Robert and Jill - thank you for keeping us apprised of the truth about the fires in Maui. Just finished listening to the interview with the two gentleman from Hawaii. What we do know for sure - whatever MSM is reporting is a lie. It’s NOT global warming or whatever bullshit name they give to that farce these days.

To update you on my efforts:

Ohio’s AG, David Yost presented at a local GOP meeting on Wednesday night, August 16th.  I knew they would have Q&A so I was ready.  I talked about what the embalmers are seeing and showed him my vial of the white fibrous clots that they are pulling out of veins and arteries. I talked about what the life insurance actuaries are reporting – 34% more of 35–44 year-olds died than expected in the last QTR of 2022.  I asked him this question: The covid shots are now on the childhood vaccine schedule.  How many more Ohioans – how many more of our children and young adults will have to die before your office conducts an investigation?

To which he basically replied:  It is not within my authority to investigate.

If you’d like to contact him:


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When it hits his immediate household, he will change his mind.

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By being an official and by being compliant with the "Big Death Plan," he and his will get the placebo. He's not concerned. Notice ANYONE in the news falling dead in their tracks being a politician? Nope. Just athletes, stars, pilots, youngsters and regular folks.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

Pfizer in Australia admitting to the government that they got different vaccines than the general population should have caught everyone's attention. Instead, crickets.

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Been tracking that too.

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Rep Sean Casten from Illinois lost his 17 year old daughter after the vax. Cause unknown.

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Maybe an example of why "they" have handcuffed the Texas AG Ken Paxton

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Was pleased to learn they couldn't find the damning evidence they were going to present against him. He had a handsome smile about that.

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Michael - do you have a link to info on what they did to Paxton (which we all know was most likely retaliation)?

I called in to a local radio station to discuss what AG Yost said two days later. That radio show host has had Yost on many times and is going to make it a priority to get him on again ASAP. I want this host to have all the info he needs

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He was in the way of a cabal of dims and rinos who had commandeered the House. The Texas Minute didva pretty good video about this: https://youtu.be/yhvxRnYOg5Q

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Thank you Michael.

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Bravo Laura! I salute your courage. Thank you.

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Divine guidance and courage brought to me by the Holy Spirit dear Mario.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

That was courageous of you, given today's world, where doctor's of good couscience are loosing their license and nurses are threatened with dismissal. Even if you don't have a license, the problem is concerning that somehow you may get targeted by those out discredit the premise of your questions.

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Helen - I have nothing to lose. No kids. No job (grateful I have a husband who supports me). And no fear. I have the Lord on my side. 🥰🙏🙏🙏

My heart was pounding before I got up to speak. After the first word left my lips, I was completely calm. My AG on the other hand was not. After another question about his take on Dr. Sherri Tenpenny losing her license and then one about the lockdowns, he stomped across the front of the room and yelled to the moderator - THIS IS BULLSHIT! ARE YOU GOING TO SHUT THIS DOWN? He did it twice! It was quite breathtaking to witness such a display. I’m praying that the Lord convicts his heart that he must protect the citizens of Ohio - no matter the consequences.

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Oh my, he is bought and paid for by the deep state or he is fearful for his life.

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Agree. And I’m thinking he will not agree to go on the radio show if he knows what the host wants to talk about.

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Great job Laura 💥💥💥💟

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Bro - oh how I wish you could have been there to watch that childish display!

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Me too!! The CHD bus is coming to Ohio in a few weeks!!🌞👍🏼💥💕

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Saturday September 9th Dublin, Ohio

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It is clear what is happening. These institutions are captured in an organized crime-like fashion. Every system that governs humanity is corrupted. That is problem #1. We need to address the actual systems.

We have to move beyond just pointing out the problem. We need to focus on solutions, which is what our Society of Problem Solvers does as a group. We need to make new, transparent, decentralized systems and use them to plug into the existing systems and fix them. It is actually a simple fix, but it isn't easy to get people to see how to get there because it takes a little comprehension.

We have many articles about this process, but if you are serious about fixing it, start here: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/the-people-need-manchurian-candidates

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deletedAug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023
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Yes Duty - I’ve met Warner a couple of times (and Brook Jackson 🥰).

Ran into him while dining out a few weeks ago. 🥰

There is an event coming up on 9/9 local to me for Ohio Stands Up that Warner will be attending.

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I am going to share a 2+ minute video in Notes if I can upload it. Next month new restriction are starting. First it will be masks in airports and on flights. The next month will start the old lock downs we are put up with before. It is from Alex Jones who was alerted by a TSA friend and confirm by another friend in Border Patrol.

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I wonder why the US Govt would require lockdowns when it’s obvious to the person who has paid attention and taken time to educate themselves, they actually want more deaths. So it must be about control, fear, kill the economy, getting prepared for mass mail out of ballots AGAIN. If we refuse to be treated like bugs to be squashed again, what will be our punishment? Maybe banishment to the Covid camps? Surely a large portion of the population will resist. Count me in that group.

