This is perhaps one of the most important of all your writings. Everyone should be following your links to the WEF. After reading the book Covid-19 The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab I became alarmed at the plans for massive wealth redistribution and social activism. Reading Schwab's other books such as The Fourth Industrial Revolution is also important. We are bring taken advantage of. Dr. Malone, thank you for continuing to ring the alarm bells and giving us the knowledge to pass on to others to join you in educating those we can convince to listen. You continue to provide your readers with vital information. I appreciate you and your efforts.

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Robert, can the Malone Institute have a media arm what we can contribute to for the purpose of exposing the WEF for what it is, who it is, and what it could become? Exposure in the main stream media and outlets that the people effects by their motives access. Grassroots funding for the truth. I'd be a donor.

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It's Sci-Fi nonsence

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Star Wars Is real. Swarming Drones that kill , Spy bubble bees, robo dogs that kill. Robo Men that shoot straight and deadly each time, Massive computors spying on your iphone activity! Bioweapons that disable the enemy. The list is long!

Covid was a preplanned bio weapon exercise!

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i'm ready to die in my driveway for freedom. Are you? It's going to get real messy.

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With all due respect, it isn't really your driveway. Otherwise, why would you have to keep paying property taxes every year to hold onto it?

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Yes. Here it is : NASA WAR DOCUMENT vs HUMANITY FOUND ON NASA SITE. https://youtu.be/gARZ-Gttjn4



¨This is an actual NASA document retrieved from NASA's website created July 2001 (PRE-9-11) that outlines how War HAS BEEN DECLARED AGAINST HUMANITY! Bare in mind the videos which clearly show NASA's Name ON MORGELLONS Samples!

With each upload we learn more about who "THEY" are! See the Morgellons US Patent video recently uploaded here for specifics including Names, Koelle, Seagraves and Hogness. We MUST BUILD THE CASE to EXPOSE this Crime in Process and ALERT all Americans to the Truth. We MUST find the right persons to file appropriate charges against ALL responsible PERSONS & Corporations & BRING THEM TO JUSTICE! If we FAIL, we do not have long, especially given this has been going on for well over 11 years. WE MUST NOT FAIL! IF WE DO NOT STAND NOW, IT's OVER!¨

114 pages: https://stopthecrime.net/docs/nasa-thefutureof-war.pdf

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About 99% of the world population doesn't have a clue what is transpring. Much of what was in the NASA futuristic presentation is transpiring. None Explosive Warfare hit home! Nano/Bio/AI is quickly evolving! How do I get off this Military Merry-go-round with out harm? My head is spinning! Our politicians are keeping their heads down as we send this planet into oblivion!

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I want to put my head in the sand too!

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Your spelling is as incorrect as your hypothesis. The correct spelling is nonsense.

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We all wish it was sci-fi nonsense...but...

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Until it's not. Get back with me on that in 2025.

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What do I do? Fortunately I live in a rural location. I would urge those living in cities to try and leave if you can. Once a week I go to the bank and get the cash I need. I try to pay everything I can, even most of my bills, with cash. It takes an effort to drive to the office of local utility companies, etc. but I do it because it's important. I had a landline phone re-installed. I use a cell phone for work but I view it as a tool that is turned off whenever it's not needed. If I ever quit working, the cell phone will get smashed or dumped in a lake. I'm old enough to remember that we got on very well without them! I shop locally in so far as I can. I keep 2 cords of wood in my yard at all times and have an efficient wood-burning fireplace. I'm also looking into a propane fireplace that throws some good heat for the basement, in addition to my electric forced air furnace. My plan is to diversify my heat sources because I live in Canada and could freeze to death in days if the grid was crashed during certain months. I pick up almost no food at the 3 bigger supermarkets now. I buy local and organic whenever I can and I am quizzing and educating all the farmers from whom I get my food about the dangers of mRNA shots for their animals. They and the local vets know almost nothing about this. They've been hoodwinked by big pharma. I've ordered and stashed some emergency equipment- flashlights, batteries, candles, crank weather radio, etc. I have a 6 month supply of dry goods and when I see supplies at the stores dwindling, then I'll add to my small stash of food since canned goods don't have a really long shelf life and I prefer to eat fresh so I don't want to get stuck with them. This year I am building and starting a veggie garden. I've connected with like-minded individuals in case we need to rely on each other. I monitor the local, regional and federal political scenes. When elections roll around, if there is a worthy candidate I work on their campaign.

I write to local politicians to share ideas and try to encourage them to do the right thing. The aren't very responsive but we have to keep trying. I am really looking forward to seeing some new suggestions from others in these comments! Thank you Dr. Malone for prompting this opportunity to share ideas.

