I really dislike always pointing out obvious situations that many either don’t like to discuss, don’t pay attention to or maybe refuse to admit what is going on. I’m going to mention a diary that was found at a drug rehab facility that had information in it that was handled by James O’Keefe. In fact I believe this diary was the reason he was put in jail. If you are or decided to be ignorant of this diary than you probably don’t want to continue to read this post. This country from the top wants to make sex with children normalized. If you continue to see the naked emperor and praise him on his outfit, and with your democrat vote things with children and the grooming of children will get much worse. So just ignore all of the evidence of what this government is doing to children and continue to stick your head in the sand, and hope your time on this earth runs out before it’s your kid that gets groomed or much worse.


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James told me about his "adventures" with the FBI. They are shocking.

He was handcuffed for almost a full day. He said that it was like a form of torture.

At one point, they asked if he wanted to call his lawyer. He said yes. They unclipped the very tight zip-tie cuffs, handed him his own cell phone. The second he unlocked the phone to call his lawyer, the FBI grabbed the phone, changed his password and took the phone away. It was all a ploy for the FBI to get access to his phone. Then they re-cuffed him - no calls for him allowed!

He was not able to notify anyone where he was.

The FBI is totally corrupt. They are above the law.

And yes, he was arrested for having that diary - which was not a crime.

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am afraid to read further. It just gets worse, James looks so beat up anymore.

Please consider buying a ticket to the "Sound of Freedom" In theaters nationwide on the Fourth of July weekend, buy it even if you won't be able to attend. It tells the true story of children sold into sexual slavery, of how the US is the dominant market for this.

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023

The idea is to make this movie a blockbuster, in that way, we may be able to generate enough anger to begin to fight this. It should be a bipartisan issue, children are not for sale, I don't care what organ you think you need.

Search for www.angel.com Tickets Sound of Freedom. After inserting your zip code, a list of theaters and showtimes in your area will appear.

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Pre-purchased tickets weeks ago at the urging of Steve Bannon. I do not look forward to seeing it but I will. I weep for our children.

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I watched a video of James. I watch body language. His eyes were watering…literally torn up. I cannot watch that. I saw enough in hollysick, ca. Ed

Edit - When I lived in So. Cal, I went to a gathering in beverly hills, 5 car garage. I was offered thhe use of any of the 5 cars (if I wanted to impress a date) as well as illicit drugs. No, I have an early surf day tomorrow…Better go. But, thank you…C-Ya.

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When our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence Ben Franklin made a widely known statement We must indeed all hang together or, surely we shall all hang separately. If 51% of our country, for whatever reason, ignores these corruptions and perversions in the 2024 election I fear that there will be no return to any resemblance of the America I grew up in. Sadly I think of the bullet that went through my fathers back, the loss of his lung, his shortened life, from his fight in WW2 will all be so this group of filth will ascend like the Nazi’s did.

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thank you for his bravery

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We all know no lawyer wants to represent Trump. I have heard of the 65 project it’s another Clinton dirty political deal. I truly think it’s a NGO that the gov. Is behind. Either way it’s border line illegal certainly if the government is involved. Oh yes they have no financial disclosure.

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Actually James to my mind much of what we call government today is illegal if we hold the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as the sole foundation for our governance. The progressives have virtually undermined both entirely.

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Note to self: Do Not open cellphone. Another reason to keep a landline.

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I have lost “almost” all trust in 3 letter agencies, LEO, medicine and people in general. My head is now constantly on a swivel. I am a fighter…97% kindness. I will not give up. Ed

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The greater majority of our government, at every level, appears to be as sick and perverted as they are corrupt.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely ridiculous. This is the product of gender ideology, which holds that our sexual and gender identities are no longer expressions of our biological sex and bodies. A person is free to identify not only as the opposite sex, but as no sex at all, both sexes, or nonhuman things like animals, objects, fictional characters, or even abstract concepts. With the human body no longer a determining factor in one’s identity, “I am a woman trapped in a man’s body” becomes just as plausible as “I am a wolf trapped in a human body.” As a construct, it’s exponentially limitless. And completely asinine.


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Yes indeed. There's also the matter of kids taking on mental health conditions as identities: "I have multiple personality disorder" my friend's daughter declares. Mimicking Tourette's syndrome tics is a thing. I also just read an article by someone with a Disorder of Sexual Development/intersex condition that said Gender Identity believers are declaring that they have intersex conditions, when they don't. Some do it explicitly to "mess with the system." So all this stuff disempowers and harms kids. And it destabilizes absolutely everything by destroying words and concepts.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That last sentence says it all, "Common sense isn't common anymore." How did we come to have so many adults who have lost their minds? Who cannot, or will not, recognize reality? Once again, I have no answer other than from the Bible. They have chosen the lies of satan rather than the peace of God and it appears that God has given them over to their debased desires. (See Romans 1)

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Whatever will make a child feel unique, special or appreciated will become a tool of the deviant to grow their cult. None of this ends well for the innocent and society at large.

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When I was a kid we pretty much devised our own day time entertainment with virtually no adult input. Mostly outdoors--weather permitting. No particular interest sown in sex or related matters. Some sports, games like kick-the-can, war games and even an occasional rock fight (with consequent spanking if caught in the act).. But it all worked out. I really believe there is way too much adult interference in trying to be a child today and we are seeing the result.