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People like Dr. Malone who fly a lot will be required to wear a mask in the airport and on the plane. If they don't they can't fly.

It is much easier to say I do not comply when it does not stop you from buying food, feeding yourself, going to work, etc. I am fairly certain I can get by because I live in a very rural area of a very red state and I'm retired. I just need to buy feed for myself, birds, cats and horses.

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We are fortunate to be semi-rural where I live, not too far south of the Malone Farm. I only wore that mask when I actually went inside a store maybe once a month or went for annual medical checkup that required them. Never was required at my work. We’re at retirement age and we find public transportation to travel is not required for us to enjoy life or make a living. I do feel for anyone who was forced to take the shots to keep their job and wear the face napkins.

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Hope you've got room, because you might be getting a flood of blue-state refugees.......

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If they come to the Kansas City area or St. Louis they will be right at home. The rest of the state may be a culture shock for them. Lots of pickup trucks, cowboy hats and howdies, short for how do you do. Best to take off the bumper stickers first.

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The same is true of Washington and Oregon. Outside the major cities (Portland/Seattle mostly), the states are pretty solidly red. Heck, part of Oregon is trying to join Idaho!!

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It's hard to believe they can pull it off again.

Late in 2021 the feds gave up on mask mandates AFTER most people decided to stop wearing them. They tried to save face and pretend people changed their behavior because they said so. But the reality was the vast majority didn't care what they said anymore.

The only way they could bring back masks now on the general population is if they pretend there is a horrible new variant. That's a lot harder now that the Fauci death protocol and federal incentives to overcount covid deaths have been scaled back.

I call BS on these fears.

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There allegedly is a "new" one but no mention re how bad it is.

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I saw stories of Eris and the Daily Mail has another new variant story.

The only people at risk from these new coronavirus strains are the people that Acquired an ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome from taking covid shots.

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I heard it was in Canada right now. Of course, we don't know if it is a variant or a newly-minted Sars.

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The Feds gave out guidance for the public and requirements for USG employees and contractors. Dentists, hospitals, clinic, doctor offices have their own requirements.

It is the State's emergency power given to the Governor that dictate what happens in their states. Any protocols coming from a Governor (mainly through health dept) under said emergency have the force of law behind them.

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Our governor was trying to fight mandates the best he could, but the people got tricked into a new AG. He is not doing a thing. I heard he accepted funding from George Soros. George Soros is a psychopath, you know, someone who doesn't have remorse. I watched him express himself quite well on the 60 Minutes interview. Creepy.

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What I noted in local msm was an article which included advice to keep your masks handy.

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I live in a red state too, Shelly, but the cities are buying into it hook, line and sinker.

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The majority of large cities like KC and St Louis and those that house a state university like Columbia are be default Blue. The first two because of the black population and the other because that's academia. In Oregon there are no large cities except Portland and its population is just hippy turn progressive. The counties with Universities are Blue and the rest of the state is red.

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A big example being austin. If ever there was an argument ( and there are scads) for raising the voting age to at least 25, austin is it.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

I watched that. Sometimes, it throws me into despair and I have to stay away from reading these articles and go to church.

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Shelley, I have some smoking gun evidence for you if I can successfully link to a file. As soon as the vaccine got EUA, our school board voted to require it. I found this report hidden among the documents that was distributed to our School Board to encourage them to pass the vote. It shows the payouts to our school to enact pandemic measures on pg 8. Look at the dates! Of the $3 million, over $2 million is scheduled beginning 9/30/2023!!! And this was decided/predicted (planned) back in 2021, as they are literally mandating the vaccine with the justification that it would end the pandemic!!! Yet it’s right there. The plans for the next one. This can’t be just our school. You know it’s the entire State.

Shoot. The link is down. This is a copy and paste from a file I downloaded onto my phone:

MUSD Summary of COVID Onetime Funds:

Grant/Funding Source



MUSD Allocation

Fund Balance

SB 117 COVID 19 LEA Response Funds



$ 20,021.00


State Learning Loss Mitigation Funds



$ 96,669.00


Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF): Learning Loss Mitigation



$ 570,300.00


Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER I)



$ 97,837.00


Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER II)



$ 386,715.00

$ 233,827.88

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III)



$ 695,303.00

$ 695,303.00

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III)-Learning Loss



$ 173,826.00

$ 173,826.00

Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER): Learning Loss Mitigation



$ 48,761.00


ELO Grant - Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER II)



$ 112,818.00

$ 112,818.00

ELO Grant - Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER II)



$ 25,888.00

$ 25,888.00

ELO Grant- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III)



