Apr 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I hope you continue this narrative from insider to outsider. I suspect many people can relate to the “common sense” views you held about the USA prior to this episode. This has been a disillusioning journey for many.

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this is written as the initial section of the intro to the book https://www.amazon.com/Lies-My-Govt-Told-Me-ebook/dp/B09R4Y6YKJ/ref=sr_1_1?

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Looks like I’ll have to order your book. I am about to start the last chapter of The Real Anthony Fauci and this has made me want to read a David Baldacci and C.J. Box novel before reading anything heavy.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Done. Please consider shorting Bezos and the WA Post, if only for a sliver, and look at the many other online sellers.


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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've preordered your book and am looking forward to receiving my copy!

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Just pre-ordered! Thank you.

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Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 25, 2022

Although I pre-ordered your book back in February, will it be possible to purchase a signed copy of your book? If so, sign me up!

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Actually, I think he’d get a lot of takers if he did but it might be a hassle for him as he’d probably be the one to mail them. Besides, he has a lot on his plate already.

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I have a signed copy of Kennedy's The Real Anthony Fauci. It was handled through another company so I don't think the mailing/distribution would fall on Dr. Malone. At least there are ways around that.

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I have your book on pre-order. Anxious for it's release! If this article is a part of it's intro to the book then I am more than excited to read it. Thanks for all you do.

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Eager to read the book!

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I've pre-ordered the book! Can't wait!

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“We must be ready to get ready to leave the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

~ Joseph Campbell

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please continue with your story. Although the state of our nation is troubled currently, I find it heartening to hear stories of people who have discovered painful “truths.” Particularly in their own fields. I have much admiration for you and consider you a warrior. Thank you for exposing so much that many of us have known, but had no voice to express.

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You are a beautiful person who had a most beautiful life...

I wish you didn’t need to go through this but with all your amazing qualities & gifts we desperately need you.! sincere appreciation and gratitude 🙏

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Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 25, 2022

Thank you for sharing this glimpse into the path you've taken. Proverbs 16:9 says "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." God has providentially orchestrated your life and your connections and your intellect to help us. You are on the side of Truth and Justice and I know I'm not alone in my prayers for you and Jill and deep appreciation for all you have done and continue to do. Life is lived in the Valley and it's hard, but you are not alone and you have a priceless gift of a clear conscience. Please be encouraged, fight for your faith, David was hunted by close friends and perhaps his own son, but He knew Who gets the last word: "But the king will rejoice in God; Everyone who swears by Him will glory, For the mouths of those who speak lies will be stopped." Psalm 63:11

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The nod to Atlas Shrugged gets my approval. 👍

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you missed the nod in the title of the Substack? Earlier in my career I came to terms with the rampant corruption in the medical research sector- after the towers came down, Inovio collapsed, and I turned to rebuilding our home in historic Rockville. I burned through all of the Ayn Rand books I could get in an attempt to make sense of what I had seen and experienced.

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Oh wow! I never thought of the Substack title that way, but it makes perfect sense! 🤩

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I confess my favorites are We the Living and Anthem. I wrote about We the Living a little here in my first piece on Substack:


Someday I’d love to pick you brain about the legal issues surrounding Coley’s toxins once Covid settles down (if it does).

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I read "We the Living" as a teenager. My sister had given my Dad a boxed set of Rand including We the Living, Anthem, Atlas Shrugged, and the Fountainhead. I picked up Anthem first but eventually read all of them. We the Living seemed to stick with me the most.

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"It is my mind that thinks, and the judgment of my mind is the only searchlight that can find the truth. It is my will which chooses, and the choice of my will is the only edict I must respect." - Anthem

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Me either!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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I think we have allowed money to get out of hand in our culture. It has become so important for status that professionals trade their integrity for it, just like their friends and colleagues do. Peers no longer enforce standards, they encourage corruption. So many professions of formerly high repute are in the gutter.

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I missed it too. Head slap!

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I am having a complete brain fart. I have read just about everything she wrote and having read the comments I am still at a loss. Please help this adle brained codger with what I am missing.

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First line of Atlas Shrugged is "Who is John Galt?"

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Atlas Shrugged is a great novel. Really thought that Francisco was the best character, should have got the girl.

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HOME SCHOOLED YOUR KIDS!?!?!? No wonder I think you're brilliant! ;)

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We home schooled our kids too. Lots of people do I suspect these are the Forest Rebels in waiting.

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I did it before it was "cool" to do so. ;) And the push back was incredible.

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Good for you! Best parenting decision we made.

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I home schooled my kids too. Best parenting decision we made. The push back was definitely there but I was thankful to have HSLDA watching my back and protecting my rights as a parent to educate my kids. This was back in the mid-90's and early 2000's.

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ditto. Chose my own curriculum, because not ONLY was I the teacher, but the Principle and the Superintendent! :)


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Yep, exactly. And if mask mandates were around back then....well, I know what I would have had to say about that!! : )

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yes. I wouldn't wear them. Mandates are not legal. No legislative branch was involved...so there's that.

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022

Yeah. But how long will it be before The Powers That Be come up with a way to outlaw home schooling throughout the US? Or if they don't outlaw home schooling, they will probably find ways to coerce people into sending their kids to public school.

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Not going to happen. The powers that be are losing their powers right now.

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I sincerely hope you're right.

