This explains so many things:

Why existing treatments were banned.

Why the ivermectin trials 'failed'.

Why the government was running ads for Big Pharma.

Why actual risk factors were ignored for a 'jab everybody' response.

Why the lockdowns continued until the jab was available.

The entire thing was -- at the very least -- organized to take advantage of the chaos, if not to create the chaos in the first place.

Then the government paid a bunch of 'influencers' who would talk bad about people who saw through the charade. https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/bidens-hhs-and-cdc-paid-screen-writers-and-comedians-to-mock-the-unvaccinated/ These people literally sold out you out for cash, and assumed the moral high ground while doing it.

Direct link to 'the plan' here: https://www.judicialwatch.org/documents/jw-v-hhs-covid-community-corps-september-2021-02315-pgs-30-34/

Edit: Example text from the plan: "Place a trusted messenger on the joe Rogan Show and Barstool Sports to promote vaccination (work with outside expert to identify who will be most effective) "

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SC Here are some of those "influences" who were obviously paid to spread the propaganda, along with the way it programmed people to become mindless drones lining up for the stroke poke.

Result of Relentless Vaccine Propaganda: Exhibit A: https://www.bitchute.com/video/38G8IbxA5G6c/

Exhibit B: https://bitchute.com/video/xKfZOGQoLc3z

Exhibit C: https://bitchute.com/video/DPDTfNe1eBL2

Exhibit D: https://bitchute.com/video/ZdWlJT8YewpT

Exhibit E: https://bitchute.com/video/IEVr12rO0ziY

Exhibit F: https://bitchute.com/video/jji56DFEpD0g

Exhibit G: https://bitchute.com/video/qeVsYQUX7VPm

Exhibit H: https://bitchute.com/video/SuDmo7llUZbt

Exhibit I: https://bitchute.com/video/5ZVNyzQypfEH

Exhibit J: https://bitchute.com/video/sPBd3IJ4wG6A

Exhibit K: https://bitchute.com/video/EmKwoHMnuF9J

Exhibit L: https://bitchute.com/video/mQoh6p47Lfrp

Exhibit M: https://bitchute.com/video/Gx2LNFdZPMB6

Exhibit N: https://bitchute.com/video/Y7D5YYkb8iVO

Exhibit O: https://bitchute.com/video/9ndmI0Ut5zg2

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Great examples! Who was the NBA player who called this out in real-time? Andrew Bogut? Some big retired center, IIRC.

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I remember, though his name eludes me. One of the unsung heroes as I recall, thanks for the memory.

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It was Jonathan Isaac (Orlando).

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It was Bogut.

Former Golden State Warriors center Andrew Bogut — an Australian national — posted an 11-minute video to his Instagram page in which he blasted his country's COVID-19 lockdowns and alleged (without any hard evidence) that the Australian government is paying celebrities to tell people to stay home.

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Mooo.. moooo! People behaved like stupid animals headed to the slaughter house.

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All preplanned and there is an alignment of goals that supports the massive crime against humanity between DOD/CIA + Big Pharma + Gates and gang + WEF/Schwab.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You have clearly identified the ties of Big Pharma to the white house. I would add that Big Pharma is not the only industry that has taken over control of the white house. Clearly the military complex has as we can see from the endless wars and clear escalation of both Ukraine and now Israel.

I would argue that Blackrock appears to control the white house and its connection to the 10 trillion dollars in assets of major corporations including our media, there appears to be a two way relationship going on. The government has weaponized the FBI, IRS, HHS, Homeland Security and more to fit its agenda. These control the mainstream media, social media, our medical chain of command and more. These policies are set by the large corporations to which the White House bows to their demands.

Blackrock was built through the war profits. It gained strength with every war the US got involved with. It isn't a surprise that Blackrock was awarded the contracts to rebuild Ukraine and is likely the force behind the push for the Israel / Gaza conflict. It profits from war.

I would argue that it isn't so much that Ron Klain was chosen not by Biden who likely borders on dementia, but the Blackrock influences that control every aspect of our lives. There is a reason why we had anti-trust laws and this is exactly why. They influence our political system, our news media, our medical industry, banking industry and so much more.


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Yes, the revolving door is real and it exists in basically every industry.

"I would argue that Blackrock appears to control the white house and its connection to the 10 trillion dollars in assets of major corporations including our media, there appears to be a two way relationship going on."

What do you call it when Big Biz gets together with Big Gov to pass laws that benefit them both?

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Our Federal Reserve relies on BlackRock for advice and guidance. Over the last decade or so, the FR had treated the world banks to funding worth $30 trillion. Where does it get a light-years' worth of money? It prints it. Who do you think owns (really) those world banks?

