention on MSM TV, with the same simultaneous firehose propaganda campaign against it, blasted far and wide through every form of media, claiming it is dangerous, highly toxic, and really only for veterinary use. Again, this time through pure luck, I realized that was a total lie. How did I know? After retiring from first 30 years of busy ER med, then 9 years as doctor in Federal Pen, I "retired" at age 70. But then the crash of 2008-9 happened, and I realized I needed to get back to work. I started working as a physician in a state prison, just to recoup what I had lost in the crash, first in a maximum security, then in a minimum security prison. Also was and am working Occupational Med. While working at the minimum security state prison, there was a huge outbreak of crusting scabies affecting a whole dorm of about 100 men. First we tried the standard Permethrin Cream (applied by nurses to assure complete coverage--twice), but it didn't work. So we abandoned that and went straight to Ivermectin. Ivermectin was new to me, hadn't ever Rx'd it in all those previous years. So I figured out the dose for these guys, and treated them ALL (100 guys), with amazing, almost overnight results. Repeated a week later, just for insurance. Not a single one of the treated men had even one side effect, and these were men who "had been rode hard and put away wet", many had chronic Hepatitis C, a couple had chronic Hepatitis B, and a couple had HIV, plus one with aggressive Lupus Erythematosis, not to mention a couple of dozen with hypertension, same number with COPD/asthma. But not a single one had even one side effect. That was in 2017. And only because of that experience, treating about 100 men all at once with Ivermectin, that I absolutely KNEW without a doubt that the furious campaign against and condemnation of use of Ivermectin in early Covid-19 was a bald face lie. The shattering of my previous trust in the FDA/CDC began with the official condemnation of Hydroxychloroquine and was complete with the official condemnation of Ivermectin (for treatment of Covid-19). My fury over it was white hot and complete when the medical boards of state after state started a campaign of threatening, "disciplining", and sometimes delicensing, along with ruining and bankrupting perfectly good doctors for prescribing perfectly legal and safe drugs (HCQ and Ivermectin) for use in treating Covid. It led to a crash education in what has happened to our country, the meaning of "regulatory capture", the fact that it is apparently legal for wealthy individuals, corporations, or foundations to make "generous" monetary contributions to regulatory agencies, etc., etc., etc., how wide and deep the conflict of interest goes. I have not kept these thoughts to myself, but tried to influence those around me who would listen, recommending against the mRNA vaccine (I had only one dose, before all the revelations opened my eyes). I'm only working Occupational Med now, so I haven't been in the direct line of fire, and even if I got fired for speaking my mind, it wouldn't matter too much at my now-advanced age. I have 5 kids, 13 grandkids, and 3 great-grandkids. Only one got the "vaccine", coerced because of his federal job. And I know I've educated a lot of my friends, including forwarding many of the articles by Dr. Malone, Dr. Kory, McCullough, Dr. Kheriaty, Eugyppius, and Bad Cattitude.

So after all that has gone down these past 3 years, I'm comfortable being back to believin' my lyin' eyes.

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thanks so much Doctor! your "flyover country" moniker made me smile

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One of the things about docs thinking themselves scientists is they forget that their practice is ( or should be) grounded in the subjective rather than the objective. Just because you do not know HOW something works is no reason not to prescribe but many do just that. A very wise doc I knew was disgusted with his peers because they, not knowing the mechanism of how aspirin works, determined that prescribing it would be unscientific. One of the overall most effective and inexpensive remedies available shunned out of barefaced ignorance. I suspect the same may be said by their denying efficacy of B1\B12 shot because I have had them on2 occasions and had a good response.

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don't forget Vitamin D/Zinc

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No indeed, and mentioned here. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-war-on-ivermectin/comment/16538337

Dr Malone, if you have not I suggest a deep dive indto Utarh Pradesh India and what their combined treatment was, and the effectivness of it. Ivermectin, Vitamin D, zinc, and one or two other things rolled out state wide through extensive contact tracing. It broke the RO and extinguished the virus.

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I am the one that first documented the contents of the packets. See prior substacks

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I did not know. thank you. As I recall it was difficult to find that information. I am yet dissapointed that it is apparently not well studied and replicated.

Is my assertion, ..." a study is NEVER as effective as real world contact tracing and treatment. A study treats individuals, individually, where as contact tracing and treatment, treats a community, and so it directly attacks the RO of a virus." correct?

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Dr Malone, yep, I found your post...https://open.substack.com/pub/rwmalonemd/p/socrates-thought-police-ivermectin?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

As your provided link shows the population vaccinated percentage was well under 20 percent when the deaths and infection rate dropped to almost nothing. Why is this ignored?

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Re your advice in these essays have gorged Vit. D3 and got my serum level over 50. Thanks

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Thanks for actually reading the essay before commenting!

