C.S. Lewis nailed it when he said, “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

Why do people want global governance? Local municipalities can’t even agree, let alone at the state level. Don’t even try at the federal level. Oh yeah right. Our founding fathers warned us with the 10th Amendment and WTP blew that allowing the monster federal government that created the deep state we know today.

We the People are the Heirs of the American Experiment and We are Squandering Our American Inheritance!

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May 14·edited May 14

Even with the almost limitless capacity humans have for self-delusion, it's hard for me to imagine that Bill Gates, et al, believe their tyranny is sincerely exercised for the good of its victims. No, I think Gates is just comfortable with evil; sees himself as a stand-in deity in his godless worldview; with a sociopath's indifference to the human suffering that accompanies enslavement of humankind. He'll be perfectly comfortable with watching the world burn from the deck of his yacht, or the through the panoramic window of his mountaintop bunker. It'll be a conflagration largely of his own making, and those of his ilk. I am unburdened by any charitable impulses where these people are concerned.

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Agree James. and Gates is not the only one. There are many, including Brandon.

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May 14·edited May 14

Brandon lacks the intellectual heft needed to be an NWO architect. His talents as a useful tool are his amorality and comfort with deceit, though these are now accompanied by and often indistinguishable from dementia.

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Brandon is a puppet and not anyone’s Bro .

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Well, the Communist Party USA put him in his senate seat back in the 70s and he has been doing their business ever since while enriching himself and family as he undermines the country and everyone in it. He is the lying dog face pony soldier.

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Biden Inc. …. Money laundering scum

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Having watched Gates in hid MS -NT days, I would say he enjoyed tormenting his adoring users. I just read he's funding the development of a vaccine for cows to modify their output for climate purposes. Maybe his vanities are why Melinda is signing off.

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As I have posted before, from what I have heard from an IT guy in our shop who worked for Gates early days, he obviously is a raving sociopath. So nothing he does with all that wealth at his disposal is hardly surprising.

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Gates once said at an announcement of a new software version that he really couldn't understand people whose motivation for installing software updates was to get bug fixes. Never was much into actually fixing things..... It was widely rumored at MS that Gates was invited to leave the company due to all the sexual "misbehavior" allegations that would invite negative attention.

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And more relevent observations from the same source:

“Why you fool, it's the educated reader who CAN be gulled. All our difficulty comes with the others. When did you meet a workman who believes the papers? He takes it for granted that they're all propaganda and skips the leading articles. He buys his paper for the football results and the little paragraphs about girls falling out of windows and corpses found in Mayfair flats. He is our problem. We have to recondition him. But the educated public, the people who read the high-brow weeklies, don't need reconditioning. They're all right already. They'll believe anything.” C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength (The Space Trilogy, #3)

“I dread government in the name of science. That is how tyrannies come in. In every age the men who want us under their thumb, if they have any sense, will put forward the particular pretension which the hopes and fears of that age render most potent. They ‘cash in’. It has been magic, it has been Christianity. Now it will certainly be science. Perhaps the real scientists may not think much of the tyrants’ ‘science’ — they didn’t think much of Hitler’s racial theories or Stalin’s biology. But they can be muzzled.”

C.S. Lewis

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The question of what constitutes a real scientist bothers me a lot. Traditionally scientific investigations were an adjunct to universities dedicated to the teaching and expansion of knowledge. Scientific exploration was meant to expand that knowledge base. Today universities are mainly money traps and the research conducted there largely innovative technology paid for by or to improve the posture of various commercial ventures. And the word scientist is slapped on willy nilly to just about anybody wearing a white coat.

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The USG is their gravy train. $Billions in grants over the years, mainly for nonsensical research. Many universities would not exist as they do without this funding.

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I know…been there. The absurdity is that today to be considered for hiring prospective faculty expecting tenure are being forced to show proof of ability to secure a FEDERAL GOV. grant. Which means they come from BIG labs whose reputation is their means of securing that fed grant. And as I saw often coming from those big labs no guarantee of individual competence as renewals for some became dependent on active intraagency collaboration.