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This is an awesome thread. Proper preparation is vitally important and it provides a bit of peace of mind as we face what lies ahead. At the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse I moved from an urban area to a rural area and started homesteading. Then I started reading and researching profusely, which ultimately led me to Dr. Malone. Everything you've outlined above is SPOT ON! Something else that comes to mind is building a small library of books on all things related to self-reliance, from foraging for regional plants, trapping small game, survival skills, etc., to things like living without electricity, primitive food storage, and backpacking books/topo maps of your local area. I've even got a book called "Caveman Chemistry" just in case. Even though you may never actually need to master the knowledge base, in the event you actually NEED to know any of this, chances are, you're not going to be able to just Google it!

From personal preparation, we can move to community preparation by offering a workshop or starting a meeting with other people who are interested in preparedness. This adds the value of building a like minded community that could potentially sprout into a bartering network or parallel economy, should the need arise, and offers the opportunity for everyone to learn together and build authentic connections in the process. This is needed now more than ever before!

From these small groups comes the opportunity to network with people who are interested in having a political impact -- say organizing to advocate for limited government, protect the innocence of children, or purge political corruption at the local level. Two ideas I've brought to fruition and organized around are 1) Freedom Fellowship, and 2) Liberty Business Alliance. Building out an LBA is particular helpful if you want to advocate at the city and county level, as the potential for political impact is much greater when small business owners band together.

PS: If you're thinking about going this direction, you also might want to look into Private Memberships Associations!

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Great ideas! Thank you! I've recently become very interested in herbal medicines and I've always used alternate health care providers like sports massage therapists, osteopaths, doctors of accupuncture and Chinese medicine, chiropractors, etc. I find you have to try them all to find out what works best for you because everyone is different. Very good idea about building a library, in my case on alternate medicines and emergency first aid. It's becoming really obvious that we have to get as far away from the conventional medical system as we can.

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Excellent point. Our bodies have a remarkable capacity for healing that remains latent unless intentionally activated via many of the non-western modalities. As a vet, the VA was going to amputate my food, at which point I bought a small library of books on these self-healing modalities (yoga, tai chi, qi gong, acupuncture, etc) and began applying the principles learned. The results were nothing short of astounding. Not only did I NOT have to amputate my foot, I went on to open a yoga studio and help others learn to heal as well. All of this was way before the pandemic, back before I had any clue there was a global cabal trying to enslave us all. Interestingly enough, I now find that many of the techniques that help with recovering from PTSD and emotional trauma are also helpful to people struggling to make sense of the madness. As Dr. Malone has pointed out, the mental health crisis directly correlates to the relentless psyops and 5GW. People are struggling to stay sane, as expected, and learning to elevate inner (spiritual) awareness I believe is the most powerful defense we have to the relentless psychological attacks. I also have many different books on the methods of psychological warfare, something I've studied to better understand what we're up against, how it works, and how to I can improve my own mental resilience. I figure I can never have too many books!

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Brilliant! Well done you!

I think big pharma is terrified we will re-discover all of these ancient medicines and practices that have been used effectively for centuries. Do some reading on MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) . I don't know enough about it yet but have a couple friends who swear by it.

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Listen to this podcast featuring James Delingpole and Ben Rubin to find out the truth about the British healthcare system. It's absolutely shocking what's about to come at us! Warning: you might not sleep tonight.


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Your discussion of phones here reminds me about considering the benefits of "burner phones." In a pinch they could provide some anonymity while still offering ability to contact..

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I especially like the "in a pinch."

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Landlines probably aren't going away because their companies also provide cable. If you have a wall phone that works off the central office, even if your electricity goes out you phone were still work as it relies on juice from the CO. I was reminded for a couple of hours this morning what it's like when the power goes off. For those on well water, install enough solar panels to keep the pump going. If you live in Oregon you are not allow to collect rain water so have as much bottle water as possible. If you do collect rain water, it can be purified by storing it in glass jars and jugs in the sunlight. There are quite a few survival websites with great info. Be sure to have operating fire arms and ammo. Silver should maintain its buying power.

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Another advantage of a landline is that it has its own electrical power source, independent from the rest of your house (48V DC, apparently). You can actually tap into it to run a nightlight.

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THANK YOU for sharing your wise strategies and all you are doing to be proactive.

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I had a laugh recently when I looked up the features of a parallel society and realized myself and my friends are living in one we've created quite inadvertently! We're all feisty and stubborn and I guess our approach is to refuse to cooperate and be a thorn in their sides for as long as possible. If enough of us do this, I don't think they can pull off their re-set. When they try to turn the screws on everyone, we'll be there as an example for others of how to say no and drop out. I have to admit being self-employed is a huge plus if you want to do this.