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Simple truth! Non-proprietary drugs or nutritional supplements that reverse disease states are not profitable. Consequently, the goal of the drug manufacturers was to promote proprietary profitable drugs to treat the Covid crisis that was preplanned! Who cares if the side effects of the proprietary drugs are more harmful!

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Pharmaceuticals are wonderful when used properly. One that is good for one person may not be good for another. Anytime government steps in and says something has to be done only one way, disaster is going to happen. Doctors need to be free to ‘practice’ medicine where they try one drug and monitor it immediately after given for its effectiveness and side effects. The early treatment, or lack thereof, of waiting four or five days after diagnosis of COVID and doing nothing for four or five days is insane. That protocol was still in place when I, at 86, tested positive this last New Years eve. To not try an off-label that is known to have some effectiveness is criminal in my mind. Fortunately I had Hydroxychloriquine on hand and took it. Besides helping with the COVID it also cleared up my Rosasea and my urine went from dark amber to light yellow and bowel movements improved. So. Please let the doctors ‘practice.’

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I always believed you Dr. Malone!! I subscribed to your sub-stack not only because of your deep knowledge on the subject, but mainly your selfless truth. TRUTH will always win out. Some of the most hardened MRNA supporters I know now admit to adverse reactions and their wrongful mischaracterization of us non vaxers. I sense their shame. They also acknowledge the lies of the government. After the nazi party fell you could not find one nazi in Germany. J.Goodrich

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A good number of them were working for our gov.

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Historically the Germans were known as great tinkers, engineers and technocrats. The Scots on the other hand were great theologians, philosophers, poets, thinkers, economists and inventors. Which did our gov find useful?

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Well, the ones I am familiar with were at the school of aerospace med.,(SAM} brooks a.f.b. in the 60s SAM at that time closely collaborated with nasa in space physiology. The chief scientist there and his assist. were 2 german scientists who presumably learned their trade in germany during the war. That kind.

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Yes. That's the point. Our gov only wants SMEs in specific areas. I left out the German scientist by accident. The Scots on the other hand are useless to them. And no, I've no Scottish ancestors. Since at least 2005, our CIA/FBI/Military almost exclusively use Chinese for their Tech development, like spyware, election malfeasance, databases, face recognition, etc. Mostly through those employed at Michigan University.

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Makes one feel warm secure and cuddly doesn't it.

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Too warm. Someone has turned up the heat.

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Right. Some fit very well into the E. German government.

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I begin reading the email, and this is what comes up in my email before I even hit the link button.... "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines" - your link for the Odysee video update "COVID, Ivermectin and the Crime of the Century".... not to be seen on YouTube. Powerful forces on the other side.

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Dr Malone

Another wonderful piece. Cheers to the humanists that live among us, and that take the time to write books and articles.

Can't say enough about you, your wife and your colleagues.

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thank you. A nice counterpoint to the cyberstalkers....

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Re: Pierre. “He was a clueless sonofabitch.”

I’m laughing out loud Robert. 😂

Weren’t we all! 😡

Robert - Great pic of the two of you. I am so very grateful and honored to have met you and Pierre (and Jill of course). I hope to meet Dr. Urso one day as well. You are all heroes.

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Dr. Malone,

Thanks to the truthful information provided by you and your staff, I did not take the "jab". Nor will I ever. I have witnessed the subtle changes in friends and loved ones who have bought the cdc BS out of fear. I have never taken Ivermectin, but I have it on hand should it be needed.

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Called myself Trigger and ordered some back in 2020.

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🐎 🐴😂😂😂

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I have read the journalist that has been defaming you and I cannot figure out the angle. He runs down a lot of interesting rabbit holes and finds receipts, however on this I cannot follow. He tars you with a brush because of the relationship with Michael Callahan? I do dislike the medical freedom movement having circular firing squads. I have been a follower / subscriber of you since I listened to you and Steve K. with Bret Weinstein, way back when. Have followed all of you, Kory, Marik, Cole, Rose, Eugyppius, el gato malo, Midwestern Doctor, Igor Chudov, Joel Smalley, Ivor Cummins, Mathew Crawford (even Berenson until mid 2022) and more for this entire ordeal. I could not prevent step daughters from the shot as they fell to public pressure. My son moved his family of 5 six states away to get away from my blue state, with my hearty encouragement. I am unfortunately watching priorly healthy and mRNA taking relatives develop amyloidosis and other issues. God bless.