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It is a cluster for sure. Isn't it just grand that our congress decided eons ago to setup agencies for no other reason than control of all activity. Think of the billions tax payers were forced to turn over in support of this complete control mechanism.

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It has upset the educational applecart. Traditionally, you got a masters degree to be able to find your way around a lab (I instead worked 10yrs as a tech). Then you and a mentor planned a Ph.D. research project and off you went. Today they skip the masters. Correspondingly, the bigger the lab your Ph.D. the less technical knowhow you actually leave there knowing. Techs do all the grub work you would have learned with a masters (or as a tech).

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Sadly, we will be fooled AGAIN! There is no sign that they are stopping the research into gene altering therapies and BEYOND! Billions and billions are being invested and the HHS, the NIH and all it's divisions are going along to get along and they continue to ignore the great harm done and will be done. Once Francis Collins unraveled the human genome, it became a rush to develop the science for profit! Dr. Collins should have been the key gate keeper that would make sure it is done with caution and not rushed at warp speed! Instead he help shut down the voices of rational medical thought! Alex Azar was put in place to guide The Covid initiative. Jennifer Doudna was a key developer of Gene Editing. They along with Anthony Fauci were in on the ground floor of these activities! The Executive branch will endorse the WHO global initiative. Many others were also responsible for what transpired.

Some researchers believe the massive blood clots are caused by amyloid production from the injections. The following Federal program should scare everyone and it's intent. https://www.nano.gov/sites/default/files/pub_resource/NNI-FY23-Budget-Supplement.pdf?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

What is needed is FULL DISCLOSURE of all gene editing programs supported by the US Government. Dr. Malone is in a position to help this endeavor! Agree Dr. Malone?

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Or we could let the private sector do the research like we used to before WTP decided we needed a big federal government for every aspect of life. Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution excludes healthcare because our Founders understood that human nature is corrupt and tried to protect us from the NIH/Fauci fiasco we are dealing with now; we must keep the federal government limited and closer to the people who can keep an eye on the shenanigans of policy makers so the taxpayers will Not be ripped off Again and Again and Again.

Ok, it does say that Congress shall provide for “the general Welfare,” defined as “welfare n. 1. health, happiness, or prosperity; well-being.” Taxpayers spent at least $49B on NIH in F2023. For that kind of money, you would think “general” would be capitalized using an uppercase “G” and not the lowercase “g” as it was written in the Constitution.

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I really doubt the intent is 'good'.

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Tyrants are incapable of doing good for others. The most lost people are the ones telling everyone else what to do.

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My brother was a patriotic American, Airborne Ranger veteran. I always thought that he or people like him would always be around and rise up and defeat any attempted totalitarian takeover of America. Anyways why would any sane leader or government want to destroy this freedom loving, cutting edge, thought provoking, industrialized machine, America, which it has always been. Then George Bush senior mentioned a new world order. Bill Clinton came in and started selling off critical computer, missile, nuclear and targeting technologies to the Chinese for personal gain. By the time Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State the Clintons had selling off American assets to our enemies down to a science. She sold 1/3 of America’s uranium production to Russia for a 100 million dollar donation to her Clinton Foundation. Believe me these treasons didn’t go unnoticed, it has set off hundreds of treasonist actions by politicians left and right all the way to, obviously, the current president, the senate leader and senate minority leader, house majority leaders and house minority leaders, senators and house representatives. BTW my brother John, the veteran was given oxycodone for back injuries he received at the prison where he worked and eventually overdosed in 2008. Like so many I once thought would be in the group that would fix injustices he is no longer here. No, I’ve become aware when I look in the mirror it’s up to me now to stand up and fight these traitors of the world. It can be as simple as volunteering at your local voting place and the least is to vote these incumbent traitors out of office. We all must do our part to stop this tyranny or we will surely be imprisoned by these corrupt, selfish, money hungry elite tyrants. Please stand up now. J.Goodrich