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

I think that you have a wrong security feeling. They are going to reach you, through your food or water for example , I don't see how you can escape for long.Anyway you are lucky to live in Canada with plenty of cheap land.

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The longer we hold out, the more people wake up. The more people wake up, the greater the chance to scuttle their plans and bring them to justice. Never give up.

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deletedApr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023
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Smart lad! My kids are also interested in growing food and 2 of them are getting into it this year, as is the son of one of my friends. They are all city-raised kids who've decided they like rural living better. There ARE some millennials who "get it" and know where all of this is headed and are dropping out now to establish very different lives. Except for sporting goods, they don't care much about "stuff". Thanks for posting the YouTube links. I'm sure many here would like to check them out.

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What can we do? For starters teach your children about the American Constitution and how the founding fathers envisioned the USA and how relevant these ideas still are now. (I'm Canadian but I've given up on saving this country. We're too far gone down the road of evil). Forget about those who have no respect for ideas that haven't been hatched in the last 50 years. They are either going to have their eyes opened later in life or never. Don't waste your breath. Find people who are willing to listen to you; people who converse out of a desire to perhaps learn something. Avoid interacting with those who will not listen. They are a vexation to the spirit and a waste of your time and efforts.

Talk about Stalin's Soviet Union and the atrocities committed for "the good of the state" or the "common good". Remind people about the atrocities of Mao Tse Tung and let us never forget the lies that have been shamelessly rained down upon us from government controlled media for the last 3 years.

Live the values you espouse. Be free. Have faith in God. Don't lie. Be generous to those who will listen and help them however you can because this is your community. These are your people.

Don't fear evil because that fear will discourage you and make you physicall and mentally ill. Be brave.

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Show people this amazing video from Canada: this is the testimony of veteran journalist Rodney Palmer to the National Citizen's Inquiry into the government's handling of Covid last week. He gives an excellent presentation that lays out in terms and with examples that anyone can understand how the government and corporate media ran a full-on 5th generation warfare psy-op on us! Citizens of all western countries should watch this as all of our governments followed the identical program. Watch it and then try and tell me Covid wasn't a pre-planned event!


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How do we stop them?

We must organize and align better. Civic Assemblies. Digital direct democracies using technology to band together. Decentralization. Forced transparency. And more.


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We also need to get closer- face to face - with our neighbors and, if possible, our community. I do not trust ANY electronic communication. Get used to, and encourage, face to face contacts. This is called a form of prepping by some. Well, it is. It’s also a way to rebuild caring and trusted communities. Nothing wrong with that!

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

I've only read the first part of this essay so far but will finish later. I'm also in the middle of watching a kitco video with Lawrence Lepard as guest.

This me putting 2 and 2 together:

There is a sovereign debt crisis in the world with a lot of countries including the US and Canada continuing to spend a lot more than they earn (GDP). That's the can that's been kicked down the road for a long time. We're now approaching the end of that road as these financial analysts say. In my opinion the great reset is being attempted because of this problem. These very, very rich people who have disproportionately benefited and caused this sovereign debt crisis want to make sure that they remain the king pins. In order to do this, they have to control the rest of us.

As always, follow the money.

I have to add, it's not just the very, very rich...it's also those that live off of the governement and constantly want more, more, more. Not too many people are willing to undergo short term pain for long term gain.

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I'm at the end of the Lawrence Lepard interview, this is MUST watch. It sounds like their might be a part 2 but I don't see it yet. Great info.


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More than the US dollar is going to die in this movie. Get ready.

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I was surprised to see Tom Cotton & Elise Stefanik on the list of WEF graduates. I knew about Nikki Haley and Tulsi Gabbard; no surprise to see crying Kinzinger and Crenshaw on the list.

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Sad seeing that people you trust are aligned with the negative forces seeking to oppress. Recently, I've seen Cotton voting along the democrats on issues which will CLEARLY hurt the Republic long-term and the people immediately; always irreparably. The others mentioned I've known then as 'swampy". It is IMPERATIVE to support TERM LIMITS and realize a CONVENTION OF STATES.

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I hope we can agree to disagree on the COS. Congress will construct the rules and appoint the participants. States will have no say. Mark Meckler wears his disguise well and Mark Levin still thinks it's the 1980s and the Feds play fair.