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Where does it get a light-years' worth of money?


The magic money printer?


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That was funny even the second time around!

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It's still funny the 292nd time around :)

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Rothschild family.

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Yes, and a few more of the founding financial families.

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We see the WEF and their plan for one global government, depopulation and corporate ownership. They don't hide it and they meet at least once a year. Unelected controllers of the world governments.

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That's exactly the issue I'm discussing in my next longform article :)

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Government/Business is all one giant monolith now, inseparable. This is why they slit the wrist of the Sherman Antitrust Act: It is far easier to control one government/company than ten thousand of them. All that's left is for the generals and lieutenants of this new unholy melting pot to jockey for their position in the coming NWO/OWG: https://bitchute.com/video/ei6QD8ZPl6DU [45mins]

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You are right, however I keep telling myself that there must be a chess move that would end all this and expose what is going on. The start of this process was the easy part, the next steps are riskier.

It is a very small handful of people controlling 7 billion people. 20 years ago I would have said it wasn't possible.

You know the scifi movies where they go back in the past and are afraid that one small change will destroy the whole future? The butterfly effect.

Why do people believe that but not that they could make one small change today and make a better future just as easily?

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Agree completely Mike, who knows how big your circle really is and how the good that you do echoes and propagates around you? Please take 17 minutes and watch this, it may interest you: https://bitchute.com/video/Skk4GLnluOcv [17:17mins]

We all have power and untapped potential. Imagine what would happen if we actually recognized that and used it to make the world better? Collectively, we could set right a billion wrongs over night.

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Yes. I agree, but not everyone does. What we need is a message so clear and simple that everyone can get behind it (we are so divided this is difficult). Then if everyone tells two people about it each day, it will spread like wildfire.

My eye opener was when we had a cell tower proposed on a neighbors property. We fought it and won and in the end change the laws in our county. It ended up that one email I sent the day the council voted on the legislation completely changed the bill that passed. The power of just a keyboard!

Full story on my About Me story on my Substack.

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Will read it, bravo to you! We have a lot in common, I wrote a whole article on how to do what you did: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

We will take back our government from the bottom up.

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It's called the butterfly effect.

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Lets not forget BlackRock CEO - Larry Fink*- is a member of the "Council on Foreign Relations"- and BlackRock is also listed as a "sponsor" of the CFR; or that Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas are also CFR members (Mayorkas was "elected" into the CFR in 2016).

*Larry Fink is also a member of the Tri-Lateral Commission which was founded by "CFR" members (president) Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockerfeller.

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I'm hearing that the FBI has had ~40 informants embedded in the Biden family circle, and knows everything about their corrupt practices. This would also put the FBI in position to pull his strings.

Only thing we can know for sure is that hapless Biden isn't running the show and we don't really know who was "elected" to run U.S. unto the ground.

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The government has definitely been weaponized. Our elected officials are no longer working for us. Years ago, we called it the Deep State. It isn't just our country though, it is on a global scale as we are seeing their elected officials having their strings pulled as well. This is on a global level controlling who becomes the puppet (we didn't elect Biden or Trump).

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This seems to suggest that Trump was chosen over Hillary, by a global cabal. Why do you suppose that Trump was preferred over Hillary and then replaced by Biden?

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If you were the global cabal and you want to take over a country that has a two party system, how do you do it? If you are taking over the Democratic spot (the easiest with Superdelegates and 'any blue will do' campaigns) then you need to block the Republican slot. You need to find someone, preferably someone who is hated by many and has done some acting so he can play the part. Someone who is independently wealthy so he can easily get recognition and fund his campaign while being hated by the poor (grass roots). He needs to be an outsider, not someone strongly affiliated with a party. Once you find him, run him in the election opposite another independent in the Democratic party that can't possibly win based on the DNC rules (only DNC members can). Both gather support as two independent candidates battle it out. Bernie was called the Pied Piper by Hillary and that is exactly what he did. He carried the votes to the end when they disqualified him and forced him to give support to Hillary. Now you have an election with Hillary and Trump. You control both of them. If you let Hillary win, the block of the Republican party is over. If you let Trump win and immediately start a campaign against him (Russiagate) but you don't want to convict him of anything. Three years later it turns out to be nothing. Now you need to impeach him, twice. First impeachment was on Bidens crime with Ukraine. Second to continue to build hate and make it look like he is slippery to the Democrats. Then when Biden takes office, stage an insurrection to look like he almost overthrew the country. Build support on the Republican side because he was wronged. Build hate on the Democrat side so people are just glad Trump isn't president anymore. Then another series of indictments to build more hate on the DNC side. He must always be found innocent to strengthen the divide and keep the block on the Republican side. Democrats think 'Biden beat him before and he can do it again'. Republicans think 'Only Trump can defeat Biden and we know the election was rigged last time. This time will be different'.