$ 73,490.00

$ 73,490.00

ELO Grant- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) Learning Loss



$ 126,686.00

$ 126,686.00

In-Person Instruction (IPI) Grant -AB86



$ 421,954.00

$ 421,954.00

ELO Grant- Expanded Learning Opportunities -AB86



$ 351,090.00

$ 349,636.40

ELO Grant Expanded Learning Opportunities - Paraprofessional Staff



$ 76,330.00

$ 76,330.00

Total COVID Onetime Funds $ 3,277,688.00 $ 2,289,759.28

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Laura, this is the chart I was talking about. What i wonder is, if that which Del and AJ discussed was already put forth to all schools across America back in 2021. Look at the dates. The big money comes in 2024. With a big chinch starting 9/30/23


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Athina - I saw AJ speak at a local freedom fighter meeting a few months ago. Perhaps you would like to contact her? I think I can get you an email address for her.

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What?! Watching now!

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Wow, and the funds - come from US taxpayers. We are paying to destroy our lives and the lives of those we love and those we know. I suspect that school boards may have some link to their State health policy and guidelines. Also, some states have already declared school vaccine schedules cannot include Covid gene jabs.

MO legislature failed to pass bill 1169 this year that required any product that has been created to act as, or exposed to processes that could result in the product potentially acting as, a gene therapy or that could otherwise possibly impact, alter, or introduce genetic material or a genetic change into the user of the product, individuals exposed to the product, or individuals exposed to others who have used the product shall be Conspicuously Labeled with the words "Potential Gene Therapy Product" unless the product is known to be a gene therapy product. Any entity that makes a product available in this state that could infect, transmit to, or be absorbed in any individual in any way that would act as a medical intervention, vaccine, drug, or genetic modification shall obtain fully informed consent from all individuals who could be exposed to such product before exposure could occur. Fully informed consent requires, at a minimum, that an individual is made aware of all benefits and risks, including side effects, of the product, any adverse events of special interest, and any other reasonably possible impacts of the product.

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I graduated from Joplin. The high school demolished by the turnado. Sad.

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My new neighbors just moved from Joplin. They have a 16 year old boy and 12 year old girl. They both just competed in the annual State Archery Competition.

I lived in OR when that tornado ripped through Joplin.

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That was also reported by American Greatness this a.m.

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TGP is also reporting based on Infowars. I hope the USG calls this Infowars reporting 'nonsense' and does retracts anything they planned on doing in that regard. If they do that then Alex's intent worked.

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Another thought:

It’s going around again in my local community and the latest variant is not a walk in the park. In CA, where medical exemptions are illegal, kids are getting their back to school shots. What happens when, a child is exposed but not yet symptomatic and they get injected with aluminum salts as well as a selection of other deadly diseases? My son, who is really big/ going to be a senior, was supposed to get a polio vaccine. Thank God we found out he was exposed to CoVid and I canceled the appointment, even though he seemed totally healthy and the pressure was on because he needed the shot to play in the season opener football game. By the next morning he had chills and a fever and has been in bed for 2 days. He missed the game and his team lost anyway.

But what is happening to toddlers and Kindergarteners who are getting vaccinated according to CDC schedule as CoVid is actively circulating in order to start (pre) school? I could see that causing a cytokine storm but I’m just using common sense since there’s no science on this.

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And this is happening to kids who have had known previous adverse reactions because unless they had immediate anaphylaxis WHICH WAS OBSERVED AND DOCUMENTED INSIDE the doctor’s office, there is no exemption. Encephalitis doesn’t count. Nor does anaphylaxis Outside the Doctor’s office, even if it was documented at the time. Are Furries running our State?

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Read Tom Renz SPOT ON analysis of the RNA push by Big Pharma this AM and it's implications for risking the extermination of life on earth if we don't rein in the reckless push to move forward at WARP SPEED to usher in this new profitable form of medical treatment. Dr. Malone, would you agree with Tom Renz's research and republish it on your website? https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/publish/posts/detail/136222773?referrer=%2Fpublish%2Fhome

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Couldn't get there via the above. Checked for it on Gettr and didn't locate it. Will keep an eye out for it. Thanks

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Just checked it out and it worked?????

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I'll try again. I'll try my other phone. It said I didn't have the needed credentials. For some stuff I don't seem to have jumped thru all the hoops on my newer version. Thanks!

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Maybe you have to subscribe to my substack. Try thomasabraunrph@substack.com. Let me know if that works!

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This is the message I'm getting even with my older phone"

Sign in to N2E+ for Life

You're logged in as jturne@basicisp.net, but this page is private. Try signing in with a different email, or letting the author know

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If the above substack article can't be opened, go to Tom renz article directly.:


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I just attempted and it reads,'this is a private page.'

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The info Dr. Nass conveys today has ominous undertones for the future of the Homo-sapiens species existence on planet earth.