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My youngest son is 55 and when he and his older brother were in their early 20s, they started to relay to me how corrupt our government was. I, on the other hand was oblivious to most of it, having spent years raising a family and maintaining a job, no TV or newspapers. They searched for truth while I was deaf and dumb. Ruby Ridge and Waco were drastic wake up calls, enough so to make me uncomfortable. I had always found the progressiveness of the Dem party an irritant ever since I my youth. Much has happened since then, but I have been engaged for many years now, doing what I can. I bought my son a T-shirt for Christmas last year that says “I say things that other people won’t” because he has been for decades – spreading the bad news. Wake-up calls go unheeded.

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Hi Shelley, probably 20 years ago my brother would tell me things that were happening that back then made me think he was losing it. Now I see all of the fears he tried to tell me that were happening then have exploded 1000 fold. He was right!!!! From all of this elite and politician child porn stuff to the government colluding with foreign powers against the people. In fact I had some company shirts printed, that on the front say

The first amendment today

The second amendment tomorrow??

That was a shirt he got at a bike Rally he always used to go to. He had the foresight to see what was coming, I wish he was still here!!

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By sharing his wisdom, you are keeping his memory alive James. He would be proud of you.

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Thanks Nancy, he was a good man and always stuck up for the weaker people. I could always count on him. I think of him every day…

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What a loss! You mentioned child porn which signifies the total depravity of many humans. I wonder though why most people don't object to pornography in general, yet it is destroying society, and swept under the rug. As long as it is unopposed, we can't as a society return to health.

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So well said. I've made an effort to get involved politically only with reluctance. We're in a mad brave new world, and it seems the old sages, real or imagined, have vanished. I no longer have the luxury of indulging my own timidity and reticence to speak up.

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Support your local sheriff. Title of a movie but still good advice. The federalist construction of our governance puts a lot of strength in local elements such as state AGs and yes, even sheriffs

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Amen. Constitutional Officers. Lower Magistrates.

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As for me James, and I’m sure for you as well, I never thought the overwhelming corrupt greed wether it be financial, perverted sexual acts on children or many times both, would overtake our governing body. Checks and balances right? Correction, I think, starts with education. I try to influence, as I’m sure most of us here do, the people I come in contact with. Life is very connecting. I’m sure that you have talked to people that are completely closed to the realities we with open eyes can see. If I’m correct we move right past these people and go to the next person we may be able to make aware. This is the grass roots movement I see happening. It’s eerie how people on the government take are so attracted to the levers of our voting system, as they say moths to the flame. I am like you James, I didn’t think my input would ever be needed to make these dire corrections, but they are. Thanks James for getting involved!!!!

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So sorry for the loss of your brother. I watched the whole corruption on Oxycodone unfold in the Netflix series. And, I just finished watching the DuPont corruption that resulted in Teflon cancers. I await the future Netflix series on the covid saga that destroyed so many lives. I will most likely have to wait a few years though.

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Anyone that votes for allowing the WHO, UN, or The WEF to take over the health or finances of we the people of the USA is an enemy of the people and should be treated accordingly.

How much under the table money is being paid to elected scum to destroy our freedoms?

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Such a well written article about the dangers we face. The thought that Tedros and the WHO could run the world (at the behest of the Davos cabal) has had me worried for months since I first heard about this "treaty ." I am glad there are some who are voicing their concern. But it should not just be the Republican senators and AGs. How any sane American could willingly submit to this treaty is appalling to me.

Thank you, sir, for being out front on this issue. 18 days! We are in perilous times.