So now you have a single party that you need to control. No primary debate, supper delegates to overrule the voters. As long as Trump is a possibility no one else can take office but who they select for the DNC slot. If Trump had served two terms, the block would be over. As it is now they have Trump, Biden, Hillary and Harris as options to step in and be a puppet.

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DoD has been shown to be the agency that created the fake pandemic as well as the bioweapen "vaccine" that was employed in purposeful democide for the depopulation agenda. The virus was a means to an end. Everyone else is fronting the DoD it seems to me.

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"...In the case of a feeble or incapacitated president..." Boy, I'm sure glad we don't have to worry about that...

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53rd, what could possibly 🤔 go wrong?!?!

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Zients ... alone spoke to major Airline CEOs to insist on vaccine mandates." Is that Jeff Zients, M.D.? Virology expert? Immunologist?

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Dwight Eisenhower really did have a "Crystal Ball" ! Flat out ROCKED IT by definition.

The expression military–industrial complex describes the relationship between a country's military and the defense industry that supplies it, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy. Wikipedia Toss in Tony Fauci/ Ralph Baric types for BIG pHARMA to top it all off.

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Have always thought Ike was one of the most underestimated historical figures. He pulled off the Normandy landings, described as the largest undertaking by man in history, while herding a menagerie of cats including Montgomery (who gives excretory orifices a bad name) and Patton who provided a pain in same. But he did it brilliantly.

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The left didn’t appreciate him. Not one of them. To common for their fancy tastes.

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Healthcare is the single most personal part of a persons life as we age. I remember when these mob like medical gangsters created the ACA, I got physically sick thinking that the personal decisions made with your doctor would now be decided by a bureaucrat. The other concern was how could this possibly be paid for? I had envisioned begging Barney Frank, my rep at the time, to receive a procedure for a family member or myself. As we see the house (government) now holds all the cards. Well it turned out even worse. It seems our healthcare has turned into a control like digital currency will one day become. Comply or be cast as a non compliant deplorable and lose freedoms. J.Goodrich

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This is exactly what we see happening in Canada, now. Here's an article I wrote last year about it:


....remember the great debate surrounding the Affordable Care Act? Republicans (generally) stated that with a government control of healthcare, bureaucrats would be make difficult end-of-life decisions for those (very expensive) final years. Democrats (Obama in particular) said this was OBVIOUSLY crazy and there were no “death panels” anywhere in the ACA.

Of course, like modern “fact-checks”, this missed the obvious point that shifting the burden of end-of-life care to government incentivizes them to value life extremely poorly. And this is exactly what we see when we look to our neighbors to the north.

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James, sadly 😥 we seem to be helpless and like deer 🦌 in the headlights to stop this travesty!

I scour the web for ways to form a viable solution to our current predicament and all I see and hear are people naming the problem, however no plan of attack!

We all need to get our heads together so that we can solve this.

We're STUCK on STEP ONE, which is to acknowledge the problem.

Let's focus on asking our friends for solutions so that we can start STEP TWO and then form a plan of execution!!!

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Your completely right Ana!! There are alternatives we should go to. Wether it’s health care, cell phone companies, tv and cable companies etc.. We need to stop feeding the tyrant and make knowledgeable decisions of where we spend our money. This is a start.

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I do My Very Best to spend My money at Mom and Pop shops. I actually now ask is this a family owned business? I know many individuals on a first name basis. Heck, I cut down two trees for my neighbor, cost = Zero. I did get a nice bottle of single malt out of the deal. 🏴‍☠️ I pay cash for most healthcare and medications with physicians and pharmacists that have a brain. I have healthcare insurance in case something goes really sideways. Ed

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Ed, I think these are all the daily things we need to do to make change. Eventually change will come. Hopefully the kind we want.

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Liked x 1 trillion. Ed

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Key word “ Kind”. And specifically to Each Other. Much Love My Brother🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️!,, Ed

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James, my sister just shared this with me. I wanted to share it forward!

Back then when God was in most Americans lives and we had songs that instilled hope!


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Those were the days Ana. Great song thanks for you!!

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I'll risk oversimplifying and say that Obiden is not in charge of anything or any decisions, nor was he ever. If Congress goes ahead with impeachment I would not be surprised if he suddenly dies in his sleep some night and that would end that. Of course, then they would have to deal with Kamala. They did not succeed with taking over using the plandemic so now, plan b is war. How predictable. 2024 is going to be a roller coaster ride. Buckle up.