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"Make a child feel unique, special or appreciated." You nailed how grooming works.

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023

It unfortunately appears to work on some adults, maybe just the ones that never grew up. I have a 2007 book by Diana West, Washington Times syndicated columnist, "Where have all the Grown-ups Gone?" Front leaf "The disease that killed them emerged in the fifties, incubated in the sixties, and became an epidemic in the seventies, leaving behind a nation of eternal adolescents who can't say no, a politically correct population that doesn't know right from wrong. It is dedicated to Dad, who saw it all, and to Jim, who saw me through.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Aberrant behavior has gone into public space and has a negative influence on the development of our children! We are already dealing with educational issues because of disruptive home life and resolving issues with harmful drugs and injections when the focus should be to improve home life!

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nauseating. As for the UPenn professor in the park sexually engaged with his pet collie? We are devolving rapidly. I had not heard of furries until this article. So glad I grew up without such ideology. Shaking my head.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Every day I learn something new.

Please make it stop.

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I'd go for depressing over outright terrifying.

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Want to solve this bullshit?

Anyone professing to be a cat and demanding a littler box to urinate and defecate into should likewise be forced to eat cat food from a cat dish at lunch time.

Watch how fast this shit stops.

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They need to be sleeping in the barn where they can chase mice.

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Yup and you just reminded me they should all be getting rabies shots that out door cats are required to get...

I'd love to see the mentally defective parents attempt a complaint against treating their kids exactly the way they demanded they be treated. 😂

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The law even requires it for indoor cats here in Texas. Hate it but..

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Oh well then let's vaccinate all the furries against rabies then! 😎

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And be spayed or neutered.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These people are crazy!!!! They are trying fit in, peer pressure, a fad who knows. I ask my daughter about this. Her school doesn’t allow costumes or masks at their school. The kids wore collars and be meowed and hissed at people. They lapped liquid out of a bowl. My daughter was talking to a friends whose daughter is an English teacher. She told the students in their first clas that they would be speaking English. If answer with a bark or a meow or sound like an animal she will not listen to them . She doesn’t speak cat. She doesn’t put up with that nonsense. Parents need to put their foot down. No phone , no car , no hanging out if this behavior continues. You earn your privileges. Nip it in the bud before it starts to take hold the children.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is definitely Not what I did as a kid wanting to lap milk out of a bowl, pretending to be a kitty! It seems like when kids hit a certain age parents give up on parenting. People will always have sexual deviations and addictions to sex, because it is very addictive! Where is self-restraint and inner awareness taught? If that goes missing, as it seems to be, this is what society gets. Mental illness at a whole new level.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“This of course, is a tacit admission that imprinting, grooming, sexual abuse and early sexual experiences can impact on a person’s lifelong sexual preferences and behaviors.”

Of course! And we all used to know this… now we have to pretend that people are “born this way.” Hmm, were there a lot of latex fetishists before rubber was invented?

It’s not enough to groom children into perversion, they have to make us believe that 2+2 is 5 while they do it…

Thank you for bringing attention to this!

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Have to recall seeing a (Globalist) wall with little plastic containers occupied by developing babies. A video. No signs of inter actions. You/we have been identifying a plethora of assaults on children. Most of which seem designed to seriously damage their psyches and effective survival. I wonder if this is part of a strategy to further a transhuman subservient population to serve the needs of the globalists (Hareri - sp? Schwab et al).

The furries pictured do seem subservient. On the other hand many of us Love and take outstanding care of our creatures. So being accepted as a creature could be seen as offering an opportunity for love and care in return for committed subservience.

We have to take notice and prevent more sliding down the slippery slide being offered to us.

One more example of the dangers of Tik Toc. Not family safe.

Off topic: Just posted (GETTR) a very good article on JFK Jr's latest speech in New Hampshire on the environment. I found it in today's American Thinker. Not at my computer to access its url.

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023

We give them power when we use their ideological terms. I will not do that and confront it at every turn. I refuse to call the lab flu by the Chinese communist name Covid. Which was then quickly propagandized endlessly by the American communist press. I call it 4F, the Fauci funded fascist flu, and that's what I say to everybody. I'm right up front right away. I don't allow them any ideological power terms.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


Another Fine Example

Of Liberals

Fighting A War

Against Themselves

And Losing.


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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

However, at the same time they are dragging children down to their level of insanity. Those children will never understand that this is evil.

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You Know That The Liberal Plantation

Is In Deep Shit

When The Beef In Their School Lunches

Comes From Cows

With Higher IQ's.


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Having had (8) dogs & (3) cats, I daresay that they, as well as any member of the animal kingdom, given a choice, would refuse the opportunity to become human. We are simply too asinine for our own good. They would also have sense enough to immediately remove any face covering that interfered with their ability to breathe properly. Just 'sayin'...

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Children are in deep deep trouble. See recent CDC report on mental health crisis, especially among girls. See Dr. M's article above. See skyrocketing numbers lining up for hormones & surgeries to align their "wrong" bodies with their sexist stereotypes. "Progressive" acquaintances of mine keep saying older people need to step aside and let the children lead...these acquaintances are oh so eager to abdicate responsibility for the state of our children's world, and for what it is doing to our children. Thanks Dr. M for reporting on stuff like this.....and thanks to everyone who's informing themselves and seeking ways to find each other and stand up together.

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