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One of the major effects of the covid nonsense as I see it is that skepticism has been awakened. No longer do folks sit in front of c.n.n. believing every word. They have become unmitigated skeptics and the falling viewership is showing it. Today the “experts” in medicine, education and political punditry are being questioned as never before. And that is why “they” are in panic mode and resorting to every form of censorship possible because progressive posits are meant to be taken on faith as they can never stand to be questioned since they are made entirely of straw.

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What I don't get, is - the motive or reward. Countries cannot be overtaken by these globalists - they have to be willing victims to hand over a country's sovereignty so, what's in it for them? What 'promises' have been made? What kind of America do they see cowering under a bunch of foreign globalists? What's their role? The POTUS is America's 'leader' - what will he/she be if the globalists get their way? More control? Less control? Who'll be 'the boss'? Is there an island somewhere far away being prepared to house these current country leaders, laden with special treats similar to Epstein's? Why give up your own power? For what exactly? Anyone????

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Janet, I have been asking that question for years. Especially since the COVID fiasco. That is the secret behind corruption. The corruptor always receives some reward for their nefarious efforts! We can thank Dr Malone for keeping us up to date with such excellent postings such as this one. It is impossible to catch every essay and warning about these issues. We must do as well as we can and pass our findings on to others. Even enlightening one person at a time is helpful.

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May 14·edited May 14

Most of the countries are part of the Commonwealth of Great Britain. You can tell because their leaders are Prime Ministers. Other nations have royalty heads of state, which just 200 years ago, were kingdoms or empires. Perhaps they have been deceived into believing their kingdoms will rise again. The US probably falls under GB as it has been run by globalist presidents for over a hundred years. Someone must oversee large portions of land with subservient populations (obviously reduced to a few million). It will possibly be a revised feudal system. Those engaged for years already have purchased their property near fresh water and energy resources.

Jason Jones answered your question “power-lust, greed, and scorn for the weak.”

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Well, 22 state AGs are pointing the way.

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IMHO the attraction is being a member of the 'club' as we see with all the youngish people groomed through the WEF Young Global Leaders program. Not all 'graduates' succumb to the attractions of having a path paved to positions of power and prestige (for the compliant and enthusiastic supporters of globalism) but the prospects are irresistible for most, especially those not born to the dynasties of the super rich.

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I could be mistaken, but would note that few people are more puffed up than a petty bureaucrat. Ask George Bernard Shaw. Or Moliere.

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Maybe the choice the deciders face is silver or lead.

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This is not an irrelevant question and probably deserves much more attention than most of us have given it.

While some "leaders" may be forced to cooperate via various forms of blackmail, the existence of a serious "carrot" to encourage compliance is very likely.

Few people have ever talked about this publicly. George Green did a bit, mentioning the existence of a "ticket out of here." An all-knowing senior being would tell a story of some certain and impending disaster, and offer those who cooperate protection from it. Sounds a bit like Christianity. Ever wonder why so many still want to believe? There is a story of a future Judgement, and the need to be "saved" from it. We, on impulse, want to be "saved."

This whole con game depends somewhat on maintaining the illusion that we are bodies who only live once. Of course, bodies do only live once, but the entities that animate them don't, and neither do we. It also depends, somewhat, on our conviction that we deserve to suffer here on Earth and require some sort of forgiveness to free ourselves from that suffering. This is all a con game calculated to keep up trapped here with some degree of willingness. It is unclear if even those people "at the top" on Earth believe some version of this con. But I would guess that they do.

Of course there are also more immediate rewards for those willing to cooperate. I have no idea why anyone would need to make a million dollars a month, unless they were being bribed to cooperate with some secret plan that they probably only know their own part in. It creates an environment on Earth of excessive greed and neglect of responsibility. It's a real shame.

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Thank you for such a thoughtful and well thought out response. The issue I keep running into is if it's bribery or some outlandish 'gifts' - the recipient will STILL have put themselves under the control of another by selling their independence - so the questions become, is any 'gift' worth that enormous cost? And if so, what 'gift' could that possibly be?