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I am. Energy Returned on Energy Invested (EROEI) is reality. Look it up.

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over my dead body.

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You were pretty naive Robert. Maybe because your life afforded it. That is not a judgment, because it happens in life and it happens frequently because of how one views life. All of us have had innocence broken. It is what you do with that new knowledge that counts. It has been sort of shocking to see how the light being flipped on for you has transformed what and how you say and see thing this past year or more. It has to have been a shock to your system, family, profession...

Many people pretend the inconvenient truths don't exist. It takes courage to challenge them. I am grateful you didn't just keep your mouth closed and turn a blind eye to all the jabbing right down to infants. It has made all the difference.

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Totally agree with those sentiments. Maybe if he were more hardened he would have kept his mouth shut. A natural reaction. I wonder if he suspected his own would turn on him and that they would go so hard to marginalize him. I worked as a consultant in DC for a little over a year. I left there thinking that building the town on marshland was very perfect. I worked at a defense contractor before this. I thought I had seen every brand of ineptness and rank behavior. No.

I cannot imagine how being thrown into war as a young adult would shape your worldview. If you survive mentally and physically, you have to be world savvy.

I hope Malone gets red pilled in another area of his life. While he is at it... Christ.

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Wow... I have been following you from the beginning so I knew the headlines but to read the depth and the details is absolutely unbelievable. You are a national asset. Your wife should be awarded the highest medal of freedom. I pray for your safety and health. I hope in this lifetime you can enjoy that farm and life without any chance the phone rings with another call from another Dr Callahan. But I fear that is just not in the cards as they say. BUT the best part of your story is the legacy you are passing on through your grandchild(ren). They will be there at the farm 75 years from now talking about these stories... the hero that is their grandfather... and enjoying the glory of what you and Jill had built.

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Amazing life journey for you...definitely "The Road less Traveled" Your solitude on your farm was your energy packet for this fight for freedom, health and spiritual strength. I am so glad I heard you at the Houston Global Covid Summit and I was able to briefly meet you and your wife. God Bless your courage and perseverance.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone, for sharing. We are going down the wrong medical path these days. What we have lost in medical research is the ethics of being objective and disciplined to make sure there is no bias in the results. A research paper from about 20 years ago by astute physicians examined the published research papers and determined that only about 20% were unbiased and were not designed to give a predetermined end point. This needs to be fixed and medical fraud should be a criminal offense. Many research programs are designed to discredit good medical science because it is not proprietary, profitable and patented. Two 30-million-dollar research programs come to mind. WHI which was designed to discredit Premarin over Osteoporosis drugs. Guided by Eli Lilly. Also, the Harvard VITAL study on Vitamin D that was underdosed to discredit the true value of Vitamin D for good health. How those involved can sleep at night is beyond my understanding.

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Outstanding Thomas A Braun RPh… thank you for such an astute honest perspective

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That's what I am about. N2E+ for Life It's all about embracing the right life style changes.

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Send your email address to me at tbran10@n2e4u.com I'll send you the VA study that they have ignored that would help our veterans have a healthier life.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The world is indeed forever changed. It is because of incredible people like you that I have hope for the future. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Toto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

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Blaze media has one of the original pairs of Judy's red sequin shoes.

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Layers of meaning there when I consider Blaze media and its founder Glenn Beck (merged with CRCTV later to form Blaze Media).

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--I believed there was no way anything like that could happen here in the USA during the 21st century. Internet censorship and government-controlled propaganda were unfortunate things that happened to those who lived in the People’s Republic of China, but I had been born into a modern Western free society and had the luxury of watching this play out from afar. --

Just to point out the bright side, Doctor, unlike those in the PRC, we in the USA had the tools to fight and it looks enough of us used them that victory looms in the dark gloom albeit far off.

Elon is going to get Twitter.

Thank you for what you've done Dr. Malone and what you are doing.

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I really, really hope Musk does succeed with his efforts to acquire Twitter and take it private. I believe there is a chance - just a chance - that democracy in the US could be salvaged if he does what he says he is going to do.

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I woke up right after the twin towers as well. That's when I vowed to leave the city and remove myself from any government involvement. If Musk restores free speech I will have a glimmer of hope that the deep state is finally getting a little payback...

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The phrase "dystopic cyberpunk" cracked me up. I figured this was an excerpt from your book. Thanks for sharing it. I'm glad you chose the red pill and haven't looked back. All of us here have "awakened stories" and it likely happened at different times. The important thing is to be awake and acting on it. I thought the same about the WEF crowd and wow was I underinformed!

Could we see some more pictures of that adorable puppy one of these days? 🐶😊

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A chance to live in a dystopia for a while was the one upside to all this insanity. Like living a novel or an action movie!

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Thank you for sharing your journey of your life's events that brought you to this place of crisis and confusion in the medical world as well as the sinister reality of silencing the experts. Please continue your narrative. I so appreciate you and Jill that you have remained strong and true to the Hippocratic oath and shared your concerns to the rest of us who desire to be true and trustworthy.

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Thank you Dr. Malone for remaining standing in the face of floods of lies and deceits in order to speak truth. Truth does not play favorites however much some want to deny or twist it to their version. Hundreds of thousands of us truth seekers are praying for the protection of you and your family. Some of us are back to studying the movie Matrix for very good reasons. God bless.

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