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Actually if you read Mark's book, the States nominate their participants. The reason Mark came up with the Convention of States solution is the anticipated failure of the Federal force to willingly support any initiatives that would impact on their terms of service and available services. I personally support ML's initiative as the most viable approach.

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Thanks Jean. I've read Mark's book. But like Glenn Beck always says -do your own homework. I researched both sides of this debate. After watching a Joanna Martin J.D. video and reading her website details I have formed my opinion. Here is Joanna's website for this issue.


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As I've mentioned before, while I favor a Convention with amendments such as Mr Levin has suggested I doubt, particularly at this point in time, whether such a Convention will manage to happen. I do know Mr Levin advised us he had worked long and hard, as he felt change was so sorely needed, to identify a way within the bounds of the Constitution to accomplish such ends. I'll see if I can download his book in Kindle. He is a Constitutional expert. He continues now to demonstrate his interest and support for such a Convention. I have no doubts, should one materialize, he will become involved and see it doesn't go off the rails. Over the years, particularly in terms of constitutional matters, his analyses have been outstanding. We each have every right to put our personal faith were we feel it will be best served. In the end a reality of the issue may never materialize.

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There are two bills in Congress at this very moment to do just that. It directs the Archivist to find all Article V submissions regardless of how old and regardless of the topics. As soon as 34 state submissions are found - a convention will be called.

The Levin book I have is copy write 2013 The Liberty Amendments, 237 pages with 23 being notes at the end. On the back of Mark's book he writes "I undertook this project not because I believe the Constitution, as originally structured, is outdated and outmoded, thereby requiring modernization through amendments, but because of the opposite -that is, the necessity and urgency or restoring constitutional republicanism….

Article I of the Constitution “To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into EXECUTION the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.” [for carrying into Execution - that would be Congress, not Mark Levin] I sincerely hope it never happens. The Constitution is not broken and he said that. What is broken is the abuse of it. For these two reasons 1) Congress will control the Convention laws, and 2) the Constitution is not broken just not FOLLOWED by Congress, Nullification is the only fix. I suggest all Red States start looking at Nullification now rather than later when the “C” no longer exists in any recognizable form.

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I just received an email from the John Birch Society. Stopping the COS is a major goal of theirs. Here is a link to a video that details why COS is a deceptive scheme.


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I am grateful to you Shelley for sharing that information. The current status -Federal corruption- is not sustainable. Given that the three Articles have no voice/vote in a COS, the chances of a 'runaway Convention' are minimized. I am very mindful of the power of fear. I was under the most recent and most powerful wave of fear in recent memory that originated this forum. When we fear a COS, we are perpetuating the federal status quo.

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When we fear our government, we will do anything to stop it, like a COS. Congress, many Presidents and justices like Ginsberg despise the Constitution. Congress has sole power to write the laws needed to orchestrate a COS stated right in Article I. By the end of 2024 the Left will be back in charge and they will have a hay-day with scraping the “C” and giving us a new one. If the people want term limits, then vote in replacements, take charge of the primaries by defunding the local party heads and use grass roots to find replacements.

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Because people attended the WEF school and graduated does not make them in agreement with their goals.

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I agree, but it sure should make one scrutinize their voting record and character.

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I think it's incumbent upon them to denounce the WEF then. Nobody will ever trust them until they do. Some did it to advance their careers but the way things are going, they've shot themselves in the foot.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Peace is Breaking Out in the Middle East…and Washington is Not Happy! – Ron Paul

"While we were being distracted by the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war – and Washington’s increasing involvement in the war – tremendous developments in the Middle East have all but ended decades of US meddling in the region. Peace is breaking out in the Middle East and Washington is not at all happy about it!

To normal people the idea of peace breaking out in the Middle East is a wonderful thing. But Washington is anything but normal. President Biden dispatched his CIA Director, William Burns, to Saudi Arabia in a surprise visit last week. According to press reports, Burns was sent to express Washington’s surprise and frustration over the peace deals going through. Biden’s foreign policy team “has felt blindsided” by Saudi Arabia’s sudden move to get along with its neighbors.

Washington is angry that Saudi Arabia will start trading with Syria and Iran because those two countries are still under “crippling” US sanctions.

One by one, as these countries begin ignoring US-demanded sanctions, the entirety of US foreign policy is being exposed as a paper tiger – just bluster and threats."


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Correct me if I'm wrong, but hadn't President Trump already brokered a mid-east peace deal? Then Biden came along and scuttled it.

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Trump announces 'peace deal' between Bahrain and Israel




President Trump Announces Fourth Middle East Peace Deal

Trump Helps Normalize Relations Between Morocco And Israel

President Trump also tweeted, “Today, I signed a proclamation recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over the Western Sahara.”



makes it look easy, but you cannot overstate the historic WINS he has achieved on the world stage!