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I don't think the people who participate in these schemes think they are capable of being independent or "free." There are a lot of people like that here. They have basically given up on freedom and are willing to cooperate with the prison wardens.

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That the COVID scam worked as well as it did is scary giving impetus for the next assault on our Freedom. Scary will be the next mechanism they choose to get around our skepticism to gin up fear enabling control. It looks like the current trajectory isn’t working

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The title of the article which you used as the subject title should receive an award for BEST Title of the year....How PERFECT!!!!!! (great article too :)

Here's another fun Meme:

"Aliens are going to be super confused when they come in threatening to overthrow our leadership and we're all stoked to offer to help"

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Additionally there is of course the cost. Each signatory country is required to fund the WHO at 2% GDP. canada 100(?) billion USA 600(?) Billion France ?? UK ??? Germany ????.

How else would a governemnt without a tax base exist. The WHO has no tax base from which to collect no forestry, no mineral, no technology etc..

This is a power grab but also a tax grab a corporate grab. After collecting 2% from 190 signatories WHO will have a larger bank account than most if not all countries without any of the obligations. No sewer construction no road construction no infrastructure expense no hospitals no schools just pure money etc...

Just a tax wealth transfer to the controllers, Bill and Melinda et al.

Consider the genius of this plan B&M et al. can force the world to GoF virus then force the world to buy their products vax, and charge them for the enforcement of the policy.

P.S. under canadas new law C-63 This is hate speech(?) consider this if you turn me in you get 20,000 dollars, you know for being a vigilant citizen. Worth looking into I think. Maybe I will be lucky and only have to go to a re-education camp and not jail up to life imprisonment. Coming to a legislation near you,,......soon.

IVERMECTIN/Hydroxy work Who knew(dazik), When did they know(early)Who suppressed it.( to many to name but lets start)

Accountability Now,Now,Now


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Very valid point shawn. We have been funding our own demise for many, many years and the lives of those of other countries that NATO wants dismantled.

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I am amazed at the number of people who are still fooled. It’s not just the inability or refusal to see the lies regarding COVID. I am told that we have a severe shortage of teachers, doctors and other healthcare workers. Try to hire someone for the tire shop, the kitchen, or for farm work. If you are lucky enough to find a warm body they will be totally incapable of doing a reasonably adequate job. Something inexplicable has happened to our population. The first order of business may be stopping the elites, including WHO, from their efforts to control us. A well functioning representative republic requires a motivated, self directed and moral/ethical population. We are a long way from that!

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I have observed the same thing Tony. Too many functions are not being filled or if being done not by reliable people. Where are all the 'workers'? How did the USG flush so many down the toilet?

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D.e.i. hiring maybe. Certainly a problem with keeping planes you build flyable.

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I had run an add for a carpenters position with a few specific qualifications, 5 years experience, some hand tools (tool belt), a drivers license, and a vehicle. I could not get 1 qualified applicant. I got a Mae-tre d of the Marriott in Boston, a chef at Popeyes Chicken, a carpenter that lost his license for 3 years, and a few others that lived hours and hours away from me. I finally gave up looking.

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Totally mind-blowing how many are still programmed with the lies. If you try to help them see reality, they push back - ferociously protecting themselves from their extreme avoidance and discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

I have come to a space in my mind where I welcome cognitive dissonance - Blow my mind please and let me see what is real vs. what is programming. I am open to EVERYTHING (including the strong possibility that we've been lied to and 'programmed' in every aspect of our education....I now question every subject area we were taught.)

I love what Dr. Lee Merritt calls herself..."a recovering MD" (that was programmed in the evils of western medicine.)

The only 'truths' I will accept are the ones that I see and experience with my own eyes. ALL the news is propaganda BS, fear-porn, and more programming. Every time someone comes to me with a sound-byte from boobie-tube (MSM or ALT media) about something they watched that was 'true' - I call BS unless I see it myself.