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When my child got covid, I 100% attribute taking Ivermectin for protecting me from contracting it. I am his primary caregiver and was in close contact while he was sick without taking any precautions. On the other hand, my husband, who had previously recovered from covid, and didn't take IVM, caught it from him. Unfortunately, I am in the small group of people, who can't take IVM or hydroxychloroquine, as although I felt great on it, it puts me into sinus tachycardia (even taking a very low dose). However, I have found that black cumin seed oil, together with an individualized homeopathic remedy, and all the regular supplements works just as well. Individualized homeopathic treatment works beautifully for covid.

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Glad to see Dr. Kory's book is finally coming out. I think I pre-ordered it over a year ago. And I'm so sorry about the incessant nonsense and BS, you , Dr. Kory and others with heterodox views have been subjected to over the past few years from all the various angles. So I just want to express my deep gratitude for being so courageous swimming against the rapid current of all the non-stop propaganda.

On a completely different note, I hope you've had a chance to read Celia Farber's recently republished 2006 book, Serious Adverse Events- An uncensored history of AIDS. https://www.amazon.com/Serious-Adverse-Events-Uncensored-History/dp/1645022072 Back when media was more concentrated in the 1980's, the censorship and condemnation was even worse. There were no real independent outlets. So careers of dissenters were completely destroyed and different points of view completely forgotten.

Anyway, check out Farber's book if you haven't already done so. She's also a great writer and has her own substack account called "The Truth Barrier" : https://celiafarber.substack.com/


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Looks like I have two books to order!

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Close to the start of the Fauci Virus scare Dr. Michael Savage suggested Zinc would stop the spike protein from binding; however, it needed a way to get into the cell and he suggested Quercetin. I've been taking a Quercetin and Zinc daily, have not been vacinated, have not had Covid, and I believe it has protected me. I've also suggested it to people with Covid and they all said it helped them too.

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Great article today! Love the photo! Three of my most favorite Physicians!

I've never doubted your efforts during the covidcrisis were anything other than in interests of us all. You have described the call about the disease and your immediate spin up of your group to identify re-purposed drugs that could work. Anyone seriously following your activities would recognize your sincere pursuit for best solutions!

Dr Kory is a winner! First chapter very readable and impressive! Will be looking forward to reading the book.

As a lesser round peg in a square hole, I'm ever so glad to get to support all of your efforts to make our world a better place! Much power and success to each and all of you!

Looking forward to your participation after the EPOCH TV tonight!

Bestest ♡

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“This Is A Sick Joke At This Point”

-Edward Dowd


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It is beyond sick! You and I know that that between 300,000 and 600,000 lives were snuffed out by the brazen bio warfare exercise!

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I am still not convinced the man-made virus was that deadly. Yes, people got sick from it and it was reported to have notable symptoms but the deaths came from: stay home without any treatment until you are really sick and then we will admit you for lethal doses of intravenous drugs, incubate you so you can’t talk to anyone, keep your relatives away, and given you remdesivir to kill your kidneys, and, if you are overweight starve you so you can breathe better. The nursing homes were the worst. No one was allowed in because the murdering would have been found out. The man-made virus was aimed at those the overlords think are useless feeders. The gene jabs were made to generate $$$ for BigPharma; force compliance with mandates; set precedent; get surveillance passports: use certain batches to inflict harm to generate future patients for more drugs. Notice the first jab to go was the JJ, non-gene, it was too dangerous.

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IMO The best bio weapon is one that disables the enemy and requires the enemy to reassign multiple personnel to take care of the disabled. Covid did just that! Based on the signaling, they will repeat the Covid con. It is not over yet! You defeat the enemy by reducing it's ability to fight. The military is at great risk with what has transpired. The question is: Who is behind these actions and why.

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And everything I noted did disable. Disabling the military started with O when he fired 150 of our ablest officers and left Trump with those he put in place that would not even follow Trump's orders. Forcing the jab and sending all our weapons to Ukraine was the icing. Read a piece the other day noting a new ship was launched into a tug boat and now that ship needs repairs before its sea worthy. This is all on purpose. The 'who' behind it are the old men that want the NWO while they are still alive (Soros, Schwab, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Carnegies, King Charles, and then the others that see it as their life's work - Kerry, Obama, Clintons, Gates, Pope Francis, Finks, and people like the Bushes. They only bow to Lucifer, their Prince of Light. Reports from Geneva, where WHO met last week to discuss their amendments to take control of emergencies, said one participant was adamant that a simulation needed to occur this Fall to test their amendments to make sure they all worked before they voted on them come February. So yes, there is more coming, no doubt. One thing they do know, most are compliant and those that are not can easily be taken care of.

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The Vaccinated

Have Nothing To Be Proud Of.

Start There.


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So avoidable and nearly as bad as the civil war. Accountability Really need be applied.

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Darpa sees RNA injections as the solution to biological pathogens and Covid and the RNA injections were a military exercise! Much more to come and more harm on its way!

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