🇺🇸 🇮🇱 🇦🇪 Israel-UAE peace

🇺🇸 🇮🇱 🇧🇭 Israel-Bahrain peace

🇺🇸 🇮🇱 🇸🇩 Israel-Sudan peace

🇺🇸 🇷🇸 🇽🇰 Serbia-Kosovo economic normalization


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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

here's another name for the WEF for those people who watch mainstream superhero movies, it's a name that they might understand: Hydra. That's what the WEF is.

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When our State Department dismantled and reconfigured Ukraine's government during 2014-2016 along with Soros, Glenn Beck called that a Hydra. He did a great documentary with all of the receipts.

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We have to build new intentional communities in the rural environs. We are starting with groups of ten families here in Northern British Columbia. https://sanctuary.help

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your courage in writing about all of this! I appreciate your information since I know it comes from a highly intelligent and researched perspective.

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


...make them register as Foreign agents...

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WEF and the New World Order are huge threats.

The goal is replace Nation States with Unaccountable Elites who will control all the essentials of life: Food, Energy, Water, Health Care, Freedom, Constitutional Rights, etc.

See Agenda 2021 or Agenda 2030 for details. Genocide for population reduction is one of the tactics. It has been so successful (= the greatest Genocide in the history of the world) that, in my view, what the world needs is:

Nuremberg 2.0.

Short ropes, and long drops.

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This is what I focus on in my daily podcast. These organizations and the power they wield are in fact the greatest threat facing humanity today. Also, I've provided over 200 sources documenting this sinister agenda in Hackable Animals: Your Guide to The Great Reset & The New World Order (available on Amazon).

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Canadians too. Prior to the freedom Convoy which kind of broke "the spell" that he majority of Canadians were under, many of those who declined the shots had emergency escape plans in place because it was sounding like forced injections were on the horizon. Canada was in a very, very bad place. I'm afraid it wouldn't take much to get back to that spot again.

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So sorry to say, Canada is still in a very bad place. The MAIDs program is appalling and Trudeau and Grusome Newsom are vying to be THE leader of the globe, when the Great Reset ascribed in 2032. Hence Trudeau has been the WEF poster leader.

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Can't disagree. Most of the West voted to rid us of the dreaded Trudeau in the past 2 elections but Quebec, Toronto and the Maritimes love totalitarianism. I'm hoping if it gets bad enough, westerners will vote to separate and make it snappy before we go down with the Titanic. If we don't get him out soon, you Americans better start defending your northern border! We're coming!

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As the weather breaks this spring in the northeast I’m going to make a concerted effort to first, pay off some debt, try to clean things that have cluttered up my world by either selling or tossing, this will allow us to move more quickly, I’m going to increase my garden at our house in NH, eventually get some hens to produce eggs (tough right now because we travel between two homes), stock up on non perishable items, arm myself better, load up on medicine and antibiotics, begin to buy silver again, and again continue to network with trustworthy people that I can barter with. I think silver is a better form of future currency because of its more reasonable cost and it’s desirable. The last two gardening years have been very weak. I was going to try raising the garden bed and add all new soil on top as some of your previous posts spoke of..??? J.Goodrich

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Soil is everything, and in cooler climates, raised boxes warm up faster so the seedlings get going quicker. A greenhouse is something to consider down the road in order to get seedlings off to a start earlier.

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Have to do that here. Have. about 2 inches of topsoil over solid limestone .

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As read this I am overwhelmed by the idea that most of the people that I know would happily join Klaus and his minions. To them it sounds like the kind of security they had as children. Mommy and Daddy are in charge. All the enterprises around us are hierarchical bureaucracies. They are used to the idea of "someone on top" making the decisions.

I think that what we see now is the success of the psychop sequences. They won!

We become the rag tag gypsies out in the bushes keeping the idea of freedom and responsibility alive for generations. The Graeber Wengrow book traces the growth and shrinkage of civilizations and the implied recognition of the people who "moved out".

Move out, form a tribe, stay literate, enjoy freedom.

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One simple way to resist is to use cash for everything possible.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I mentioned using cash to a friend, and he said I like my rewards too much. I replied, “freedom is not always free”! To no avail with him and this was a person directly in the medical field up close and saw the corruption over 30 plus years & increasing control over MDs. Connecting the dots for many ppl seems very difficult. Too often they fail to think or see that there are small things they can do, like use cash, when multiplied by millions might matter.🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ We cant stop trying.

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We have enormous power- but only if enough of us stand together!

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