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And with the intentional importation of tens of millions of potential enemy combatants who despise us and who are being distributed around the country while being given $2200 monthly, healthcare and housing, what could possibly go wrong? Buy guns and ammo, canned meat/food, medical supplies, fuel for cooking, water filters etc. because 2024 and beyond is likely going to be unimaginable.

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I have often wondered how, exactly, I might get my hands on some of the documents that "undocumented migrants" are issued and are using to reap these taxpayer-paid benefits?

If I identify as an undocumented immigrant from an English-speaking country, shouldn't I be allowed to be led through this trail of collecting U.S. government goodies and make use of the same?

Maybe that is how we break the current system, by using the system ourselves until it is literally broke and broken.

We have to fight fire with fire.

Let's burn it all down. 🔥

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One of our Best Friend’s Girl lives in Portugal with their Daughter. She was denied residency in the uk. Think She and their Daughter are terrorists? To top it off, They both have Brains. We are helping pursue through legal channels. Do NOT piss Me off. The words that come to mind are “Game On” and “Out of Spite”. Ed

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Jose will gladly fulfill your wish for documents for a fee.

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Unfortunately, I think You are correct. Ed

I have “built” 6 first aid kits in dry bags, triple sealed (not good if wet) for Family and Friends.

Edit - Funny - One said that’s gonna be useful. Response = Gawd, I hope not.

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Unimaginable indeed.

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Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Main source of information, world events, etc. = Drs. Robert and Jill Malone. Very Best To All Who Post Here. Ed

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is corruption at every level. This is invaluable information. Thank you

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a really powerful article. These people need the rock they are hiding under turned over and exposed to the light, truth, and public scrutiny. Thank you Dr. Malone.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good work Malone. Valuable information never offered by anyone else. Thankyou for helping us keep the dots connected. God bless you Doc.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Spot on Doc.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Don't be distracted. Just focus on some chief concierge at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue and wait for 11/2024.

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It is obvious the 2020 election was anything but. It was a putsch led by cabal who funded then appropriated “control” of a viral infection to install itself at 1600 Penn. Banana republic status established.

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Two crucial videos on this subject:

Winding Back the Clock to Snowden Part 1 - What You're Not Being Told About Booz Allen Hamilton: https://bitchute.com/video/Feo6xql9fvDG [7:17mins]

Winding Back the Clock to Snowden Part 2 - What You're Not Being Told About the Carlyle Group:

https://bitchute.com/video/w2Lm6uXPny9D [9:17mins]

Things were bad back then, they are exponentially worse now - corruption is a function of time. The military has absorbed the medical industry and Eisenhower saw this inevitability crystal clear from a mile away. Much more information on this dark agenda and the hidden stranglehold control system here: https://tritorch.com/DARPA

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I also be interested in Ed Dowd’s commentary on these companies. 🧐

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Tritorch .. is it true these companies hire Ivy League kids mainly? They vet them for a few years and if they don’t cut the mustard , so speak, they are gone ?

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Sure, they seek the brightest among the herd (they view us as cattle) and seduce them with money and unaccountably for their actions. Then they are slowly pulled into their rituals and if any grow a conscience or exhibit one along the way they are gone.

Depending on their level of awareness of the inner workings of these black organizations they may be released or blackmailed or their family threatened or they may shoot themselves in the back of the head a few times or their car might drive them into a brick wall at suicide speeds.

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It is increasingly obvious the Ivy League is less a bastion of the brightest and more than ever a refuge for scions of wealth who rely on family money for entrance to big name degree mills, They have morphed into the business of selling name recognition rather than education.

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True, but it wasn't always this way. The NSA for instance was widely known for taking the best and brightest out of the economy and putting them to work on black projects. With their teams assembled education has now been deliberately decimated in order to degrade us into an ignorant and decadent slave population.

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They (progressives) have been degrading education since Wilson. The ivys have been selling name recognition nearly that long. Why all the actual work in big law firms done by by non ivy associates wile ivys butt kiss up the corporate ladder

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Me thinks Biden is about as lame as Zients and Klain are good people. Most people are questioning the still vaccine focused push. So many see the attention grabbing news as merely distraction. This helps understand the why, the fact that these 2 Chiefs are still in their positions after a catastrophic failure, speaks volumes.

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Thank you for this most interesting expose of who is really in charge of our great nation. This Zients character hopefully will not be able to walk the streets very soon. I pray more people please wake up and see exactly what’s happening and get involved. 🙏🏻💯♥️

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We might note success or failure is in the eyes of the beholder. I expect there are those who regard Zients and Klains performances as outstanding.

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