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Well, I must say that this is deeply disturbing Dr. Malone. The why behind this is simple enough. This is CCP driven and they want to dominate the world. What's up with western governments... many of those in positions of power don't like their own countries and/or they are bought and paid for by the CCP (Biden). Then throw in evil, lust for power, greed and you've got a most sinister compilation. We as American citizens must demand our Constitutional rights, we should be deeply suspicious of the federal government and we should turn to our sovereign States who wish to shield their citizens from the unconstitutional. A treaty unapproved by Congress would most certainly be unconstitutional.

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This entire administration has been unconstitutional starting with a stolen election

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",,,a human underclass of test-tube babies could be created..." I wonder how old these "babies" are now? I also wonder where they are being "stored".

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently noted on social media that the agency has not declared that ivermectin is safe or effective for treatment or prevention of COVID-19.

"We've seen lots of chatter about ivermectin in the last week. Some of what you're seeing in videos and social media posts isn't true," the FDA wrote. "Although FDA has approved ivermectin for certain uses in humans and animals, it has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19, nor has the agency stated that it is safe or effective for that use," the FDA continued.


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Yet - in the Western Journal, August 12, 2023, ““FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said on Tuesday during the oral arguments in the case, the Epoch Times reported.

This seems to be a major retreat from the agency’s former antagonism toward the drug and the right of doctors to prescribe it.”

So ... can they or can’t they?

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I saw that WJ piece so was surprised by the FDA post about not declaring it safe or effective. However, saying Docs can prescribe is not the same as we find it a worthy theraputic.

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One might try and ride on the point that they haven't explicitly prohibited it.

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Thank God for everyone on the Malone's substack. Who thought over two years ago, I would have some 'penpalls' on a substack. I really appreciate everybody that posts their thoughts and we can support each other. Thank you. Remember, we are not crazy.

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You’re not crazy, but the jury’s still out on me! My husband has actually begun listening to me when I say, I read this interesting info on Dr Malones Substack he actually knows what I’m talking about. I explained to my husband in 2021 it was Dr Malone’s Utube appearance that caused me to think twice about getting the jab. I owe him a debt of gratitude. And now my husband does also.

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Agree with that sentiment wholeheartedly

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It's crazy that the people who 'screwed up' the covid response are gearing up to do it again and people are just shrugging.

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My state got rid of Blackface Northam. Gov Youngkin will never go along with lockdowns. He actually believes in the Bill of Rights. Except for N Va., Fairfax county where all the federal employees have driven out the logical people who have retired and moved to Florida, Virginia is a conservative state.

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Understand those who can no longer afford Va are moving to W. Va.

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Sacrificing citizens for a military or political cause is not a first.

The way to stop bio hegemony is to prosecute.

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We cannot agree to that treaty! The result would be a loss of sovereignty. We cannot let that happen.

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As I wrote, "Politicians" - people such as the clintons, the bidens, obama, rfk, desantis, pelosi, trump, et al.

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Too often in these pieces that exposé government malfeasance the actual officials who made the bad decisions, mandated rather encouraged, withheld information from the public etc. are/is NOT NAMED. These officials, legislators, scientists, lawyers must be EXPOSED BY NAMING THEM.

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Notice Brix has totally disappeared from view. My recollection is that much of the conniving emanating from the administration early days was at her prompting.

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You cover a lot of ground here, very fast. One thing I have never seen talked about was 01/29/2020 release on Netflix "Pandemic" a 6 part series on epidemiology.

I thought great. My family will finally know my profession, only to see the pandemic full scale <4 weeks later.

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Maybe you have me on a Do Not Open list!

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Isn't something like ‘trusted partner’ approvals what led the FDA to approve mifepristone, the chemical abortion drug approved in the UK? A judge just ruled in favor of ADF - “In loosening mifepristone’s safety restrictions, FDA failed to address several important concerns about whether the drug would be safe for the women who use it. It failed to consider the cumulative effect of removing several important safeguards at the same time. It failed to consider whether those ‘major’ and ‘interrelated’ changes might alter the risk profile, such that the agency should continue to mandate reporting of non-fatal adverse events. And it failed to gather evidence that affirmatively showed that mifepristone could be used safely without being prescribed and dispensed in person.”

"With respect to the 2021 decision to allow mail-order abortion, the court criticized the FDA for giving dispositive weight to the adverse-event data in FAERS AFTER eliminating the provider-reporting requirement, noting that “it’s unreasonable for an agency to eliminate the reporting requirement for a thing and then use the resulting absence of data to support its decision.”

The court further noted that the data the FDA cited in its 2000 approval of mifepristone shows “that thousands of women, and as many as hundreds of thousands, have experienced serious adverse effects as a result of taking the drug, and required surgery or emergency care to treat those effects.”


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