I went to a 'Patriot' gathering recently and all they did was exchange Patriot-fear-porn. How much of it is substantiated? How much of it is pure BS meant to create ripples of fear?

Show me a group that focuses on local solutions and making things better and I'll be happy to join.

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May 15·edited May 15

I posted this on the 11th and am happy to repost for you. "If you are or would like to be an activist in the best sense of the word and protect your local town or city read this from American Policy Center on Agenda 21/30. It highlights the contrast between reporting by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the New American (JBS) over more than a decade.

"These are competing titles of the same subject, just different views. One is a Marxist, fatalist view, the other is one of protecting property rights and individual freedom. We have a choice, but we must make it and take a stand for our choice."


Tom Deweese has been leading and training people for three decades and his teams"PODS" have been successful in stopping or undermining the roll out of Agenda 21/30 in their communities. It takes commitment and team work and Tom provides the tools. Check it out wns.

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Beautifully written essay. Spot on and brilliantly laid out. Kudos Jason Jones!

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Thank you for adding this voice to our building roar of "No"! The risk is monumental and the time is short. The Globalists have been hard at work for years to accomplish this conquest. It began with wealthy bankers, Kissinger, the WEF, the UN, WHO, the Club of Rome and more.They achieved an encouraging success with their Covid caper. We currently have threats of Climate Change, new Covid varients and bird flu that they can use to herd our masses into their tightly managed servitude.

We have discovered solid voices of opposition in Romania, England, the EU and now Dutch member of Parliament Mr Thierry Baudet, founder of Forum for Democracy. He was interviewed last night on ETVs Facts Matter. He added some considerations and strategies to add to our armament.

The strategies, being employed to subjugate us, are World wide. We, the targets, can benefit from not only our National opposition, but in working with our compatriots around the world.

Thank you so much Mr Jones and Drs Malone for further showing us the threat, the vital need to address it and the means presently under way.

Bestest Good Doctors, Always ♡♡♡

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Great characterization Jean "herd our masses into their tightly managed servitude."

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Poor Cuomo, not. He is part of the lie machine and is utilizing the flip flopping strategy of the day the demoncrats implement so well. Strange but he’s probably paid by yours truly Pfizer to say these negative views now. There is a plan and the Marxists will scream grace grace grace with their guilt and shame demanding their forgiveness. The Marxist have given the people a break, but the wave is coming again to pound upon the rocks. Will the rocks be broken down into sand washed out to the sea or will we stand for truth, freedom for all, and love? I hope I have the heart to...

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This position is so well-outlined and so passionately delivered. Any American who helps a foreign person or persons take control over our country’s policies, over our citizens, no matter what the scenario, is tantamount to treason. It is irrational, unConstitutional and unAmerican.

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Citizens can object until they are blue in the face. Biden will do as he pleases or as he is instructed. If he cared about the average citizen, he would have not allowed nearly 11-million illegal immigrants to pour into our country over the last 4-years, 345 of which are known or suspected terrorists. We are supposed to be a nation of laws, but this administration doesn't care one iota about that. This is just one more example of needing to "opt-out" of whatever is imposed upon us. Only this time, there will be no opting-out. Brace yourself. The "Missouri v Biden case to be decided by the Supreme Court, will no doubt decide in Biden's favor. At that point, even alternative media will have a tough time straying from the "official" narrative on any topic. This has already happened in countries such as France.

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May 14·edited May 15

Got to protect the National Security of the United States of America, Inc. from the citizens of America least its planned outcome gets derailed.

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I hope not! Good point.

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The Director of the WHO obtained his position by harming his own people to gain money and power. Money does not equate to intelligence.. it contributes to gaining power. However, power without wisdom will contribute to eventual loss. No one lives forever. Those who are riding high will go ...and suffer severely for their lack of knowledge and wisdom. Gandhi said that good always wins in the long run! Good is the intelligence to make wise decisions that will benefit all in the world.

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